Date Article
2025-01-21 Cooperative movement in the Asian and Pacific Region
2025-01-21 The changing consumer amd food system in Japan
2025-01-21 Issues and strategies of agricultural cooperatives in adapting to a changing food system
2025-01-21 Roles of farmers' associations on promoting non-farm income sources in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Progress of the NACF and its member cooperatives in retailing: an analysis on the effects of customer satisfaction and store image on sales performance in Hanaro club
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperative in Indonesia
2025-01-22 The agricultural structure and agricultural co-ops in Japan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-22 Agricultural cooperatives in Malaysia: innovations and opportunities in the process of transition towards the 21st century model
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for Chilo suppressalis in Japan
2025-01-21 Public and private partnerships in area-wide fruit fly pest management for the benefit of farmers: The Hawaii experience
2025-01-21 Successful utilization of the area-wide approach for the management of fruit flies in Hawaii
2025-01-22 Current status of the Solanaceous fruit fly control project in Yonaguni Island
2025-01-21 All male strains and chemical stimulants: Two ways to boost sterile males in SIT programs
2025-01-21 Exporting fruit from low fruit fly prevalence zones with a multiple mitigation systems approach
2025-01-22 Sustainable management of migratory rice planthoppers by conservational biological control combined with endophyte-infected plants
2025-01-22 Current status of sweetpotato weevil control and fruit fly researches in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Communication disruption for control of the sugarcane wireworm, Melanotus okinawensis Ohira (Coleoptera: Elateridae), with synthetic sex pheromone
2025-01-21 Migration prediction and monitoring of rice planthoppers in Japan
2025-01-22 Development of agricultural methods and policies for insect pest control by environment-friendly techniques in Korea
2025-01-22 Management of Malaysian rice blackbug (Scotinophara coarctata) using biological control agent in the island provinces of the Philippines
2025-01-21 Area-wide control of the oriental fruit fly and melon fly in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Feasibility of an area-wide pest management program of key insect pests in Thailand
2025-01-21 Classical biological control of coconut hispine beetle, (Brontispa longissima Gestro) in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Approach to the safety of aquaculture products in Japan
2025-01-21 Strategy for strengthening the competitiveness of Korean aquaculture
2025-01-21 Eco-friendly technologies for fish farm management and production of safe aquaculture foods in the Philippines
2025-01-22 The experience and development of responsible and ecofriendly aquaculture production practices to aquaculture foods' safety and traceability in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Vietnam: working toward producing safe and high quality aquaculture foods
2025-01-22 Aquaculture development toward the sustainable and environmental management in Thailand
2025-01-22 Indonesian aquaculture development
2025-01-22 Sustainability of aquaculture in Indonesia
2025-01-23 Competitiveness and supply chain management study on Taiwan grouper industry
2025-01-21 Traceability and supply chain management for cage culture: industry in Taiwan - The case of cobia
2025-01-22 Sustainable development and trends in the Philippine aquaculture
2025-01-21 Challenges ahead in meeting aquaculture production in Malaysia under the third national agricultural policy, NAP3 (1998- 2010)
2025-01-21 Korean aquaculture: status and future directions
2025-01-21 Advantages of environmentally sound poly-eco-aquaculture in fish farms
2025-01-21 Urban Harvest: a CGIAR global program on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Urban agriculture in Asia: lessons from Japanese experience
2025-01-21 Newly developed technologies and innovations on urban and peri-urban agriculture in Korea
2025-01-22 Empowering urban poor communities through integrated vegetable production in allotment gardens: the case of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
2025-01-21 Improving environment and economy through urban and peri-urban agriculture: a case of agri-tourism in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Technology transfer strategies and experiences on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Peri-urban vegetable farming in Jakarta
2025-01-23 Utilization of food waste for urban/peri-urban agriculture in Japan
2025-01-21 Challenges and various developmental strategies in the Korean urban/peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-22 Status and potential of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Urban agriculture program in the Philippines: its beginning and status
2025-01-21 Urban/peri-urban agriculture: status and challenges in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Recycling of wastewater from pig farms in urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Peri-urban aquatic production systems in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Amelioration of land productivity in upland areas in Northeast Thailand through a new tillage system and crop-animal integration
2025-01-21 Rice root distribution and rice-based cropping systems for sustainable soil-rhizosphere management
2025-01-22 Fertility management of the soil-rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production
2025-01-21 Soil-enhancing technologies for improving crop productivity in Malaysia and considerations for their use
2025-01-22 The production and application of biofertilizers in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Vetiver root and soil moisture conservation from vetiver grass establishment on degraded soils
2025-01-21 The combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers and/or biofertilizer for crop growth and soil fertility
2025-01-22 The potential role of PEON (phosphate buffer-extractable organic nitrogen) in the soil for plant nutrition and its implication for organic farming
2025-01-21 Production of organic fertilizer from solid waste and its utilization in intensive organic-based vegetable production and for sustaining soil health and productivity
2025-01-22 Water management and soil fertility for improved yields
2025-01-22 Protease production and phosphate solubilization from potential biological control agents Trichoderma viride and Azomonas agilis from Vetiver rhizosphere
2025-01-21 Development of rhizobacteria as a biofertilizer for rice production
2025-01-21 The relationship between soil micro-organisms and nutrient elements of Vetiveria zizanioides and Vetiveria nemoralis in some problem soils of Thailand
2025-01-21 Mycorrhizal fungi as biofertilizer for fruit tree production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Current status of the database (APASD) and its international network
2025-01-22 Current status and development of plant pest information management system in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Invasion of the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima: Current situations and control measures in Southeast Asia
2025-01-23 Introduction of Taiwan agricultural pest database
2025-01-23 Global invasive plants in Thailand and its status and a case study of Hydrocotyle umbellata L.
2025-01-22 Updating APASD - making it more informative and user-friendly
2025-01-22 Managing alien invasive species in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Monitoring on two exotic spider mites in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Crop improvement and biotechnology in Cambodia
2025-01-22 Invasive alien species (IAS): concerns and status in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Naturalized alien plants in Taiwan: information based on publications
2025-01-21 Application of molecular technologies for quick identification of the invasion pathogens
2025-01-21 SEARCA: responding to challenges in agriculture and natural resource management in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Harnessing information and technology transfer for sustainable agricultural development in the ASPAC region: The FFTC report
2025-01-22 Ovarian follicular dynaamics in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and its exploitation towards better ovarian responses
2025-01-21 Recemt advances in somatic cell nuclear transfer and transgenic in cattle and goat in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Superovulation in buffalo in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Application of embryo biotechnology to augment reproduction and production in buffaloes: current status and future possibilities
2025-01-22 Role of reactive oxygen species in the buffalo sperm fertility assessment
2025-01-22 Situation of buffalo raising in small-holder farms in Cambodia
2025-01-22 Research amd application of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in buffalo in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Somatic cell cloning in swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
2025-01-22 Conservation of water buffalo in Taiwan: cryopreservation of spermatozoa
2025-01-21 Buffaloes in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Physiology and biotechnology in swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reproduction
2025-01-21 Current status and challenges in buffalo production in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Recent advances in embryo transfer of swamp buffalo in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Buffalo in Vietnam: Status and some applied reproductive biotechnologies
2025-01-21 Buffalo production scenario in India: opportunities and challenges
2025-01-22 Reproductive biotechnology in water buffaloes in the Philippines: recent developments and future perspectives
2025-01-20 Current attempt to interspecies cloning in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Potentials and application of reproduction technologies of water buffaloes in Indonesia
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2005
2025-01-21 Urban Harvest: a CGIAR global program on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-22 Urban agriculture in Asia: lessons from Japanese experience
2025-01-20 Challenges and various developmental strategies in the Korean urban/peri urban agriculture
2025-01-22 Recycling of wastewater from pig farms in urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-22 Agricultural cooperatives in Thailand: Innovations and opportunities in the 21st century
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam: Innovations and opportunities
2025-01-21 Current status of the database (APASD) and its international network
2025-01-20 Current status and development of plant pest information management system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Public and private partnerships in area-wide fruit fly pest management for the benefit of farmers: The Hawaii experience
2025-01-20 Exporting fruit from low fruit fly prevalence zones with a mitigation systems approach
2025-01-21 Area-wide control of oriental fruit fly and melon fly in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Fertility management of the soil rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production
2025-01-22 Production of organic fertilizer from solid waste and its utilization in intensive organic-based vegetable production and for sustaining soil health and productivity
2025-01-20 The potential role of PEON (phosphate buffer-extractable organic nitrogen) in the soil for plant nutrition and its implication for organic farming
2025-01-23 The combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers and/or biofertilizer for crop growth and soil fertility
2025-01-21 Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in Asia and Oceania
2025-01-21 Artificial Reproductive Biotechnology for Buffaloes
2025-01-21 Changing regulations for the inspection of food imports to Taiwan responding to consumers' preference
2025-01-21 Food regulations on agrochemicals for ensuring the quality and safety of food supply in Japan
2025-01-21 Safety management and inspection of agrochemical residues of food in the trade of exported product: A case study of the Taiwan-grown Irwin Mango
2025-01-21 Approaches to the problems on pesticide residues in crop and soils in Japan
2025-01-21 Perspectives on efficient assessment and analysis of agrochemical residue in food in Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Development of GAP and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Recent advances in agrochemical residue management in food: Taiwan's experiences and challenges in marketing and trade
2025-01-22 Management and regulatory control of agrochemical residues in food production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pesticides: production, use and regulation in India
2025-01-21 Indonesia agricultural development
2025-01-22 The current status of agrochemical residue management in Iran
2025-01-21 The Philippines' response to the emerging global interest on food safety and quality: a country paper
2025-01-21 Management of agrochemical residues in food in Sri Lanka
2025-01-22 Thailand's plant products safety; Thai food's trade balance; Community product standards and chemical residues
2025-01-21 Management of agrochemical residues in food in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Toward safe agricultural food production in term of agrochemical residues: Malaysian perspective
2025-01-20 Pesticide residues in the Gangetic Plains of India
2025-01-21 Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Country Paper
2025-01-22 New aspects of collaborative research on the soil pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques in Asia
2025-01-21 Heavy metal pollution, risk assessment and remediation in paddy soil environment: research experiences and perspectives in Korea
2025-01-22 Heavy metal pollution of soil and a new approach to its remediation: research experiences in Japan
2025-01-21 Development of soil-crop inventory on heavy metals in Japan
2025-01-20 Bioavailability and safety issues of heavy metals in paddy soil-rice continuum in Korea
2025-01-20 Prediction of heavy metals uptake by different rice species in paddy soils near contaminated sites of Taiwan
2025-01-23 A review on heavy metals contamination of crops and agriculture soils of peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Cadmium contamination in paddy soil and rice grain in Mae Tao Creek, Thailand
2025-01-21 Heavy metals monitoring initiatives in Camarines Sur, Philippines
2025-01-20 Status & challenges for the development and proper utilization of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides for smallholder farmers in the Asia and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Management of relevant vegetable diseases by bio-pesticides in Japan
2025-01-21 Utilization of biopesticides for crop pest management: the CLSU experience
2025-01-21 Biotech-fertilizer development of the Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd
2025-01-20 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Current status and future direction on commercial production and use of bio-fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers development, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Current status and future perspective on biofertilizers and biopesticides production, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Myanmar
2025-01-22 The status of bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Current status and future perspective on bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides production, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Thailand
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Women's roles and needs in changing rural asia1 with emphasis on rice-based agriculture
2025-01-22 Rural resources and rural living programs
2025-01-22 Activities for improvement of living conditions of RWLF in Korea
2025-01-20 Women farmers' role in the new socialist rural development movement in China: case study on the Yanbian region
2025-01-20 The feminization of agriculture in Asia: implications for women’s agency and productivity
2025-01-20 Family management agreement- from the experience in rural areas in Japan
2025-01-22 The needs and demands of women farmers in agricultural production and rural livelihood, and their expected roles in rural development
2025-01-22 Engendering agricultural development to empower marginalized women farmers: a prerequisite for reasonable changes in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Change and problems of rural life and rurla women in Japan: Rural women leaders as the most important key persons to develop agricultture and rural life
2025-01-21 Current situation of women farmers in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Ensuring rural women's voice in agricultural policy formulation
2025-01-21 An investigative report on successful cases of innovative projects for enhancing woman farmers' role in the development of rural Taiwan
2025-01-21 Women farmers in Thailand: the situations and needs in agricultural development
2025-01-21 Women's access to agricultural extension in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Development and application of the gender equality indicators in agriculture
2025-01-21 Seafood traceability system in Korea
2025-01-21 Current situation of traceability system for aquatic products in Japan
2025-01-21 Traceability in food safety management
2025-01-21 Seafood traceability system along the auction supply chain – Taiwan experience
2025-01-20 Aqua-products in Vietnam: food safety and traceability
2025-01-21 Traceability system of cultured shrimp in Thailand
2025-01-22 Traceability in Philippine aquaculture
2025-01-20 An outlook on the traceability progress, legal environment and its supporting information technology system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Practical experience of aquaculture traceability in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Bio-safety for the fisheries products in Korea
2025-01-21 The necessity of a traceability system for aquafarm products and the problems associated with the system
2025-01-20 Aquaculture industry and traceability system in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Genetics and selection of ducks in France
2025-01-22 Duck production and research in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Genetic improvement of local laying Co duck breed for sustainable agricultural farming systems in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Duck production in Thailand: before and after avian influenza outbreak
2025-01-22 Technology development and current production system of duck in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Duck industry in Peninsular Malaysia- past and present
2025-01-20 Selection and application of laying Brown Tsaiya ducks in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Improved duck production of smallhold farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Improved duck production by small-scale farmers in the Asia-Pacific countries: a country paper for Thailand
2025-01-20 Selection studies for Muscovy duck in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The situation of duck production in Vietnam
2025-01-20 The duck industry and the challenges it faces in Korea
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2006
2025-01-21 Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for Chilo suppressalis in Japan
2025-01-23 Food regulations on agrochemicals for ensuring the quality and safety of food supply in Japan
2025-01-20 Management and regulatory control of agrochemical residues in food production in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Approaches to the problems on pesticide residues in crops and soils in Japan
2025-01-21 Development of GAP and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Women's roles and needs in changing rural Asia
2025-01-22 The feminization of agriculture in Asia: implications for women’s agency and productivity
2025-01-20 I. Family management agreement in rural areas: Japan's experiences II. Change and problems of rural family and rural women in Japan
2025-01-22 The needs and demands of women farmers in agricultural production and rural livelihood, and their expected roles in rural development
2025-01-20 Bioavailability and safety of heavy metals in paddy soil-rice continuum in Korea
2025-01-20 Prediction of heavy metals uptake by different rice species in paddy soils near contaminated sites of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current status and future direction on commercial production and use of bio-fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-20 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 Bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides research and development at UPLB
2025-01-22 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-23 New aspect of collaborative research on soil pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques in Aisa
2025-01-22 Heavy metal pollution, risk assessment and remediation in paddy soil environment: research experiences and perspectives in Korea
2025-01-21 Heavy metal pollition of soil and a new approach to its remediation: research experiences in Japan
2025-01-20 Eco-friendly fish farm management and safe aquaculture production
2025-01-22 Improved duck production of small-scale farmers in the ASPAC region
2025-01-20 Predicting river water quality in rural area using a watershed scale model
2025-01-20 Current situation of agricultural irrigation water operation and management in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Establishment and extension of information system for irrigation water quality monitoring and management
2025-01-22 Wastewater reclamation and reuse for irrigation water in Korea (including one case study)
2025-01-22 Overview of automatic water quality monitoring
2025-01-20 National Monitoring Network for agricultural water and improvement projects in Korea
2025-01-20 Study meeting on monitoring and management of agricultural water quality for green food production in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 Monitoring and management of agricultural water quality in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Report on monitoring and management of agriculture water for green food production in Sri Lanka
2025-01-20 Country report of Thailand
2025-01-21 Monitoring and management of irrigation water quality in Japan
2025-01-21 Production and cultivation of virus-free citrus saplings for citrus rehabilitation in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Analysis of nucleotide sequence variation of citrus greening organism and application for rapid and sensitive detection from infected citrus
2025-01-22 Huanglongbing (citrus greening) in Florida, 2008
2025-01-23 Time and pest density dependent increase of CG infestation and chemical control strategy of the vector psyllid
2025-01-20 Australia and Huanglongbing
2025-01-20 Prospect and challenge of rehabilitation of citrus industry in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Management of citrus huanglongbing in the State of São Paulo - Brazil
2025-01-21 Current status of HLB epidemic and establishment of pathogen-free citrus foundation and seedling production
2025-01-21 Research progress on huanglongbing management and other citrus dieases
2025-01-23 Practices for controlling citrus greening in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-20 Status of huanglongbing in Malaysia and the rehabilitation of infected orchards
2025-01-20 Status of citrus Huanglongbing disease management initiatives and practices in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Ecology and vectorship of the citrus psyllid in relation to the prevalence of citrus huanglongbing
2025-01-23 Status and integrated management of citrus HLB in Thailand
2025-01-21 Integrated management of citrus huanglongbing disease in southern Vietnam
2025-01-22 Invasive insects: problem and risk assessment
2025-01-23 Mitigating the introduction and spread of invasive diseases and pests: Taiwan's comprehensive plant protection and quarantine
2025-01-23 Risk assessment of invasive plants and their control
2025-01-20 Invasion and problems of alien weeds in arable land of Japan
2025-01-21 Impact and management of four invasive alien species in forest of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Invasion and classical biological control of the coconut hispine beetle
2025-01-20 The survey of three invasive plants of Compositae in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Status of invasive alien weeds in upland agricultural fields in Japan
2025-01-22 The Argentine ant in Japan: status of invasion and management strategy
2025-01-21 An application of Rural Landscape Information System for assessment of alien plant species in paddy landscape in Japan
2025-01-21 Modified version of APASD: more functional and user-friendly
2025-01-21 The emerging problem of brown planthopper to rice production in Cambodia
2025-01-20 The impact of the coconut hispine beetle (Brontispa longissima) on coconut production in southeast Asia and a regional approach to manage the pest in a sustainable and environment-friendly way
2025-01-22 Invasive plants in Malaysia: a meta-analysis
2025-01-23 Invasive and emerging weed species: concerns and status in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Management of red imported fire ant and fruit flies: the Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Status and management of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch., an invasive mite pest in Thailand
2025-01-21 Mimosa pigra L.: a dangerous invasive weed in Vietnamese agro-ecosystems
2025-01-20 Report on soil information systems of the USDA natural resources conservation service
2025-01-22 Comparison of Taiwan Soil Classification System to Soil Taxonomy and WRB system and its modification toward a common format of Asian Soil Information Systems
2025-01-22 Soil databases for agro-environmental researches in NIAES, Japan
2025-01-21 Soil Inventory System of Japan
2025-01-22 Development of Soil Information System and its application in Korea
2025-01-20 Development of portable Soil Information System and its future use in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
2025-01-22 Use of long-term soil monitoring database for management of arable land in Japan
2025-01-23 Managing Soil Information Systems for enhanced natural resource management in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Soil resources and development of soil information system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Use of soil database for pedological research on volcanic ash soils
2025-01-22 Application of spatial-based Soil Information System for suitability rating of biofuel crops of 2 million hectares under Goal 1 of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
2025-01-22 The soils of Vietnam: classification, information system and use
2025-01-21 Development of Soil Information System and its application in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Results of research and development of goat production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Breeding and reproduction of goat in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Goat genetic resources and production in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Increasing goat-raising efficiency through the utilization of agricultural by-products and improvement of infrastructures in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Feeding management to improve productivity of Korean black goat
2025-01-22 Recent progress on the improvement of goat management and production system under the smallholders condition in Malaysia
2025-01-23 Goat production in the Kingdom of Thailand
2025-01-20 Overview dairy goat production development in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Trends in goat production in the Philippines -
2025-01-21 Current status of goat meat and milk processing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Goat development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Integrated Coastal Zone Management with sustainable aquaculture
2025-01-21 The present and future of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) from the aquaculture viewpoint
2025-01-21 Monitoring and reduction of environmental impact for sustainable mariculture
2025-01-20 The role of sustainable aquaculture in Integrated Coastal Zone Management
2025-01-20 Coastal aquaculture in Indonesia: sustainability and environmental impact
2025-01-20 An attempt to reduce the organic load using sea cucumber cultured in cage at the coastal fish farms
2025-01-22 Integrated coastal areas and river basin management in South Korea
2025-01-22 Integrated Coastal Zone Management and sustainable aquaculture in the Philippines
2025-01-20 The status and prospects of coastal aquaculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Challenges of ICM to sustainable coastal aquaculture in Thailand
2025-01-22 Achieving a sustainable future: managing aquaculture and development in coastal provinces of central Vietnam
2025-01-21 Biomass and other organic wastes as renewable sources: status challenges and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 Biomethanol production from various forms of biomass utilization of forage grasses, trees, and crop residues
2025-01-22 Bio-energy production and utilization from the manure of domestic animals in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Biodiesel from foodwaste: running the Philippine National Police transport
2025-01-22 Briquetting and biogas technology adoption: the case of Indonesia
2025-01-23 Biomass energy situation and technologies in Thailand
2025-01-23 Rice husk for brick firing in south Vietnam
2025-01-20 Biomass-fired fluidized bed combustion for steam generation
2025-01-21 The recycling system of city garbage and food waste by composting in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan
2025-01-23 Agro-waste for cultivation of edible mushrooms in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Close-loop farm biomass recovery system for agriculture and small-scale industry
2025-01-21 Energy and material recovery from biomass for medium to large agro-industrial application
2025-01-21 Development of SCB-M System in South Korea: SCB-M, Slurry Composting and Bio-Filtration with Methane Production
2025-01-21 Production of renewable energy from biomass for the sustainable development of the rural community in Korea
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2007
2025-01-21 Integrated Coastal Zone Management with Sustainable Aquaculture
2025-01-20 The Present and Future of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) from the Aquaculture Viewpoint
2025-01-20 The Status and Prospects of Coastal Aquaculture in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Australia and Huanglongbing
2025-01-23 Huanglonghing (Citrus Greening) in Florida, 2008
2025-01-22 Management of Citrus Huanglongbing in the State of São Paulo - Brazil
2025-01-20 Monitoring and Management of Irrigation Water Quality in Japan
2025-01-22 Establishment and Extension of Information System for Irrigation Water Quality Monitoring and Management
2025-01-21 Development of Soil Information System and its Application in Korea
2025-01-22 Development of Portable Soil Information System and its Future Use in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
2025-01-20 An Application of Rural Landscape Information System for Assessment of Alien Plant Species in Paddy Landscape in Japan
2025-01-20 Management of Red Invasive Fire Ants and Fruit Flies: The Taiwan Experience
2025-01-20 Invasive Insects: Problem and Risk Assessment
2025-01-20 Biomass Energy-Status Opportunities and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region
2025-01-21 Biomethanol Production from Various Forms of Biomass: Utilization of Forage Grasses, Trees, and Crop Residues
2025-01-22 Agro-Waste for Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Report on Soil Information Systems of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
2025-01-21 Use of Long-term Soil Monitoring Database for Management of Arable Land in Japan
2025-01-22 Improved dairy and meat goat production for small-scale farmers in Asia
2025-01-21 Development and adoption of traceability system for fish/fish products in Asia
2025-01-20 The FFTC Strategic action plan for 2019-2020
2025-01-21 Thailand's rice industry and current policies towards high value rice products
2025-01-22 Evaluation of policy and business performance of rice production and marketing zones in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rice farming in Japan's matured market: overcoming the shrinking domestic demand by value-adding and export-enhancing strategies
2025-01-23 The value chain and rice price policy in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Value chain and cooperatives in rice production in large scale rice fields
2025-01-22 Economic potentials of rice industry in India: opportunities and challenges
2025-01-22 Bank for agriculture and agricultural cooperatives' rice value chain
2025-01-22 Gastronomic system of rice consumption for urban Filipino consumers
2025-01-22 Overview of the Cambodian rice market: chalenges and the way forward
2025-01-23 Consumer preferences on specialty rice in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Promoting rice value addition through inclusive business model
2025-01-21 Rice breeding and mechanization for value addition in Laos PDR
2025-01-21 Learning alliance: opportunities to move together to larger rice markets
2025-01-22 Myanmar rice industry and policies towards value addition and export promotion
2025-01-21 A1-km grid meteorological data service and its use to reduce weather and climate risks for field crop production
2025-01-22 ICTs for agricultural disaster management: case studies in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Climate related agricultural risk management systems (CREAMS) for lowland rain-fed rice productivity in Lao PDR
2025-01-20 The history, improvement and current information service to farmers of early warning system against cool weather damage
2025-01-21 Taiwan using ICTs in agro-meteorological forecast and early warning mechanism
2025-01-23 Intelligent image sensor network and early warning system for insect pest management
2025-01-23 Capitalizing on multi-range forecast climate data for agriculture: a case study on evaluating crop responses or crop model and its uncertainty
2025-01-21 Establishment and application of a disaster assessment platform for agricultural loss
2025-01-22 Applying ensemble probabilistic forecasts to optimize the decision making
2025-01-22 A field-specific agrometeorological early warning service for weather risk management in Korea
2025-01-22 Prevention strategy and early warning system to reduce natural disasters in Vietnamese crop production: systematic effort and tools
2025-01-21 Prevention strategy and early warning system for paddy production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Geo-informatics and space technology development agency (public organization) (GISTDA), Thailand
2025-01-21 Developing disaster early warning system and adaptation strategies for crop production in Taiwan
2025-01-22 History, ongoing development, and adoption of nutrient application guidelines: Wisconsin USA as a case study
2025-01-21 Correlation between nutrient concentrations determined by commonly used soil testing methods
2025-01-22 Quality assurance and quality control of a soil testing laboratory
2025-01-21 Introduction of agricultural soil quality, soil inventory and soil testing in Japan
2025-01-22 From soil analysis to Thai farmer's production
2025-01-22 Philippines country report on the soil and plant test laboratories, test methods, qa/qc implementation and interpretation of results for agriculture application
2025-01-23 Efficient quality management system for good practice and achievement laboratory
2025-01-23 Introdution of soil and plant tissue testing laboratories in Taiwan: from sample testing to fertilizer recommendation
2025-01-22 Introduction to Korean soil testing program and its application
2025-01-21 An overview of Malaysian guidelines on soil testing and its application for nutrient classification
2025-01-20 The role of soil and plant tissue testing for agricultural development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Introduction of FFTC's 2018 proficiency testing program on soil and plant tissue analysis: sample preparation, homogeneity/stability testing, and data statistical analysis
2025-01-22 Simple and quick testing methods for available nitrogen in soil
2025-01-22 Soil database and its use in Korea
2025-01-23 Experiences in the application of soil and land cover databases on soil management in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Introducing International Seed Testing Association (ISTA)
2025-01-21 Introduction to Quality Assurance
2025-01-21 General management
2025-01-21 Management of equipment
2025-01-21 Quality assurance equipment divider check
2025-01-21 Quality assurance consumables growing media substrate specification checks
2025-01-21 Internal quality control
2025-01-20 Non-conforming work, corrective action, preventive action
2025-01-22 Audits (focus on internal audits)
2025-01-22 Quality assurance workshop storage of samples
2025-01-21 Statistics and seed testing: Tolerance, Confidence Limits and Trends
2025-01-20 Management Review
2025-01-21 ISTA rules for seed sampling
2025-01-20 Quality assurance equipment balance check
2025-01-21 Presentation as an example of ISTA Accredited Laboratory - Seed Testing Laboratory of TSIPS (TW-01)
2025-01-20 Standard Opearating Procedure - Seed Testing Laboratory - R&RSTL
2025-01-22 Empowering youth through innovation in the food industry
2025-01-22 Engaging youth in agriculture: applying TRIZ to the context of agriculture
2025-01-21 Youth and agri-entrepreneurship in Korea
2025-01-21 Implemention of the new farmers' cultivation program in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Enhancing the demand for AFNR graduates through S&T: a national program boosting AGRI-AQUA based entrepreneurship among the youth in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Harvesting with Harbest: agri-entrepreneurial lessons from the Philippines
2025-01-21 Expansion of business model to farmers' cooperation in Taiwan
2025-01-23 PGS organic vegetables in Hanoi: engaging young and local agri-entrepreneurship
2025-01-21 Youth and agri-entrepreneurship in Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Youth and agri-entrepreneurship in Thailand
2025-01-23 Best practices of agri-entrepreneurs in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Agrisocio empowering rural households through sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 Success stories of green fertigation group
2025-01-23 The role of youth in agriculture and economic development
2025-01-21 Smart management of soils and fertilizers
2025-01-22 Rational nitrogen fertilization in paddy rice- The Taiwan experience
2025-01-23 The way forward: smart fertilizer technologies for sustainable agriculture in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Research and development of organic fertilizers in Korea: The smart use of organic materials
2025-01-22 Biofertilizers R&D, regulations and policy in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Fertilizer production and utilization in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Water soluble NPK fertilizer and effect of fertigation technique on yield of tomato black pepper in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Effects of the appropriate fertilization and sod culture on the quality of waxapple
2025-01-22 Fertilization of grapes in Taiwan
2025-01-22 The production and smart use of high quality vermicompost
2025-01-21 Development and application of controlled release fertilizer "MEISTER (COATED UREA)"
2025-01-22 Appropriate biochar technology for driving organic farming and sustainable resource management in Thailand
2025-01-22 Use of biofertilizers and biopesticides to promote plant growth and nutrient uptake
2025-01-23 Beneficial effect of composting and compost utilization in increasing soil carbon stock and reducing greenhouse gas emission in whole rice cropping system
2025-01-23 Location specific fertilizer management for rice using soil test target yield approach in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Nutrient management decision support tool for rainfed rice: on-farm testing in the south-eastern fringes of India
2025-01-22 Characterization of bacillus biofertilizer "kikuchi" for paddy rice
2025-01-22 Measures for smart fertilizer use in Korea: standard, soil testing and growth responding fertilization
2025-01-21 The interlinkages between sustainable development goals - human security - disasters: Latest Development in the Asia and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Mitigation of yield-scaled Global Warming Potential by rice plastic mulch technology in rice crops in Southwest China
2025-01-23 Dissemination of water management in rice paddies in Asia
2025-01-21 System of rice intensification: an alternative mitigation strategy to greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Zero-waste rice-based farming system for small-scale farmers
2025-01-22 Manure management for greenhouse gas mitigation in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil and fertilizer management practices for mitigation of N2O emissions from green tea fields in Japan
2025-01-22 Stabilization of carbon and nitrogen in agricultural soils revelaed by long-term field experiments in Japan
2025-01-21 Application of agricultural practices to increase soil carbhon sequestration in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Technical measures to mitigate greenhouse gases from agricultural fields
2025-01-23 Efforts of National Institute for Agro-environmental Sciences/National Agriculture and Food Research Organization in aplying greenhouse gas mitigation technologies to monsoon Asian countries and international frameworks since 2011
2025-01-22 Bayesian statistical models for quantitative synthesis of climate change impact studies
2025-01-21 National rice yield prediction with Oryza 2000 in South Korea
2025-01-21 A platform for digitizing and scaling up options with small farms into SDG: a review
2025-01-22 Evaluation of fuzzy logic systems to assess clinate suitability of Italian ryegrass
2025-01-22 Impact of climate change on rice productivity and adaptation strategy in Japan
2025-01-21 Improvements to climate change risk assessments in global crop production systems
2025-01-23 Making the smallholder farmers in Southeast Asia climate smart- the CCAFS R4D thrust
2025-01-22 Paving the pathway for climate smart agriculture among small-scale farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Using digital technology in enhancing climate resilience of Philippine agriculture: the SARAI-enhanced monitoring system
2025-01-23 Adaptation strategies and practices to adverse effects from climate change: Taiwan's experience and inspiration
2025-01-21 Japanese rice breeding research approach to adapt to global warming
2025-01-22 Countermeasures against the occurrence of chalky grains during ripening of rice under high temperatures
2025-01-23 Three climate change adaptation strategies in fruit production
2025-01-21 Challenge: how to assess implementation strategies for mitigation and adaptation in agroecosystem in terms of sustainability and productivity
2025-01-22 Climate risks and vulnerablity assessment tools in support of policy planning and climate smart agriculture
2025-01-21 Web-based soil inventory system and a visualization tool of soil organic carbon in Japan
2025-01-22 Gridded weather data service and the use for decision support of crop management
2025-01-22 Seasonal climate predictions-based decision support system for increasing rice production in rainfed areas
2025-01-22 New agricultural policy: toward a better pitaya industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit production in Vietnam: achievements and challenges
2025-01-21 Current situation of the dragon fruit industry in Malaysia
2025-01-23 Innovative pitaya production method
2025-01-20 The evolution of modern horticultural production systems--lessons for the dragon fruit industries of Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Novel trellising and plant management techniques for dragon feruit in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Pitaya viral diseases and their detection methods in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Pitaya disease management in Northern Thailand
2025-01-23 Insect pest management for pitaya in Taiwan
2025-01-22 The life cycle of dragon fruit canker caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum and implications for control
2025-01-20 The introduction of GAP and quality system for pitaya in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Profile of the dragon fruit industry and its assistance measures in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Current status of dragon fruit and its prospects in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit in Cambodia
2025-01-22 The ability of Bipolaris Cactivora to cause postharvest fruit rot in Thailand and its prevention and treatment
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of dragon fruit (Hylocerus spp.) in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Integrated management for postharvest diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Postharvest handling management of pitaya (Hylocereus spp.)
2025-01-22 Effects of maturity, natural antifungal treatment and washing treatment on postharvest quality of pitaya fruits (Hylocereus polyrhizus)
2025-01-22 Quarantine requirements for the importation and exportation of dragon fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Identification of Colletotrichum trucatum causing anthracnose disease on dragon fruit and the efficacy of some biological tools on the mycelial growth of the fungus and disease control
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2017
2025-01-21 Newsletter 199
2025-01-23 Newsletter 200
2025-01-20 Newsletter 201
2025-01-23 Newsletter 202
2025-01-22 Precision dairy opportunities and challenges
2025-01-22 Introduction of smart dairy farming and an encolsed dairy house with low profile cross ventilation system
2025-01-20 Robots for herd management of dairy cows in tropical Taiwan
2025-01-21 Livestiock production in Korea: recent trends and future prospects of ICT technology
2025-01-21 Egg production recording system of Taiwan native chicken
2025-01-21 To be brain of agriculture
2025-01-23 Current trends and perspective of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) with relation to IoT and data science tools
2025-01-22 Low-cost IoT-based system to monitor cow's behavior
2025-01-21 Perspective: The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for improving commercial pig and poultry production in Thailand
2025-01-22 Reproductive management by the continuous body temperature measurement in cattle: focusing on the reproductive hormonal change
2025-01-21 Early detection of livestock diseases by using wearable wireless sensors
2025-01-22 Assessment of biosecurity level in pig and poultry production system in Vietnam using biocheck technology
2025-01-21 Detection and prediction of risk factors associated with production losses using production records on commercial pig farms
2025-01-23 Iot applications for ruminant profiling and disease monitoring
2025-01-21 Measurement of reticuloruminal function in cattle using a bolus-type wireless sensor
2025-01-23 Artificial intelligence and robotics-driven digital agriculture
2025-01-20 The big data management and use case study for agriculture based on data
2025-01-20 Agriculture 4.0 data driven approach to galvanize Malaysia's agro-food sector development
2025-01-23 Application of common information platform to foster data-driven agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Developing an environmental database for agriculture and rural development in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Agricultural data collaboration platform: WAGRI-system structure and operation
2025-01-20 Toward prediction of agricultural traits using multi-omics model
2025-01-21 Remote sensing, UAV, and spectroscopy: a game changer in Philippine agriculture
2025-01-22 Trends of AIoT applications in smart agriculture
2025-01-20 Shared geolocation gateway lora network: an alternative smart farm deployment strategic infrastructure
2025-01-22 Current status and challenges of UAV and other remote sensing technologies for smart(er) agriculture in Thailand
2025-01-20 Project SARAI technologies for climate-smart agriculture in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Drones application in farming management in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Precision agriculture in food production: nutrient management
2025-01-22 Overview of precision agriculture with focus on rice farming
2025-01-21 Drone applications for precision agriculture and paddy field management
2025-01-22 Development of web-based decision support system for paddy planting management in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia
2025-01-23 Soil nutrient estimation and mapping for precision farming of paddy in Malaysia
2025-01-23 Rice precision farming in Korea
2025-01-21 Realization of Society 5.0 by utilizing precision agriculture into smart agriculture in NARO, Japan
2025-01-22 Precision agriculture in Taiwan: examples and experiences
2025-01-23 Precision agriculture for rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Precision agriculture in Malaysia
2025-01-22 A review of precision agriculture in rice production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Precision agriculture for rice production in Thailand
2025-01-23 Japan's smart food value chain: from consumer to agri food industries
2025-01-20 Certification system for food safety
2025-01-21 Food safety and traceability of agricultural products
2025-01-22 Innovation in vegetable food systems for food safety and nutrition security in lower and middle income countries in Asia
2025-01-20 The current technology that can be used for smart agriculture
2025-01-22 Application of common information platform and agricultural management systems "I Plant" for consumer friendly food production in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Thailand Research Fund-Precision Agriculture Research Network: approach and practices
2025-01-21 Advances in mungbean breeding
2025-01-21 Crop improvement and practices for eco-friendly environments--the examples in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Applications of Rhizobacteria multi-function in plant protection
2025-01-22 Nutrient content prediction of leaves in oil palm plantation using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery
2025-01-21 Korean GAP trends focused on environmentally and consumer friendly food production
2025-01-23 Saving fertilizer in Malaysia's large scale paddy production through precision farming
2025-01-21 Climate smart agriculture initiatives in the Philippines
2025-01-22 SMART platform for precision agriculture in Thailand
2025-01-20 Implemetning the Satoyama Initiative for the benefit of biodiversity and human well-being
2025-01-21 Conserving biodiversity for a sustainable future- Perspectives from the international Satoyama Initiative
2025-01-21 Evaluating the benefit of practice for Satoyama Initiative by applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
2025-01-21 Biodiversity maintained by the traditional tea-grass integrated system in Shizuoka, Japan
2025-01-21 Study on rice paddy agroecosystm in different cultivation method and landscape
2025-01-21 Achievements, challenges and ways forward for the Satoyama development mechanism: a self-assessment by the SDM secretariat
2025-01-22 Taiwan ecological network and Satoyama Initiative
2025-01-21 Authenticity, Satoyama and sustainabiolity in Tourism
2025-01-21 Plant Genetic Resource for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) on-farm conservation and ecological engineering initiative: MARDI's experience
2025-01-22 The Kalahan educational foundation: on the ground initiative for forest conservation and culture preservation
2025-01-22 Promoting of economic forest plantation and small green energy productin learning center for supporting local community sustainable development
2025-01-21 Implementing Satoyama Initiative through Community Conserved Areas (CCAs)--a success story from Nagaland, India
2025-01-21 The spark crashed by the Kavalan culture and Satoyama-Satoumi partnership in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Transforming Fuli with multi-experimental activities to carry out the spirit of Satoyama
2025-01-22 Review on soil-borne plant diseases and biocontrol research in Taiwan and other countries
2025-01-21 Emerging trends in biocontrol of soil pest and diseases concept and capacity building
2025-01-21 The soil-borne diseases problems and management strategies for industrial crops (coffee, pepper): Experience from Vietnam
2025-01-22 The soil-borne pathogen/diseases problems and management strategies for fruit trees production: experience from Vietnam
2025-01-22 Development of a novel soil-borne disease management strategy, health checkup based soil-borne disease management (HeSoDiM)
2025-01-21 Soil-borne disease infection and organic management strategies: Malaysian experiences
2025-01-23 The soil-borne pathogen/disease problems and management strategies: The Indonesia experience
2025-01-21 The sustainable management for soil-borne pathogenic fungi disease control in Thailand
2025-01-23 Biocontrol of Fusarium wilt of solanaceous crops: experience from the Philippines
2025-01-20 The promising sources of microorganism and organic materials for bio-fertilizer production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 The promising sources of microorganism for bio-pesticide production: An overview
2025-01-21 Importance of the microbial quality of commercial biofertilizers and biopesticides and how CMBP network can contribute to improve them in SEA
2025-01-23 Intergrated pest management with biocontrol agent for controlling strawberry anthracnose in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Beneficial microbes on enhancing crop productivity and suppressing fungal pathogen in agriculture: focusing on their genomic potential
2025-01-22 Construction of organic soil based on Soil Fertility Index (SOFIX)
2025-01-23 Integrated Pest Management with safe agro-chemical derived fron food additive
2025-01-20 Lactic Acic Bacteria for Organic Agriculture
2025-01-21 Adopting Japanese Uchishiro bacteria for organic manure in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Compost facility to transform husbandry manure into compost soil
2025-01-22 Presentation from Daimasa engineering
2025-01-22 Overall dragon fruit production and global marketing
2025-01-22 Shuttle breeding: a strategy for improving commercially grown pitaya
2025-01-22 Dragon fruit on-and-off season production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Area wide suppression of bactrocera fruit flies in dragon fruit in Binh Thuan, Vietnam
2025-01-22 Innovations on postharvest handling of dragon fruit in Vietnam
2025-01-23 The challenge and experiences of dragon fruit farming and the difficulty of marketing channel for growers
2025-01-21 The dragon fruit export challenge and experiences in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Application of blockchain technology in food traceability: the case of dragon fruits in Vietnam
2025-01-22 The dragon fruit industry and import situation in Japan
2025-01-22 Problems and opportunities of dragon fruit production in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Dragon fruit production and marketing in Indonesia: standard quality in the global and regional levels
2025-01-22 Status and challenges of dragion fruit production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit country report from India
2025-01-20 History/Overview of EAFM
2025-01-21 The status of the fisheries industry in Cambodia
2025-01-23 The fisheries situationer in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Vision and mission of the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute
2025-01-22 The status of the fisheries industry in Thailand
2025-01-21 The Philippine small-scale fisheries: Country Report
2025-01-22 EAFM capacity development--a regional perspective
2025-01-23 Catch documentation and traceability: a tool to improve fisheries management in the Philippines
2025-01-21 International training on ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM)
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2018
2025-01-21 Newsletter 203
2025-01-21 Newsletter 204
2025-01-21 Newsletter 205
2025-01-21 Newsletter 206
2025-01-20 Climate smart Agriculture for the Small-Scale Farmers in the Asian and Pacific Region
2025-01-23 Charting new directions for FFTC
2025-01-20 A review of 2019-2020 activities
2025-01-22 FFTC strategic action plan for 2021-2024
2025-01-21 Final report" The 25th meeting of the FFTC-TAC
2025-01-23 Blast research network for stable rice production by JIRCAS
2025-01-23 Evaluation and designation method for rice blast fungus race using LTH monogenic lines as differential variety set
2025-01-20 Development and characterization of international differential varieties for blast disease
2025-01-20 Genetic improvement for resistance of panicle blast using partial resistance genes
2025-01-22 Pathtyoe diversity of blast isolates from Malaysia and evaluation on blast monogenic lines for blast resistance
2025-01-22 R gene search for enhancing stable ILE resistance to rice blast using monogenic lines in Korea
2025-01-22 Genetic diversity of rice blast isolates in Thailand based on avirulent gene nucleotide sequences
2025-01-23 Pathogen diversity and inoculm source of rice blast disease in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Evaluation of the function and structure variation of AVR genes by genome comparison on Magnaporthe oryzae in China
2025-01-22 Pathogenicity of blast isolates ang genetic variation of resistance of rice in Cambodia
2025-01-22 Pathogenicity of blast isulates and genetic variation of rice in Lao PDR
2025-01-22 Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistanxce of rice in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Pathogenicity of blast isolates and genetic variation of resistance of rice in Bangladesh
2025-01-21 The smart food value chain of the future
2025-01-21 Personalized nutrition and behavioral impact
2025-01-20 A vegetable production forecasting application for just-in-time shipments
2025-01-20 Improvement of agricultural managemeny (farm management) by introducting Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)
2025-01-21 Introduction of smart monitoring and forewarning system on rice borwn planthopper
2025-01-21 Rice production and value chain in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Current transport technologies for exportation of Japanese fresh fruits and vegetables
2025-01-22 Microwave processing: soultion for smart food development
2025-01-22 Rebuilding the farm-to-fork model amidst the COVID-19: a resilient agricultural food supply chain
2025-01-20 International standards and regulations for food and agricultural product distribution
2025-01-23 Safe agri-food value chain governance model in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Personalized value design toward healthy and mindful consumption
2025-01-20 "Testing method" of Japanese agricultural standards
2025-01-22 Smart food label and Private-Public Partnership Towards healthy food choices: a case study for Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Functional food market and new product development: a growing trend in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Breeding for climate change
2025-01-22 Climata change adaptation strategies for rice industry in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Rice adaptation technologies to climate change in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Agricultural decision support system to reduce weather and climate risks by utilizing high resolution gridded metereological data
2025-01-21 Progress on development of new drought-tolerant Malaysian rice variety
2025-01-21 Palaycheck 2020 as integrated crop management system for irrigated lowland rice in the Philippines--a country report
2025-01-21 Intelligent agriculture in Taiwan: case study on alternative paddy irrigation management to cope with climate change
2025-01-21 Tailor-made clionate-ready and nutrient-dense rice for the future
2025-01-21 Climate-smart rice technologies in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Adaptation to climate change through sustainable water management in rice production
2025-01-20 Genetic resource evaluation and market-assisted breeding for heat tolerance in rice in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Circular agriculture policy in the Netherlands: best practices
2025-01-23 Application of by-products from agriculture and food processing as feed resources for ruminants
2025-01-22 The challenges in repurposing food wastes and other residuals for agriculture
2025-01-20 Triple dividends from linking food loss and waste reduction with circular agriculture: an APEC perspective
2025-01-21 The current status of agricultural wastes amd residuals management and recycling in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Eco-feeds in Japan
2025-01-20 Biorefinery for increased fertilizer and land use efficiency and better incomes for agriculture
2025-01-23 Technology development of circular agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Food loss and waste reduction as part of circular economy: a case of cassava in Thailand
2025-01-21 Study on evaluation of environmental values of integrated livestock farming system
2025-01-21 Green mine digging--practice of recycling and reuse of oyster shells
2025-01-21 Advanced materials from palm oil by-products: contribution to improve the sustainability of palm oil processing
2025-01-22 Recycling and value-adding of spent mushroom substrates
2025-01-20 Industrial symbiosis in the bioresources sector
2025-01-20 Circular economy in agriculture via oilseed residues
2025-01-21 ASEAN measures against the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the agri-food sector and its cooperation with Taiwan, India and CJK
2025-01-20 The impact of COVID-19 on food production and consumption in Germany--a preliminary assessment
2025-01-20 Agricultural and food sector in US and EU under COVID-19: market prospects and implications for Asian countries
2025-01-21 Korea's agrifood and food service industry trends and tasks after outbreak of COVID-19
2025-01-20 Agriculture food supply chain scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia
2025-01-21 COVID-19--impact on the meat sector in Germany
2025-01-22 Taiwan's policy regarding agriculture and farmers against COVID-19 pandemic
2025-01-22 COVID-19 pandemic impact on socio-economic status, agriculture, livelihood, food security and nutrition: case of Myanmar
2025-01-21 The Galing PCAARRD program against COVID-19
2025-01-21 Policy reposnse measures and best practices against impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the agri-food: Malaysia experience
2025-01-22 Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on smallholder farmers and vulnerable rural people in Vietnam
2025-01-20 COVID-19 pandemic impact on Japan's food industry
2025-01-21 Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the Indonesian food system: future challenges and opportunities
2025-01-21 Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on digital agriculture and opportunities
2025-01-22 Dragon fruit exportation practices, challenges and country experiences: Malaysia
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit industry in Taiwan: challenges and response
2025-01-22 G.A.P. quality standards and quarantine inspection for international markets--Vietnam experience
2025-01-20 Establishment of the GLOBALG.A.P. system for dragon fruit production in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Qurantine requirements for the importation and exportation of dragon fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Consumer perceptions and preferences for fruit opportunities for dragon fruit
2025-01-20 Anti-obesity effect of red pitaya (Hylocerus polyrhizus) in high-fat diet fed SD rats
2025-01-22 Consumer preferences and purchase behavior for fresh dragon fruits in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Promotion of agricultural products via cross-border e-commerce--Wonderfulfood experiences
2025-01-22 Public Private Partnership in Agriculture--The Mitagri's perspectives
2025-01-22 The role of stakeholders and its relationship in the exportoriented dragon fruit value chain in Vietnam
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2019
2025-01-21 Newsletter 207
2025-01-22 Newsletter 208
2025-01-21 Newsletter 209
2025-01-22 Newsletter 210
2025-01-20 FFTC@50
2025-01-21 The Satoyama Initiative for the Benefit of Biodiversity and Human Well-Being
2025-01-22 ICTs for Precision Agriculture Focusing on Rice Production in the Asian Pacific Region
2025-01-21 Newly developed technologies for soil and water conservation
2025-01-20 Research barrier against water, gas, and solute movement in soils
2025-01-21 New theory farming system applicdation on the national water grid system plan
2025-01-21 Impact of various land clearing techniques on peat eco-systems
2025-01-21 The role of tree crops for steep land conservation: case study in Sumberjaya, Lampung, Indonesia
2025-01-21 Soil erosion, measurement and control technique
2025-01-21 Vegetation engineering methods for erosion control and slope stabilization on landslide area
2025-01-20 Effective water management in Korean agriculture
2025-01-21 Conservation farming village (CFV) as a modality for promoting soil and water conservation technologies
2025-01-21 Innovative technologies for soil and water conservation in the coastal area of Mekong delta of Vietnam
2025-01-21 Water pollution sources and management in environmentally sustainable agriculture site
2025-01-21 Technology and know-how related to creek restoration erosion control from the viewpoint of ecological engineering development in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Efforts for agricultural environment conservation in Korea
2025-01-21 Validation and modification of soil organic matter models using data from long-term experiments in Asia
2025-01-21 Development and utilization of small-farm mechanization systems in Asia: status and challenges
2025-01-23 Technology development process and experiences on small-farm mechanization in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Private sector investments on small-farm equipment in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Experiences in land consolidation and farm mechanization: lessons for sustainable agriculture in Asia
2025-01-21 Small-scale farm mechanization for rice in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Small-scale farm mechanization for horticultural crops in Korea
2025-01-21 Small-scale postharvest mechanization system: the case of the cashew nut processing in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Technology transfer strategies and experiences form small-farm mechanization technologies in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The problem and present condition of small farm mechanization systems in Japan
2025-01-21 Agricultural mechanization in Korea
2025-01-22 Development and challenges of small farm mechanization in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Small farm mechanization system development, adotion and utilization in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Rice farm mechanization in the central plain of Thailand
2025-01-21 Research and development and adoption of farm mechanization in Malaysia
2025-01-23 Status and prospect of agricultural mechanization in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Small farm mechanization system development, adoption and utilization in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Bemisia tabaci, from molecular to landscape
2025-01-20 Diversity of geminiviruses of tomato and weeds in Asia
2025-01-20 Molecular characterization of tomato yellow leaf curl virus and related whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses in Japan
2025-01-21 Management of whitefly for commercial tomato production in greenhouses in Shizuoka, Japan
2025-01-20 Whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses in ornamental plants and their control strategies in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Survey of whiteflies status and their transmission of plant viruses in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Biology amd management of Bemisia whiteflies in Japan
2025-01-21 Management of whiteflies of economic importance in Thailand
2025-01-21 Developments in whitefly management in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Whitefly occurrence, state and control strategy in Korea
2025-01-20 Several research results on biology and ecology of whitefly, Bemisia myricae kuwayana in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Whitefly and its control in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Status of whitefly as plant pest and virus vector on vegetables and prospects for control in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Occurrence of whiteflies and their integrated management in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Technology transfer through information dissemination: FFTC in the sustainable agriculture partnership
2025-01-20 Ergonomics for agricultural machinery in Japan
2025-01-20 Agricultural extension at the crossroad
2025-01-21 The present status and prospects of commercialization and industrialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Methods of measurement and evaluation for farm work improvement
2025-01-21 Assessment of cultivation techniques considering human factors
2025-01-20 From free of charge to payable service on agriculture technology transfer considering the influence of human factors
2025-01-21 Assessing and improving the quality of working life of farmers with the "Fatigue Questionnaire for Farmers"
2025-01-22 Effective dissemination method for new technology based on viewpoint of farmers: case study in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
2025-01-20 A case study on the effect of the pre-cooling system adoption in Korea
2025-01-21 Effective methods of disseminating new technology considering the viewpoint of farmers in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Innovative approaches to disseminating technologies in agriculture and natural resources
2025-01-20 Farmers' organization approach: an alternative to effective extension in Thailand
2025-01-21 Adaptation of "Creation Diffusion" approach for rice technology development and transfer on newly reclaimed acid sulfate soil
2025-01-21 Technology transfer through information dissemination: FFTC in the sustainable agriculture partnership
2025-01-21 GAP as a baseline, traceability as a pipeline to build consumers' confidence
2025-01-20 Development of good agricultural practice programs in New Zealand's fruit industries
2025-01-20 Introduction of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in Korea
2025-01-23 Quality management system: good agricultural practice (GAP) for on-farm production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Status and prspectives on Good Agricultural Practices in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Philippine agriculture: retrospect and prospect in good agricultural practices amid globalization
2025-01-22 Progress of application of GAP and traceability in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Status of Good Agricultural Practice in Vietnam
2025-01-21 The propagation of EUREGAP in Japan and development of JGAP (Japanese Good Agricultural Practice)
2025-01-20 A navigation system for appropriate pesticide use and food safety
2025-01-20 An analysis of life cycle assessment applied to fruit production: a New Zealand Perspective
2025-01-21 Life cycle assessment of agricultural production systems: current issues and future perspectives
2025-01-20 Making evidence-based GAP for reduction of mycotoxin contamination in cereals
2025-01-21 Good soil care practice in the tropics: toward a new challenge
2025-01-20 AVRDC--the World Vegetable Center's present and future approaches to Good Agricultural Practices
2025-01-20 Traceability for agri-products in Korea
2025-01-20 Traceability system for agricultural products based on RFID and mobile technology
2025-01-20 Promoting the Good Agricultural Practice movement through interactive and seamless communication based on user-friendly mobile information technology
2025-01-22 Information technology for food safety and tracebility: a case study of Thailand's chicken industry
2025-01-21 Remarks on New challenges for GAP for ASEAN countries
2025-01-21 Genomic pig breeding for growth and meat quality
2025-01-21 The development of pig breeding system in Japan
2025-01-21 Nutrient requirement of pigs for eco-friendly feeding in Taiwan
2025-01-22 The Korean Pork Sector: production and marketing systems
2025-01-20 Towards healthy swine production in Taiwan: current situation and perspective
2025-01-21 Issues and strategies in postweaning management to reduce nursery mortality
2025-01-20 The production system of weaning pig: emphasis on climatic requirement
2025-01-20 Litter-bed pig house: a system both caring for the animal and the environment
2025-01-21 Use of industrial by-products in pig farming as a business survival strategy in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Use of co-products for animal feeding in Japan
2025-01-21 Pig manure management and recycling in Korea
2025-01-22 Current status and future of pig industry in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Improving swine farm efficiency in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Pig production and waste management in Thailand
2025-01-21 General pig production in Vietnam: overview, breeding and polciies
2025-01-22 Current status of pig to plate in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Technology in the production and indexing of pathogen-free citrus and banana seedlings
2025-01-20 Health management of PF-banana seedlings in the field
2025-01-21 Health management of pathogen-free citrus seedlings in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Health management of citrus greening and virus diseases in Okinawa
2025-01-23 Production and cultivation of pathogen-free citrus seedlings in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Rehabilitation of citrus orchard with pathogen-free seedlings in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Production and cultivation of pathogen-free banana tissue culture plantlets in Vietnam
2025-01-21 A study on the success factor of agricultural production and marketing group- Analysis of Taiwan Experience
2025-01-23 The purpose of agriculture marketing situation and the desire of the farmers to adapt toward alteration in East Java
2025-01-20 The joint marketing of agricultural products on assistance and device
2025-01-21 Suggestions to promote the development of self-help marketing units in Indonesian farming villages
2025-01-22 Strategy and application of management analysis and service for agricultural production and marketing group (APMG)
2025-01-20 Postharvest management of commercial horticultural crops
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2004
2025-01-21 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture in Asia with special reference to Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Improving plant protection for the development of organic agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Management of crop diseases with agricultural wastes
2025-01-21 I. Invasive species, databases, and decision making: critical issues/ II. Invasive species: the role of lucid identification keys
2025-01-22 Status and management of invasive species in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Development of the Asian-Pacific alien species database (APASD)
2025-01-20 Marching toward the market-the business potential for agricultural biotechnology in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Development and application of biofertilizers in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Current status of transgenic approach for the control of papaya ringspot virus
2025-01-22 Newly developed technologies for soil and water conservation
2025-01-21 Soil erosion measurement and control techniques
2025-01-21 Technology development process and experuiences on small farm mechanization in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Technology transfer strategies for small farm mechanization technologies in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Survey of whiteflies and their transmission of plant viruses in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Agricultural technology transfer: from free-of-charge to payable serbvices considering human factors
2025-01-21 Litter-bed pig hopuse system: caring for both the animal and the environment
2025-01-20 Establishment of a disease-free citrus nursery system and demonstration of integrated crop health management of citrus orchards
2025-01-22 Banana virus indexing technology and disease management
2025-01-23 Bemisia Tabaci-From molecular to landscape
2025-01-20 Genomic pig breeding for growth and meat quality
2025-01-22 Newsletter 147
2025-01-22 Newsletter 148
2025-01-22 Newsletter 149
2025-01-21 Newsletter 150
2025-01-22 Compost Production: A manual for Asian farmers
2025-01-21 Alternative pollinators from protected cultivators for protected cultivation of horticultural crops in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Current status and future perspectives of apiculture in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Neuroethological studies on the sublethal effects of imidacloprid to honeybee
2025-01-20 Sustainable growth in crop natural disaster insursnce: experiences of Japan
2025-01-20 Explore government support measures and implications of crop insurance from international experience
2025-01-20 The performance and improvement strategies of crop natural disaster insurance in Korea
2025-01-22 Insurance for rice production in the context of climate change impact in Vietnam
2025-01-23 Security interests of crops against environmental uncertainty in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Claim adjustments in Korea’s crop natural disaster insurance
2025-01-23 Implementation of indemnity-basedrice crop insurance in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Outline of agriculture disaster compensation system in Japan
2025-01-20 Farmers awareness on crop natural disaster insurance and field cases in Korea
2025-01-22 Government and its role in the implementation and enhancement of the crop insurance program in the Philippines
2025-01-22 The policy and pilot plan: top-grafting pears for crop natural disaster insurance in Taiwan, R.O.C
2025-01-20 An overview: technical application and economic benefits of global vegetable grafting
2025-01-22 Present state of grafting of Solanaceae vegetables in Japan
2025-01-21 Status of vegetable transplant industry and grafting technology in Korea
2025-01-22 Development of grafting technology to support fruit and vegetable business in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Next generation of vegetable grafting utilization under biotic and abiotic stress for vegetable production in Thailand
2025-01-23 Technical, business issues and challenges of fruit-vegetable (cucurbitaceae and solanaceae)grafting in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Current situation of grafted vegetable seedling industry and its mechanization development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Development of robotic grafting systems for fruit vegetable seedlings
2025-01-21 Grafting tomatoesfor production in the hot-wet season
2025-01-21 Grafting tomato to overcome salt stress
2025-01-21 Country report on fruit vegetable grafting industry and research in Korea
2025-01-23 Current status and future prospects of vegetable grafting in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Grafted tomato in Vietnam from 0 to 7,000ha/year
2025-01-21 One health approach: the Philippine experience
2025-01-22 Current policy needs in the effective management of transboundary animal diseasesin the Asian Pacific region
2025-01-22 Impact of emergence of avian influenza in North America and preventative measures
2025-01-21 Evolution and patho-biological features of avian influenza viruses
2025-01-22 Etiology, pathogenisis and epidemiology of prrs in th Asian Pacific region
2025-01-23 Vaccination and other strategies to control porcine reproductive respiratory syndrome (prrs)
2025-01-22 FMD current status in Southeast Asia and China
2025-01-22 Lessons and strategies to eradicate fmd: the Philippine experience
2025-01-21 Effective surveillance strategies for human and canine rabies elimination programs
2025-01-21 Current status of important transboundary animal diseases in Japan
2025-01-21 Management and control of important transboundary animal diseases in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Current status of important transboundary animal diseases in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Current status of transboundary animal diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Transboundary animal diseases: our challengesand opportunitiesfor capacity building of veterinary services in Thailand
2025-01-22 Current status of important transboundary animal diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Greenhouse gasemissions from animal production in the Asian and Pacific region:trends, drivers and mitigation prospects
2025-01-22 Methanogenisis and hydrogenotrophy inruminant livestock
2025-01-23 Methane mitigation by shortening duration of rearing the lamb by increasing daily gain through giving higher dietary protein content - case study in indonesia
2025-01-22 Control of methane emission in livestock production and manure managament in Thailand
2025-01-22 Climate change and animal production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Strategies on climate change adaptation and GHG mitigation of the animal industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Adaptation and mitigation strategies to abate enteric methane emission from dairy buffaloes
2025-01-21 Approach towards mitigation of enteric methane from ruminants in Japan
2025-01-23 Enteric methane emission and its mitigation from beef cattle production systems in the tropics
2025-01-22 Reduction of GHG emission from animal waste treatment
2025-01-20 Reduction of GHG emissions from animal agriculture: a life cycle approach
2025-01-21 Approach to global warming on dairy farming in Japan
2025-01-22 Current progress and future strategy of technology commercialization agricultural sector of Korea: an international perspective
2025-01-22 Strategy for protecting intellectual property rights (IPRs) related to and research results in fisheries in Japan
2025-01-21 Strategy of agricultural technology commercialization from governmental research institutions to the public in Taiwan: an international perspective
2025-01-21 Current achievements and challenges in commercializing technology
2025-01-22 The IP protection and commercialization of innovative seed in Vietnam: situation and challenge
2025-01-22 Challenges faced by government research institutions and public universities in the commercialization of agricultural innovation in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Fostering commercialization of agriculture technology in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Agricultural intellectual property protection in Thailand
2025-01-23 Model of technology commercialization from government research institutions to private sector in Indonesia
2025-01-23 Strategy for protecting intellectual property rights (IPRs) related to invention and research results in agriculture in Japan
2025-01-21 Valuation, transfer and commercialization of agricultural technologies in Korea
2025-01-20 Agricultural technology commercialization from government research institutions to agribusiness in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Genomics-assisted gene discovery and its integration into rice breeding
2025-01-20 Map-based cloning of a salt tolerance gene Ncl and its utilization for improvement of salt tolerance in soybean
2025-01-20 Development of rice drought tolerance using marker-assisted breeding in Taiwan
2025-01-21 QTL analyses of root plasticity in response to soil moisture fluctuation stress in rice
2025-01-22 Signal transduction and drought stress tolerance in crops
2025-01-21 Transgenic approaches to improve the drought resistance of rice
2025-01-21 Production of tailor-made multi-stress tolerant plants using the chimeric repressor
2025-01-22 Towards identification of genetic and molecular characteristics for preharvest sprouting and seed dormancy in rice
2025-01-20 Genetic and molecular dissection of pre-harvest sprouting resistance of rice
2025-01-22 QTLs for the early-morning flowering character derived from Oryza officinalis to mitigate heat-induced spikelet sterility at flowering in rice, O. sativa
2025-01-22 Development of new rice varieties producing grains with high appearance quality under high temperature conditions during the ripening period
2025-01-22 Impact of high temperature on the transcriptome and metabolome in developing rice grains
2025-01-21 Marker-assisted breeding applied for generation of climate resilient fruit trees in Japan
2025-01-23 Improvement of Malaysian rice variety against blast disease using marker-assisted breeding approach
2025-01-21 Molecular breeding to improve biotic stress resistance for rainfed lowland rice in northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 Improvement on rice growth and production
2025-01-22 Application of genotyping-by-sequencing to discover SNPs for rice and melon molecular breeding
2025-01-22 Genomes and phenomes for rice improvement
2025-01-20 Advance breeding methods for Indonesian swampland rice
2025-01-21 Pathogen characterization and chemical control of pitaya stem canker disease
2025-01-22 Development and implementation of GAP on pitaya in Vietnam: status and challenges
2025-01-22 Pathogen identification and management of pitaya canker and wet rot in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pitaya diseases in Myanmar
2025-01-21 Pitaya diseases in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Pitaya diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Dragon fruit diseases in Thailand
2025-01-21 Pitaya diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-22 An overview of fungal diseases of pitaya in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Postharvest diseases and effect of hot water treatments on white fleshed dragon fruit
2025-01-21 Viral diseases of pitaya and other cactaceae plants
2025-01-21 Infection of Bipolaris cactivora (Petrak) alcorn of dragon fruits (Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britton and Rose) and postharvest treatments to control the disease
2025-01-22 Value chain initiatives for dragon fruit (pitaya) market development
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2015
2025-01-21 Biological control of arthropod pests in greenhouses
2025-01-21 Control of Tetrabychus urticae using Phytoseiulus persimilis on strawberry in vinyl greenhouses
2025-01-20 Mass rearing of a biological agent based on population ecology--an example of Amblyseius womersleyi feeding on Tetranychus urticae in an artificial arena
2025-01-20 Biological control approaches against greenhouse whitefly by Encarsia formosa in Korea
2025-01-20 Control of cotton aphid (Aphis gossypi) and greenhouse whitelfly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) using two strains of Verticillium lecanii
2025-01-20 Multi-pest problems and IPM strategies in tea fields and glasshouses in Japan
2025-01-20 Research on potential of Pasteuria penetrans for biological control of root-knot nematodes in Korea
2025-01-21 Field augmentation of Orius strigicollis (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) for the control of thrips in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Management strategy to encourage biological control of spider mites in apple orchards
2025-01-21 The recent development and future implications of use of natural enemies on deciduous frtui trees in Japan
2025-01-20 Use of spiders as natural enemy to control rice insect pests in Korea
2025-01-21 Biologiocal control-based IPM of diamondback moth in Asia
2025-01-21 Biological control of insect pests of field crops in Thailand
2025-01-22 Biological control of insect pests of some economic crops in Vietnam and their prospects
2025-01-20 Biological control of arthropod pest of vegetables in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The situation of solid wastes generation and their recycling in the Japanese food industries in 2000
2025-01-21 Composting of oil palm empty fruit bunches: results and implications
2025-01-21 Gas emission from composting animal wastes
2025-01-20 Effects of animal compsts on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Organic waste management by means of environment friendly technologies
2025-01-20 The evaluation of potential availability nitrogen of compost by ammonium carbonate extractor applied in corn cultivation
2025-01-21 Evaluation of organic wastes for composting and quality control of commercial compost in Korea
2025-01-22 Organic based fertilization for rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Co-composting technology of potato starch sludge with piggery manure
2025-01-21 Using microorganisms to promote compost quality
2025-01-21 Combination of microbial inoculants and compost in rice production
2025-01-21 Biofertilizer production from sugar cane plant wastes
2025-01-22 Current status of organic materials recycling in southern Taiwan
2025-01-20 Improvement of physical and chemical properties of composts and its application
2025-01-21 Status and prospect of seed/seedling enterprise in the Asian and Pacific Area
2025-01-20 Hybrid rice seed production technology and its impact on seed industries and rural employment opportunities in Asia
2025-01-21 Maintaining the genetic integrity of a germplasm sample
2025-01-20 Practical studies of the self-incompatibility on vegetable seed breeding and production in the cruciferous vegetables
2025-01-21 Application of plant tissue culture technology for the production and rapid mass propagation of pathogen-free plants
2025-01-21 Rice functional genomics and transgenic rice as a bioreactor
2025-01-21 Identification the crop varieties
2025-01-20 Using biotechnology on Capsicum spp. varieties identification and seed purity assay: a case study
2025-01-21 Control of papaya ringspot by transgenic papaya and factors involved in breeding transgenic papaya for seed production
2025-01-20 Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a bruchid resistant protein from mungbean
2025-01-20 Transgenic rice and potato plants expressing human cytochroma P450s show cross-tolerance to herbicidest by detoxifying them
2025-01-20 Biotechnological techniques currently applied in healthy planting materials propagation system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Vegetable seed production in Bangladesh
2025-01-20 Status of Biotechnology use in seed and seedling industry in India
2025-01-21 Biotechnology used in seed/seedling enterprises in Japan
2025-01-21 Variety classification of Korean native rice germplasm by using canonical discriminate analysis
2025-01-20 Status of plant tissue culture technology in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Production of virus-free banana plantlets for rehabilitation of banana bunchy top disease-affected areas in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Control of papaya ringspot disease in Thailand
2025-01-21 Seed longevity of tomato and eggplant of Vietnam under different temperature conditions
2025-01-20 Current status of tissue culture industry in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Harmonizing agricultural and environmental policies
2025-01-21 Strategies and policy linkages in sustainable agriculture: a recent experience of Japan
2025-01-20 Sociological aspects of sustainable agriculture and its practice--the Korean case
2025-01-22 Sustaining productivity of upland agriculture in the Philippines: experiences, policy linkages, impacts and lessons learned
2025-01-20 Importance of integration in sustainable farming system
2025-01-21 Farmers' attitudes toward design of agricultural sustainability production scheme under trade liberalization: the case of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Accessing the relationship between trade and the environment
2025-01-20 A review of European experience of integrating environmental objectives into agricultural policy and practice
2025-01-20 Policy development for integrating agriculture and the environment
2025-01-20 Issues, constraints and directions for developing sustainable farming system in the less-favored areas
2025-01-21 Agricultural policies and sustainable agricultural development in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Strategy of environmental and nature conservation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Sustainable farming practices in a tap water source area: A case of Paldang Project in Korea
2025-01-20 Prospect and feasibility of sustainable agricultural systems for small-scale farmers in Thailand: Implications on environmental enhancement
2025-01-21 Designing an environmentally friendly agricultural system: agriculture and environment in Okinoerabu Island, Japan
2025-01-20 Present situation and future prospects of food security in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Multi-functionality of agriculture: Viewpoint of consumers' activities
2025-01-20 Assessment of environmental multi-functions of rice paddy and upland farming in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 The water conservation function and appropriate management of agricultural land
2025-01-20 Agricultural production and sustainable use of land and soil resources of Thailand: the balance between economics and environmental concerns
2025-01-20 Multi-functional role of lowland rice fields in case watersheds in Java, Indonesia
2025-01-20 Cropping pattern changes in the rice farming regions for income improvement and environmental protection
2025-01-21 Biodiversity under traditional rural land use in Japan
2025-01-21 Residents' perception on agricultural landscape in Japan
2025-01-20 Offer of recycling system for food waste in Japan and its educational roles
2025-01-21 Social and economic evaluation of the multi-functional roles of paddy farming
2025-01-21 Evaluation of environmental services of agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Economic valuation of multi-functional roles of agriculture in hilly sand mountainous areas of Japan
2025-01-20 Multi-functionality of the Ifugao Rice Terraces
2025-01-20 Multi-dimensional role of the agricultural sector in the Malaysian economy
2025-01-22 Development of DNA probes and PCR primers for the specific detection of food pathogens
2025-01-21 Hygiene management of slaughtering, boning and cutting processes
2025-01-21 Development of sectioned and formeds meat products using deboned meats
2025-01-21 Development of intermediate moisture meat
2025-01-20 Better utilization of by-products of the industry
2025-01-21 Quality management (HACCP) in meat processing
2025-01-22 The situation of the meat industry in Korea
2025-01-20 Review paper on meat production, processing and meat research in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Meat production and processing in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Epoch of meat inspection service in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Meat production and processing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Meat production, processing and marketing in Thailand: an overview
2025-01-21 The current situation of slaughtering and meat processing in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Present situation of meat production and processing in Vietnam
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2000
2025-01-21 Integrated control of sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarus fabricus, with sex pheromone and insecticide
2025-01-20 Pesticide residues for food safety and environment protection
2025-01-21 Food safety and inspection service to protect consumers
2025-01-20 Invasion of exotic weed seeds into Japan, mixed in imported feed grains
2025-01-21 Invasive insect pests and plant quarantine in Japan
2025-01-20 Biological control of insect pests in Japan: A. Control of multiple pests of tea, and spider mites in greenhouses; B. Use of natural enemies to control pests on deciduous fruit trees
2025-01-20 Field augmentation of Orius strigicollis (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) for the control of thrips in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Use of spiders as natural enemies to control rice pests in Korea
2025-01-21 Biological control of greenhouse pests: A. Control of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) by a predatory mite (Phytoseiulus persimilis); B. Control of cotton aphid and greenhouse whitefly with a fungal pathogen
2025-01-21 Quality control for commercial compost in Korea
2025-01-20 Current status of organic materials recycling in southern Taiwan
2025-01-21 Composting of agro-industrial wastes: A. Composting empty fruit bunches of oil palm; B. Co-composting potato starch sludge with swine manure
2025-01-20 Fertilizer pellets made from composted livestock manure
2025-01-20 Harmonizing agricultural and environmental policies
2025-01-21 Developing policies for agriculture and the environment
2025-01-21 Sustainable agricultural systems for small scale farmers in Thailand: Implications for the Environment
2025-01-20 An economic evaluation of the multifunctional roles of agriculture and rural areas in Japan
2025-01-21 Effects of compost on the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in strongly acidic soils
2025-01-21 Newsletter 131
2025-01-21 Newsletter 132
2025-01-20 Newsletter 133
2025-01-20 Newsletter 134
2025-01-20 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.1
2025-01-21 Micronutrient deficiencies of crops in Asia
2025-01-20 Needed paradigm shift in agricultural marketing: why agrofood new marketing?
2025-01-23 Agricultural marketing in Europe under trade liberalization
2025-01-20 Wholesale market development policies in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-20 Global competitiveness, domestic policies and efficiency of the grains production-consumption linkage in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Liberalization and globalization challenges facing smallholder agriculture in Malaysia: the marketing perspective
2025-01-20 Agricultural marketing policy to improve competititveness in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Vietnam's agriculture and marketing issues
2025-01-20 A study on agricultural electronic commerce- a case study of NACF's Hanaro-club
2025-01-20 Fruits, tree nuts and vegetable market issues in the United States: industry structure, trade and government policy
2025-01-22 The "Chisan Chiso (local production and local consumption)" scheme - a study from a viewpoint of marketing
2025-01-20 Operation and management of fruit and vegetable wholesale market: A case study of Banlat agricultural cooperative, Ltd. Thailand
2025-01-21 Cooperatives' roles in the rapidly changing agricultural marketing situation
2025-01-20 FA cooperative marketing in Taiwan - specific case for hog marketing
2025-01-21 The response of domestic marketing agents to foreign distributors with strong bargaining power and modern facilities
2025-01-22 Can foreign giant retailers crack Japanese market?
2025-01-21 Postharvest technology of fresh produce in domestic marketing channel - current status and prospects
2025-01-20 E-commerce in ROC's agricultural marketing
2025-01-20 Soil pollution by agricultural and industrial waste
2025-01-20 Heavy metals borne from sludges reuse in peri-urban agriculture of Bangkok
2025-01-20 Statistical analysis of heavy metal pollution and landscape pattern in Changhua county in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Water pollution in intensive agrosystems in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Nutrient interception by riparian forest buffer strips and associated water quality of Techi reservoir
2025-01-20 Rice production: sustainability and environmental concerns
2025-01-21 Mitigation options for nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions- Effect of deep application of N fertilizer and controlled-release fertilizers
2025-01-20 Evaluation of losses of soil and nutrients affected by soil management and cultural practices in upland
2025-01-20 Effect of intensification of nutrient managament on groundwater quality
2025-01-20 Shallow well groundwater quality and potential contamination to paddy soils, Phitsanulok, Thailand
2025-01-21 Efficiency of multi-layering systems on domestic wastewater treatment in the temperate and tropical climates
2025-01-20 Assessment on the agricultural non-point source pollutants (ANPS) and management practices in agricultural land
2025-01-21 Agrochemicals impacts in Philippine soils and water
2025-01-20 Assessment of agricultural soil quality
2025-01-21 Current status of genetically modified products in global agriculture and trade
2025-01-21 National Biosafety Framework (NBF) in Thailand
2025-01-21 Formulating and implementing bio-safety and food-safety regulation in Indonesia
2025-01-21 GMO regulations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current status of GM research for agriculture in Republic of Korea
2025-01-20 Framework risk assessment of GMO and challenge of building public acceptance in Japan
2025-01-22 Market and development of "biotech" soybeans in the United States
2025-01-21 Research on the dispersion and deposition of corn pollen in experimental field for assessing the environmental impact of GM corn
2025-01-21 Detection of the genetic modified products from soybean
2025-01-20 Plant biotechnology in Malaysia- Status report
2025-01-20 Genetically enhanced crops, today's applicatyion and future development
2025-01-20 Regulatory framework for the genetically modified agricultural products in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Technical and social issues concerning biosafety in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Assuring food and feed safety of genetically modified crops
2025-01-21 Virus indexing and detection of citrus viruses and greening pathogen
2025-01-23 Establishment of disease-free citrus foundation stock and nursery system
2025-01-20 Disease-free citrus seedling propagation system and its extension program for establishing healthy citrus orchard in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Citrus healthy seedling propagation and their production constraint and prospects in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Citrus healthy seedling proppagation and their production constraint and prospects in Korea
2025-01-21 The present healthy seedling propagation program of citrus in the Philippines: constraints and prospectives
2025-01-20 Rehabilitation of citrus orchards in Thailand
2025-01-21 Citrus healthy seedling propagation and their production constraints and prospects in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia
2025-01-22 Planning of citrus orchard: cases in Ba Vi and My Tho
2025-01-20 Integrated citrus production in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Use of disease-free seedlings in pummelo production in the South of Vietnam
2025-01-20 Integrated control of citrus pests in China and Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Managing Holstein cows in the sub-tropical environment in Hawaii
2025-01-21 Introduction of backgrounds and approaches in reducing heat stress of dairy cattle from an environmental engineering point of view
2025-01-20 Dairy cattle management in hot environments in Japan
2025-01-21 Strategies for improving the reproductive function of dairy cattle in sub-tropical climates
2025-01-20 How to release heat stress from dairy cattle
2025-01-20 Feeding management and strategies for lactating dairy cows under heat stress
2025-01-20 Holstein friesian and their adaptability to the tropical environment in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Effect and feed resources (energy, protein, minerals, vitamins) on heat stress reduction in Korean dairy cattle
2025-01-21 Reducing heat stress of dairy cattle in Korea
2025-01-21 Research findings on methods to relieve heat stress in dairy cattle in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Reducing heat stress in dairy cattle: Philippines
2025-01-21 Application of sprinkling and forced ventilation system for alleviating heat stress of dairy cows in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Effect of dietary energy and protein balance on the performance of dairy cows in hot season
2025-01-21 Approaches for reducing heat stress in dairy cattle in Thailand
2025-01-20 Studies on reducing heat stress of dairy cows in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Preventing and protecting dairy herd from heat stress: research results and field applications in northern Vietnam
2025-01-21 Current situation of the Mongolian milk cow
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2001
2025-01-21 Multi-functionality of agriculture, form the viewpoint of consumer activities
2025-01-21 Social and economic evaluation of the multi-functional roles of paddy farming
2025-01-21 Evaluation of environmental services of agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Site-specific management of rice fertilizers based on GIS soil information
2025-01-22 (a) Development and application of high resolution GIS-based atlas to enhance watershed management in the Philippines (b) Agro-ecological analysis for agricultural development in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Better utilization of by-products from the meat industry
2025-01-20 (a) Quality management (HACCP) in meat processing; (b) Development of sectioned and formed meat products using deboned meats
2025-01-21 The meat inspection service in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Effect of intensive fertilizer use on groundwater quality
2025-01-20 Treatment of domestic wastewater with a multi-soil layering (MSL) system in a temperate and a tropical climate
2025-01-21 Impact of agrochemicals on soil and water quality
2025-01-22 Pollution of soil by agricultural and industrial waste
2025-01-20 Assessment of agricultural non-point source pollutants, and the management of agricultural soils
2025-01-21 A needed paradigm shift for agricultural marketing in Asia
2025-01-21 Issues concerned with the marketing of fruits, tree nuts and vegetables issues in the United States
2025-01-20 E-commerce in Taiwan's agricultural marketing
2025-01-21 Hybrid rice seed production technology and its impact on seed industries and rural employment opportunities in Asia
2025-01-22 Self-incompatibility in vegetable seed breeding
2025-01-20 Use of tissue culture for the mass propagation of pathogen-free plants
2025-01-21 Transgenic rice and potato plants expressing human cytochrome P450S show cross-tolerance to herbicides by detoxifying them
2025-01-20 Precision farming approaches to small-farm agriculture
2025-01-21 Newsletter 135
2025-01-21 Newsletter 136
2025-01-22 Newsletter 137
2025-01-21 Newsletter 138
2025-01-20 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.2
2025-01-20 Corn production in Asia
2025-01-21 Sustainable soil management techniques for crop productivity and environmental quality for Guam
2025-01-21 Simple soil diagnostic methods amd efficient nitrogen management for vegetable cropping in Japan
2025-01-20 Fertilizer recommendations for sustaibable production of fruit trees in the Southern Vietnam
2025-01-21 Modeling of plant nutrient management technology for rice cultivation
2025-01-21 FERTO: a computerized tool for balance fertilizer recommendation of high-yielding rice production
2025-01-21 Soil management technique for enhancing crop quality with sustaining soil fertility in Korea
2025-01-21 Plant nutrition diagnosis in Japan with special focus on crop quality and environment
2025-01-21 Soil fertility management on paddy soils for sustainable agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Soil and leaf analyses as diagnostic tools for integrated crop nutrition and soil management systems in selected fruit crops in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Nutrient diagnostic and service system for fruit production in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Diagnostic service system for nutritional disorders and lack of nutrient balance of several crops in Korea
2025-01-21 Diagnosis and correction of boron deficiency in crops and soils of Taiwan
2025-01-20 The extension program based on diagnostic service system in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Soil testing service for farmers by land development department (DLD), Thailand
2025-01-21 Quality monitoring services for organic and inorganic fertilizer in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-20 Biological invasions: assessment and management of environmental risks
2025-01-22 Management of invasive plant pests in Taiwan
2025-01-20 The rice black bug, Scotinophara coarctata (Fabricus) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)--its spread and management in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Current status on influx of exotic weeds in Korea
2025-01-21 The invasive alien species: a new phenomenon that affects an ecological balance of a wetland ecosystem
2025-01-20 An overview on alien species in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Biological and environmental impacts and management of exotic invasive species in China
2025-01-20 Identification software for tackling biological invasions
2025-01-20 Development and utilization of APASD (Asian-Pacific Alien Species Database)
2025-01-20 Ecological characteristics of three invasive plants Leucaena Leucocephala, Mikania micranta, and Stachyphala jamaiensis thriving in Southern Taiwan
2025-01-21 Introduction, hybridization, and expansion of European dandelion (Taraxacum ofiicinale) in Japan: Agamospermous triploids meet sexual diploids
2025-01-20 Invasive plants in agro-ecosystems in New Zealand: environmental imapct and risk assessment
2025-01-21 Management of invasive insect species in Thailand
2025-01-21 Expansion of the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, and features of its habitat
2025-01-20 Eradication projects of exotic sweet potato weevils using SIT in Okinawa
2025-01-21 Epidemiological and molecular analysis of papaya's viruses in Asian countries
2025-01-21 Occurrence and colonization of Ralstonia solanacearum race 4 strains in Japanese agro-environment
2025-01-21 Invasive microorganisms in Thailand
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2002
2025-01-20 Current status of genetically modified products in global agriculture and trade
2025-01-21 Regulatory framework for genetically modified agricultural products in Korea
2025-01-21 Risk assessment of GM crops, and the challenge of building public acceptance in Japan/ Ensuring the safety of genetically modified food crops
2025-01-21 Dairy cattle management in a hot environment
2025-01-21 Strategies for improving the reporductive function of dairy cattle in subtropical climates/ Feeding management and strategies for lactating dairy cows under heat stress
2025-01-20 Use of compost as an alternative to synthetic fertilizers for crop production and agricultural sustainability for the Island of Guam
2025-01-20 Advanced technology for producing healthy seeds or vegetative materials
2025-01-20 A soil testing service for farmers in Thailand, using mobile laboratories
2025-01-20 Determining the sex of papaya for improved production
2025-01-21 Fertilizer recommendations for the sustainable production of orchard fruit in the South of Viertnam
2025-01-21 Plant nutrition diagnosis in Japan, with a focus on crop quality and the environment
2025-01-21 Soil degradation in the coastal lowlands of Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Biological invasions: assessment and management of environmental risks
2025-01-21 Invasive plants in agro-ecosystems in New Zealand: Environmental impact and risk assessment
2025-01-20 Expansion of the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, and features of its habitat
2025-01-20 Ecological characteristics of three invasive plants Leucaena Leucocephala, Mikania micranta, and Stachytarpheta urticaefolia in Southern Taiwan
2025-01-20 Detection of genetically modified soybeans in processed foods
2025-01-21 Analysis of the attitude to farming of people using agricultural machinery
2025-01-20 Microporpagation of Cavendish banana in Taiwan/ Regeneration of healthy banana plantlets from banana bunchy top virus-infected tissues cultured at high temperatures
2025-01-20 Environmental engineering to reduce heat stress in dairy cattle
2025-01-21 Epidemiological and molecular analysis of papaya viruses in Asian countries
2025-01-21 Newsletter 139
2025-01-21 Newsletter 140
2025-01-21 Newsletter 141
2025-01-20 Newsletter 142
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.3
2025-01-21 Citrus production: A manual for Asian farmers
2025-01-20 Application of information and communication technology in agricultural research and development
2025-01-20 Successful IT for agriculture and rural development
2025-01-21 Development and use of information technology (IT) in Korean agriculture
2025-01-20 Application of information and communications technology in agricultural extension: the PCARRD experience
2025-01-20 Agricultural extension and knowledge information service in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Improving the agricultural finance system: changing role of the agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-22 Access to farm credit by small-scale farmers in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Access to farm credit by small-scale farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Access to farm credit by small-scale farmers in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Indebtedness and borrowing of rural households in Thailand
2025-01-22 Policy oriented agricultural loans and farm debt in Japan
2025-01-21 Review and outlook of agricultural finance system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 The state of the art of supervision in Japanese agricultural finance institutions: a focus on agricultural cooperatives
2025-01-20 Debt restructuring program for heavly indebted farm household in Korea
2025-01-21 Farm credit guarantee system in Korea
2025-01-21 Farm credit guarantee system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Measure to prevent agricultural leaders' insolvency in Korea
2025-01-20 Present status and future prospect on developing agricultural technology for value-added food production in Asia
2025-01-20 Sustainable agricultuere and food industry in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Present status of food production and processing in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Present status and future prospects of food production and food industry in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Present status and future prospects of agricultural produciton and food industry in Korea
2025-01-21 Agriculture and food production in Korea
2025-01-20 Value-added food production based on farm produce in Myanmar
2025-01-21 Present status and future prospects of food production and food industry in Thailand
2025-01-21 Development of agricultural food processing industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Research and development of biodegradable materials in China
2025-01-21 Present status and future prospects of food production and quality evaluation in Japan
2025-01-21 Rootcrops and rootcrop wastes utilization towards sustainable agriculture in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Recent development in agricultural production in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Stable production system of potatoes in Japan and development of new varieties for demand expansion
2025-01-20 Sustainability of the Malaysian agrifood sector: issues and the way forward
2025-01-20 The presetn situation of Korean traditional food and vision of globalization
2025-01-21 Indonesian fermented food industry: present status and development
2025-01-20 A novel application of domestic hard red winter wheat to meet market needs in Japan
2025-01-21 Food industry and fermented foods and their waste treatment in Thailand
2025-01-21 Fermentation of Monascus purpureus on agri by-products to make a colorful and functional bacterial cellulose (nata) food
2025-01-21 Production of cerebroside in yeast and its functionality
2025-01-21 Estimation of the number of degrading microorganisms for biodegradable plastics in natural environments
2025-01-20 Technical bases for sustainable organic farming
2025-01-20 Organic farming in Asia with special reference to Taiwan's experience
2025-01-20 Diversified marketing systems for organic prodcuts and trade in Japan
2025-01-21 Improving plant protection for the development of organic agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Improved soil fertility management in organic farming
2025-01-21 Practical cases of organic farming: experiences and insights
2025-01-21 Organic agriculture in Cambodia
2025-01-20 Current status of plant disease management for organic crop production in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Organic farming in India: prospects, challenges and strategies
2025-01-21 Organic farming in Indonesia for sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture: Indonesian experience
2025-01-20 Organic horticulture in Iran
2025-01-20 Organic farming in Islamic Republic of Iran
2025-01-20 Organic agriculture production and marketing in Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Organic farming in Malaysia: a country perspective
2025-01-21 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture (Philippines)
2025-01-22 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture (Singapore)
2025-01-21 Agriculture in Sri Lanka and potential for organic farming
2025-01-21 Organic agriculture in Nakhonratchasima province (Thailand)
2025-01-20 Organic farming practices for sustainable agriculture in northern Thailand
2025-01-22 Organic farming for sustainable agriculture in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Management of crop diseases with agricultural wastes
2025-01-21 Application of Stremtomyces saraceticus as a biological control agent for controlling plant-parasitic nematodes
2025-01-21 The use of non-chemical measurement in safe vegetable production in Japan
2025-01-20 Non-chemical management of soil-borne diseases of vegetables in Korea
2025-01-20 The application and development of biochemical and biofertilizer for crop production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The use of non-chemical measures in safe crop production in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Invasive species, databases and decision making: critical issues
2025-01-21 Invasive species: the role of Lucid identification keys
2025-01-21 Causes, prevention and cure of invasieve weed problems in New Zealand: Cytisus scoparius, a case study
2025-01-21 The current status and management of invasie species in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Development of the Asian-Pacific alien species database (APASD)
2025-01-21 Invasive alien weeds in Thailand and case study on Bidens pilosa L. var radiata Shultz-Bip.
2025-01-21 Current status on researches of biological invasion agents in Vietnam
2025-01-21 A review of the four important alien invasive species on rice and mango in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Invasive alien species in Korea
2025-01-20 Exotic plant pathogens in Japan
2025-01-20 Current status of invasive plants in Japan
2025-01-23 Alien insect and mite species in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Banana virus-indexing technology and disease management
2025-01-21 Sustainable banana production through the use of tissie-cultured seedlings in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Integrated pest management of banana production in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Research and development for sustainable banana production using tissue-cultured seedlings in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Fertility management for annual banana cropping system
2025-01-21 Improved banana micropropagation technique for the commercial production of disease-free plantlets
2025-01-20 Application of tissue culture in banana research and development in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Present status of banana production and research in Cambodia
2025-01-21 Present status in breeding banana for resistance to banana wilt diseases in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Recent status of banana production in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Banana production in Malaysia: Contraints and future development
2025-01-20 Banana production in the Philippines and the role of healthy planting materials in its development
2025-01-20 Banana in Thailand
2025-01-21 Banana production in Vietnam: status, constraint and potential
2025-01-21 Role of post harvest in fruit quality
2025-01-20 Improved practice of post-harvest technologies for quality improvement of banana in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Ripening techniques for Cavendish bananas
2025-01-21 Effect of low temperatures on 'gia' bananas (Cavendish CV.) quality and storage life
2025-01-20 Maturity indices of 'gia' banana (Cavendish)
2025-01-20 Banana demonstration with tissue culture plantlets
2025-01-21 Banana ripening practices in Taiwan
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2003
2025-01-21 Irrigation management in rice-based croping systems: issues and challenges in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Management of invasive alien species in Thailand
2025-01-21 Horticultural crop production and marketing decision influencing postharvest technology
2025-01-22 Water reuse and recycling for irrigation of diversified cropping system
2025-01-21 Improving irrigation management systems for rice farming
2025-01-21 Adoption of water saving technologies in rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Successful information technology (IT) for agriculture and rural development
2025-01-21 The role of information in lending and credit risk management
2025-01-20 Improving the agricultural finance system: the changing role of agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-20 Review and outlook of agricultural finance system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Debt-restructuring program for heavily indebted farm households in Korea
2025-01-21 Status and prospects of developing agricultural technology for value-added food [production in Asia
2025-01-21 Development of the agricultural food processing industry in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Establishing a stable potato production system in Japan and developing new varieties with specific end-use characteristics
2025-01-21 Korean traditional food: status, prospects and vision for globalization
2025-01-20 Estimation of the number of degrading microorganisms for biodegradable plastics in natural environments/Studies on degradable plastics for agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Attempts to introduce stingless beens for the pollination of crops under greenhouse conditions in Japan
2025-01-20 Fermentation of Monascus purpureus on agri-by proeucts to make colorful and functional bacterial cellulose (Nata)
2025-01-22 Production of cerebroside in yeast and its functionality
2025-01-21 Newsletter 143
2025-01-21 Newsletter 144
2025-01-22 Newsletter 145
2025-01-21 Newsletter 146
2025-01-20 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.4
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.5
2025-01-21 The present and future of beef production in South Korea
2025-01-21 Smart feeding practices for buffaloes on improving carabeef and milk production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The adaptation of local beef cattle on different local feed resources
2025-01-21 Situation and new techniques about beef cattle feeding in Vietnam
2025-01-20 A tendency towards of using automatic machine and computer techniques for feeding and managing livestock in developing counries
2025-01-21 Cattle production in Malaysia: Current trends and challenges
2025-01-20 Fermented total mixed ration feeding system: beef cattle productivity and environmental impact
2025-01-21 Strategic plan for production of quality beef in Northeast part of Thailand
2025-01-22 Beef cattle production in Northern part 2 of Thailand
2025-01-21 Production of 'Noto-ushi', high quality Wagyu beef in Ishikawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Introduction of carcass improvement technology utilizing carcass image database
2025-01-20 Utilization of local food by-products for beef production: research outcomes from Japan and Thailand
2025-01-21 Recommendations on techniques for high quality beef production from 40 years of beef cattle farm management
2025-01-21 Feeding management of beef cattle in Japan
2025-01-20 Wagyu beef production in Australia
2025-01-20 Production of high quality TMR for improving marbling score of Wagyu crossbred cattle
2025-01-20 True smart agriculture
2025-01-20 ICT for young farmers
2025-01-21 Korean style smart farm for plastic greenhouse
2025-01-21 Three-layered information infrastructure for agriculture ICT
2025-01-21 Smart field monitoring with field servers based on ICT
2025-01-21 Paddy watch – Japan's industry changing rice field sensor
2025-01-22 Overview of "passive greenhouse" system for low-cost, labor-saving operations assisted with ICT
2025-01-20 Toward the Creation of New Agri-innovation
2025-01-22 Introduction of a New System for Industry-Academia-Government Collaborative Research and ICT Enhanced Plant Factory Technology
2025-01-21 Utilization and development of ICT in greenhouse production using uecs
2025-01-20 Environmental control using open source hardware and software based on uecs standards for greenhouse production
2025-01-20 Plant factory for Asia monthoon region
2025-01-20 Application of ICT through precision farming in MARDI
2025-01-21 Rice nerve: network for planning and growing rice in Thailand
2025-01-20 Application of ICT tools in improving Philippine agriculture
2025-01-20 Application of ICT tools in food crops monitoring in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Connecting intelligent devices, sensing techs, IOTs and big data to enhance the productivity among agricultural production, marketing and consumption
2025-01-20 Application of information and communication technology on the development of agricultural production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Introduction of a New System for Industry-Academia-Government Collaborative Research and ICT Enhanced Plant Factory Technology
2025-01-20 Enhancing the Roles of Taiwan Farmers' Associations in Response to Changes in Food Consumption
2025-01-21 Perspective on the role of agricultural cooperatives in response to the changing food consumption pattern in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Agrucultural development through cooperation between agricultural cooperatives and consumers' cooperatives in Japan: focusing on direct marketing of agricultural products
2025-01-21 Analysis of multi-sectoral business development and roles of Japan's agricultural cooperatives
2025-01-20 Food consumption trends and implications in South Korea
2025-01-20 Greening opportunities and prospects for Philippine cooperatives toward a more sustainable food marketing
2025-01-20 The roles of agricultural cooperatives in certification and production of geographical indication (GI) rice in Thailand
2025-01-21 A Vietnamese agricultural cooperative's involvement in the food safety value chain: perstective and policy
2025-01-21 Technical Empowerment of Agricultural Cooperatives in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Vietnam livestock production overview
2025-01-21 Artificial insemination technique and its advantages in swine industry
2025-01-20 Development and utilization of genomic information for effective pig production - recent achievements and future prospects
2025-01-21 Informative for making ai station function from CIMCO on Japanese breeding company
2025-01-21 Importance of preservation of gametes and gonadal tissue for porcine genetic resources
2025-01-21 Pig production and pork quality improvement in Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Swine industry profile of eastern shan state in Myanmar
2025-01-20 Seasonal variation on semen production in different boar breed in Thailand
2025-01-21 Screening on sperm chromosomal breakage of young breeding boars
2025-01-21 Pathogen-free boar semen application in pork production
2025-01-21 Growth performance and sperm quality of stress negative piétrain boars and their hybrids with duroc in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Pig breeding and utilization of semen in Malaysia
2025-01-20 The importance of artificial insemination to the Philippine swine industry
2025-01-21 Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development: Issues, Trends and Opportunities
2025-01-21 Developing a KM system: SEARCA's experience
2025-01-20 Knowledge management in MARDI: practices, challenges and the way forward
2025-01-21 Comprehensive Livestock Farm management System(Hanwoori)
2025-01-21 Approach to Agricultural Knowledge Management using Decision Support System for Farm Planning
2025-01-20 Applying the concept of knowledge management to construct the information system on pest management of rice and lychee in Taiwan
2025-01-20 The experiences in the development of GAP standards on fruits and vegetables for farmer cooperatives in Vietnamese conditions using plant clinics as tools of transfer of new technologies for small-scale farmers
2025-01-20 Developing a knowledge management system in ICT for agriculture and fisheries extension delivery: the ATI experience
2025-01-20 Knowledge management : Failure factor
2025-01-21 Knowledge management : Rethinking it
2025-01-21 Organic agriculture in Japan and perspectives on organic vegetable production in greenhouses
2025-01-20 On the rise: Taiwan's organic agriculture
2025-01-20 Current status of organic farming in Thailand
2025-01-21 Organic farm production in Vietnam current status and future prospective
2025-01-21 Promoting organic agriculture in Taiwan: the role of educational institutes
2025-01-20 Assisting small-scale farmers in organic agriculture: the role of rural development agriculture
2025-01-21 Strengthening organic industry in Malaysia through research and technology
2025-01-21 Pushing for ecological, fair and sustainable agriculture
2025-01-20 Options for design and management of greenhouse production systems in the tropics
2025-01-21 Plant factories in Japan - an integrated approach
2025-01-21 Current status of protected horticulture in Korea
2025-01-21 Recent development of protected cultivation in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Development of protected cultivation for vegetables in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Protected cultivation technologies for vegetables production in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Recent developments of protected cultivation in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Development of greenhouse crop production in Thailand
2025-01-20 Impacts of climate changes on vegetable production and some vegetable development strategies in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Protected cultivation technology for high tech farming in the changing climate situation in India
2025-01-20 Design of greenhouses for the tropics and sub-tropics
2025-01-20 Design optimization of greenhouse environment in tropical climate using specific air-space stratification technique
2025-01-20 Application of integrated sensing and automation technology, and preventive bio-control agent for greenhouse precision cultivation
2025-01-21 An overview of the contribution of WorldVeg in developing protected cultivation and its use of integrated pest management
2025-01-20 Reviving the old soil solarization method by monitoring the soil temperature
2025-01-21 Integrated management of tomato production in the greenhouse
2025-01-20 Soil steaming for field and greenhouse operations
2025-01-17 FFTC Annual Report 2016
2025-01-21 Newsletter 195
2025-01-20 Newsletter 196
2025-01-21 Newsletter 197
2025-01-21 Newsletter 198
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1999
2025-01-22 Newsletter 127
2025-01-20 Newsletter 128
2025-01-20 Newsletter 129
2025-01-21 Newsletter 130
2025-01-20 Precision farming approaches to small farm agriculture
2025-01-20 Site-specific management of rice fertilizers based on GIS soil information
2025-01-20 Integration of GIS and geostatistics to establish the soil erodibility factor (K) for Taiwan slopeland soils
2025-01-20 GIS-based mapping and modeling of soil erosion in Mapawa Catchment
2025-01-21 Monitoring land use change with satellite remote sensing technique
2025-01-21 Land evaluation using soil resource information and GIS in Japan
2025-01-21 Agro-ecological analysis for agricultural development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 GIS applications in forestland suitability analysis
2025-01-20 GIS-assisted suitability valuation of high-value crops in SAFDZ of Northern Mindanao (Region 10)
2025-01-22 Remote sensing and GIS for sail erosion management in the Philippines: A case study of the La Mesa Watershed Reservation
2025-01-22 Development and application of high-resolution Geographic Information System (GIS)-based Atlas in enhancing watershed management in the Philippines
2025-01-20 GIS in land resource management in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Soil resource databases development and applications: Cassava crop monitoring and methane gas emission in Northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 Web service system of agro-soil environment information in Korea
2025-01-20 Current global situation of emerging infectious diseases of livestock
2025-01-20 Crisis management
2025-01-21 Emergency plans in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
2025-01-21 Monitoring and surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in Japan
2025-01-20 Emerging diseases of livestock in Korea
2025-01-20 Emerging diseases of livestock in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in Thailand
2025-01-21 Emerging diseases of livestock in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Promoting the managing capabilities of rice farming agriculture
2025-01-20 Irrigation management in rice-based cropping systems: issues and challenges in Southeast Asia
2025-01-20 Water re-use and recycling for irrigation of diversified cropping system
2025-01-21 Fertigation technology for maximizing water-use efficiency of irrigation system
2025-01-20 NIA's programs in achieving efficiency and sustainability of irrigation systems
2025-01-20 Pressurized irrigation systems for high water use efficiency in high value crop production
2025-01-21 The role of the San Benito farmers in improving water use efficiency at the community level
2025-01-20 Adoption of water saving technologies in rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Enhancing the sustainability of irrigated agriculture through participatory management in Japan
2025-01-20 Recent status of water resources and participation of farmers in managing irrigation water in Korea
2025-01-21 Enhancing water use efficiency through improved irrigation management technologies - Country paper: Taiwan ROC
2025-01-20 Enhancing water use efficiency through improved irrigation management technologies - Country paper: Sri Lanka
2025-01-20 Irrigation development in Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Modernization program a strategy for sustainable irrigation development in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Enhancing water use efficiency through improved irrigation management technologies - Country paper: Philippines
2025-01-21 Effective use of irrigation water and farmers' participation in Thailand
2025-01-20 Integrated water management in pumped irrigation systems in the Red River Delta of Vietnam - Implications of seletion of type for farmers' participation
2025-01-21 Beekeeping by small-scale farmers in Asia
2025-01-21 Newsletter 151
2025-01-21 Newsletter 152
2025-01-20 Newsletter 153
2025-01-21 Newsletter 154
2025-01-20 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.6
2025-01-21 Newsletter 155
2025-01-21 Newsletter 156
2025-01-20 Newsletter 157
2025-01-21 Newsletter 158
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.7
2025-01-20 Newsletter 159
2025-01-21 Newsletter 160
2025-01-20 Newsletter 161
2025-01-21 Newsletter 162
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.8
2025-01-20 Impact of use of As-contaminated groundwater on soil As content and paddy rice production in Bangladesh
2025-01-20 Phytoextraction and management options to reduce cadmium and arsenic in food crops
2025-01-20 Engineering poplar plants for phytoremediation
2025-01-21 Arsenic in soil, water and plant at contaminated sites and in agricultural soil of Thailand
2025-01-23 Tolerance mechanisms in cadmium-exposed Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms, a phytoremediator
2025-01-21 Phytoremediation and the uptake characteristics of different rice varieties growing in Cd- or As contaminated soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 In-situ stabilization of Arsenic-contaminated soil using industrial by-products
2025-01-20 Spatial dependency of Arsenic in soils, irrigation water and plants from Arsenic-contaminated tube well used for irrigation in Boro rice cultivation
2025-01-21 Utilization of forage-based feed resources for biofuel production
2025-01-20 Production and utilization of whole crop rice silage as cattle feed in Japan
2025-01-21 Production and utilization of whole crop barley and whole crop rice in paddy field
2025-01-20 Nutritive value of mulberry leaves (Morus alba) and effects of partial replacement of cotton seed in rations on the performance of growing Vietnamese cattle
2025-01-20 Forage-based systems for sustainable animal production
2025-01-20 Modeling the changes in forage quality and the application of near-infrared spectroscopy on forage analysis
2025-01-20 Availability and utilization of forage resources for small-scale farm in Indonesia
2025-01-20 An approach on pasture-based dairy production for small-scale farmers in Thailand
2025-01-21 Utilization of forages, tree fodders, crop residues and agro-industrial by-products for ruminants in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Green forage and roughage sources for feeding ruminants in Vietnam: characteristics, prospects and research and development strategy
2025-01-22 Forage management and utilization in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The dynamics of native grass resources in dryland area of Indonesia to support beef cattle production: case study of Nusa Tenggara
2025-01-20 Promoting the development and adoption of green technologies for sustainable agricultural development in Asia
2025-01-20 The paradox of the use of genetic diversity in disease management: experiences in rice and bananas
2025-01-20 Recent progress in vegetable grafting
2025-01-21 Development and application of grafting technologies for soil-borne plant disease management of Cucurbitaceous plants in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Establishment and application of soil information system for a sustainable agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Organic fertilizer from farm waste adopted by farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The research, development and commercialization of Phalaenopsis orchid in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Functionality and processing technologies of Shikuwasa (Citrus depressa Hayata)
2025-01-21 Development of functionality of Ume (Prunus mume Sieb. Et Zucc.) fruit and its industrial application
2025-01-20 Postharvest handling of orchid cut flowers in Thailand
2025-01-21 Organic vegetable production in Vietnam: status and outlooks
2025-01-20 Thailand experiences: technology transfer of orchid production for enhancing rural entrepreneurship
2025-01-21 Sustainable and organic agriculture within the supply and value-added chain
2025-01-21 Building climate resiliency through organic farming
2025-01-20 Environmental and biotic contamination by POPs in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 The role of black carbon in environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in soils and effect on food safety
2025-01-21 Present and future perspectives on international and domestic POPs situation
2025-01-21 Pesticide management in Japan and current OECD strategy on pesticide residues in short-term rotational crops
2025-01-21 Temporal changes in POPs of Japanese arable soil
2025-01-20 Residual characteristics of POPs in soil environment
2025-01-21 The control strategies for POPs in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Long-term monitoring of persistent pesticides in the agricultural environment of Taiwan
2025-01-22 Modeling of pesticide dynamics in rice paddy environments and its risk assessment
2025-01-22 Distribution of pesticide and POPs in the main rivers in Thai agricultural area
2025-01-21 Persistent organic pollutants in marine organism from South Korea: Potential health risks
2025-01-21 Recent technology on bio-remediation of POPs and pesticides
2025-01-20 Recent technology on phyto-remediation and risk mitigation of POPs
2025-01-20 Quality control of residue analysis of POPs and pesticides
2025-01-21 Analysis of POPs residues in food in Taiwan: taking dioxins in milk products as an example
2025-01-21 Developing bioassay technique for determination of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in feed and egg samples in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Organochlorine pesticide residues in the environment and milk of Philippine buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in selected pasture sites in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Risk management of POPs in foods in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Risk assessment and management for POPs contaminated sites in Vietnam -A case study
2025-01-20 POPs pesticide use in Cambodia
2025-01-20 Situation and outlook of world agricultural commodity markets: from an Asian point of view
2025-01-21 Reconsidering food security policy under trade liberalization
2025-01-21 Response of rice productivity under changing climate and their counter technology
2025-01-21 Food security: Dilemma of high income food importing countries in East Asia
2025-01-21 Government policy response to the impact of global food security crises
2025-01-21 Food security and food policy reforms in Korea
2025-01-21 Impact of changes in agricultural input prices on Korean farm income and some policy recommendations
2025-01-20 Food security and trade liberalization in Malaysia: policy and reform challenges
2025-01-20 S&T perspective on agricultural and food policy issues and reforms in the Philippines: status and directions
2025-01-20 Agricultural and food policy reforms in Taiwan: food security perspective
2025-01-20 Food security in Thailand: status, rural poor vulnerability, and some policy options
2025-01-21 The costs of obtaining food security in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Health management of pathogen-free citrus seedlings for citrus rehabilitation from epidemic of citrus HLB and virus diseases
2025-01-20 Cultivation and health management of pathogen free citrus seedling in Northern Vietnam
2025-01-20 Cultivation and health management of pathogen free citrus seedlings in Southern Vietnam
2025-01-21 IPM of the Aisan citrus psyllid, the HLB vector, in the field
2025-01-20 Management of plant nutrition and soil in citrus orchards
2025-01-20 Planting and pruning of PF citrus trees in orchards
2025-01-21 The use of insecticides for efficient control of the vector psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), for the management of citrus greening disease
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology training workshop in partnership with Southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 Training course on Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues (RBPR) in fruits and vegetables for market inspection and farm education
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2009
2025-01-20 Environmental and biotic contamination by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 The role of black carbon in environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in soils and their effect on food safety
2025-01-21 Recent technology on bio-remediation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and pesticides
2025-01-21 Reconsidering food security policy under trade liberalization
2025-01-20 Policy response to the impacts of global food crisis in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Food security in Thailand: status, rural poor vulnerability, and some policy options
2025-01-21 Organic fertilizers from farm waste adopted by farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Health management of pathogen-free (PF) citrus orchards planting and pruning of PF citrus trees in orchards
2025-01-21 Impact of use of As-contaminated groundwater on soil As content and paddy rice production in Bangladesh
2025-01-20 Phytoextraction and management options to reduce cadmium and arsenic in food crops
2025-01-20 Phytoremediation and the uptake characteristics of different rice varieties growing in Cd- or As-contaminated soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Health management of pathogen-free citrus seedlings for citrus rehabilitation from epidemic of citrus HLB and virus diseases
2025-01-20 Newsletter 163
2025-01-21 Newsletter 164
2025-01-22 Newsletter 165
2025-01-21 Newsletter 166
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.9
2025-01-21 Development and adoption of green technologies for sustainable agriculture
2025-01-20 Sustainable management and utilization of forage-based feed resources for small-scale livestock farmers in Asia
2025-01-21 Coping with the global environment changes: strategies for sustainable agricultural development
2025-01-22 Past, present and future: the changing role of FFTC- Coping with the dynamic agricultural development of the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-20 Challenge of globalization on agriculture in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Impact of climate change on horticulture industry and technological countermeasures in Japan
2025-01-22 Transplant or evolve food safety and traceability in the ASPAC region
2025-01-21 Potential development and application of agri-biotechnology in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Agrobiodiversity conservation and use in Asia, Pacific and Oceania region
2025-01-21 Biodiversity enhancement on arable land: the effects of local management and landscape context
2025-01-21 Current status of habitat manipulation for natural enemies and pest management in Japan
2025-01-20 Effects of diverse surrounding ecosystems and pollinator species on crop pollination
2025-01-21 Conservation and sustainable utilization of stingless bees for pollination services in agricultural ecosystems in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Advanced management of bee health and beekeeping under Taiwan subtropical/tropical climate
2025-01-20 Effect of sub-lethal dosages of insecticides on honeybee behavior and physiology
2025-01-21 Current status and agricultural utilization of insect pollinators in Korea
2025-01-22 Impact of losing pollinator diversity: A case study in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Wild bees as crop pollinators in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Natural enemies and their use in the bio-control of insect pests in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Study on biodiversity of an herbivore-natural enemies associated with brown planthopper outbreaks at Red River Delta, Vietnam
2025-01-20 Natural enemies of important insect pests of field crops and utilization as biological control agents in Thailand
2025-01-22 Classical biological control of banana weevil borer, Cosmopolites sordidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with natural enemies from Indonesia (with emphasis on west Sumatera)
2025-01-20 Biological control agents of Bean fly Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon) (Diptera Agromyzidae) on mungbean in Myanmar
2025-01-20 Effect of landscape structure on functional biodiversity
2025-01-20 S&T technology transfer modality in managing crop pests
2025-01-20 Metagenomic approach to soil microbial diversity and functions
2025-01-20 Diversity of coprophagus invertebrates in Korea and their role in soil ecosystem-mainly dung beetles
2025-01-21 Selection of indicator organisms for functional agrobiodiversity in paddy ecosystems in Japan
2025-01-21 Selection of indicator organisms for functional agrobiodiversity at the crop field level in Japan
2025-01-21 Preservation of natural enemies as an indicator of agrobiodiversity in terms of planting ground cover in orchards
2025-01-21 Soil carbon stocks in the U.S.: Current data and future inventories
2025-01-21 Estimation of soil carbon stock changes in Japanese agricultural soils using national resources inventory
2025-01-21 Chronological changes of soil carbon stock in Korea
2025-01-20 Use of remote sensing in assessment of soil and ecosystem carbon status
2025-01-20 Indonesian soil data base and predicted stock of soil carbon
2025-01-21 Organic carbon storage and management strategies of forest soils based on the forest soil survey database in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Monitoring spatio-temporal changes of soil carbon in Java using legacy soil data
2025-01-21 Aggregate stability and soil carbon storage as affected by different land use practices
2025-01-20 Organic carbon storage and management strategies of the rural soils on the basis of Soil Information System in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Soil carbon sequestation and greenhouse gases mitigation in selected ecosystems in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Soil management for maximizing carbon sequestration in Thailand
2025-01-21 Soil carbon stocks in Sarawak, Malaysia
2025-01-21 Carbon in Vietnam soils and experiences to improve carbon stock in soil
2025-01-20 Distribution, properties, and carbon stock of Indonesian peat land
2025-01-21 Properties of Indonesian peat in relation to the chemistry of carbon emission
2025-01-22 Carbon budget and management strategies for conserving carbon in peatland: Case study in Kubu Raya and Pontianak Districts, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
2025-01-21 Recycling of waste oyster shell: production of clean and bactericidal drinking water
2025-01-21 Alternative uses of oyster shell and brown seaweed sargassum
2025-01-20 Total utilization of aquaculture produces
2025-01-22 Potential nutraceuticals and functional foods from fishery by-products in the Philippines: status and trends
2025-01-21 The innovative utilization of fishery by-products in Vietnam
2025-01-20 The utilization of fisheries by-products in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Application of chitin-chitosan from marine waste in Thailand
2025-01-21 Developments and improvements of value-added functional food from fishery products in Malaysia perspective
2025-01-21 Nutraceuticals and functional foods: focus on fishery by-products
2025-01-21 Improved utilization of fish oil as a potential nutraceuticals and functional foods
2025-01-21 Product innovations from tuna and milkfish processing by-products for human food consumption
2025-01-21 Antioxidative activities of protein hydrolysate from fish muscle prepared using fish protease in combination with commercial proteases
2025-01-20 Utilization of shellfish by-product as a nutraceutical to lower blood pressure
2025-01-21 Potential utilization of seaweed as nutraceuticals
2025-01-21 Potentials and livelihood opportunities from native animal production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Micro- and small-scale rabbit farming based on farmers' cooperation as a mean to build rural enterprise
2025-01-20 Production and profitable utilization of rare local animals in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Management and use of native animal genetic resources in Korea
2025-01-21 Utilization and conservation of native chickens in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Native chicken: small-scale enterprise and conservation in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Mong Cai pig conservation and development
2025-01-21 Genetic diversity in native chicken
2025-01-21 Utilization of indigenous swamp buffaloes under a changing agricultural setting
2025-01-20 The Wagyu cattle breeding in Japan: progress and future prospects
2025-01-20 Conservation and optimization of genotype by environment in Thai native cattle
2025-01-20 Role of government stock farms in the development of Philippine native pigs, chicken and ducks
2025-01-21 Present situation and future perspectives of biofertilizer for environmental friendly agriculture
2025-01-20 Appropriate fertilizer use and fertilization technology for sustainable crop production
2025-01-21 Integrated plant nutrient supply and management strategies to enhance nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity in Korea
2025-01-20 Fertilizer policy - Indian perspective
2025-01-21 Impacts and future perspectives of fertilizer policy in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Superior characteristics of Japanese release-controlled fertilizers and their future perspectives
2025-01-21 A review of fertilizer policy in Korea
2025-01-21 An introduction of controlled-release fertilizer in Korea
2025-01-21 Fertilizer policy for ensuring sustainable food production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Biofertilizer preparations with multi-functional thermo-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing Bacillus
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology training workshop in partnership with Southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 Residues control by using Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues (RBPR) for market inspection and farm education
2025-01-21 Overview and prospects of edible and medicinal mushrooms: production, consumption, and marketing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Using agro-wastes as a basic raw materials for cultivation of edible mushrooms in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms
2025-01-21 Sawdust-bag cultivation technologies for mushroom production
2025-01-21 Preparation of media and spawn for mushroom cultivation
2025-01-21 Practical training for white button mushroom
2025-01-21 Practical training for substrate preparation techniques for mushrooms
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2009
2025-01-21 Challenge of globalization to agriculture in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Impact of climate change on horticulture industry and technological countermeasures in Japan
2025-01-22 Potential development and application of agri-biotechnology in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-20 Agrobiodiversity conservation and use in Asia, Pacific and Oceania region
2025-01-21 Biodiversity enhancement on arable land: the effects of local management and landscape context
2025-01-21 Current status of habitat manipulation for natural enemies and pest management in Japan
2025-01-21 Present situation and future perspectives of bio-fertilizer for environmentally-friendly agriculture
2025-01-20 Appropriate fertilizer use and fertilization technology for sustainable crop production
2025-01-21 Integrated plant nutrient supply and management strategies to enhance nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity in Korea
2025-01-21 Overview and prospects of edible and medicinal mushrooms: production, consumption, and marketing in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Soil carbon stocks in the U.S.: Current data and future inventories
2025-01-20 Estimation of soil carbon stock changes in Japanese agricultural soils using national resources inventory
2025-01-22 Newsletter 167
2025-01-20 Newsletter 168
2025-01-20 Newsletter 169
2025-01-20 Newsletter 170
2025-01-22 Utilization of native animals for building rural enterprises in warm climate zone
2025-01-21 Climate change and climate variability - risks and opportunities for horticulture
2025-01-20 Impact of climate change on horticulture industry and possible countermeasures in Japan
2025-01-21 Effect of high temperature on flowering and flower color in Chrysanthemum
2025-01-21 Effect of elevated CO2 and high temperature on apples and Asian pears
2025-01-21 Climate change and horticulture crop production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Towards a climate change resilient horticulture production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Geographic shift in horticulture crop production in the context of climate change in Korea
2025-01-21 Climate effects on transboundary diseases in citriculture
2025-01-21 Climate change and frost damage to fruit trees
2025-01-21 Underutilized crops for adaption to climate change
2025-01-21 Effects of climate change on vegetable production in Taiwan and its responsive strategies
2025-01-21 Apple skin color under globle warming conditions: means and mechanism for improving and coloration
2025-01-20 Expression analyses of bolting-related genes in lettuce exposed to high temperature
2025-01-20 Management practice to increase efficiency of fertilizer and animal nitrogen and minimize nitrogen loss to the atmosphere and groudwater
2025-01-20 Mitigation of impact of nitrogen cycling associated with agriculture and food consumption on regional environments
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer applications as a source of atmospheric ammonia
2025-01-21 Estimation of nitrogen loss from small compost static pile and upland soil applied compost and by ammonia measurement
2025-01-21 Nitrogen market and use for agriculture production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Nitrogen balances in upland fields of Thailand
2025-01-21 Nitrogen leaching of the long term crop rotation system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Nitrogen accumulation in soil and ground water systems in Japan
2025-01-20 Overview of nitrogen circulation and mitigation of nitrogen emissions from rice production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Nitrogen use efficiency of the long-term crop rotation system in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Variations in N2 fluxes in some hydrosequences in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Challenges in mitigation of agricultural nitrogen emission in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Strategies to mitigate agricultural nitrogen emissions in the rice and livestock systems in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Nitrogen management on agricultural land in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Biotechnology for efficient and environmental-friendly manure management
2025-01-21 Screening for novel lipolytic genes from activated sludge metagenome
2025-01-21 A model for assessment of nitrogen flow in Vietnamese pig farms
2025-01-20 Current scenario and future prospects for livestock waste management in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Regulation and management strategies for composted animal manure use in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Sustainable animal waste management and utilization in Korean livestock farms
2025-01-20 Livestock waste composting and wastewater treatment in small-scale farmers in Japan
2025-01-21 Vermiculture technology on small dairy farms of Nongpho Dairy Cooperative
2025-01-21 Livestock waste treatment and renewable resource development
2025-01-21 Indigenous biofermenters in livestock waste management for sustainable farming in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Application of livestock waste for biogas and fertilizer on small farms in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Profile of pig waste management practices in different region in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Current situation and strategies for developing alternative local food system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 A strategy to strengthen the local food systems in Korea: urban agriculture
2025-01-21 The importance of restoring local food systems and progress and challenges in Japan
2025-01-21 Development of cassava-based industry to enhance food security in Indonesia
2025-01-20 The National Agricultural Cooperative Federation's strategy for school meal services aimed at boosting Korea's local agriculture
2025-01-20 Strengthening local food systems for sustainable agriculture in the Philippines
2025-01-20 The successful experience of local safety food supply chain introduction in Taiwan: traceability system
2025-01-20 Strengthening local food systems in Thailand: school lunch program and small and micro-community enterprises
2025-01-21 Local food systems in Vietnam: strengths and opportunities
2025-01-20 PGR conservation and use: principles and concepts and complementary conservation strategy
2025-01-21 Germplasm conservation and related phytosanitary measures
2025-01-20 Acquisition and entry of fruit germplasm into the collection- collecting and maintenance
2025-01-21 Diversity and genetic considerations in FGB and in vitro genebanks
2025-01-21 Establishment, maintenance and use of field genebank
2025-01-21 Detection, diagnosis and elimination of plant viruses for vegetatively propagated germplasm
2025-01-20 Management of diseases in field genebank
2025-01-20 Management of in vitro collection and cryopreservation
2025-01-21 Legal issues in field genebank and in vitro genebanks /acquisition policy / quarantine regulations / access and benefit-sharing arrangement
2025-01-21 Tissue culture technologies for germplasm in vitro conservation – principles and exercise
2025-01-21 Collecting and maintenance of fruit and vegetatively propagated vegetable germplasm in FTHES field genebank
2025-01-21 Cryopreservation technologies for germplasm in vitro collections
2025-01-21 Exploitation and maintenance of tropical fruit crops
2025-01-21 Management of plant diseases in genebanks
2025-01-21 Risk assessment of contaminants in foods: mycotoxins and pesticide residues
2025-01-21 Monitoring of mycotoxins in agricultural products using DOA-aflatoxin ELISA test kit
2025-01-20 Risk assessment of mycotoxin contamination in Korean foods
2025-01-21 Risk management of mycotoxins
2025-01-22 Integrated control management of aflatoxins in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Significance of the occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and feeds in Thailand
2025-01-20 Occurrence of aflatoxin contamination in foods: present status in the Philippines
2025-01-20 A current situation of mycotoxin management in Asia - In relation to recent actions in Japan
2025-01-21 Mycotoxin reduction in selected foods
2025-01-20 Analysis of deoxynivalenol in Indonesia maize-based foods using liquid chromatography: regulation enforcement and significance of laboratory networks
2025-01-21 Development of imminodiagnostic test kits and immunoaffinity columns for aflatoxin and zearalenone
2025-01-20 Development and application of immunological methods for mycotoxins and toxicology
2025-01-20 Antibody and nanotechnology used in rapid detection of selected mycotoxins
2025-01-21 Aflatoxin, zearalenone, fumonisin and T-2/HT-2 toxins contamination in feedstuffs in Thailand from year 2008-2011
2025-01-21 Regulatory update and control measures for prevention and reduction of mycotoxins contamination in foods and feeds
2025-01-21 Reginal cooperation for assessing and coping with climate change impacts for sustanable management of sloping land agroecosystems and agrobiodiversity in Asia
2025-01-21 Strengthening regional initiatives on climate change adaptive management for the sloping land resources in Asia
2025-01-21 Environmental quality monitoring and climate change impact assessment on sloping agroecosystems
2025-01-20 Disaster preparedness and risk management mechanisms and approaches to cope with climate change adversities in sloping agroecosystems
2025-01-21 Earth observation from space in support to better functioning of sloping agroecosystems
2025-01-21 Strategic R&D on climate change-sensitive land and water resources management for sustainability and quality of sloping land agroecosystems
2025-01-21 Climate change resilient agroforestry systems for livelihood improvement of smallholders in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Soil erosion petential and site specific conservation practices of Korean sloping upland
2025-01-20 The Philippine's innovative capacity building and extension delivery systems in support of sloping agroecosystems climate change adaptation and mitigation
2025-01-21 Conservation farming village: An approach to improved adaptive sloping land management
2025-01-21 Residues control by using Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues (RBPR) for market inspection and farm education
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2010
2025-01-20 Current situation and strategies for developing alternative local food system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 A strategy to strengthen the local food systems in Korea: urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Local food systems in Vietnam: strengths and opportunities
2025-01-21 The importance of restoring local food systems: progress and challenges in Japan
2025-01-21 Nitrogen balance in upland fields of Thailand
2025-01-21 Nitrogen leaching of the long-term crop rotation system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Nitrogen use efficiency of the long-term crop rotation system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Regional cooperation for assessing and coping with climate change impacts for sustainable management of sloping land agroecosystems and agrobiodiversity in Asia
2025-01-21 Environmental quality monitoring and climate change impact assessment on sloping agroecosystems
2025-01-21 Climatic effects on transboundary diseases in citriculture
2025-01-21 Management practices to increase efficiency of fertilizer and animal nitrogen and minimize nitrogen loss to the atmosphere and groundwater
2025-01-21 Mitigation of impact of nitrogen cycling associated with agriculture and food consumption in regional environments
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer applications as a source of atmospheric ammonia
2025-01-20 Nitrogen accumulation in soil and groundwater systems in Japan
2025-01-21 Newsletter 171
2025-01-20 Newsletter 172
2025-01-20 Newsletter 173
2025-01-21 Newsletter 174
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.10
2025-01-21 Sustainable resource management of livestock and poultry wastes for Asian small-scale farmers
2025-01-20 Improved utilization of fishery by-products as potential nutraceuticals and functional foods
2025-01-20 New vision for international agriculture
2025-01-21 Toward a low carbon footprint aquaculture
2025-01-21 Minimizing the contamination of agricultural environment toward food safety–with primary focus on the Fukushima nuclear disaster
2025-01-21 The risk of emerging plant diseases to food security
2025-01-21 Southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus (SRBSDV)
2025-01-21 Etiology of red stripe of rice, an emerging disease
2025-01-21 Epidemiology and management of citrus greening (huanglongbing) in Asia
2025-01-21 Moko Disease of banana in South East Asia
2025-01-20 Cassava bacterial blight in South East Asia
2025-01-20 Current situation and control of Plum pox virus in Japan
2025-01-20 Molecular characterization of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and its vector insect Bemisia tabaci
2025-01-20 Anthropogenic and environmental factors driving the emergence of plant EIDs and their mitigation measures
2025-01-21 Characterization of bacterial fruit blotch pathogen (Acidovorax citrulli)
2025-01-20 International copperation to control emerging plant diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Biological control of bacterial wilt in South East Asia
2025-01-20 Diversity of bacterial wilt pathogen in Asia and their control strategy
2025-01-21 Integrated control strategy of bacterial fruit blotch
2025-01-20 Toward controlling tobamovirus multiplication
2025-01-21 Viral attenuation and cross protection to control plant viral disease
2025-01-20 Emerging new poleroviruses and tospoviruses affecting vegetables in Asia and breeding for resistance
2025-01-21 Water saving technologies for rice production in the Asia region
2025-01-21 Current status and directions of rural water resources management in Korea
2025-01-21 Irrigation water management structure
2025-01-21 Agricultural water management systems in Taiwan: current status and policy directions
2025-01-20 Agricultural water management systems in Indonesia: current status and policy directions
2025-01-20 Agricultural water management systems in the Philippines: current status and policy directions
2025-01-21 Agricultural water management systems in the Chao Phraya River Basin of Thailand
2025-01-20 Water and resource management coping with climate change in rice culture
2025-01-21 Rice production system: adoption strategies under water-limited environment
2025-01-21 Agricultural water-saving management technologies for sustainable crop production in Korea
2025-01-21 Efficient water management for rice production under climate change scenario: strategies and technologies
2025-01-20 Impact of climate change and water use in rice in the Coastal River Delta: a case study in Kimson District, Ninhbinh province of Vietnam
2025-01-20 Water resources management in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Exporting seafood from Australia: a food safety perspective
2025-01-21 Shrimp aquaculture: food value chain and risk management
2025-01-20 Microbiological risk management of seafood products in the supply chain of Japan
2025-01-20 National system on the implementation of safety and quality assurance for fishery products
2025-01-21 Korean monitoring and inspection system on the safety and quality of fisheries rpoducts
2025-01-20 Risk management of shrimp culture in Thailand
2025-01-20 Risk management in shrimp hatchery level
2025-01-21 Pre-harvest risk management for seafood safety and quality
2025-01-20 Sex reversal efficacy and residual levels of mestanolone in farmed Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus following oral administration
2025-01-21 Validity of drug residue analysis in aquaculture products
2025-01-21 Heavy metal contents in shellfish and risk assessment for the population in Nha Trang city, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Food safety management program for aquaculture products in Thailand
2025-01-20 Integrated approach to seafood safety and quality assurance: the Philippines' experience
2025-01-20 Histamine fish poisoning
2025-01-20 Huanglongbing: research & insights from collaborative research in Southeast Asia
2025-01-20 Precise differentiation of Japanese isolates of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' by using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers
2025-01-20 Current researches and health management of citrus huanglongbing in Taiwan
2025-01-20 The current status of HLB epidemic in Myanmar
2025-01-21 The current status of HLB epidemic and disease management in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Citrus virus epidemics and establishment of virus-free nursery systems in Korea
2025-01-21 The current status of Huanglongbing epidemic in Malaysia
2025-01-20 The current status of Huanglongbing (HLB) epidemic in Thailand
2025-01-20 The current status of HLB epidemic in Cambodia
2025-01-20 The current status of Huanglongbing (HLB) epidemic in the Philippines
2025-01-20 The current status of Huanglongbing epidemic in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Development of single chain variable fragment (scFV) antibodies against surface proteins of 'Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus'
2025-01-20 Highly sensitive and accurate detection of viable 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' by modified PCR and FISH assays
2025-01-21 Evolution of HLB pathogen strains in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Molecular epidemiological study of Asian isolates of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' on the basis of several genomic regions
2025-01-21 Molecular characterization, identification, and strain differentiation of the HLB bacterial pathogens, 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus'
2025-01-21 Unique feature of Japanese isolate of 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus' revealed by whole-genome sequencing
2025-01-21 Huanglongbing in Florida: disease incursion and challenges for management
2025-01-21 Protection of citrus production areas by regional control in Okinawa Island
2025-01-20 Successful eradication program of citrus greening in Amami Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan
2025-01-20 Cultural management of citrus orchards with PF-citrus seedling
2025-01-21 Chemotherapy of HLB-infected citrus trees by antibiotic injection
2025-01-20 Establishment of healthy citrus foundation for producing citrus nursery plants in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Multifunctional rural areas: by a marginalized agriculture? - experiences at the German countryside
2025-01-21 The new policy shaping Taiwan's rural communities: rural regeneration act
2025-01-20 Strategy of rice farming rural areas in the face of globalization
2025-01-21 Philosophy of sufficiency economy: key guiding principle for sustainable rural community development
2025-01-20 Revitalizing the gongliao rural area: a case study of Lungong community
2025-01-21 Rural development and cultural economy: a case study of an agri-food festival in modern Taiwan
2025-01-21 Contributions of agricultural research to rural development in Thailand
2025-01-20 Recent trends in rural development and policy issues in Korea
2025-01-20 Farmers' community development in Malaysia: Farmers Organization Authority (FOA) experience
2025-01-20 Rural empowerment in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Innovative institutional arrangements to revitalize rural communities: the case of abaca supply chains in rural Philippines
2025-01-21 Rural empowerment program in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pineapple can to pineapple cake - a successful case of rural industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 New rice varieties and farmer adoption in development of mekong delta region in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Developing the Taomi community as a valuable asset to ecotourism
2025-01-20 From Crisis to Prosperity: Experiences in Rural Community Development at Sanzhi
2025-01-20 Application of agriculture research to rural development in Thailand
2025-01-20 Nutrient management decision tool for small-scale rice and maize farmers
2025-01-21 Soil fertility management in the Philippine Soil Information System (PhilSIS): current status and future plans
2025-01-21 Philippine rice soil information system: a tool for effective crop management
2025-01-21 Soil Information Systems in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil nutrient management based on Soil Information System in Korea
2025-01-21 Soil Information System and its application in agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Phosphorus and Potassium Decision Support System: bridging soil database and fertilizer application
2025-01-20 Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) in Thailand
2025-01-20 Site-specific nutrient management for yellow corn in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Nutrient management of selected highland vegetable crops
2025-01-21 Soil constraints and management in the south of Vietnam
2025-01-21 Soil fertility testing services in Yuinlin, Chiayi, and Tainan area, Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effective fertilizer management practices for high yield rice production of Granary areas in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Long-term fertilization effects on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in mono-rice paddy soil ecosystem
2025-01-21 Use of controlled-release fertilizers (CRF) as part of a precise nutrient management for paddy rice and corn cultivation in northeastern Japan
2025-01-21 Effectiveness of enhanced-efficiency fertilizers as mitigation options for N2O and NO emissions from agricultural soils
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2011
2025-01-21 Water saving technologies for rice production in the Asian region
2025-01-21 Agricultural water management systems in Taiwan: current status and policy directions
2025-01-21 Agricultural water management systems in Indonesia: current status and policy direction
2025-01-21 Agricultural water management systems in the Philippines: current status and policy directions
2025-01-20 Water and resource management coping with climate change in rice culture
2025-01-20 Molecular characterization of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus TYLCV and its insect vector Bemisa tabaci
2025-01-21 Anthropogenic and environmental factors driving the emergence of plant EIDs and their mitigation measures
2025-01-20 Diversity of bacterial wilt pathogen in Asia and their control strategies
2025-01-20 Viral attenuation and cross protection to control plant viral diseases
2025-01-21 Emerging new poleroviruses and tospoviruses affecting vegetables in Asia and breeding for resistance
2025-01-22 Revitalizing the gongliao rural area: a case study of Lungong community
2025-01-20 Innovative institutional arrangements to revitalize rural communities: the case of abaca supply chains in rural Philippines
2025-01-21 Nutrient management decision tool for small-scale rice and maize farmers
2025-01-09 Soil nutrient management based on Soil Information System in Korea
2025-01-21 Phosphorus and Potassium Decision Support System: bridging soil database and fertilizer application
2025-01-20 Site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) in Thailand
2025-01-20 Effective fertilizer management practices for high yield rice production of Granary areas in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Minimizing the contamination of agricultural environment toward food safety–with primary focus on the Fukushima nuclear disaster
2025-01-21 Newsletter 175
2025-01-21 Newsletter 176
2025-01-21 Newsletter 177
2025-01-20 Newsletter 178
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.11
2025-01-21 Risk assessment and risk management of mycotoxins for food safety in Asia
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 2013
2025-01-21 Newsletter 183
2025-01-21 Newsletter 184
2025-01-21 Newsletter 185
2025-01-21 Newsletter 186
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2014
2025-01-21 Management of agrochemical residues in food: Korea country report
2025-01-21 Ecological resource and management for sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 Overview of food demand and food production in the future
2025-01-22 Projections of world food supply and demand
2025-01-21 Restoration of water space around paddy fields from the viewpoint of ecological sustainability
2025-01-21 Policy issues in managing irrigation and drainage
2025-01-21 Sustainable development and utilization of water resources
2025-01-21 Challenges of managing the land resources of Asia
2025-01-21 Cropping systems and their mechanisms of nutrient uptake
2025-01-21 Review and prospect of utilization of cultivated land in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Management of genetic resources
2025-01-21 Development of transgenic rice for molecular farming
2025-01-23 Recycling technology of livestock waste
2025-01-21 Recent advances in composting
2025-01-22 Precision soil and plant nutrition management
2025-01-21 Precision agriculture and remote sensing global climate change and agriculture research
2025-01-21 A sustainable pest management strategy for sweet potato weevil in Cuba: a success story
2025-01-21 Eradication of sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius Fabricius from Muroto city, Kochi, Japan
2025-01-21 Integrated control of sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius Fabricius, with sex pheromone and insecticide
2025-01-21 Integrated pest management of West Indian sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus (FAIRMAIRE) and sweet potato Cylas formicarius (FABRICIUC) in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Relationship between root quality and resistance of sweet potato clones to weevils (Cylas formicarius F.)
2025-01-21 Control of sweet potato weevil: the Philippines experience
2025-01-21 Control of the sweet potato weevil in Thailand
2025-01-21 Pestcide residues for food safety and environment protection
2025-01-21 Pestcide residues for food crops and vegetables in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Safety evaluation and regulatory control of pestcide residues in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Food safety and inspection service to protect consumers
2025-01-21 Monitoring of pestcide residues and other contaminants in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Pestcide risk reduction practices in Thailand
2025-01-21 Development of Immunoassay systems for some mycotoxins in Korean foods
2025-01-21 Invasion of foreignweed seeds into Japan, mixed in imported feed grains
2025-01-21 The plant quarantine system in Korea
2025-01-21 Strengthening quarantine and food inspection in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Inspection of food imports to Malaysia
2025-01-21 Introduction of animal and plant quarantine affairs in Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 Invasive insect pests and plant quarantine in Japan
2025-01-21 Veterinary quarantine services in the Philippine
2025-01-21 Quarantine system for animal and their products in Korea
2025-01-21 National agricultural extension systems and research organizations in Indonesia
2025-01-21 The cooperative agricultural extension service in Japan
2025-01-21 The national agricultural extension systems and research organizations in Korea
2025-01-21 National agricultural extension systems and research organizations in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The national agricultural extension system and research organizations in the Philippines
2025-01-22 National agricultural extension system and research organizations in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 Agricultural extension in Thailand: trends and prospects
2025-01-21 Agricultural extension in agriculture and rural development in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Corn seed production in Japan
2025-01-21 Corn seed production in Korea
2025-01-21 Corn seed production in Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 Corn seed production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The flow of information in the national extension system and current information needs: 1. Vietnam 2. Samoa 3. Philippines
2025-01-22 Slopeland capability classification as a tool in land use planning: A. Taiwan B. Vietnam
2025-01-22 Indicators of sustainable land management for slopeland farms
2025-01-22 Land capability classification for hilly watersheds using expert systems
2025-01-22 Boron deficiency of crops in Taiwan
2025-01-22 A. Background levels of micronutrients in soils of Japan; B. General aspects of fruit trees with respect to minor nutrients in Korea
2025-01-22 Micronutrients in crop production in Thailand
2025-01-22 Micronutrients in plant production in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Policy issues in managing irrigation and drainage
2025-01-22 Cropping systems and their mechanisms of nutrient uptake
2025-01-22 Projecting the world food supply and demand using a long-term dynamic simulator
2025-01-22 Relationship between heavy metal concentrations in soils of Taiwan and uptake by crops
2025-01-22 Integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) for watersehd management
2025-01-22 Technical aspects of the recovery handling and transfer of embryos; Embryo sexing technology and its dissemination through embryo transfer in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Technical aspect of in vitro embryo production
2025-01-21 Reproductive biotechniques in water buffaloes
2025-01-20 Management of slopelands in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 Agricultural development policy in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The review of the agricultural marketing system and practices in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The performance of Taiwan farmers' organization in agricultural development
2025-01-20 PT2001-1 Symbiotic culture of rice plants with Aigamo, a cross breed of wild and domestic ducks
2025-01-21 PT2001-2 Better nutrition from vegetables in season
2025-01-20 PT2001-3 Creative farming by family agreement
2025-01-21 PT2001-4 Application of rice husk charcoal
2025-01-21 PT2001-5 Lamb fattening
2025-01-20 PT2001-6 Weed control for peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
2025-01-21 PT2001-7 Legowo system for fish-rice intercropping
2025-01-21 PT2001-8 Rearing fry of Red Nile (Oreochromis sp.) in a floating net cage
2025-01-20 PT2001-9 A simple method for cooling down the soil in bench culture of strawberry
2025-01-21 PT2001-10 Durian harvesting
2025-01-21 PT2001-11 Seed production of pasture and forage crops
2025-01-20 PT2001-12 Postharvest handling of cut flowers
2025-01-21 PT2001-13 Alley cropping in sloping lands
2025-01-20 PT2001-14 A simple method of judging compatibility between pesticides mixed together for application
2025-01-21 PT2001-15 Forcing culture of loquat by shading
2025-01-21 PT2001-16 Composting of organic wastes
2025-01-21 PT2001-17 Application of synthetic sex pheromones
2025-01-20 PT2001-18 Recycling of sludge from pig wastewater
2025-01-21 PT2001-19 Urea in cattle feed
2025-01-20 PT2001-20 Single-cell plant production (plug production) of vegetable seedlings
2025-01-21 PT2001-21 How to estimate the depreciation cost
2025-01-21 PT2001-22 Composting wood chips
2025-01-21 PT2001-23 Diagnosis of micronutrient deficiencies in crops
2025-01-21 PT2001-24 Soil conservation practices for the cultivation of slopelands
2025-01-21 PT2001-25 Urea-molasses-mineral block supplementation for ruminants
2025-01-20 PT2001-26 Preventing duck diseases
2025-01-21 PT2001-27 Vaccination and disease prevention for native chickens
2025-01-22 PT2001-28 Enhancing the value of eggs: How to make balut and century eggs
2025-01-20 PT2001-29 Multiplication of tea plants by cut stems
2025-01-20 PT2001-30 Cultivation of trees and crops for sustainable use of sloping lands
2025-01-20 PT2001-31 Free-range system for raising chickens
2025-01-20 PT2001-32 Small-scale rearing of cattle
2025-01-20 PT2001-33 Use of plastic bottles for pheromone traps
2025-01-20 PT2001-34 Sweet potato is a healthy vegetable, rich in antioxidants and nutrients
2025-01-20 PT2001-35 Synchronized estrus for efficient artificial insemination of pigs
2025-01-20 PT2001-36 Banana bunch wrapper (Banwrap)
2025-01-22 PT2001-37 Composting the wastes from a rice processing plant
2025-01-21 RH2001-1
2025-01-20 RH2001-2
2025-01-20 RH2001-3
2025-01-20 RH2001-4
2025-01-20 RH2001-5
2025-01-22 RH2001-6
2025-01-21 RH2001-7
2025-01-20 RH2001-8
2025-01-21 RH2001-9
2025-01-21 RH2001-10
2025-01-21 RH2001-11
2025-01-21 RH2001-12
2025-01-20 Issues in the management of agricultural resources
2025-01-20 Application of plant tissue culture technology for the production and rapid mass propagation of pathogen-free plants
2025-01-20 Advanced technology on producing healthy seeds or vegetative materials
2025-01-20 Application of biotechnological tools in conservation and utilization of medicinal plant genetic resources
2025-01-20 International training workshop on biotechnology of seed and seedling production - Laboratory procedures
2025-01-21 The genetic and ecological studies on F1 seed production using self-incompatibility in cruciferous vegetables
2025-01-21 DNA-based makers and application in analysis of genetic diversity
2025-01-20 Hybrid rice seed production technology and its impact on seed industries and rural employment opportunities in Asia
2025-01-21 Sex determination in papaya by PCR
2025-01-21 Tissue culture in the banana industry
2025-01-21 DNA fingerprinting of mango
2025-01-20 Production of virus-free banana plantlets in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Micropropagation of Cavendish banana in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Culture media for banana
2025-01-23 Thidiazuron in the improvement of banana micropropagation
2025-01-21 Bioreator micropropagation technology for rapid commercialization opportunities in plantation crops
2025-01-21 Comparison of methods of liquid medium culture for banana micropropagation
2025-01-21 Mass propagation of tropical crops in temporary immersion systems: present status and future prospects
2025-01-20 Practical aspects of bioreactor application in mass propagation
2025-01-21 Early detection of somaclonal variation
2025-01-20 Improvement of banana cultivars in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Indexing technique of banana viruses and health management of virus-free banana depository
2025-01-21 PT2002-1 How to reduce the fatigue and risk of farm work (I) Carrying things
2025-01-21 PT2002-2 How to reduce the fatigue and risk of farm work (II) Tractors and their attachments
2025-01-22 PT2002-3 How to reduce fatigue and danger of farm work (III) Posture at work
2025-01-22 PT2002-4 Manual stripper for fresh peanut pods
2025-01-22 PT2002-5 Barn owls to control rats in paddy fields
2025-01-22 PT2002-6 Pruning machine
2025-01-22 PT2002-7 Colored sticky traps for catching thrips in orchid crops
2025-01-22 PT2002-8 Technology for off-season chili cultivation
2025-01-22 PT2002-9 Technology to control soybean seed fly and pod borer
2025-01-22 PT2002-10 Rearing yellow-tail catfish in a floating net cage
2025-01-22 PT2002-11 Shredders for plant residues
2025-01-22 PT2002-12 Lowcost mechanized stripper for peanut pods
2025-01-22 PT2002-13 Use of bamboo charcoal to remove the bad smell of manure
2025-01-22 PT2002-14 Treatment of wastewater from livestock rearing with aquatic plants
2025-01-22 PT2002-15 Improved method of planting mulberry orchards
2025-01-22 PT2002-16 Mushroom cultivation using rice straw as a culture media
2025-01-22 PT2002-17 Rice-fish culture for improved productivity of rice farmers
2025-01-22 PT2002-18 Quick-test kit for detecting pesticide residues
2025-01-22 PT2002-19 Artificial brooding to increase chick survival of native chickens
2025-01-22 PT2002-20 Feeding a mixture of tree/shrub leaves to ruminant animals
2025-01-22 PT2002-21 Pruning and thinning of mango trees
2025-01-22 PT2002-22 Natural vegetative strip for agroforestry cropping system
2025-01-22 PT2002-23 Building a rice drying hut
2025-01-22 PT2002-24 Growing oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) on straw in plastic bags
2025-01-22 PT2002-25 Building a biological gas (biogas) plant to supply a farm household
2025-01-22 PT2002-26 Maize processing by farm households
2025-01-22 PT2002-27 Killing rats with a semicircular trap
2025-01-22 PT2002-28 Pre-cooling techniques for vegetables
2025-01-22 PT2002-29 Same-pressure drip irrigation for orchards
2025-01-22 PT2002-30 Culture of long yam, using tube
2025-01-22 PT2002-31 Economic evaluation of automatic dehairing machine for slaughter of goats
2025-01-22 PT2002-32 Silage made from bagasse and distillers' rice grain liquor as feed for goats
2025-01-22 PT2002-33 Feeding of total mixed rations to dairy goats
2025-01-22 PT2002-34 Vetch used as a cover crop
2025-01-22 PT2002-35 The production of healthy citrus seedlings
2025-01-22 PT2002-36 Artificial pollination of sugar apple (cherimoya, custard apple) and atemoya
2025-01-22 PT2002-37 Simple hydroponic systems for leafy vegetables
2025-01-22 PT2002-38 Drying flowers to create a lasting beauty
2025-01-22 PT2002-39 Simple ways to protect crops from wild pigs
2025-01-22 PT2002-40 Quartering technique used for pineapple planting materials
2025-01-22 PT2002-41 Use of rotten jackfruit to control golden apple snail
2025-01-22 PT2002-42 Removing the seed coats from germinated bean sprouts
2025-01-21 PT2002-43 Work sheet to help you figure out your rice production costs
2025-01-20 RH2002-1
2025-01-20 RH2002-2
2025-01-23 RH2002-3
2025-01-22 RH2002-4
2025-01-21 RH2002-5
2025-01-20 RH2002-6
2025-01-21 RH2002-7
2025-01-21 RH2002-8
2025-01-21 RH2002-9
2025-01-21 RH2002-10
2025-01-20 RH2002-11
2025-01-21 Soil degradations on the coastal lowlands in Southeast Asia
2025-01-22 Management strategies to conserve soil and water qualities in the sloping uplands in Korea
2025-01-20 Study of amendments for slopeland soil in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Changes of soil characteristics in Japanese arable lands
2025-01-20 Sustainable soil management technologies for various Agro-ecosystems in India
2025-01-20 Development of the key to the soil series of the Philippines: organizing Philippine soil series database for soil management technology transfer
2025-01-21 The database and soil management system for low-productivity and degraded soils in Taiwan farmlands
2025-01-20 Limitations and management of rice lands in the intermediate zone of Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Effects on the profile acidity, Ca and K availabilities in an acid soil in Taiwan by application of different amendments
2025-01-21 Physicochemical soil properties suitable for cyanobacteria growth to improve degraded environments
2025-01-21 Soil science in Asia: confronting new realities of the 21st century
2025-01-21 Increasing the productivity of Lahar-Laden soils and increasing nitrogen efficiency through controlled-release fertilizers
2025-01-21 Exploring the microbial potentiality to augment soil fertility in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Increase of phosphorus availability by ion competition with silicate in soil
2025-01-21 Soil management technology on low productivity and degraded soils in the hill country region of Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Management of low-productive degraded soils of Bangladesh
2025-01-21 Soil characteristics in the floodplain zone in the urban stream
2025-01-21 Chemical remediation techniques and phytoremediation for rural soils contaminated by heavy metals in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Chemical remediation of the metal-contaminated soil and water using zero-valent iron (ZVI)
2025-01-21 Physicochemical properties and explosive compound contents of the soil in the reconnecting section of Dong-Hae railway and road in DMZ
2025-01-21 Wind erodibility of the Saemangeum Tideland Reclamation Project area
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of vegetables in Taiwan
2025-01-21 PT2003-1 Managing dairy cattle in a hot climate
2025-01-21 PT2003-2 Processed edible products from wild plants
2025-01-20 PT2003-3 Fruits and vegetables from the tropical forest
2025-01-21 PT2003-4 Minus-one element technique
2025-01-21 PT2003-5 Mass propagation of chrysanthemums by tissue culture
2025-01-21 PT2003-6 Integrated management of leafminer on potato
2025-01-21 PT2003-7 Synchronized natural incubation by free-range native chicken
2025-01-21 PT2003-8 Mineral block lick for goats
2025-01-21 PT2003-9 Indigenous worm control options for goats
2025-01-21 PT2003-10 Vermicelli made from mungbean by local producers
2025-01-21 PT2003-11 Village-type fruit juice extractor
2025-01-21 PT2003-12 Control of aflatoxin contamination of corn
2025-01-21 PT2003-13 Ratoon cropping of lodged stubble
2025-01-22 PT2003-14 Use of grasses as a substrate for the cultivation of Oyster mushroom
2025-01-21 PT2003-15 How to make cornmeal soap
2025-01-22 PT2003-16 Corn cultivation in paddy fields
2025-01-22 PT2003-17 Processing cassava into flour for human food
2025-01-22 PT2003-18 Techniques for planting and management of immature rubber plantations
2025-01-22 PT2003-19 Making Napier grass silage in a small barrel
2025-01-22 PT2003-20 Holding equipment for the artificial insemination of goats
2025-01-22 PT2003-21 Excessive nitrogen causes poor coloring of tomato
2025-01-22 PT2003-22 Remediation of polluted soils with plants
2025-01-22 PT2003-23 Bioactivator to decompose agricultural wastes
2025-01-22 PT2003-24 Bio-Phosphate: A microbial phosphate fertilizer
2025-01-22 PT2003-25 Groundnut cultivation in upland and irrigated fields
2025-01-22 PT2003-26 Processing rice straw into an improved feed
2025-01-22 PT2003-27 Integrated rat control
2025-01-22 PT2003-28 Packing strawberries in paper boxes designed for chilling storage
2025-01-22 PT2003-29 Rearing superior honeybee populations by observing their nest cleaning behavior
2025-01-22 PT2003-30 Using earthworms to recycle food wastes into organic fertilizer
2025-01-22 PT2003-31 Ultraviolet lighting for vegetables enhancing the Vitamin C and Vitamin E content
2025-01-22 PT2003-32 Training vine vegetables over arches for better yield and labor efficiency
2025-01-22 PT2003-33 Self-evaluation chart to measure stress level of farmers
2025-01-22 PT2003-34 Labor-saving technology for setting out nets in the cultivation of cut flowers
2025-01-22 PT2003-35 Effective use of concentrated sludge for paddy rice
2025-01-22 PT2003-36 Measuring potassium and phosphorus in composted livestock manure: Simplified method of analyzing potassium and total phosphorus
2025-01-22 PT2003-37 Preventing spoilage of raw rice bran used as a feedstuff
2025-01-22 PT2003-38 PVC pipe to control water levels in paddy areas
2025-01-22 PT2003-39 Rearing tiger worms to produce vermicast
2025-01-22 PT2003-40 Making compost in three weeks
2025-01-22 PT2003-41 How to control sac brood disease of honey bees
2025-01-22 RH2003-1
2025-01-22 RH2003-2
2025-01-22 RH2003-3
2025-01-22 RH2003-4
2025-01-22 RH2003-5
2025-01-22 RH2003-6
2025-01-22 RH2003-7
2025-01-22 RH2003-8
2025-01-22 RH2003-9
2025-01-22 RH2003-10
2025-01-22 RH2003-11
2025-01-22 RH2003-12
2025-01-22 RH2003-13
2025-01-22 RH2003-14
2025-01-22 RH2003-15
2025-01-22 RH2003-16
2025-01-22 RH2003-17
2025-01-22 PT2004-1 Preservation of dendrobium by silver nitrate AgNO3
2025-01-22 PT2004-2 Rice straw mulches for potato cultivation in medium level land
2025-01-20 PT2004-3 Processing of coconut shell into activated carbon/charcoal
2025-01-20 PT2004-4 Packing technology of horticulture products
2025-01-21 PT2004-5 Cassava flour as native chicken feed at laying period
2025-01-20 PT2004-6 Pepper seedling propagation by single internode
2025-01-22 PT2004-7 Flemingia: a practical source of dietary bypass protein for ruminants
2025-01-21 PT2004-8 SNAP hydroponics
2025-01-21 PT2004-9 Natural fruit juice blends of soursop with mango and calamansi
2025-01-21 PT2004-10 Rejuvenating old bamboo clumps
2025-01-22 PT2004-11 Allotment garden: a new approach to urban agriculture
2025-01-21 PT2004-12 New absorbent and stress-relief products from tea wastes
2025-01-21 PT2004-13 Use of lynx spider in fruit-fly integrated control
2025-01-21 PT2004-14 Control of storage insect in maize by modified atmosphere methods
2025-01-21 PT2004-15 Carbon dioxide fumigation technique to control insect pests in stored products
2025-01-21 PT2004-16 No-tillage technology to reduce the cost of irrigated corn production
2025-01-21 PT2004-17 Construction technology of the VACVINA biogas
2025-01-22 PT2004-18 Cultivation technology of grape in Vietnam
2025-01-21 PT2004-19 Simple plum jam processing technology
2025-01-21 PT2004-20 Shan tea cultivation in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam
2025-01-21 PT2004-21 Production technology of biological manure
2025-01-21 PT2004-22 Transplanting maize on wetland
2025-01-21 PT2004-23 Control of Rhizoctonia disease on vegetable
2025-01-21 PT2004-24 Used fishing net as vine support for French bean
2025-01-21 PT2004-25 Production of healthy orange seedlings using budding technique
2025-01-22 PT2004-26 Production of turf on plastic sheet
2025-01-21 PT2004-27 LT-M mixture for the management of plant parasitic nematode diseases
2025-01-21 PT2004-28 Newly introduced wild vegetable crops
2025-01-21 PT2004-29 Monitoring of pesticide residue on crops and farmers' education on safe use of pesticide
2025-01-21 PT2004-30 The miraculous fly as a beneficial insect
2025-01-21 PT2004-31 New soil-hardening material for leakage-proof levee and simple pavement
2025-01-21 PT2004-32 Control of continuous cropping injury of vegetables through short-term crop rotation in tropical highlands
2025-01-21 PT2004-33 Field Server - a wireless sensor network for plant and field condition monitoring
2025-01-21 PT2004-34 Control of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) by tillage and crop rotation techniques
2025-01-22 PT2004-35 Improved technology for freshwater prawn seed production
2025-01-21 PT2004-36 Grafting techniques for controlling fusarium wilt of bitter gourd
2025-01-21 PT2004-37 Using puffed rice hulls to improve water-use efficiency of greenhouse soil
2025-01-21 PT2004-38 GA treatment for better flowering of Cymbidium
2025-01-21 PT2004-39 Control of LSV virus in Lily by antiviral chemicals and humid heat treatment
2025-01-21 PT2004-40 Leavened bread and donut made of rice flour
2025-01-21 PT2004-41 Environmentally friendly and innovative human waste disposal technology
2025-01-21 PT2004-42 Use of yeast to reduce antibiotics use in broiler raising
2025-01-21 PT2005-1 Leaf meal from alternative sources
2025-01-21 PT2005-2 Bamboos: suitable for rehabilitating mined-out areas
2025-01-21 PT2005-3 New machines for processing cassava roots into dried cassava grates
2025-01-22 PT2005-4 Use of predatory earwigs to suppress Asian corn borer
2025-01-21 PT2005-5 Farmer-designed elevated goat pens and contraptions to ease manure collection
2025-01-21 PT2005-6 Mechanized village-level handmade papermaking
2025-01-21 PT2005-7 Managing Phytophthora disease of durian
2025-01-21 PT2005-8 Simple apparatus for the measurement of 222Rn concentration in surface water
2025-01-21 PT2005-9 Purification of wastewater from shrimp pond using mangroves
2025-01-21 PT2005-10 Lactic acid bacteria strains suitable for high quality silage production in the tropics
2025-01-21 PT2005-11 Sugarcane syrup in pig diet
2025-01-21 PT2005-12 Postharvest pest control using aromatic plants
2025-01-21 PT2005-13 Vacuum frying for fruit crispy processing
2025-01-21 PT2005-14 Processing of seaweed taffi
2025-01-21 PT2005-15 CASAPRO: alternative feed for beef cattle
2025-01-20 PT2005-16 Processing technology of grated cassava and cassava flour
2025-01-20 PT2005-17 Processing of fermented rice straw
2025-01-21 PT2005-18 Salacca crispy (krisa) processing
2025-01-21 PT2005-19 Processing of banana flour
2025-01-21 PT2005-20 Processed product of pineapple (nata de pina)
2025-01-21 PT2005-21 Preservation of cut flower by drying and formula media
2025-01-20 PT2005-22 Multi-purpose paddy sowing machine
2025-01-21 PT2005-23 Herbal extract for the control of fruit flies
2025-01-21 PT2005-24 Fruit-flavored soybean milk
2025-01-21 PT2005-25 Wood vinegar
2025-01-21 PT2005-26 Paper made from durian rinds
2025-01-21 PT2005-27 Line weaving spider as a biological component in citrus mite integrated control system
2025-01-21 Rapid Bioassay of Pesticide Residues (RBPR) on fruits and vegetables for market inspection and farm education
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology training workshop in partnership with the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 Enhancement of C3 and C4 plants productivity in soils amended with biochar and polyacrylamide
2025-01-21 Production and characterization of biochar from various biomass materials by slow pyrolysis
2025-01-21 Chracteristics of biochar from different biomass sources in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Effects of biochar on C mineralization kinetics in swine manure compost amended soils
2025-01-21 Converting leguminous green manure into biochar: changes in chemical composition and C and N mineralization
2025-01-21 Design of bamboo and corn cob biochar poduction process and its application as soil productivity enhancer
2025-01-21 Evaluation of manbure and rice husk biochar soil amendments for peanut production on sandy soils in central coastal Vietnam
2025-01-21 The use of biochar derived from sugercane industry waste for increasing productivity of degraded land
2025-01-21 The role of biochar in integrated farming systems
2025-01-20 Rice, Basella Alba L. and Ipomoea Aquatic Forssk yields with biochar addition to acid lowland soil and upland soil in mountainous areas of Northern Vietnam
2025-01-21 Influence of biochar pyrolyzed from rice husk and rice straw on soil fertility and rice yield on degraded soil in Soc Son district and potential use of biochar in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Effect of organic amendment to dynamic of organic carbon in loamy sand soil and rice yield in first trial
2025-01-20 CO2 mitigation and rural development through farmland carbon storage by biochar and environmentally friendly vegetables "cool vege"
2025-01-21 Biochar and compostization: maximization of carbon sequestration with mitigation GHG emission in farmland
2025-01-21 Reduction of carbon release for growing Chinese mustard and Chinese kale by adding biochar into soil
2025-01-21 Current status and future perspective of supply chain management of organic foods in Asia
2025-01-20 Recent ICT technologies and its future perspectives in agriculture and food
2025-01-21 Organic Agriculture Information Systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The development of organic agriculture technology and its application in Korea
2025-01-20 ICT-oriented smart-management of supply chain for organic agricultural products in Asia
2025-01-20 Intergrated data base system for organic agricultural products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Production and supply chain management of organic food in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Organic supply chain in Thailand
2025-01-21 Production and supply chain management of organic food in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The chanllenges of achieving optimal balance between crop productivity and sustainability in a changing climate
2025-01-21 Spatial and temporal variability of crop yield in a changing climate: adaption and mitigation strategies
2025-01-21 Monitoring and modeling for evaluating mitigation options of methane emissions from rice fields by water management
2025-01-20 Climate change impact assessment on agricultural water requirements of paddy rice in Korea
2025-01-20 Agro-meteorological databases for climate-smart agriculture in Monsoon Asia
2025-01-22 Impact of fertilization on greenhouse gas emission and its mitigation
2025-01-21 Enhanced applications of science-based technologies for climate-smart crop production system
2025-01-20 Effect of climate change on crop production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Common adaptation practices of rice farmers in Thailand to climate change
2025-01-21 A Climate-smart rice production in Vietnam: promising GHG mitigation options
2025-01-20 Strategic and implementation plans for the adaptation to climate change for sustainable crop production in the era of climate change
2025-01-21 Development of climate-smart rice cropping system in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Breeding and cultivation practices of sweet potato as a response to climate change
2025-01-21 Role of artificial light plant factory in urban areas adapting to climate change
2025-01-20 Crop cultivation in simple facilities in Taiwan
2025-01-21 GM crops for food security in developing countries
2025-01-21 Commercial GM food crop production and its future perspective
2025-01-21 Targeted modification of plant genomes
2025-01-21 Development of disease resistant rice using WRKY45, a key transcription factor of rice defense mechanism
2025-01-21 Current status of late blight resistant (LBR) potato research in confined field trials in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Transgenic papaya for ring spot virus resistance
2025-01-21 Herbicide resistance in canola: An essential tool for weed management in Australia
2025-01-21 Insect resistant eggplant expressing Bt genes in India
2025-01-21 Field trials of insect resistant maize expressing Bt gene in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Maize stacked with genetically modified events in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Development of market-free transgenic plants
2025-01-22 Cloning and expression analysis of genes and field evaluation of salt tolerant genetically modified wheat (Triticum aestivum)
2025-01-21 Exploiting drought-inducible genes encoding transcription factors for drought tolerant crops
2025-01-21 GM corn expressing phytase gene in China
2025-01-22 MIPS and PAP genes in mungbean: Paving the way to success in friendly environment and improving animal nutrition
2025-01-21 Development of rice seed-based allergy vaccine for treatment of Japanese cedar pollen allergy
2025-01-21 Oral imminogenicity of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus antigen expressed in transgenic plants
2025-01-21 Comparative analysis of nutritional composition of β-carotene biofortified rice with phytoene synthase and carotene desaturase genes and its non-transgenic counterpart
2025-01-21 General view of environmental impact assessment of genetically modified crop
2025-01-21 Safety assessment of GM food crops and derived food and feed
2025-01-20 Environmental impacts and management issues of GM crops: science/regulatory interaction in comparative perspective
2025-01-21 Biological impact assessments for genetically modified crops and their proper managements in Japan
2025-01-21 Aquaculture revisited - toward low carbon footprint
2025-01-22 Shrimp sustainability: regional and global view
2025-01-21 Shrimp culture in Thailand in the past 30 years
2025-01-21 Pen shell biology and ecology and new techniques for culture in Ariake Bay, Japan
2025-01-22 Reduction and utilization of squid waste
2025-01-20 Innovative use of nori (seaweed) in functional foods and cosmetics
2025-01-21 How to compete in the globalized market-study of global supply chain strategy and views from a tuna supply chain solution provider in WTPO
2025-01-21 Development of self-reliant bio-farming system by employing natural energy
2025-01-21 Aquaculture in Vietnam: current status and future direction focus
2025-01-20 Status on food safety management program for aquaculture products in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Practical technologies for the utilization of aquaculture products in the Philippines: status and prospects (a country report)
2025-01-21 Profile of essential amino acid, fatty acid and growth of Chaetoceros gracilis using technical culture media Guillard and Double Walne
2025-01-21 Status of epidemics and R&D on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on Cavendish in Asia
2025-01-20 Regulations, research and development, and socio-economic impact of Fusarium wilt on banana in Australia
2025-01-23 Socio-economic impact of Fusarium wilt on Cavendish banana in China
2025-01-21 Socio-economic impact, research and development, and policy making/regulatory of Fusarium wilt on banana in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Socio-economic impact, research and development, and policy making/regulatory of Fusarium wilt on banana in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Economic impact of Fusarium wilt disease on Cavendish banana farms in Southern Philippines
2025-01-21 Socio-economic impact of Fusarium wilt on Cavendish banana in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Research and management of banana wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum sp. cubense in Vietnam
2025-01-21 R&D efforts to control/eradicate Fusarium wilt in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Private sector's perspective of the impact of Fusarium wilt on the Philippines' Cavendish banana industry
2025-01-21 Independent growers' perspective on impact of Fusarium wilt on the Philippines' Cavendish banana industry
2025-01-21 Threats and opportunities of agricultural trade liberalization for East Asian countries
2025-01-21 Asean FTA: is it creating agricultural trades?
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization and rice farming in Japan and Heilongjiang China
2025-01-20 The current status and future perspective of agricultural trade in Thailand under ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
2025-01-21 Vietnam agricultural value chain in the FTA of Asian region
2025-01-20 The effects of FTAs and compensation measures in Korean agriculture
2025-01-21 Agricultural imports, trade liberalization and farm income supports in Japan
2025-01-20 The impacts of AFTA to the main food crops sector in Indonesia
2025-01-20 The ASEAN economic community 2015 and regional trade: some prospects for agriculture
2025-01-21 Current status and future perspectives and agricultural trade: the case of Malaysia
2025-01-21 Food security and regional free trade agreement in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Changing agricultural environment and its implications on technology transfers
2025-01-21 Taiwan agricultural technology foresights and its applications
2025-01-21 Commercialization of agricultural R & D results in Taiwan
2025-01-21 From technology innovation through multi-disciplinary cooperation to a commercialization of biomethanol production by a unique method of gasification
2025-01-21 Challenges of JIRCAS from R&D to commercialization in Asia
2025-01-21 Technology transfer in the Philippines AFNR sectors: PCAARRD experience
2025-01-21 Strengthening agricultural technology transfer and commercialization: using technology foresight in setting research and development priorities
2025-01-21 Innovation trends in the global biotechnology industry
2025-01-21 Global developments in biotechnology crops
2025-01-21 Using biotechnology to meet demands for food, feed, and fuel
2025-01-21 Enhancing biotechnology trade: United States soybeans
2025-01-21 Multinational investments in agricultural biotechnology
2025-01-20 What does it take to sell biotechnology products?
2025-01-21 Overcoming hurdles to commercialize biotechnology
2025-01-21 Risks in the agricultural biotechnology business
2025-01-21 Managing investment risks in agricultural technologies
2025-01-21 Risk management systems in biotechnology SMEs
2025-01-21 Biotechnology and green food production
2025-01-21 The use of biotechnology in waste management: biogas
2025-01-21 The republic of Korea's agrifood traceability system
2025-01-21 Biotechnology: food security and farming competitiveness
2025-01-21 Promoting safe biotechnology practices in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-21 Biotechnology SMEs: towards global competitiveness
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology in the Republic of China
2025-01-21 Biotechnology and global competitiveness in India
2025-01-21 India's animal biotechnologies today and future prospects
2025-01-21 The current status of biotechnology in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology in the Islamic Republic of Iran
2025-01-20 Biotechnology: answer to food security in Pakistan
2025-01-20 Agricultural biotechnology frameworks in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Agricultural biotechnology in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agri-bio business creates infinitive commercial opportunity: Experience of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Role of Communication in risk Management: The Experience of SEARCA BIC
2025-01-21 Development of bio-material industry for increasing green agriculture productivity in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Financing biotechnology research and development
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2012
2025-01-21 The development of organic agriculture technology and its application in Korea
2025-01-21 Development of self-reliant bio-farming system by employing natural energy
2025-01-21 The profile of essential amino acid, fatty acid and the growth of Chaetoceros gracilis using different technical media Guillard and Double Walne
2025-01-22 Status on food safety management program for aquaculture products in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Reduction and utilization of squid wastes
2025-01-21 Intergrated data base system for organic agricultural products in Taiwan; Production and supply chain management of organic food in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Current status and future perspective of supply chain management of organic foods in Asia
2025-01-22 Organic supply chain in Thailand
2025-01-22 Innovative use of Nori (seaweed) in functional foods and cosmetics
2025-01-22 Practical technologies for the utilization of aquaculture products in the Philippines: status and prospects
2025-01-22 Energy saving and carbon reduction in fisheries and aquaculture
2025-01-22 Biochar and compostization: maximization of carbon sequestration with mitigating GHG emission in farmlands
2025-01-22 Production and characterization of biochar from various biomass materials by slow pyrolysis
2025-01-22 The role of biochar in integrated farming systems
2025-01-22 Enhancement of C3 and C4 plants productivity in soils amended with biochar and polyacrylamide
2025-01-22 Converting leguminous green manure into biochar: changes in chemical composition and C and N mineralization
2025-01-22 Newsletter 179
2025-01-22 Newsletter 180
2025-01-21 Newsletter 181
2025-01-21 Newsletter 182
2025-01-21 TAC members' roles and expectations from the meeting​
2025-01-21 Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC)- for Asian and Pacific Region-​
2025-01-21 Summary of FFTC Activities for 2012-2014
2025-01-21 FFTC Strategic Plan for 2012 - 2016 ​
2025-01-21 TAC meeting A.M. discussion points: looking back​
2025-01-21 The FFTC Strategic Action Plan for 2015-2016
2025-01-21 Cd and As contamination of agricultural products and countermeasures in Japan
2025-01-21 The relationships of Cd concentration in arable soil and different rice varieties and the food safety evaluation of different brown rice varieties in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The relationships of heavy metals concentration in arable soil, rice varieties and vegetables and the food safety evaluation of agricultural crop production in Thailand
2025-01-21 The relationships between Cd content in arable soils and different vegetables and the evaluation of food safety of vegetables in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Advanced physico-chemical method to restore agricultural soils contaminated with Cd and radioactive cesium
2025-01-21 SMART biochar technology for remediation of toxic metals in soils
2025-01-21 Monitoring of radiocesium contamination in farmland soil in eastern Japan
2025-01-21 Mitigation of radioactive contamination from farmland environment and agricultural products
2025-01-21 Development of Low-Cd Rice by mutation with Ion-beam
2025-01-20 Effect of iron plaque and rice genotypes on As accumulation in rice plants grown in As-contaminated paddy soils
2025-01-21 Comparison of various single chemical extraction methods for predicting the bioavailability of arsenic in paddy soils
2025-01-22 New regulation development for soil remediation of heavy metal contaminated sites and health risk-based approaches in Taiwan
2025-01-20 In-situ immobilization of selected heavy metals in soils using agricultural wastes and industrial by-products
2025-01-21 Status of heavy metals in selected vegetable and rice production areas in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Level of heavy metals in agricultural soil and water after Mount Sinabung Eruption in North Sumatera, Indonesia
2025-01-21 Heavy metals in agricultural soil and using plants to clean up contaminated soils (phytoremediation) in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Land use and land degradation situation in Cambodia, and possible solutions
2025-01-21 Achieving sustainable and inclusive green growth: recent major agricultural policies in the Philippines
2025-01-20 The framework of agricultural policy and recent major agricultural policies in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Thai agricultural policies: the rice pledging scheme
2025-01-20 The frame of agricultural policy and recent major agricultural policies in Vietnam
2025-01-20 The frame of agricultural policy and recent major agricultural policies in China
2025-01-21 The frame of agricultural policy and recent major agricultural policies in Korea
2025-01-20 The frame of agricultural policy and recent major agricultural policies in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Global developments of biofuels for transport
2025-01-21 The R&D of microalgae-based biofuel production at University of Tsukuba
2025-01-20 Sugarcane to bioethanol - feedstock management
2025-01-21 Engineering of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae for bioethanol production from renewable biomass
2025-01-20 Challenges to keep Indonesian food, water, and biodiversity sustained: from bioenergy development impact points of view
2025-01-21 Development of biomass and biofuels sector in malaysia for economic and environmental sustainability: 'Malaysian Biomass Industry Action Plan 2020'
2025-01-22 How to organize a biogas project in Thailand
2025-01-21 Energy Agency Region Göttingen – a local driver and networker for the energy turnaround
2025-01-21 Energy plant plantation and technic for biogas production and utilization: comparison of experiences in Thailand and Germany
2025-01-21 Design of heat absorber for the solid wastes energy recovery
2025-01-21 Application and development of rice husk furnace
2025-01-22 Bioenergy, strategy for diverse markets in ASEAN countries
2025-01-21 Research on biomass for energy production in Europe -the German BEST- Project as an example
2025-01-21 Old oil palm trunks: a promising sources of sugar for biomass refinery
2025-01-21 Current statue of biofuel production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Using today's technology for breeding pigs for tomorrow's conditions
2025-01-21 Development of marbling pork with marker-assisted selection
2025-01-22 SNP and protein markers for embryo development at early stage identified from functional genomics in landrace
2025-01-21 Networking system for marker-assisted selection in pigs
2025-01-22 Lysine and metabolizable energy requirement for prolific lactating sows
2025-01-21 Production of recombinant pepsin, pancreatic lipase and colipase from Pichia pastoris as feed additive
2025-01-21 Advanced dietary system without antibiotics in Korea's swine industry
2025-01-21 Managing pig health through biosecurity practices
2025-01-21 Recent progress in swine breeding and raising technologies
2025-01-21 Pathological diagnosis on major pig diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Promotion of intramuscular fat accumulation in porcine muscle by nutritional regulation
2025-01-21 Hog slaughter and pork quality evaluation
2025-01-21 Traceability on pork in Japan
2025-01-21 Pig production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Pig production and marketing in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Swine breeding and production in Malaysia
2025-01-22 A dynamic Philippine swine industry: key to meeting challenges and technological innovations
2025-01-21 Pig production in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Introduction of pig breeding auction
2025-01-21 Current status and perspectives of artificial insemination in pigs
2025-01-21 Cryopreservation of boar spermatozoa: the curious functions of seminalplasma during freezing or thawing
2025-01-21 In vitro growing immature porcine oocytes
2025-01-21 Current status of porcine embryo in vitro production
2025-01-21 Cryopreservation of in vitro produced embryos and immature oocytes in pigs
2025-01-22 Establishment of practical embryo transfer for fresh or frozen embryos in pigs
2025-01-21 Establishment of embryonic stem cell-like cells in pigs
2025-01-21 Research and development of porcine embryonic stem cells in Taiwan
2025-01-21 International collaboration for conservation and utilization of porcine genetic resources
2025-01-21 Regional collaboration in ensuring food safety in Asean fruit and vegetables
2025-01-21 Policies and regulations on GAP and GHP implementation for improving fruit and vegetables product safety in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Safety of fresh fruit and vegetables in Malaysia
2025-01-22 R and D updates: improving safety on fruit and vegetables
2025-01-21 Monitoring system on fruit and vegetables
2025-01-21 Country report on fruit and vegetables consumption in Thailand
2025-01-22 Safety vegetable research and production in Vietnam: status and solutions
2025-01-21 Safety of fruit and vegetables on market opportunities
2025-01-21 Promising new technologies for assuring food safety
2025-01-21 Improving pesticide residue detection protocol for fruit
2025-01-21 Extension of Good Agricultural Practices towards safety of fresh fruit and vegetables
2025-01-21 Managing traceable system for organic fruit and vegetable products in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Development of regulatory information system on pesticide products
2025-01-22 Japanese agri-food private sector's efforts to assure food safety
2025-01-21 Recent trends in young people's entry into farming in Japan: an international perspective
2025-01-22 Recruiting young farmers to join small-scale farming: a structural policy perspective
2025-01-21 Korea's "Strong but Small Farms" policy: an international perspective
2025-01-22 Entry of young generation into farming in Thailand
2025-01-21 Technology consultation and backup for young generation's entry into farming in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Farm expansion and entry to farm business: experiences in Hokkaido agriculture
2025-01-21 Succession decisions in Korean family farms
2025-01-21 Attracting the young generation to engage in agriculture
2025-01-21 Development of young agropreneur in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Building farmers' assets and investing in the out-of-school youths for rural development
2025-01-21 How to encourage young generation to engage in farming: Korea's case
2025-01-21 One-stop service for young farmers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Research imperatives for improving international market access of tropical fruits
2025-01-21 Quality assurance and food safety handling for marketing tropical fruit in Asia
2025-01-21 Improveing production and quality of selected tropical fruit through breeding and management
2025-01-21 Management of phenology, flowering and fruiting of longan, rambutan and guava
2025-01-21 Ememerging infectious diseases and insect pests of dragon fruit, passionfruit, citrus, longan
2025-01-21 Improving healthy planting material production to improve productivity and quality of tropical fruit
2025-01-21 Marketing potential of Taiwan banana seedlings in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Research strategies to increase sustainable production of dradon fruit and passion fruit
2025-01-23 JIRCAS research towards enhancement of tropical fruit production in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Regional networking to enhance tropical fruit value chain for smallholder farmers
2025-01-21 Increasing production and market access for tropical fruit in the Asia-Pacific region under changing environment workshop: Abstracts for country reports
2025-01-21 Japan's agricultural reform in response to joining the TPP
2025-01-21 Fu-do and food in Monsoon Asia: a brief agro-environmental outlook
2025-01-21 Building resilience in rural Asia: combining traditional and modern bioproduction systems
2025-01-21 Soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture
2025-01-21 Ensemble-based CMIP5 simulations of monsoon rainfall and temperature changes over South Asia
2025-01-21 MINCERnet: multi-site monitoring network of heat stresses and micrometeorology in rice paddies under various climates
2025-01-21 Multiple cropping scenario based on local climate and the growth of dryland rice against regional climate change in stabilizing agricultural production (case study in South Central Java rain-fed agriculture)
2025-01-21 FACEing up to future uncertainty: free-air CO2 enrichment experiments in Japanese rice paddy ecosystems
2025-01-21 Simulating climate change impact on rice yield in Malaysia using DSSAT 4.5: shifting planting date as an adaptation strategy
2025-01-21 Biochar-based technologies for enhanced productivity and resilience of smallholder rice-based farming communities in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Impact of climate change on biodiversity: a challenge to agro-ecosystems in South Asia
2025-01-21 Studies into the management and restoration of paddy ecosystems to enhance biodiversity in South Korea
2025-01-21 Functional biodiversity indicators and their evaluation methods in Japanese farmlands
2025-01-21 Environmentally friendly farming and multi-scale environmental factors influence generalist predator community in rice paddy ecosystems of Japan
2025-01-21 Management of heavy metal contamination in Japan
2025-01-21 Water resources, floods, and the agro-environment of Monsoon Asia: description and future applications of the DWCM-AgWU model
2025-01-21 Estimation of nutrient fluxes from suburban watersheds in Japan using the SWAT model: current issues and future directions
2025-01-20 Application of the SWAT hydrologic model in Malaysia: recent research
2025-01-21 Farmland policy for young generation in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Land concentration and land market in Japan: an international perspective
2025-01-21 Succession of farmlands to non-family successors: options for the young generation of farmers
2025-01-22 The aging of agriculture and the income instability of young farmers in Korea
2025-01-21 Farmland bank and young generation of farmers in Korea
2025-01-21 Needs and potential for rural youth development in Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Policy on land for agriculture projects in Malaysia for the young agropreneur through blue ocean strategy
2025-01-22 Technology transfer for young generation entrepreneur through MARDI youth agropreneur programme
2025-01-21 Farmland policies for young generation in Myanmar: purchasing and leasing
2025-01-21 Farm land policy and financing program for young generation in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The restructuring policy of agro-manpower and farmland in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-21 New farmer development in agricultural land reform area in Thailand
2025-01-21 Family farming and farmland policy in Vietnam: current situation and perspective
2025-01-21 The impact of agricultural cooperatives on agricultural marketing: Taiwan's experience
2025-01-21 A new vision of growth for the beef industry and the expected roles of agricultural cooperatives in Hokkaido, Japan
2025-01-22 Cooperative movement in the supply chain of agricultural products: way forwards
2025-01-22 The role of farmers owned enterprises to promote an efficient marketing of agricultural products in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Current situation and prospects of cooperatives in Vietnam's agricultural sector
2025-01-21 Changing economic performance of Japan's agricultural cooperatives
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives' pooling operations to improve marketing efficiency in Korea
2025-01-21 Improving marketing efficiency through agricultural cooperatives: successful cases in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Roles of cooperative movement as middlemen to increase the efficiency of agricultural marketing in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Successful cases of agricultural cooperatives marketing activities for improving marketing efficiency in Thailand
2025-01-21 The function of farmers' associations in improving the efficiency of agricultural products marketing - a case study of Taiwanese mangoes
2025-01-21 Analysis and risk assessment of pesticides in Korean agricultural products
2025-01-21 Current situation of pesticides use in Indonesian agricultural products
2025-01-21 Current use of pesticides in the agricultural products of Cambodia
2025-01-21 Pesticide residues in food and the environment in the Philippines: risk assessment and management
2025-01-21 Application of ultrasound technology for agricultural product improvement and environmental renovation
2025-01-21 Using sanitizer and fine bubble technologies to enhance food safety
2025-01-21 Application of non-target analysis by high-resolution mass spectrometry
2025-01-21 Chemometric approach to the optimization of HS-SPME/GC-MS for the determination of multiclass pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables
2025-01-21 Thai Good Agricultural Practice
2025-01-21 Development of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) models for tea, rice and vegetables in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Producers' perceptions of public Good Agricultural Practices and their pesticide use: the case of MyGAP for durian farming in Pahang, Malaysia
2025-01-21 Sharing traceability of Okra by Chatchawal Orchid Co., Ltd.
2025-01-21 The Techno rice: an industrial application of supercritical fluid technology in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Thirty-one years of research and development in the vine cacti pitaya in Israel
2025-01-21 Status of dragon fruit cultivation and marketing in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Status of dragon fruit production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Pitaya production and marketing scenario in Myanmar: current status and challenges
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit production and marketing in the Phillipines: its status, constraints and prospects
2025-01-21 Pitaya breeding strategies for improving commercial potential in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Development of integrated crop management systems for pitaya in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pitaya reproductive phenology in relation to production system
2025-01-21 An overview of fungal diseases of pitaya in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit (pitaya) diseases in Thailand: incidence and management strategies
2025-01-22 Pathogen identification and management of pityaya canker and soft rot in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Viral diseases of pitaya and other Cactaceae plants
2025-01-21 Management strategies of major pitaya diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Study of insect pests and develpment of their control measures on dragon fruit
2025-01-21 Development and implementation of GAP on pitaya in Vietnam: status and challenges
2025-01-21 Value chain initiatives for dragon fruit (pitaya) market development
2025-01-21 Off-season flowering treatment by lighting red pulp dragon fruit in Gia Lam district, Hanoi, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Production potential of pitaya in the U.S. Virgin Islands
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit: the new money crop in the coastal areas of Northwestern Cagayan
2025-01-21 Sustaining and improving white pitaya production under abiotic stress environments: a case study in Penghu, Taiwan
2025-01-21 Taiwan's new growers group expands and promotes pitaya
2025-01-21 The management practices of fertilization for improving crop production and environment safety
2025-01-21 Application of modern technology in fertilization -reduction of phosphorus application by using biological functions-
2025-01-21 Promotion of environmentally-friendly agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Promoting smart fertilization technologies: the Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Effects of smart use of fertilizers on food crop production- rice
2025-01-21 Effects of green manure on soil conservation in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Effects of smart use of fertilizers on peanut production
2025-01-21 Effects of smart use of fertilizers on fruit production- grape
2025-01-20 Smart use fertilizers on papaya production
2025-01-21 Effects of smart use of fertilizers on vegetable production- cabbage
2025-01-21 Effects of smart use of fertilizers on tomato production
2025-01-21 The use of ICT technologies on soil conservation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effects of bio-fertilizers on crop improvement
2025-01-21 Effects of liquid-fertilizers on rice production
2025-01-20 The role of reproductive biotechnologies in addressing food sufficiency and climate change
2025-01-21 State of the art of reproductive biotechnologies in buffaloes
2025-01-20 Top reproductive performance of dairy cattle in tropical climate with assisted technology
2025-01-21 The economic value of assisted reproductive biotechnology to ruminant industries
2025-01-21 Current status of embryo transfer and in vitro embryo production using ovum pick-up in cattle
2025-01-21 Applied technology of OPU-IVF for livestock industry and early pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography in cattle
2025-01-21 Sperm capacitation and in vitro fertilization in cattle
2025-01-21 Cryopreservation of bovine and buffalo oocytes and embryos
2025-01-21 Synchronization of ovulation and fixed time AI in water buffaloes: recent development and insights on Philippine initiatives
2025-01-20 Status of livestock reproduction and the use of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Current status of livestock reproduction and the use of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in Cambodia
2025-01-21 Current status of the use of reproductive biotechnologies in livestock production in Cambodia
2025-01-21 Currentstatus of reproductive biotechnologies in livestock breeding in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Current status of livestock reproduction and the use of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in Lao PDR
2025-01-22 Current situation of livestock reproduction and application of advanced reproductive biotechnoloies in Thailand
2025-01-21 Status of livestock reproduction and application of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Status of livestock reproduction and application of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in Pakistan
2025-01-21 Dairy cattle reproductive technology application in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Ruminant production and application of assisted reproductive technology in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Current status of livestock reproduction and the use of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in Ecuador
2025-01-21 Manual for ovum pick-up and in vitro fertilization
2025-01-21 Advances in embryo collection and transfer in cattle
2025-01-21 Wagyu and wagyu F1 production using assisted reproduction technologies
2025-01-21 Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region No.12
2025-01-21 Postharvest physiology
2025-01-21 Postharvest technology for horticultural crops - Quality: food safety
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling and transportation of flowers
2025-01-22 Postharvest technology for horticultural crops - Disinfestation treatments
2025-01-21 Vegetable research and development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Fumigation procedure in plant quarantine system of Japan
2025-01-21 The present and future of vegetable industry in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of Centlla asiatica and Pandanus odorus in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Postharvest handling of horticultural crops in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Vegetable postharvest practices in the province Benguet
2025-01-21 Postharvest technology of tropical fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The introduction of Taiwan vegetables postharvest handling
2025-01-21 Recent postharvest technologies of horticultural crops in Thailand
2025-01-21 Assessment of the post harvest handling system for vegetables in Ho Chi Minh City
2025-01-21 Country report on fruit and vegetable preservation in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Current global situation of emerging infectious diseases of livestock
2025-01-20 Agricultural biotechnology training workshop in partnership with the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 40 Years of FFTC: Empowering small-scale farmers through technology and information
2025-01-21 How to build a quality documentation
2025-01-21 Quality documentation document control
2025-01-21 Exportation of Vietnamese dragon fruit: potentials and challenges in the next decade
2025-01-21 The changing consumer amd food system in Japan
2025-01-21 Issues and strategies of agricultural cooperatives in adapting to a changing food system
2025-01-21 Roles of farmers' associations on promoting non-farm income sources in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Progress of the NACF and its member cooperatives in retailing: an analysis on the effects of customer satisfaction and store image on sales performance in Hanaro club
2025-01-20 Agricultural cooperative in Indonesia
2025-01-20 The agricultural structure and agricultural co-ops in Japan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Malaysia: innovations and opportunities in the process of transition towards the 21st century model
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Progress of the eradication program of the sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)(Coleoptera Brenidae) using both sex pheromone and sterile insect techniques in Kume Island, Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Issue and future direactions for eco-friendly fish farm management and production of safe aquaculture foods
2025-01-22 Status & challenges for the development and proper utilization of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides for smallholder farmers in the Asia and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 Inia
2025-01-21 Indonesia
2025-01-22 Iran
2025-01-21 Vietnam
2025-01-20 Emerging weeds on farmland of Taiwan: categories and management implications
2025-01-20 How to build a quality documentation
2025-01-21 Quality documentation document control
2025-01-21 Youth and agri-entrepreneurship in Asia
2025-01-21 Youth and agri-entrepreneurship in Japan
2025-01-21 Paving the pathway for climate smart agriculture among small-scale farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-20 The introduction of GAP and quality system for pitaya in Vietnam
2025-01-21 The evolution of modern horticultural production systems--lessons for the dragon fruit industries of Southeast Asia
2025-01-20 Developing disaster early warning system and adaptation strategies for crop production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 A 1-km grid meteorological data service and its use to reduce weather and climate risk for field crop production
2025-01-21 Consumer valuation of cultural hertitage: estimating the value of Cordilleran "heirloom rice" through the gastronomic systems research (GRS) approach
2025-01-20 Performance of rice industry in India: potential industry and challenges
2025-01-21 Promoting rice value addition through inclusive business model
2025-01-20 Empowering youth through innovation in the food industry
2025-01-21 The production and smart use of high quality vermicompost
2025-01-20 Development and application of controlled release fertilizer "meister (coated urea)"
2025-01-21 Research and development of organic fertilizers in Korea: the smart use of organic materals
2025-01-22 Applying ensemble probabilistic forecasts to optimize the decision making
2025-01-21 Establishment and application of a disaster assessment platform for agricultural loss
2025-01-22 Engaging youth in agriculture: applying TRIZ to the context of agriculture
2025-01-21 Introduction of FFTC's 2018 proficiency testing program on soil and plant tissue analysis: sample preparation, homogeneity/stability testing, and data statistical analysis
2025-01-21 Soil database and its use in Korea
2025-01-20 Overall dragon fruit production and global marketing
2025-01-20 Application of blockchain technology in food traceability: the case of dragon fruits in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Overview of precision agriculture with focus on rice farming
2025-01-21 Precision agriculture for rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The status of the fisheries industry in Cambodia
2025-01-21 The Fisheries situation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Japan's smart food value chain: from consumer to agri-food industries
2025-01-21 Thailand research fund-precision agriculture research - development and implementation network: concept and practices
2025-01-21 Korean GAP trends focused on environmentally and consumer friendly food production
2025-01-21 Conserving biodiversity for a sustainable future: perspectives from the Satoyama Initiative
2025-01-21 Study on rice paddy agroecosystem in different cultivation method and landscape
2025-01-21 Achievements, challenges, and ways forward for the Satoyama Development Mechanism: a self-assessment by the SDM secretariat
2025-01-21 Robots for herd management of dairy cows in tropical Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current trends and perspectives of precision livestock farming (PLF) in relation to loT data and science tools
2025-01-21 Early detection of livestock diseases by using wearable wireless sensors
2025-01-21 The big data management and use case study for agriculture based on data
2025-01-21 Application of common information platform to foster data driven agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 COVID-19-Impact on the meat sector in Germany
2025-01-21 Korea's agri-food and food service industry trends and tasks after outbreak of COVID-19
2025-01-21 Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on smallholder farmers and vulnerable rural people in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Policy response measures and best practices against impact of COVID-19 pandemic on agrifood: Malaysia experience
2025-01-21 Application of by-products from agriculture and food processing as feed resources for ruminants
2025-01-21 Biorefinery for increased fertilizer and land use efficiency and better incomes for agriculture
2025-01-21 Eco-feeds in Japan
2025-01-22 Advanced materials for palm oil products: contribution to improve the sustainability of palm oil processing
2025-01-22 Dragon fruit exportation practices, challenges and country experiences: Malaysia
2025-01-21 Consumer perceptions and preferences for fruit: opportunities for dragon fruit
2025-01-21 Consumer preference for dragon fruit in the Philippines
2025-01-23 The role of stakeholders and its relationship in the export-oriented dragon fruit value chain in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Breeding for climate change
2025-01-21 Improvement of agricultural management (farm management) by introducing Good Agricultural Practice, GAP
2025-01-21 Current transport technologies for exportation of Japanese fresh fruits and vegetables
2025-01-21 Japan blast research network for stable rice production
2025-01-23 Pathogen diversity and inoculum source of rice blast disease in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Dragon Fruit Value Chain - from Production to Marketing
2025-01-21 A stepwise extension of protected cultivation with "Summer Vegetable/Winter Flower" cropping system in Southern Taiwan
2025-01-21 Virus and greening diseases of citrus and banana and their control through pathogen-free seedlings
2025-01-21 Production and cultivation of pathogen-free banana TC-plantlets in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Health management in production and cultivation of virus-free citrus seedlings in Jeju-do, Korea
2025-01-22 Establishment of pathogen-free citrus nursery system and health management of citrus orchard in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Current situation of agricultural marketing and desirable farmers' adaptation to the trends in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Experiences on agricultural product exports in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Newsletter 191
2025-01-22 Newsletter 192
2025-01-22 Newsletter 193
2025-01-22 Newsletter 194
2025-01-22 Use of pathogen in biological control of economic crops in greenhouse
2025-01-22 Keynote speech: Agriculture and the Environment
2025-01-22 Projection of the world food supply and demand
2025-01-22 Application of information and communication technology in agricultural research and development
2025-01-22 Successful IT for agriculture and rural development
2025-01-22 Development and use of information technology (IT) in Korean agriculture
2025-01-22 Application of information and communications technology in agricultural extension: the PCARRD experience
2025-01-22 Agricultural extension and knowledge information service in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Biological control of soil-borne diseases in vegetable crops
2025-01-22 Applied GIS study of soil productivity classification in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Country Paper: Vietnam
2025-01-22 Citrus production: A manual for Asian farmers
2025-01-22 Strategic planning approaches and tools for decision-support system on predicting and forecasting models for adverse impacts of climate change on sloping agroecosystems
2025-01-22 Sustainable growth in crop natural disaster insursnce: experiences of Japan
2025-01-22 Explore government support measures and implications of crop insurance from international experience
2025-01-22 The performance and improvement strategies of crop natural disaster insurance in Korea
2025-01-22 Insurance for rice production in the context of climate change impact in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Security interests of crops against environmental uncertainty in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Claim adjustments in Korea’s crop natural disaster insurance
2025-01-22 Implementation of indemnity-basedrice crop insurance in Indonesia
2025-01-23 Outline of agriculture disaster compensation system in Japan
2025-01-21 Farmers awareness on crop natural disaster insurance and field cases in Korea
2025-01-21 Government and its role in the implementation and enhancement of the crop insurance program in the Philippines
2025-01-22 The policy and pilot plan: top-grafting pears for crop natural disaster insurance in Taiwan, R.O.C
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2005
2025-01-22 Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in Asia and Oceania
2025-01-21 Artificial Reproductive Biotechnology for Buffaloes
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2006
2025-01-21 Eco-friendly fish farm management and safe aquaculture production
2025-01-21 Improved duck production of small-scale farmers in the ASPAC region
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2007
2025-01-21 Improved dairy and meat goat production for small-scale farmers in Asia
2025-01-22 Development and adoption of traceability system for fish/fish products in Asia
2025-01-20 Changing regulations for the inspection of food imports to Taiwan responding to consumers' preference
2025-01-21 Food regulations on agrochemicals for ensuring the quality and safety of food supply in Japan
2025-01-21 Safety management and inspection of agrochemical residues of food in the trade of exported product: A case study of the Taiwan-grown Irwin Mango
2025-01-21 Approaches to the problems on pesticide residues in crop and soils in Japan
2025-01-23 Perspectives on efficient assessment and analysis of agrochemical residue in food in Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Development of GAP and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Management and regulatory control of agrochemical residues in food production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pesticides: production, use and regulation in India
2025-01-21 Indonesia agricultural development
2025-01-21 The current status of agrochemical residue management in Iran
2025-01-21 Natural farming in Korea
2025-01-21 The Philippines' response to the emerging global interest on food safety and quality: a country paper
2025-01-20 Management of agrochemical residues in food in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Thailand's plant products safety; Thai food's trade balance; Community product standards and chemical residues
2025-01-21 Management of agrochemical residues in food in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Toward safe agricultural food production in term of agrochemical residues: Malaysian perspective
2025-01-21 Pesticide residues in the Gangetic Plains of India
2025-01-21 Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Country Paper
2025-01-21 Results of research and development of goat production in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Breeding and reproduction of goat in Malaysia
2025-01-23 Goat genetic resources and production in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Increasing goat-raising efficiency through the utilization of agricultural by-products and improvement of infrastructures in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Feeding management to improve productivity of Korean black goat
2025-01-21 Recent progress on the improvement of goat management and production system under the smallholders condition in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Goat production in the Kingdom of Thailand
2025-01-21 Overview dairy goat production development in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Trends in goat production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Current status of goat meat and milk processing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Application of information and communication technology in agricultural research and development
2025-01-21 Successful IT for agriculture and rural development
2025-01-21 Development and use of information technology (IT) in Korean agriculture
2025-01-20 Application of information and communications technology in agricultural extension: the PCARRD experience
2025-01-21 Agricultural extension and knowledge information service in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Cooperative movement in the Asian and Pacific Region
2025-01-20 The changing consumer amd food system in Japan
2025-01-20 Issues and strategies of agricultural cooperatives in adapting to a changing food system
2025-01-21 Roles of farmers' associations on promoting non-farm income sources in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Progress of the NACF and its member cooperatives in retailing: an analysis on the effects of customer satisfaction and store image on sales performance in Hanaro club
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperative in Indonesia
2025-01-21 The agricultural structure and agricultural co-ops in Japan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Malaysia: innovations and opportunities in the process of transition towards the 21st century model
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for Chilo suppressalis in Japan
2025-01-21 Public and private partnerships in area-wide fruit fly pest management for the benefit of farmers: The Hawaii experience
2025-01-21 Successful utilization of the area-wide approach for the management of fruit flies in Hawaii
2025-01-20 Current status of the Solanaceous fruit fly control project in Yonaguni Island
2025-01-21 All male strains and chemical stimulants: Two ways to boost sterile males in SIT programs
2025-01-20 Exporting fruit from low fruit fly prevalence zones with a multiple mitigation systems approach
2025-01-20 Progress of the eradication program of the sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)(Coleoptera Brenidae) using both sex pheromone and sterile insect techniques in Kume Island, Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-20 Sustainable management of migratory rice planthoppers by conservational biological control combined with endophyte-infected plants
2025-01-21 Current status of sweetpotato weevil control and fruit fly researches in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Communication disruption for control of the sugarcane wireworm, Melanotus okinawensis Ohira (Coleoptera: Elateridae), with synthetic sex pheromone
2025-01-21 Migration prediction and monitoring of rice planthoppers in Japan
2025-01-20 Development of agricultural methods and policies for insect pest control by environment-friendly techniques in Korea
2025-01-21 Management of Malaysian rice blackbug (Scotinophara coarctata) using biological control agent in the island provinces of the Philippines
2025-01-21 Area-wide control of the oriental fruit fly and melon fly in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Feasibility of an area-wide pest management program of key insect pests in Thailand
2025-01-21 Classical biological control of coconut hispine beetle, (Brontispa longissima Gestro) in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Approach to the safety of aquaculture products in Japan
2025-01-21 Strategy for strengthening the competitiveness of Korean aquaculture
2025-01-21 Eco-friendly technologies for fish farm management and production of safe aquaculture foods in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The experience and development of responsible and ecofriendly aquaculture production practices to aquaculture foods' safety and traceability in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Vietnam: working toward producing safe and high quality aquaculture foods
2025-01-21 Aquaculture development toward the sustainable and environmental management in Thailand
2025-01-21 Indonesian aquaculture development
2025-01-21 Issue and future direactions for eco-friendly fish farm management and production of safe aquaculture foods
2025-01-21 Sustainability of aquaculture in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Competitiveness and supply chain management study on Taiwan grouper industry
2025-01-21 Traceability and supply chain management for cage culture: industry in Taiwan - The case of cobia
2025-01-21 Sustainable development and trends in the Philippine aquaculture
2025-01-20 Challenges ahead in meeting aquaculture production in Malaysia under the third national agricultural policy, NAP3 (1998- 2010)
2025-01-21 Korean aquaculture: status and future directions
2025-01-21 Advantages of environmentally sound poly-eco-aquaculture in fish farms
2025-01-21 Urban Harvest: a CGIAR global program on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Urban agriculture in Asia: lessons from Japanese experience
2025-01-20 Newly developed technologies and innovations on urban and peri-urban agriculture in Korea
2025-01-20 Empowering urban poor communities through integrated vegetable production in allotment gardens: the case of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
2025-01-21 Improving environment and economy through urban and peri-urban agriculture: a case of agri-tourism in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Technology transfer strategies and experiences on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Peri-urban vegetable farming in Jakarta
2025-01-21 Utilization of food waste for urban/peri-urban agriculture in Japan
2025-01-20 Challenges and various developmental strategies in the Korean urban/peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-20 Status and potential of urban and peri-urban agriculture in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Urban agriculture program in the Philippines: its beginning and status
2025-01-21 Urban/peri-urban agriculture: status and challenges in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Recycling of wastewater from pig farms in urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-20 Peri-urban aquatic production systems in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Amelioration of land productivity in upland areas in Northeast Thailand through a new tillage system and crop-animal integration
2025-01-20 Rice root distribution and rice-based cropping systems for sustainable soil-rhizosphere management
2025-01-21 Fertility management of the soil-rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production
2025-01-21 Soil-enhancing technologies for improving crop productivity in Malaysia and considerations for their use
2025-01-21 The production and application of biofertilizers in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Vetiver root and soil moisture conservation from vetiver grass establishment on degraded soils
2025-01-20 The combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers and/or biofertilizer for crop growth and soil fertility
2025-01-22 The potential role of PEON (phosphate buffer-extractable organic nitrogen) in the soil for plant nutrition and its implication for organic farming
2025-01-22 Production of organic fertilizer from solid waste and its utilization in intensive organic-based vegetable production and for sustaining soil health and productivity
2025-01-22 Water management and soil fertility for improved yields
2025-01-22 Protease production and phosphate solubilization from potential biological control agents Trichoderma viride and Azomonas agilis from Vetiver rhizosphere
2025-01-22 Development of rhizobacteria as a biofertilizer for rice production
2025-01-22 The relationship between soil micro-organisms and nutrient elements of Vetiveria zizanioides and Vetiveria nemoralis in some problem soils of Thailand
2025-01-22 Mycorrhizal fungi as biofertilizer for fruit tree production in Thailand
2025-01-22 Current status of the database (APASD) and its international network
2025-01-22 Current status and development of plant pest information management system in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Invasion of the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima: Current situations and control measures in Southeast Asia
2025-01-22 Introduction of Taiwan agricultural pest database
2025-01-22 Global invasive plants in Thailand and its status and a case study of Hydrocotyle umbellata L.
2025-01-21 Updating APASD - making it more informative and user-friendly
2025-01-21 Managing alien invasive species in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Monitoring on two exotic spider mites in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Crop improvement and biotechnology in Cambodia
2025-01-21 Invasive alien species (IAS): concerns and status in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Naturalized alien plants in Taiwan: information based on publications
2025-01-21 Application of molecular technologies for quick identification of the invasion pathogens
2025-01-21 SEARCA: responding to challenges in agriculture and natural resource management in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Harnessing information and technology transfer for sustainable agricultural development in the ASPAC region: The FFTC report
2025-01-21 Ovarian follicular dynaamics in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and its exploitation towards better ovarian responses
2025-01-21 Recemt advances in somatic cell nuclear transfer and transgenic on cattle and goat in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Superovulation in buffalo in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Application of embryo biotechnology to augment reproduction and production in buffaloes: current status and future possibilities
2025-01-21 Role of reactive oxygen species in the buffalo sperm fertility assessment
2025-01-22 Situation of buffalo raising in small-holder farms in Cambodia
2025-01-20 Research amd application of advanced reproductive biotechnologies in buffalo in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Somatic cell cloning in swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
2025-01-20 Conservation of water buffalo in Taiwan: cryopreservation of spermatozoa
2025-01-21 Buffaloes in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Physiology and biotechnology in swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) reproduction
2025-01-21 Current status and challenges in buffalo production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Recent advances in embryo transfer of swamp buffalo in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Buffalo in Vietnam: Status and some applied reproductive biotechnologies
2025-01-20 Buffalo production scenario in India: opportunities and challenges
2025-01-21 Reproductive biotechnology in water buffaloes in the Philippines: recent developments and future perspectives
2025-01-21 Current attempt to interspecies cloning in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Potentials and application of reproduction technologies of water buffaloes in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Urban Harvest: a CGIAR global program on urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Urban agriculture in Asia: lessons from Japanese experience
2025-01-21 Challenges and various developmental strategies in the Korean urban/peri urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Recycling of wastewater from pig farms in urban and peri-urban agriculture
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Thailand: Innovations and opportunities in the 21st century
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam: Innovations and opportunities
2025-01-21 Current status of the database (APASD) and its international network
2025-01-21 Current status and development of plant pest information management system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Public and private partnerships in area-wide fruit fly pest management for the benefit of farmers: The Hawaii experience
2025-01-22 Exporting fruit from low fruit fly prevalence zones with a mitigation systems approach
2025-01-21 Area-wide control of oriental fruit fly and melon fly in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Fertility management of the soil rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production
2025-01-23 Production of organic fertilizer from solid waste and its utilization in intensive organic-based vegetable production and for sustaining soil health and productivity
2025-01-20 The potential role of PEON (phosphate buffer-extractable organic nitrogen) in the soil for plant nutrition and its implication for organic farming
2025-01-21 The combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers and/or biofertilizer for crop growth and soil fertility
2025-01-21 Recent advances in agrochemical residue management in food: Taiwan's experiences and challenges in marketing and trade
2025-01-20 New aspects of collaborative research on the soil pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques in Asia
2025-01-20 Heavy metal pollution, risk assessment and remediation in paddy soil environment: research experiences and perspectives in Korea
2025-01-20 Heavy metal pollution of soil and a new approach to its remediation: research experiences in Japan
2025-01-20 Development of soil-crop inventory on heavy metals in Japan
2025-01-21 Bioavailability and safety issues of heavy metals in paddy soil-rice continuum in Korea
2025-01-21 Prediction of heavy metals uptake by different rice species in paddy soils near contaminated sites of Taiwan
2025-01-21 A review on heavy metals contamination of crops and agriculture soils of peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Cadmium contamination in paddy soil and rice grain in Mae Tao Creek, Thailand
2025-01-21 Heavy metals monitoring initiatives in Camarines Sur, Philippines
2025-01-21 Status & challenges for the development and proper utilization of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides for smallholder farmers in the Asia and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Management of relevant vegetable diseases by bio-pesticides in Japan
2025-01-21 Utilization of biopesticides for crop pest management: the CLSU experience
2025-01-21 Biotech-fertilizer development of the Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current status and future direction on commercial production and use of bio-fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers development, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Current status and future perspective on biofertilizers and biopesticides production, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Myanmar
2025-01-21 Biofertilizers and biopesticides research and development at UPLB
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Current status and future perspective on bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides production, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Thailand
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Women's roles and needs in changing rural asia1 with emphasis on rice-based agriculture
2025-01-22 Rural resources and rural living programs
2025-01-22 Activities for improvement of living conditions of RWLF in Korea
2025-01-22 Women farmers' role in the new socialist rural development movement in China: case study on the Yanbian region
2025-01-21 The feminization of agriculture in Asia: implications for women’s agency and productivity
2025-01-21 Family management agreement- from the experience in rural areas in Japan
2025-01-22 The needs and demands of women farmers in agricultural production and rural livelihood, and their expected roles in rural development
2025-01-22 Engendering agricultural development to empower marginalized women farmers: a prerequisite for reasonable changes in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Change and problems of rural life and rurla women in Japan: Rural women leaders as the most important key persons to develop agricultture and rural life
2025-01-22 Current situation of women farmers in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Ensuring rural women's voice in agricultural policy formulation
2025-01-22 An investigative report on successful cases of innovative projects for enhancing woman farmers' role in the development of rural Taiwan
2025-01-22 Women farmers in Thailand: the situations and needs in agricultural development
2025-01-22 Women's access to agricultural extension in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Development and application of the gender equality indicators in agriculture
2025-01-22 Seafood traceability system in Korea
2025-01-22 Current situation of traceability system for aquatic products in Japan
2025-01-21 Traceability in food safety management
2025-01-22 Seafood traceability system along the auction supply chain – Taiwan experience
2025-01-22 Aqua-products in Vietnam: food safety and traceability
2025-01-22 Traceability system of cultured shrimp in Thailand
2025-01-22 Traceability in Philippine aquaculture
2025-01-22 An outlook on the traceability progress, legal environment and its supporting information technology system in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Practical experience of aquaculture traceability in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Bio-safety for the fisheries products in Korea
2025-01-22 The necessity of a traceability system for aquafarm products and the problems associated with the system
2025-01-22 Aquaculture industry and traceability system in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Genetics and selection of ducks in France
2025-01-23 Duck production and research in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Genetic improvement of local laying Co duck breed for sustainable agricultural farming systems in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Duck production in Thailand: before and after avian influenza outbreak
2025-01-22 Technology development and current production system of duck in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Duck industry in Peninsular Malaysia- past and present
2025-01-22 Selection and application of laying Brown Tsaiya ducks in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Improved duck production of smallhold farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Improved duck production by small-scale farmers in the Asia-Pacific countries: a country paper for Thailand
2025-01-22 Selection studies for Muscovy duck in Taiwan
2025-01-22 The situation of duck production in Vietnam
2025-01-22 The duck industry and the challenges it faces in Korea
2025-01-22 Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for Chilo suppressalis in Japan
2025-01-22 Food regulations on agrochemicals for ensuring the quality and safety of food supply in Japan
2025-01-22 Management and regulatory control of agrochemical residues in food production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Approaches to the problems on pesticide residues in crops and soils in Japan
2025-01-23 Development of GAP and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Women's roles and needs in changing rural Asia
2025-01-20 The feminization of agriculture in Asia: implications for women’s agency and productivity
2025-01-20 I. Family management agreement in rural areas: Japan's experiences II. Change and problems of rural family and rural women in Japan
2025-01-20 The needs and demands of women farmers in agricultural production and rural livelihood, and their expected roles in rural development
2025-01-20 Bioavailability and safety of heavy metals in paddy soil-rice continuum in Korea
2025-01-21 Prediction of heavy metals uptake by different rice species in paddy soils near contaminated sites of Taiwan
2025-01-20 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Current status and future direction on commercial production and use of bio-fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-20 Current status of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides development, farmers' acceptance and their utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 Bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides research and development at UPLB
2025-01-21 Current status of bio-pesticides development, farmer's acceptance and their utilization, and future perspective in Taiwan
2025-01-21 New aspect of collaborative research on soil pollution, food safety and soil remediation techniques in Aisa
2025-01-21 Heavy metal pollution, risk assessment and remediation in paddy soil environment: research experiences and perspectives in Korea
2025-01-20 Heavy metal pollition of soil and a new approach to its remediation: research experiences in Japan
2025-01-21 Predicting river water quality in rural area using a watershed scale model
2025-01-21 Current situation of agricultural irrigation water operation and management in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Establishment and extension of information system for irrigation water quality monitoring and management
2025-01-21 Wastewater reclamation and reuse for irrigation water in Korea (including one case study)
2025-01-21 Overview of automatic water quality monitoring
2025-01-21 Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 India
2025-01-21 Indonesia
2025-01-21 Iran
2025-01-21 National Monitoring Network for agricultural water and improvement projects in Korea
2025-01-21 Study meeting on monitoring and management of agricultural water quality for green food production in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-21 Monitoring and management of agricultural water quality in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Report on monitoring and management of agriculture water for green food production in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Country report of Thailand
2025-01-21 Vietnam
2025-01-21 Monitoring and management of irrigation water quality in Japan
2025-01-21 Production and cultivation of virus-free citrus saplings for citrus rehabilitation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Analysis of nucleotide sequence variation of citrus greening organism and application for rapid and sensitive detection from infected citrus
2025-01-21 Huanglongbing (citrus greening) in Florida, 2008
2025-01-21 Time and pest density dependent increase of CG infestation and chemical control strategy of the vector psyllid
2025-01-21 Australia and Huanglongbing
2025-01-21 Prospect and challenge of rehabilitation of citrus industry in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Management of citrus huanglongbing in the State of São Paulo - Brazil
2025-01-21 Current status of HLB epidemic and establishment of pathogen-free citrus foundation and seedling production
2025-01-21 Research progress on huanglongbing management and other citrus dieases
2025-01-20 Practices for controlling citrus greening in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Status of huanglongbing in Malaysia and the rehabilitation of infected orchards
2025-01-21 Status of citrus Huanglongbing disease management initiatives and practices in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Ecology and vectorship of the citrus psyllid in relation to the prevalence of citrus huanglongbing
2025-01-21 Status and integrated management of citrus HLB in Thailand
2025-01-21 Integrated management of citrus huanglongbing disease in southern Vietnam
2025-01-20 Report on soil information systems of the USDA natural resources conservation service
2025-01-21 Comparison of Taiwan Soil Classification System to Soil Taxonomy and WRB system and its modification toward a common format of Asian Soil Information Systems
2025-01-21 Soil databases for agro-environmental researches in NIAES, Japan
2025-01-21 Soil Inventory System of Japan
2025-01-20 Development of Soil Information System and its application in Korea
2025-01-20 Development of portable Soil Information System and its future use in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
2025-01-20 Use of long-term soil monitoring database for management of arable land in Japan
2025-01-21 Managing Soil Information Systems for enhanced natural resource management in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Soil resources and development of soil information system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Use of soil database for pedological research on volcanic ash soils
2025-01-21 Application of spatial-based Soil Information System for suitability rating of biofuel crops of 2 million hectares under Goal 1 of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
2025-01-21 The soils of Vietnam: classification, information system and use
2025-01-20 Development of Soil Information System and its application in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Goat development in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Biomass and other organic wastes as renewable sources: status challenges and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-20 Biomethanol production from various forms of biomass utilization of forage grasses, trees, and crop residues
2025-01-21 Bio-energy production and utilization from the manure of domestic animals in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Biodiesel from foodwaste: running the Philippine National Police transport
2025-01-20 Briquetting and biogas technology adoption: the case of Indonesia
2025-01-21 Biomass energy situation and technologies in Thailand
2025-01-20 Rice husk for brick firing in south Vietnam
2025-01-21 Biomass-fired fluidized bed combustion for steam generation
2025-01-20 The recycling system of city garbage and food waste by composting in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan
2025-01-20 Agro-waste for cultivation of edible mushrooms in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Close-loop farm biomass recovery system for agriculture and small-scale industry
2025-01-21 Energy and material recovery from biomass for medium to large agro-industrial application
2025-01-20 Development of SCB-M System in South Korea: SCB-M, Slurry Composting and Bio-Filtration with Methane Production
2025-01-21 Production of renewable energy from biomass for the sustainable development of the rural community in Korea
2025-01-21 Integrated Coastal Zone Management with Sustainable Aquaculture
2025-01-21 The Present and Future of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) from the Aquaculture Viewpoint
2025-01-21 The Status and Prospects of Coastal Aquaculture in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Australia and Huanglongbing
2025-01-21 Huanglonghing (Citrus Greening) in Florida, 2008
2025-01-21 Management of Citrus Huanglongbing in the State of São Paulo - Brazil
2025-01-22 Monitoring and Management of Irrigation Water Quality in Japan
2025-01-21 Establishment and Extension of Information System for Irrigation Water Quality Monitoring and Management
2025-01-21 Development of Soil Information System and its Application in Korea
2025-01-21 Development of Portable Soil Information System and its Future Use in Niigata Prefecture, Japan
2025-01-21 An Application of Rural Landscape Information System for Assessment of Alien Plant Species in Paddy Landscape in Japan
2025-01-21 Management of Red Invasive Fire Ants and Fruit Flies: The Taiwan Experience
2025-01-21 Invasive Insects: Problem and Risk Assessment
2025-01-21 Biomass Energy-Status Opportunities and Challenges in the Asia-Pacific Region
2025-01-21 Biomethanol Production from Various Forms of Biomass: Utilization of Forage Grasses, Trees, and Crop Residues
2025-01-21 Agro-Waste for Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Report on Soil Information Systems of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
2025-01-21 Use of Long-term Soil Monitoring Database for Management of Arable Land in Japan
2025-01-20 Exportation of Vietnamese dragon fruit: potentials and challenges in the next decade
2025-01-20 Toward the development of sustainable and resilient agri-food systems in the Asia-Pacific region
2025-01-22 Circular approaches to transition to sustainable agro-food systems
2025-01-20 Global trend of carbon neutrality and South Korea’s agricultural policy
2025-01-20 Transitions towards a sustainable agriculture and agro-food system in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Impact and strategies on rice production adapting to climate change in Taiwan
2025-01-20 4.0 agriultural revolution: precision farming with smart agriculture - the Philippines condition
2025-01-20 Post-Covid-19 transformation towards sustainable healthy diet
2025-01-21 Food safety and nutrition security: challenges for Thailand’s health promotion
2025-01-21 The contribution of science and technology to the achievement of crop production and ensuring food security in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Looking back, moving forward: FFTC’s challenges in the next 50 years
2025-01-21 Implementing Agro-Maritime 4.0 Research Agenda: linking science and policy
2025-01-21 Plant phenotyping technology to enhance smart farming
2025-01-21 Weed mapping with low-cost, small UAV for smallholder farming
2025-01-21 Portable near infrared spectrometers for point-of-need quality assessment of agro-food products
2025-01-21 Improvement of subtropical agriculture of sugarcane cultivation using ICT in in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Application of advanced agricultural sensors and ICT in smart farming towards the Agriculture 4.0
2025-01-22 Utilization of digital livestock farming for young farmers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Smart Farm R&D status and future direction in Korea
2025-01-21 Best Practice of Agri-tech Start-up for Farmers’ Welfare: Agri-Tech and Agribusiness Integration to support agricultural ecosystem in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Future-proofing Philippine agriculture with SARAI Technologies
2025-01-21 Management of agricultural technology transfer In IAARD Indonesia
2025-01-21 Application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and automation in Jin Da Chicken Breeding
2025-01-21 Human resource development for smart agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Fluorscence technology based super precision agriculture for small scale smart (SSS) farming
2025-01-22 Application of AI on UAV images to precision agriculture
2025-01-20 Increasing water use efficiency through automation of irrigation systems
2025-01-21 Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) application for tropical crops
2025-01-21 IoT sensors application experience sharing
2025-01-21 Identifying tomato diseases and pests using intelligent machine vision
2025-01-22 Integrating AI-based image diagnosis of pest damages and model prediction of pest occurrences
2025-01-21 Experience in the development of spatial fertilizer public service in Indonesia through apps Sipindo
2025-01-21 Korea's mobile communication applications and cases in agriculture
2025-01-21 Development of agricultural information research platform
2025-01-21 Building sustainable agriculture value chain in Indonesia through technology and innovations
2025-01-21 Applying blockchain technology for better governance
2025-01-21 Blockchain for rice traceability in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agro traceability blockchain (ATB) in modern farming
2025-01-22 Farm to markets and consumers with e-commerce
2025-01-20 Consumers and producers experience in e-commerce
2025-01-20 Social listening for an effective marketing strategy using social networking services (SNS) data from overseas consumers
2025-01-21 The application of social commerce in fresh food ecommerce Innovation
2025-01-21 IoT tools in fruit production
2025-01-21 Application of IoT in plant factory production: control and monitoring system
2025-01-20 Application of artificial intelligence and blockchain for agri-food SCM in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Challenges in farmers’ adoption of agriculture IoT solution - Case study of E-Kakashi
2025-01-20 Innovations in agriculture extension modalities towards inclusive development
2025-01-20 Ensuring success in community development: the case of bamboo production and processing in Maasin, Iloilo, Philippines
2025-01-21 Connecting youth, agriculture and rural communities: facilitating access of youth to agriculture and rural develoment activities in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Extension modalities focusing on farm productivity, improved marketing and increase in income
2025-01-21 Saving lives and livelihoods: S&T intervention at the farm level to mitigate climate change hazards
2025-01-22 Disaster prevention support system for irrigation pond (DPSIP)
2025-01-21 Application of IoT on slope land disaster monitoring and management
2025-01-21 Extension modalities in Vietnam for farmer resilience
2025-01-21 Agricultural extension and global technology cooperation
2025-01-21 Lessons of LIFE (Livelihood Improvement through Facilitated Extension) in conflict vulnerable communities of Mindanao: an extension modality under the STC4ID Program
2025-01-21 Rural regeneration: rural community enterprise counseling and rural goods marketing
2025-01-21 Extension modalities in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Extension modalities in Thailand focusing on community enterprise development
2025-01-21 Agricultiral extension practices in Malaysia: fostering agricultural entrepreneurship in elevating incomes and eradicating poverty through technology innovation
2025-01-21 Current situation and future prospects of antibiotic-resistant bacteria derived from animals
2025-01-21 Antibiotic alternative strategies to reduce economic losses due to enteric infections in poultry
2025-01-21 Introduction of the key functional feed additive explored in the health promotion project Taiwan (2018–2021)
2025-01-21 Application of reverse vaccinology in animal vaccine development
2025-01-21 Eye-drop vaccination-a better way to induce good immune response
2025-01-21 Biosecurity strategies to enhance vaccine efficiency in swine farms
2025-01-21 An oral vaccine for mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine: use of erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae as a mucosal delivery vector
2025-01-22 Efficacy of plantaricin as an alternative antimicrobial peptide to major pathogen of GI tract infection in production animals
2025-01-21 Disease diagnosis, molecular characterization of livestock and poultry pathogens and vaccine development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 New generation recombinant vaccine development: from idea to the product (using Newcastle virus vaccine of genotype VII as the model)
2025-01-21 R&D of phytogenics for food animals
2025-01-21 The application of omics in the development of feed additives
2025-01-21 The potentials as animal feeds of the residues of cassava pulp after fermentation by non-conventional yeasts
2025-01-21 Alternatives of AGP (antibiotics growth promoters) in feed
2025-01-21 Introduction to feed control act in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Use of feed additives in Malaysia and update of relevant regulations
2025-01-21 Commercialization experience of Rotam-CS for poultry
2025-01-20 Application of Scutellaria baicalensis extract in soothing animal atopic dermatitis and assisting in wound healing
2025-01-21 Feeding multi-strain probiotics improved carcass traits and meat quality in pigs
2025-01-21 Application of immunotherapy in swine vaccines
2025-01-21 An overview of monitoring and early warning of plant pests and diseases in Asia-Pacific
2025-01-21 Country report: Indonesia post-border management for pests & diseases
2025-01-22 Monitoring of plant pests and disease epidemics in response to climate change in Iran
2025-01-21 Country report in Japan: Monitoring and early warning of plant pest and disease epidemics in response to climate change
2025-01-21 Findings from the technical consultation for the plant pests and diseases data collection in establishing an early warning service
2025-01-21 Country report on early warning system for plant pests and diseases in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Monitoring, surveillance and forecasting of plant pest and disease epidemics in response to climate change in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Country report: monitoring and early warning of plant pests and diseases epidemics in response to climate change in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Early warning of plant pest and disease epidemics in response to climate change in Vietnam: challenges and opportunities
2025-01-21 Monitoring and managing pest locusts in a highly variable climate – are the insects adapting faster than the humans?
2025-01-22 Thailand’s experience on the epidemics’ prevention and control
2025-01-21 Minimizing pest and disease risks in uncertain climates: CABI initiatives developing new technologies and tools for outreaching early warning to farmers
2025-01-21 Establishment of prevention network for migratory insect pests and diseases in the Asian region
2025-01-21 New tools and technologies of monitoring, early warning and prevention and control
2025-01-21 Simulation of the spread of sugarcane white leaf disease using an individual-based model as a strategy for developing disease management techniques
2025-01-21 Migration prediction of overseas migratory insect pest
2025-01-21 Prediction of pest population as influenced by extreme climate change: combing field observations and species distribution models for the FAW
2025-01-21 Simple and rapid analysis method of available nitrogen in upland soil and appropriate fertilizer application based on the diagnosis result
2025-01-21 Introduction to FFTC’s 2021 proficiency testing program of soil and plant tissue analysis: sample preparation, homogeneity/stability testing, and data statistical analysis
2025-01-21 Application of soil analysis for rational use of fertilizers in Thailand
2025-01-21 Protocol for fertilizers recommendation for pepper in Bangka Indonesia based on soil testing and plant analysis
2025-01-21 Soil and plant analysis: a key concept towards efficient fertilizer management in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The laboratory accreditation system in Vietnam and the results of ceat's proficiency testing programs
2025-01-21 Using models and soil/plant observations to generate fertilizer recommendations
2025-01-21 Deep learning using spectrum of inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy gives accurate prediction of various soil physico-chemical properties for soil diagnosis
2025-01-21 The experience and evolution of applying soil testing data to rational fertilization of main crops in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Implementation of the national soil health program in the Philippines: new tools and technologies for soil sampling and testing, and the role of soil laboratories
2025-01-21 Application of somaclonal variation breeding scheme to sustain Cavendish banana industry challenged by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4
2025-01-22 Current status of Fusarium wilt of banana in Indonesia: searching the drivers
2025-01-21 Fusarium wilt of banana in Japan
2025-01-21 The status of banana disease problems in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Important banana diseases in the Philippines
2025-01-22 The status of banana diseases problem in Thailand
2025-01-21 The current status of banana diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Bioprospection of systemic resistance inducing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for an efficient management of blood disease and better productivity for banana
2025-01-21 Management strategy of banana crown rot in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Management of major diseases of banana in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Detection of Fusarium wilt pathogen of banana in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Identification of antifungal compound form actinomycete stain with antagonistic activity against Fusarium caused Panama wilt disease on banana in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Technologies on production of healthy banana seedlings in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) on cavendish banana in Vietnam
2025-01-21 The main banana diseases in Indonesia: current status and future mitigation
2025-01-20 The development and strategies of smart agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-14 The importance of ICT technology development and smart agriculture in the participation of Korean small-scale farmers in the value chain
2025-01-21 Smart agriculture for small farms in Vietnam: opportunities, challenges and policy solutions
2025-01-21 Smart agriculture: transfer of smart agriculture technology from MARDI to young entrepreneurs in Malaysia: the case of the production of high value vegetable by AgroCube
2025-01-14 Promoting smart farming in the context of agricultural transformation in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Smart transformation in community-based approaches
2025-01-21 Small-scale farmers under Thailand’s smart farming system
2025-01-21 Challenges and countermeasures for promoting smart agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Smart agricultural value chain in the Philippines: challenges and opportunities
2025-01-21 Implication of smart technologies for agriculture : chances und risks of digital transformation
2025-01-21 Developing new international markets for fresh fruit varieties
2025-01-21 GAP contribution to value-added services
2025-01-21 How GAPs help Zespri’s business grow in global markets
2025-01-21 GAP certification to enhance market opportunities on dragon fruit - challenges and strategies - Indian perspective
2025-01-21 The Philippine Good Agricultural Practices (PhilGAP) – market opportunities, challenges, and strategies
2025-01-21 Country perspective - Thailand: Global/ Local GAP Certification to Enhance Market Opportunities—Challenges and Strategies
2025-01-21 Country perspective - Taiwan: Global/ Local GAP Certification to Enhance Market Opportunities—Challenges and Strategies
2025-01-21 Global/VietGAP certification: challenges and opportunities for Vietnam dragon fruit
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2020
2025-01-21 Newsletter 211
2025-01-21 Newsletter 212
2025-01-21 Newsletter 213
2025-01-21 Newsletter 214
2025-01-21 Dragon fruit - from production to market
2025-01-22 FFTC's 50th anniversary and symposium - making agri-food systems sustainable
2025-01-21 Overview of domestic and international agri-food e-commerce: challenges and opportunities for Asian and Pacific countries
2025-01-21 Market Kurly: Pioneering Korean grocery e-commerce market
2025-01-21 Market trend and challenges in agricultural e-commerce business in Japan
2025-01-21 Agri-food e-commerce – ZESPRI experience
2025-01-21 e-Trade system: interconnecting agri-food supply and buying demand
2025-01-21 The benefits of the cross-border e-commerce on Taiwan agriculture
2025-01-21 “The Best of Kaohsiung” e-Commerce – Vision and Achievements
2025-01-21 Integrated resources of agri-food e-commerce
2025-01-21 Recent Developments in Biofertilizer and Biopesticide Research in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Use of biopesticides in integrated pest management strategies on vegetable crops in tropical Asia and Africa
2025-01-21 Status of Research, Development, and Use of Biofertilizer and Biopesticides in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides in Sri Lanka: Technology, Production, Extension, and Research
2025-01-21 Present Status and Future Prospects of Biofertilizers and Biopesticides in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Biopesticide based IPM strategies for safer vegetable production in Southeast Asia
2025-01-22 Rice Cultivation with Innovative Biofertilizer and Biopesticide Methods in Japan
2025-01-21 Biofertilizer & Biopesticide Situation in Thailand 2018
2025-01-21 Country Report of Bangladesh on Bio fertilizers & Bio pesticides
2025-01-21 Biopesticide Market Trends And Certis Global Development and Commercial Experiences in Biopesticides
2025-01-21 Research, development, and application of biofertilizers and biopesticides in the philippines: overview of existing technologies and government policies
2025-01-21 Country paper on biofertilizer and biopesticide in Cambodia
2025-01-21 Regional development, risk management, successful commercialization cases, and the future of biopesticides and biofertilizers specifically in Japan
2025-01-21 Biocontrol of Rice Insect Pests through Ecological Engineering
2025-01-21 The Role of Industry in Conducting Research, Development, and Commercialization of Biopesticides and Biofertilizers
2025-01-21 Review of the 1st - 4th APO-ICBB Biopesticides Project Implementation, Recommendations and Future Prospects
2025-01-21 Public-Private Partnership in Biocontrol Research and Product Development: A Successful Case from Vietnam.
2025-01-21 Possible strategy of regional network and future direction of international collaboration
2025-01-21 The Action Plan for Biofertilizers and Biopesticides International Development and Promotion
2025-01-21 Management and safety evaluation of microbial pesticides
2025-01-21 Molecular Identification and Commercialization of Biopesticides‐ Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as An Example
2025-01-20 Application and Technology Transfer of the Probiotic Biofertilizer and Biopesticide for Crop Health Care
2025-01-20 Circular economy approaches in livestock waste area
2025-01-22 Circular potential of animal waste and crop residues in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Nitrogen footprint approach for linking sustainable healthy diet to circular agriculture
2025-01-21 Circular agriculture for rice based farming system: Case study on Rice Bio Park in Myanmar
2025-01-21 Reinventing circular agriculture to increase nutritional food production: Evidence from Indonesia
2025-01-21 Strategies for promoting circular agriculture science and technology in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The Circular agriculture future for Power Great Biotechnology Co. in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Implementation of government policies and actions to orient food systems towards healthier diets in Thailand
2025-01-21 Sustainable healthy diets for Asians: What are the criteria and can it be achieved?
2025-01-21 Drivers and barriers for developing a sustainable circular agriculture in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Agricultural multifunctionality and circular agriculture – linkages and implications
2025-01-22 Case study on the integrated crop livestock farming system in the agricultural sector in Korea
2025-01-21 Healthy soils for resilient agriculture towards enhancement of food security in Asia
2025-01-22 Enhancing agricultural productivity through nanotechnology
2025-01-14 Effects of shallow hideen pipes on soil salinity of greenhouse cucumber
2025-01-21 Soil fertility management for sustainable plant production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Utilization of sugarcane trash to improve soil fertility
2025-01-14 The use of polyacrylic acid and polyurethrane in controlling the release of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium of compound fertilizer
2025-01-21 Recent trend in nutrient use, balance and efficiency for sustainable intensification in Japan
2025-01-22 Effect of biochar on soil quality, carbon storage and crop yield: a solution for carbon farming
2025-01-21 Case study on the prediction of souil organic carbon and fertilizer requirement using legacy data in Korea
2025-01-21 Measures adopted in Taiwan to strengthen healthy soil-plant interactions in resilient agriculture
2025-01-21 History of Sugarcane Breeding using Saccharum spontaneum in Japan
2025-01-21 Current Status and Prospects of Erianthus Utilization for Sugarcane Improvement
2025-01-21 Broadening the Genetic Base of Sugarcane: Introgression Opportunities and Challenges
2025-01-21 Fijian Sugar Industry-building-up towards Resilience
2025-01-21 Current Performance of Indonesian Sugar Industry and its Improvement Strategy
2025-01-21 Status of Sugarcane Research and Industry in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Sustainability and Net-Zero Strategies of the Sugarcane Industry in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Shaping Thailand Sugarcane Industry into a Multi-use Platform Through Variety Development
2025-01-21 A Review of Sugarcane Research and Industry in Vietnam
2025-01-21 BCG and the Sugarcane Industries in Thailand
2025-01-21 Effective Utilization of Sugarcane-derived Byproducts from the Perspective of Life-cycle Design
2025-01-22 Overview of Seed and Seedling Production in South and SE Asia in the Post Pandemic Era
2025-01-21 Promotion of Taiwan’s Seeds and Seedlings Smart Production System
2025-01-21 Current Status of the Malaysian Seed Industry
2025-01-22 Seeds and Seedlings Production in the Philippines: Current and Future Prospects
2025-01-22 Grafting Robot for Tomatoes Using Low-cost Plastic Tape
2025-01-22 Artificial Intelligence and Cold Plasma Technologies for Intelligent Rice Seed Production Systems
2025-01-21 Establishment of Seed Image Recognition Technology and its Application
2025-01-21 Future Plant Breeding Trend for Vegetable Using New Breeding Technologies
2025-01-21 Rice Seeds and Seedling Production Technologies Applied at CuuLong Delta Rice Research Institute: Current Status and Looking Forward
2025-01-21 Technologies development on intelligent production of livestock industry in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Unmanned 3D smart marine farm
2025-01-21 Livestock smallholder empowerment system based on digital technology and internet of things for livestock smallholder communities in Indonesia
2025-01-21 RDA research trends and cases for smart livestock farming
2025-01-21 Current status and solutions to promote the development and adoption of intelligent production systems on small-scale aquaculture in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Crabifier: In search of sustainable solutions through traditional and modern technologies for the mangrove crab industry
2025-01-20 Artificial intelligence in livestock production in Thailand: industry and research
2025-01-22 Intelligent machine system of dairy farm in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Development and implication of intelligent technology for the aquaculture industry: a case report in the area of shrimp farming
2025-01-21 Automatic feeding by activity determination for fish farming
2025-01-20 Internationally developed, locally influenced-smart aquaculture in Taijiang Agriculture Biotechnology
2025-01-22 Real-time application of remote health monitoring technology to livestock industry 
2025-01-21 Bábolna Tetra Group; selected for quality
2025-01-21 Application of intelligent technology to raising geese for industrial development
2025-01-21 Policy for R&D promotion (General discussion)
2025-01-21 Policy for the transformation of intelligent production (General discussion)
2025-01-23 Business models of intelligent systems (General discussion)
2025-01-21 Vegetabla prodution using plasticulture
2025-01-21 The development of protected environment for horticulture crop improvement in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Mechanized production technology in protected horticulture
2025-01-21 Grafting of vegetables to improve the production under protective structures
2025-01-21 Using plug system for hygiene vegetable production
2025-01-21 Production and use of plug transplants in Korea
2025-01-21 Recent development of countermeasure technology against excessive heat in Japanese protected cultivation
2025-01-21 Hot pepper production technology in different structure of greenhouses
2025-01-21 Productivity quality improvement of vegetable crops by hydroponics
2025-01-21 Protective structures for flower production
2025-01-21 Using high tunnels for the production of vegetables and other crops
2025-01-21 Protectective cultivation practices for high-value vegetables under Philippine conditions
2025-01-21 Use of plastic shelter for improving peach production
2025-01-21 Slopeland capability classification in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Land use planning for slopeland agroecosystems
2025-01-21 Slope lands - its suitability and sustainable uses in Korea
2025-01-21 Sustainable land management indicators for sloping upland farms
2025-01-21 Suitability assessment of slope land for sustainable use
2025-01-21 Monitoring of quality and productivity of slopeland
2025-01-21 Land suitability classification as a tool of land use planning in sloping lands in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Resources inventory of land capability classification of sloping lands in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Land capability classification for hilly watersheds using expert systems
2025-01-21 Integration of GIS / DEM and SRS for watershed planning and management : Soil erosion and nutrient balance
2025-01-21 Micronutrients in plant production of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Field and research experiences on micro-nutrients fertilization in selected crops in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Micronutrient content and uptake by vegetable crops in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Micronutrients in crop production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Distribution characteristics of micro-nutrients of soils and plants in Korea
2025-01-21 Relationships between trace metal concentration, metal fractionation and bioavailability of trace elements in soils of Taiwan
2025-01-21 General aspects of fruit trees with respect to micro nutrients in Korea
2025-01-21 Boron deficiency of crops in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Hidden boron deficiency in southern Japan
2025-01-22 Micronutrient status of some Philippine soils
2025-01-22 Background levels of micronutrients in the soils of Japan
2025-01-21 Pesticide and pesticide residue management status in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring for agricultural products in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring system for agricultural products in Japan
2025-01-21 Regulatory control of pesticide residue and toxicity in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue and monitoring system in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring system for agricultural products in Korea
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring system in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Pest status information used in IPM
2025-01-21 Rational use of fungicides in management of multiple diseases in a single crop system
2025-01-21 Management and safety evaluation of pesticides on mammals in Taiwan
2025-01-21 An Introduction for pesticide formulations and effective use
2025-01-21 Establishment of pesticide tolerances for food safety
2025-01-21 Multi-residue analysis of fruits and vegetables
2025-01-21 Pesticide exposure assessment and protection for farmers
2025-01-21 Argicultural extension education and training
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1999
2025-01-22 Postharvest handling in Asia: 1. Rice 2. Horticultural crops
2025-01-21 Agricultural pest management at a crossroads: New opportunities and new risks
2025-01-22 Recent progress in integrated pest management of vegetables
2025-01-22 Low-cost technology for controlling soybean insect pests in Indonesia
2025-01-23 Scope of plant protection - a practical point of view
2025-01-22 Integrated pest management
2025-01-21 Soil nutrient management for sustained food crop production in upland farming systems in the tropics
2025-01-21 Soil and nutrient conservation oriented practices in the Philippines; Economics of balanced fertilization in irrigated rice farms
2025-01-21 Selecting indicators to evaluate soil quality
2025-01-22 Major land resource stresses in relation to sustainable agriculture in Asia
2025-01-21 The agricultural situation of North Korea
2025-01-20 Vegetable production using plasticulture
2025-01-21 Using a plug system to produce hygienic vegetables
2025-01-22 Production of chili pepper in different kinds of greenhouses in Korea
2025-01-21 The use of plug transplants in Korea
2025-01-22 Grafting of vegetables to improve greenhouse production
2025-01-21 The application of the epidemiologic simulation model "MELAN" to control citrus melanose caused by Diaporthe citri (FAW.) Wolf
2025-01-17 Recent progress in the development and application of bioinsecticides in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Newsletter 123
2025-01-21 Newsletter 124
2025-01-21 Newsletter 125
2025-01-21 Newsletter 126
2025-01-22 Managing banana and citrus diseases
2025-01-19 Low-cost livestock farming practices in Korea, Phlippines, Taiwan, and Thailand
2025-01-21 Agriculture prices and indications in the Asian and Pacific region No.34
2025-01-21 Recent progress of crop breeding in Japan: Review of general crop breeding
2025-01-16 Breeding of feed grains with reference to livestock improvement
2025-01-17 Current rice breeding in tropical Asia and future perspectives
2025-01-21 Sustainable soil fertility management on tropical smallholdings
2025-01-21 Sustainable crop and soil management on sloping lands
2025-01-21 Integrated pest management
2025-01-21 Scope of plant protection - a practical point of view
2025-01-21 Control of virus and virus-like diseases of tropical fruit trees
2025-01-22 Post-harvest handling for reduced losses and higher value-added of horticultural crops
2025-01-21 Rice post harvest handling for reduced losses and higher value added
2025-01-21 The impact of international trade in agriculture on small-scale farmers in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Prospects of the food demand and supply in the Asian and Pacific Region in 21st century
2025-01-21 Role of agricultural cooperatives in rural tourism in Korea
2025-01-21 A planning aspect and methodology for countryside tourism development
2025-01-21 French rural tourism Clientele offer and development policy
2025-01-21 Development possibility of green tourism in Japan
2025-01-21 The trends in rural tourism in Thailand
2025-01-21 A development model for transforming from agricultural development to agricultural recreation services: The Flying Cow Ranch in Miaoli, Taiwan
2025-01-21 A case study of local leisure agriculture planning in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rural tourism industry - Its importance and size
2025-01-21 Theoretical background and development strategies for rural tourism
2025-01-21 HomoEco care valley (HECV): Developing the Philippine countryside through Rural Eco Tourism
2025-01-21 Case study on rural tourism in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Development situation and policy programs for rural tourism in Korea
2025-01-21 A study on the development method of tourism agriculture in resources rural park
2025-01-21 Epidemiological review on citrus greening and virus diseases of citrus and banana with special reference to disease-free nursery system
2025-01-21 Production and cultivation of virus-free banana TC plantlets in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Viruses of banana and methods for their detection
2025-01-21 Virus and virus-like diseases of banana and citrus in Malaysia: Status and control strategies
2025-01-21 Disease management of citrus orchards planted with disease-free seedlings in Thailand
2025-01-21 Recent progress in the research on citrus greening in Asia, including serological diagnosis
2025-01-21 Ecology of the insect vectors of citrus systemic diseases and their control in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Citrus greening control project in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Management of viral streak in banana and plantain:
2025-01-21 Pathological and molecular characterization of banana bunchy-top virus(BBTV) strains in Asia
2025-01-21 The impact of tissue culture plants in the ongoing eradication and rehabilitation program in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Epidemiology and integrated management of Abaca bunchytop
2025-01-21 Rehabilitation of BBTV affected areas in the Philippines: Experiences and problems - Rene Rafael Espino
2025-01-22 Status of disease management of citrus in the Philippines: focus the cordillera
2025-01-21 Management of citrus disease-free seedlings in southern Vietnam
2025-01-21 Management of disease-free citrus seedlings in the North of Vietnam
2025-01-22 Establishment of disease-free foundation and nursery for controlling greening disease and citrus tristeza virus - A Sarawak experience
2025-01-21 Status of disease management of virus diseases of banana and citrus in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Ecological concerns in crop-livestock integration with sloping land
2025-01-21 Combination use of native and improved pasture for beef cow grazing on hilly in Southern Japan
2025-01-21 Dynamics of crop-livestock integration in slopeland areas
2025-01-21 Integration of forest-livestock management in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Participatory approaches to agriculture technology development in sloping lands
2025-01-21 The integration of livestock in shifting cultivation systems in the upland of the Lao PDR
2025-01-21 Nitrogen-fixing cut-and-carry forage systems for small farmers in Asia's tropical uplands
2025-01-22 Participation scheme of smallholder dairy farmers in NE, Thailand on improving feeding systems
2025-01-21 Trees and livestock to stabilize upland rice shifting cultivation systems in Northern Laos
2025-01-21 Improving land use and livestock productivity in sloping lands
2025-01-21 Improving biomass productivity of plants, soil fertility on sloping land and of farm household incomes in Bavi mountainous area
2025-01-21 Soil management for sustainable agriculture in Asia
2025-01-21 Utilization of wastes for sustainable agriculture in Thailand
2025-01-21 Smallholder acid upland soils management in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Evaluation of soil losses of tea plantation under different soil and water conservation practices
2025-01-21 Major land resource stresses in relation to sustainable agriculture in Asia
2025-01-20 Soil management for sustainable agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 The analysis of cropping land requirements for sustainable agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Selecting the indicators to evaluate the soil quality of Taiwan soils and approaching a national level of sustainable soil management
2025-01-21 Soil nutrient management for sustained food crop production in upland farming systems of the tropics
2025-01-21 Economics of balanced fertilization in irrigated rice farms
2025-01-21 Soil and nutrient conservation oriented practices in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Soil testing and prescription in Thailand
2025-01-21 Integrated nutrient management to satisfy soil productivity requirements and also environmental preservation requirements
2025-01-21 Dr. Soils and fertilizer recommendation for various crops
2025-01-21 Diagnosis of nutrient disorders and their management
2025-01-21 Soil testing and diagnosis system in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Implementation of DSSAT models for fertilizer recommendation
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for corn using a modeling approach
2025-01-21 Soil and plant analysis for nutrient management of mango
2025-01-21 Soil Test Kit for quick diagnosis
2025-01-21 Technology transfer of fertilizer recommendations for various crops
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 1998
2025-01-22 Effective conservation practices for the cultivation of slopelands
2025-01-22 Fruit production and the management of slopelands in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Soil conservation on sloping orchards in Japan
2025-01-19 Mechanized farming for slopeland orchards: I. Japan II. Korea
2025-01-22 Integrated management of slopeland orchards: I. Apple, pear, and citrus orchards in Korea II. Mango orchards in Taiwan
2025-01-19 Rural tourism on a regional basis: France
2025-01-23 (A) Rural tourism in Korea (B) Managerial problems of rural tourism in Korea
2025-01-22 Rural tourism: A case study of regional planning in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rural tourism in Japan: The regeneration of rural communities
2025-01-21 Rural tourism - The impact on rural communities: I. Indonesia II. Thailand
2025-01-21 (A) Ecology of the insect vectors of citrus systemic diseases and their control in Taiwan (B) Citrus greening control project in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Production of virus-free banana plantlets in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Ecological concerns in crop-livestock integration in sloping land
2025-01-22 Participatory approaches to agricultural technology development in sloping lands
2025-01-22 Cut-and-carry forage systems based on ntirogen-fixing plants for Asia's tropical slopelands
2025-01-21 The integration of livestock in shifting cultivation systems in the upland of the Lao PDR
2025-01-22 Crop-livestock integration in slopeland Areaas
2025-01-21 Potential of organic waste compost utilization in vegetable crop production systems
2025-01-21 Preparation and maturity evaluation of composts
2025-01-21 Quality control and evaluation of animal waste compost 
2025-01-21 Quality control of commercial organic fertilizers in Korea
2025-01-21 Evaluation of efficient utilization of organic materials based on their decomposition pattern in soils
2025-01-21 Effects of organic fertilizers on soil improvement, yield and quality of specialty crops in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effect of compost on soil improvement, yield and quality of crops
2025-01-21 The IBS rapid composting technology: Its role in producing good quality organic fertilizers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Organic sources for vegetable cultivation in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Production and application of compost for soil improvement in Thailand
2025-01-20 Farming systems in upland areas of Bangladesh: In quest of sustainability
2025-01-21 Study meeting on sustainable farming system in upland areas
2025-01-21 Sustainable farming systems in upland and slopeland areas of India
2025-01-21 Sustainable farming systems in upland and slopeland areas of Indonesia
2025-01-21 A brief review of agricultural sector in Iran and some experience of technology development for sustainable farming in upland areas.
2025-01-22 Study meeting on sustainable farming systems in upland areas: Japan
2025-01-21 Sustainable agriculture in upland areas
2025-01-21 Study meeting on sustainable farming system in upland areas
2025-01-21 Family farming in Mongolia
2025-01-21 Sustainable farming systems in the upland areas of Nepal
2025-01-21 Sustainable development strategies for farming system in up-land and water conservation in Pakistan
2025-01-21 Study meeting on sustainable farming systems in upland areas: Philippines
2025-01-21 Study meeting on sustainable farming systems in upland areas: Sri Lanka
2025-01-20 Approaches to agricultural development on sloping land and upland areas of Vietnam
2025-01-21 The current situation and future tasks in slopeland agriculture in Japan and Asia
2025-01-21 Sustainable technologies for use and conservation of steeplands
2025-01-21 Sustainable farming systems in the upland areas of semi-arid and humid Asia: Land resources management in slopeland agriculture
2025-01-20 Effective conservation practices for the cultivation of sloping lands
2025-01-21 Mechanization of hillside orchards in Korea
2025-01-21 Labor saving production systems of high-quality Citrus Fruits on steep sloping Land
2025-01-22 Annual Report 1997
2025-01-22 Citrus production in Thailand
2025-01-23 Reducing the costs of citrus production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Citrus production in Korea
2025-01-21 Citrus production in Japan: New trends in technology
2025-01-21 Nutrient requirements of solanaceous vegetable crops
2025-01-21 Efficient nitrogen uses in vegetable production I. sustainable nitrogen management in intensive vegetable production
2025-01-22 Efficient nitrogen use in vegetable production II. Analysis of fertilizer response and efficiency in vegetable production in the Hsilo area, Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rapid composting technology in the Philippines: Its role in producing good-quality organic fertilizers
2025-01-23 Preparation of compost, and evaluating its maturity.
2025-01-21 Quality control of commercial organic fertilizers in Korea.
2025-01-21 The Decomposition of fresh and composted organic materials in soil.
2025-01-22 Sustainable technologies for use and conservation of steeplands.
2025-01-22 Soil as a filter for nutrients and chemicals: Sustainability aspects.
2025-01-22 Utilization of composted organic wastes in vegetable production systems.
2025-01-21 Evaluation by TAC members of FFTC programs and activities, 1900- 1995
2025-01-21 Report on the special project into virus and virus-like diseases of tropical fruits in the Asain and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Improved citrus production in Taiwan through multi-disciplinary integrated management
2025-01-21 Integrated management of agricultural resources and information
2025-01-21  Global food production prospects into the next century
2025-01-21 Structural changes in agriculture and implications to food security in Korea
2025-01-20 Vital roles to be played by family farms for food security in the coming century
2025-01-21  Food production & the role of family farms
2025-01-21 Agricultural policy reforms in Indonesia: accelerating growth with equity
2025-01-20 The agricultural situation and policy reforms in Korea
2025-01-21 The agricultural sector of Thailand and future prospects
2025-01-20 The Malaysian smallholder agriculture under the national agricultural policy
2025-01-21 China's farmers' household economy: situation and prospects
2025-01-22 Policy measures for fostering small family farms in the Republic of China
2025-01-20 GATT Uruguay round agreement: its implication for small farms in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Food production and the economic sustainability of family farms in Korea
2025-01-21 Semi-organic farming as a practical alternative
2025-01-21 Green tourism in Japan
2025-01-21 Rural tourism in Korea
2025-01-21 Worldwide citrus production and innovative technology for citrus cultivar improvement. 
2025-01-22 An overview of citrus production in Japan: New trends in technology
2025-01-21 Citrus production in Korea
2025-01-21 Citrus production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Citrus production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Horticultural characteristics and utilization of Cheju local citrus species
2025-01-21 The citrus industry in the Philippines, its problems and prospects
2025-01-21 Overcoming the problems of citrus production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The strategy in reducing production and marketing cost of citrus in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Case study of tangerine growing in central plain of Thailand
2025-01-21 Chemical Fruit thinning in Satsuma mandarin
2025-01-20 Citrus breeding in Japan: New citrus cultivars and their genetic background in Japan
2025-01-21 New development in citrus breeding
2025-01-20 Current status and future direction of pest management for citrus insect pests in Korea
2025-01-21 Significance of sucrose synthetic enzymes in improvement of citrus cultivars
2025-01-20 Farming technology development and constraints on sloping lands of Yogyakarta upland area
2025-01-21 Cooperative pasture systems to produce beef cattle in the northern uplands of Japan
2025-01-21 Crop-animal integration in sloping land in Korea new trends in goat production and consumption
2025-01-21  Utilizing crop plantations on sloping lands for livestock production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The development of sloping agricultural land technology in Thailand
2025-01-21 Preliminary results on livestock-crop integration in sloping lands in southern Vietnam
2025-01-21 Crop-livestock integration in sloping agricultural land in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Performance of dairy goats fed with concentrate and forage legumes in sloping agricultural land technology (SALT)
2025-01-21 Vegetables, nutrient rates and management
2025-01-21 Soil as a filter for nutrients and chemicals: sustainability aspects
2025-01-21 Nutrient requirements of solanaceous vegetable crops
2025-01-21 Nutrient concentrations of and uptake by some fruit vegetables in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Nutrient management practices for intensive vegetable cultivation systems in Bangladesh
2025-01-21 The nutritional balances of vegetable in two agroecosystems of Northern Thailand
2025-01-22 Mungbean (Vigna radiata) effects on soil and crop productivity in different cropping systems in India
2025-01-21 Improving productivity of vegetable cultivation on Ultisols of Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Nutrient balance in intensive cereal-vegetable cropping in subtropical Asia 
2025-01-21 Phosphorus and potassium nutrient management for vegetable soils in Shanghai and Guangdong, PRC
2025-01-21 Nutrient management in red pepper production in Korea
2025-01-21 Analysis of fertilizer responses and efficiencies in vegetable production in Hsilo area (Taiwan)
2025-01-21 The nitrogen balance and implication of fertilizer management in three cropping sequences
2025-01-21 Nitrogen and Phosphorus dynamic and balances in intensive rice-vegetable cropping systems
2025-01-21 Contributions of N from waste applications to vegetables: AVRDC research
2025-01-21 Contributions of P and K from waste applications to vegetable: AVRDC research
2025-01-21 Utilization of organic waste composts in vegetable crop production systems
2025-01-21 Nutrient uptake by vegetable crops and residual soil fertility from six management systems
2025-01-21 Fertilization of cabbage grown in the Tachi reservoir catchment
2025-01-21 Sustainable nitrogen management in intensive vegetable production 
2025-01-21 A user-friendly decision support system for adjusting N fertilize requirements to local conditions 
2025-01-21 Tracking nutrient flows in a multi-enterprise farming system with mass balance model (ECOPATH)
2025-01-21 Classification and inoculum production of VA mycorrhiza
2025-01-21 Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in horticulture
2025-01-21 Application of VA mycorrhizal fungi on production of melons
2025-01-21 Microbial fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Biological N2-fixation and p-solubilizing bacteria
2025-01-21 Bioreactor of compost
2025-01-21 Recycling and utilization of bagasse
2025-01-21 Composting of animal waste
2025-01-21 Examples of dairy manure composting in Japan
2025-01-21 The influence of various biofilters on the deodorising efficiency of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide
2025-01-21 The manufacturing processes and application of organic compound fertilizers
2025-01-21 Quality of compost
2025-01-21 Nutrition and fertilizer requirement of cavendish banana
2025-01-21 Research on leaf diagnosis criteria and its application to fertilization recommendations for citrus orchards in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Site-specific fertilizer recommendation for rice in the Philippines based on soil test.
2025-01-22 Crop logging in banana plantations
2025-01-21 Fertilizer recommendation for rice: soil testing and plant analysis
2025-01-22 Available P (Bray and Kurtz, Method 2)
2025-01-22 Sources of analytical errors
2025-01-21 Soil test kits for quick diagnosis
2025-01-21 Application of diagnosis and recommendation integrated system to papaya and banana
2025-01-21 Quick tissues test for papaya
2025-01-21 Determining nutritional status and fertilizer recommendation for coconut
2025-01-21 Phytoavailable soil test (PST)
2025-01-21 Calibration of phosphorus and potassium soil test values for interpretation and fertilizer recommendation in corn production
2025-01-22 FFTC Annual Report 1996
2025-01-21 Utilization of tofu (soybean curd) by-products as feed for cattle
2025-01-21 Oil-palm fronds as a roughage feed source for ruminants in Malaysia
2025-01-22 Utilization of by-products from food processing as livestock feed in Japan
2025-01-21 Utilization of agricultural by-products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Use of agro-industrial by-products as animal feeds in Korea 
2025-01-21 Sustainable land management in tropical tree-crop ecosystems
2025-01-21 Soil and crop management for sustainable slopeland farming in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 The use of mulches for sustainable agriculture in slopeland areas I. Taiwan II. Japan
2025-01-21 Implementation and adaptation of conservation practices
2025-01-21 Soil conservation on slopelands in Korea by grassland establishment
2025-01-21 The development of sloping agricultural land technology in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Microbial fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 The manufacturing and application of organic compound fertilizers
2025-01-21 Food production and the role of small family farms
2025-01-21 Future outlook for world food production
2025-01-21 Agricultural policy reforms in Indonesia: accelerating growth with equity
2025-01-21 The vital role of family farms in food security
2025-01-21 Overcoming the problems of citrus production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The use of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi for horticulture crops
2025-01-21 Innovative technology for citrus cultivar improvement
2025-01-21 Appropriate use of fertilizers in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-21 Biological pest control in system of integrated pest management
2025-01-21 The small-scale rural food processing industry in Japan
2025-01-21 Development of cottage food processing enterprises in Taiwan's rural village
2025-01-21 The promotion strategies for small farmers' food processing enterprises in Korea: application of postharvest technology of agricultural products
2025-01-21 The current situation and development strategy of rural food processing enterprises in Shaanxi province, China
2025-01-21 Soybean processing by farmers' cooperatives in the Philippines: a case study
2025-01-21 Technology improvements of farmer's food processing enterprises for rural environment and welfare in Korea
2025-01-21 Present status of small scale food industries in Indonesia: special case on food crop products
2025-01-22 The technology guidance in the small farmers' food processing in Japan
2025-01-21 Present development status of the NACF food processing business and its futur direction
2025-01-21 Postharvest support and processing for better soybean entrepreneurship in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Role of small scale farmers to Thai sugar industry
2025-01-21 The important role of TPFA diary plant on developing of diary enterprise in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Small scale food processing enterprises in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Food processing technology for small enterprises in Thailand
2025-01-21 Improving feed resources for a sustainable ruminant production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Livestock feeding and adoption of technology by farmers in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Sustainable livestock production in the hillylands of Mindanao: the MBRLC experience
2025-01-21 Review on the utilization of indigenous feed resources for sustainable livestock production in China
2025-01-21 Upland-based farming system on livestock raising
2025-01-21 Properties and utilization of indigenous by-product feeds in Japan
2025-01-21 Use of agro-industrial by-products as animal feeds in Korea
2025-01-21 Indigenous feed resources for stainable livestock productivity in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Indigenous feed resources for ruminant in Northern Thailand
2025-01-21 The indigenous feed resources for non-ruminant animal in Thailand
2025-01-21 Utilization of agricultural by-products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Roughage production and utilization for ruminant animals in Korea
2025-01-21 Technique and equipment for utilization of "Tofu-refuse" as feed to cattle
2025-01-21 Technique and equipment for utilization of "Tofu-refuse" as feed to cattle
2025-01-21 Perspectives of national soil and water conservation program
2025-01-21 Sustainable land management in tropical tree-crop ecosystems
2025-01-21 Soil and crops management for sustainable slopeland farming in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Impact of the transition of land use systems to soil fertility conservation on slopeland of northwestern mountain region, Vietnam
2025-01-21 Soil and water conservation of sloped farm land in Korea
2025-01-21 Sustainable land use in hilly red soil region of southern China
2025-01-21 Geomorphic condition of agricultural land and soil conservation effects of mulch in a mountainous area in Shikoku, Japan
2025-01-21 Appropriate soil conservation technology and research need for sustainable slopeland farming
2025-01-21 Effectiveness of vegetable residue on soil and water conservation for steep sloping orchards
2025-01-21 Evaluation of environment conservation functions using geographical information system
2025-01-21 USLE and cost sharing program for the implementation of conservation practices
2025-01-21 Soil conservation on slopeland in Korea
2025-01-21 Implementation and adaption of conservation practices
2025-01-21 Implementation and adaption of conservation practices: a case study of the ASIALAND management of sloping land network
2025-01-21 Soil and water conservation of sloped for sustainable slope land farming in northern Thailand
2025-01-21 Results of FFTC's special project on insect-borne virus diseases in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Status of insect-borne virus diseases of banana and citrus in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Entomological aspects of IPM for insect-borne virus diseases of fruit trees 
2025-01-21 Virological aspects to an integrated management of vector-borne virus diseases of citrus
2025-01-20 Current status of tropical fruit tree IPM in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Insect-borne virus and virus-like diseases of tropical fruits in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Citrus greening and tristeza virus diseases in Sarawak, east Malaysia
2025-01-21 Insect-borne virus diseases of tropical fruits in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Fruit virus diseases in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Fruit virus diseases in the South Pacific
2025-01-21 Intergrated management of insect-borne virus and virus-like diseases of fruit crops in Thailand
2025-01-20 Occurrence of virus diseases of citrus in Korea
2025-01-21 Control of insect-borne virus diseases of fruit trees in Saudi Arabia
2025-01-20 GTZ-approach to the IPM in tropical fruit diseases
2025-01-20 Occurrence and identification of the P strain of papaya ringspot virus and papaya leaf-distortion mosaic virus in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-20 Control of papaya ringspot virus by transgenic approach
2025-01-21 Breeding papaya lines for tolerance to papaya ringspot viruses
2025-01-21 Discrimination of citrus tristeza virus isolates in Japan
2025-01-21 Differential susceptibility of pummelo and swingle citrumelo to isolates of citrus tristeza virus
2025-01-20 Infection and spreading of citrus greening
2025-01-21 Passion fruit virus diseases in Taiwan, their characteristics, epidemic ecology, and development of control measures
2025-01-21 Problems of insect-born virus diseases of fruit trees in Asia
2025-01-21 BBTV, CMV, and other viruses affecting bananas in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-21 Ecology of BBTV and CMV infection to banana in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Virus free tissue culture system for controlling banana virusdiseases
2025-01-22 Banana streak badnavirus infection in Musa: epidemiology, diagnosis and control
2025-01-21 IPM of vector aphids
2025-01-21 Rapid bioassay for pesticide residues in Taiwan, and prospect in Asia
2025-01-21 Toxicological principles, advantages and limitations
2025-01-21 Qualitatives and quantitative analysis of insecticide residues by AChE tests
2025-01-21 IPM in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue monitoring in vegetables using the conventional method
2025-01-21 Residues of pesticides in foods and the environment as a consequence of crop protection
2025-01-21 Toxicity testing using microorganisms: the BT test
2025-01-22 Biological nitrogen fixation (plus practical session)
2025-01-21 Isolation and selection of VA mycorrhiza and P-solubilizing bacteria from soils
2025-01-21 Preparation and characterization of compost (plus practical session)
2025-01-21 Practical aspects of animal waste composting in Japan (plus practical session)
2025-01-21 Problems involved in producing compost from organic wastes of different sources
2025-01-21 Problems involved in the use of compost
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1995
2025-01-21 Problems in the development of slopeland agriculture in Asia
2025-01-21 The development of sloping agricultural land technology in the Philippines I. SALT for slopeland crop-based agriculture II. SALT for sustainable livestock production
2025-01-21 Erosion control practices for steep upland field in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The management of spider mites, with a special emphasis on the cultural practices of growers
2025-01-21 The possibility of eradicating two sweet potato pests, Cylas formicarius and Euscepes postfasciatus, in Japan
2025-01-21 Combined forestry and livestock production in the uplands of Kyushu, Japan
2025-01-21 Crop-livestock farming in the uplands of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Integrated crop-livestock production in Korea I. Integrated crop-livestock production on slopelands in Korea II. Use of locally produced roughage by dairy farms in Korea
2025-01-21 Crop-livestock integration in Hokkaido, Japan, base on ammonia treated straw as livestock feed
2025-01-21 The composting of animal wastes
2025-01-21 Small-scale food processing enterprises in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Food processing in Indonesia; the development of small-scale industries
2025-01-20 Development of cottage food processing enterprises in rural Taiwan
2025-01-21 The promotion of food processing by farmers in Korea
2025-01-21 Ecological sustainability of the paddy soil-rice system in Asia
2025-01-21 Efficient use of fertilizer nitrogen by crops
2025-01-21 Plant nutrient balances in the Asian and Pacific region - the consequences for agricultureal production
2025-01-21 I. Virological aspects to an integrated management of vector-borne virus diseases of citrus II. Summary of final discussion international seminar on insect-borne virus and virus-like disease of fruit trees in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 I. IPM of vector aphids II. Problems of insect-borne virus diseases of fruit trees in Asia
2025-01-21 BBTV, CMV and other viruses affecting banana in Asia and the pacific
2025-01-21 Control of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), with synthetic sex pheromone
2025-01-21 Banana streak badbavirus infection in MUSA: epidemiology, diagnosis and control
2025-01-20 Sustainable food production in the Asain and Pacific region
2025-01-20 Evaluation on the report of integrating crop production on lowland rice areas in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Cropping systems and nutrient balance
2025-01-20 Evaluation of the results of the field trials on integrating crop production in lowland rice areas in the Philippines: Focussing on irrigation
2025-01-21 Integrating crop production and some diseases problems in lowlands rice areas in Korea
2025-01-20 Multi-cropping and crop diversification in lowlands rice areas in the red river delta of Vietnam
2025-01-21 Breeding strategies for improving maize production under different cropping systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Integrating upland crops production in lowlands rice areas: Research management aspect
2025-01-21 Integrating crops production in lowlands rice areas in the Philippines: Review of the on-farm trail component
2025-01-21 Integrating crop production in lowlands rice areas in the Philippines: A social scientist's view
2025-01-21 Livestock entreprise development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 A case report on integrated livestock-based farming: Barzaga farms and agribusiness
2025-01-21 Livestock enterprise development in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Poultry enterprise development in ROC
2025-01-21 Poultry enterprise development in Korea
2025-01-22 The rural swine enterprise development in Thailand
2025-01-21 Swine waste treatment in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Recent trends in animal waste treatment and utilization in Japan
2025-01-22 Livestock enterprise development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Livestock enterprise development in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Beef cattle enterprise development in Korea
2025-01-21 Diary farming enterprise in Thailand
2025-01-21 Diary farming enterprise in Japan
2025-01-21 Diary farming enterprise strategies in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system in Japan: An overview of public service
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system for centralized and non-centralized marketing organizations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Marketing information system for agriculture products in Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system of selected commodities in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Present status and future problems of Information management system for vegetable and fruit market in Japan
2025-01-21 Food crop market information system: A case of Indonesia
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Direction of agricultural informationalization for Chung-Chong area of Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information system in Japan: accessibility, utilization and evaluation
2025-01-21 Dissemination and farmer's utilization of agriculture marketing information in Korea
2025-01-21 Dissemination of agricultural marketing information of selected commodities in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Dissemination market information in the Philippines: experiences and lessons at the micro-level
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing system and information collection: Taiwan's experience
2025-01-21 A marketing system and information for fresh fruits and vegetables: the U.S. experience
2025-01-21 The provision of marketing and economic information in Australian agriculture
2025-01-20 Agricultural marketing information system: design and implementation in the Philippines
2025-01-21 An evaluation of market news reporting system for broiler in Taiwan
2025-01-21 A provision of agricultural marketing information system in Thailand
2025-01-21 The framework for disseminating agricultural marketing information accessible to farmers: food-crop subsector case in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Use of microbial inoculants and organic fertilizer in agricultural production
2025-01-21 Effect of application of compost and manure on crop growth, nitrogen, mineralization and nitrogen untake under rice-corn rotation
2025-01-21 Roles of organic fertilizer in promoting soil microbiological fertility
2025-01-23 Biofertilizers and their application in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Selection and use of effective strains of Rhizobium in Korea
2025-01-21 Selection and application of biofertilizers in Taiwan agriculture
2025-01-21 Microbial material and soil amendment in Japan
2025-01-21 The research and utilization of biofertilizer in Thailand
2025-01-21 The use of organic wastes for the organic fertilizer in Korea
2025-01-21 Application of microbial inoculants for crop production
2025-01-21 Composts and agricultural production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 General review of processing of compost in Thailand
2025-01-21 Use of bio-organic fertilizers in agricultural production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Status of microbial fertilizers in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Some aspects of use of microbio and organic fertilizers in agricultural production in Korea
2025-01-20 Problems in the development of slopeland agriculture in Asia
2025-01-21 Conservation of soil fertility and control of soil erosion on slopeland
2025-01-21 Erosion control practices for steep farmlands in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Crop cultivation and cropping systems on sloping lands
2025-01-20 Effective utilization of slopeland in Korea
2025-01-20 Agroforestry in China and its prospect
2025-01-22 Agroforestry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Integrated farming system for sustainable slopeland agriculture in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Prospect for socio-economic development of slopeland agriculture
2025-01-21 Prospect for the development of sustainable agriculture on sloping lands
2025-01-20 Keynotes speech: recent development in leaf diagnosis and soil testing as a guide to crop fertilization
2025-01-21 Research on leaf diagnosis criteria and its application on fertilization recommendation for citrus orchards in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Establishment of criteria nutrient levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil and in the leaf for Caitor coffee fertilization
2025-01-20 The use of plant analysis to assess nutrient status and fertilizer recommendation with special reference to the perennial crops in Indonesia
2025-01-20 Use of soil and foliar analysis in the assessment of nutrient requirements for rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The assessment of soil nitrogen availability in sugarcane field by hot water extraction
2025-01-20 Review of diagnosis fertilizer requirements in Korea
2025-01-21 A search for fertilizer recommendations for rice production in Thailand
2025-01-20 The development of soil testing program for food crop fertilizer recommendation in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Outbreak mechanism of aphanomyces root rot in spinach and its control based on nitrogen-fertilizer management
2025-01-21 Control of potato scab by exchangeable aluminum in soil
2025-01-21 Diagnosis of N nutrient by Indophenol-blue method in rice plant
2025-01-21 Soil testing as a basis to fertilizer recommendation on peanut grown in Lahar deposits
2025-01-21 Soil fertility and plant nutrition of cavendish banana as analyzed by diagnosis and recommendation integrated system
2025-01-21 Fertilizer recommendation for economic field crops in Thailand
2025-01-21 Successful examples of diagnosing fertilizer requirement in western Samoa
2025-01-21 Fertilizer recommendation system for oil palm in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Leaf analysis and soil testing for plantation tree crops
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1994
2025-01-21 Economic liberalization and adjustment of rice policies in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Program on integrating crop production in lowland rice areas of the Philippines I. Introduction II. Evaluation of the results of the field trials: A focus on irrigation III. A social scientist's view
2025-01-20 Swine waste treatment in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Treatment and utilization of animal wastes in Japan
2025-01-21 Livestock enterprise development in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The diary industry in Asia A. Taiwan B. Japan
2025-01-21 The development of commercial poultry production I. Korea II. Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 The development of beef cattle production in Korea
2025-01-21 Agriculture-fertilizer interface in Asian and Pacific region: Issue of growth, sustainability, and vulnerability
2025-01-20 Organic farming and the sustainability of agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Plant protection technology for sustainable agriculture in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil management for sustainable food production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information systems in Japan: An overview of public service
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information for selected commodities in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Centralized and non-centralized marketing information systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Use of microbial inoculants and organic fertilizers in agricultural production
2025-01-21 Status of microbial fertilizers in the Philippines
2025-01-21 I. Research on leaf diagnosis criteria and its application to fertilization recommendations for citrus orchards in Taiwan II. Soil fertility and plant nutrition of cavendish banana as analyzed by DRIS (Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system)
2025-01-21 Recent development in leaf diagnosis and soil testing as a guide to crop fertilization
2025-01-21 Leaf analysis and soil testing for plantation tree crops
2025-01-22 The application of fungicide-resistant entomopathogenic green muscardine fungus in Taiwan: Biological control of coconut leaf beetle (Bronstispa longissima) and diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella)
2025-01-21 Control of insect pests with entomopathogenic nematodes I. Control of weevils with entomopathogenic nematodes II. Control of turfgrass insect pests with entomopathogenic nematodes in Japan
2025-01-21 Microbial control of agriculture pests in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Selection and application of biofertilizers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Integrated management paddy and aquatic weeds in Asia
2025-01-21 Combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers
2025-01-21 Etiology and indexing of insect-borne viruses
2025-01-21 Indexing of potato leafroll virus using monoclonal antibodies
2025-01-21 Comparative studies on three distinct potyviruses isolated from passionfruit in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Application of molecular diagnostic probes to diagnosis and indexing of citrus greening and virus diseases in Taiwan.
2025-01-21 Etiological and ecological studies on rice stripe virus disease in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Detection of cymbidium mosaic virus in orchids by direct tissue-blotting on PVDF membrane
2025-01-21 Biology and monitoring of vectors
2025-01-21 Biology and monitoring of vectors in rice stripe epidemiology
2025-01-21 Biology and virus transmission of citrus aphids
2025-01-21 Biology and forecasting the occurrence of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a vector of viral diseases in soybean fields
2025-01-21 Integrated management of insect-borne virus diseases
2025-01-21 Simulation approach to the control of insect-borne virus epidemiology
2025-01-21 Integrated management of citrus virus and greening diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Expression of cucumber mosaic virus satelite RNA in transgenic tobacco plants
2025-01-21 Recent progress in the study of transgenic plants resistant to insect-borne virus diseases
2025-01-21 Asian rice economy: Recent progress and emerging trends
2025-01-21 Technological and policy options for sustaining rice productivity growth in Asia
2025-01-21 Economy liberalization and rice policy adjustment in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Sustainability of rice farming in Japan
2025-01-21 Japan rice farming in transition: Constraints and technological breakthroughs
2025-01-22 New agricultural policy and core farmers of rice farming in Japan
2025-01-21 Rice farming development and productivity in Indonesia: Trends and determinants
2025-01-22 Constraints and prospects of the Malaysian rice economy
2025-01-21 National paddy and rice board (LPN) and its roles in rice marketing and distribution in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Current status and future plans for rice research in Thailand
2025-01-21 Rice extension in Thailand
2025-01-21 Rice farming in the Philippines: Recent trends and prospects in production
2025-01-21 Philippine rice policy: A review
2025-01-21 Rice production in Arkansas
2025-01-21 Rice farming in Vietnam: Past performance, present and future tendencies
2025-01-21 Sustainability of rice farming in Korea
2025-01-21 Implications of current rice trade issue for Korean agriculture
2025-01-21 A retrospect and prospect of the decision-making of the government purchase price of rice
2025-01-21 Contemporary issues in biological control with entomopathogenic nematodes 
2025-01-21 Use of entomopathogenic nematodes in IPM 
2025-01-21 Pathogenicity and other characteristics of bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematodes 
2025-01-21 Suppression of the defense mechanism in the haemolymph of Agrotis segetum by an entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae 
2025-01-21 Infection mechanism and growth regulation in entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema spp. 
2025-01-21 Microbial control of agricultural pests in Taiwan: Present status and future prospects
2025-01-21 Effect of secondary infection with Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus (SINPV) in soybean fields for the control of tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura 
2025-01-21 Improvement and use of Metarhizium anisopliae for controlling  Anomala cuprea
2025-01-21 Control of scarabaeid larvae on sweet potato by the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema kushidai 
2025-01-21 Control of turfgrass insect pests with entomopathogenic nematodes in Japan 
2025-01-21  Potential of Steinernema carpocapsae for biological control of two major pests in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Biological control of the citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Control of two tea tortricids by granulosis viruses 
2025-01-21 A granulosis virus as a control agent of Adoxophyes orana fasciata Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple orchards 
2025-01-21 A trail to promote the effect of natural control agents, especially of Trichogramma sp., on the apple tortrix, Archips fuscocupreanus Walsingham, by disrupting the meting of the pest
2025-01-22 Augmenting natural enemies in maize using vegetational diversity 
2025-01-21 The application of fungicide resistant entomopathogenic green muscardine fungus in Taiwan: The biological control of coconut leaf beetle (Brontispa longissima) and diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella)
2025-01-21 Control of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) on cabbage with BT formulation, and fluctuations in resistance to BT 
2025-01-21 Biological control of the diamondback moth under Indonesia's national IPM program 
2025-01-21 Control of weevils with entomopathogenic nematodes 
2025-01-21 Integration of biological, chemical and other types of control for multiple pests of strawberries grown in greenhouses 
2025-01-21 Systems simulation of the biological control of spider mites by phytoseiids: A guide to the practical use of predatory mites for pest management 
2025-01-21 Recent development in the integrated control of aphids on vegetable crops 
2025-01-21 Utilization of Orius sp. in IPM of Thrips palmi Karny on eggplant grown in greenhouses
2025-01-20 Integrated pest management of Thrips palmi Karny in eggplant fields 
2025-01-21 Role of biological control in integrated control of Sugarcane insect pests 
2025-01-21 Microbial control of rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps (Hemiptera: Deltocephalidae) with two entomogenous fungi (Deuteromycotina)
2025-01-21 Effect of major biocontrol agents on the population dynamics of the green rice leafhopper Nephotettix virescens, the most efficient vector of rice tungro disease
2025-01-21 Biological control of the brown planthopper by a mermithid nematode in Korea 
2025-01-21 How shall farmers integrate cultural environments which promote the regulation of pest populations by natural enemies? Planthopper management in traditional, intensive farming and LISA rice cultivation in Japan 
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1993
2025-01-21 Current status of bioherbicide development and prospects for rice in Asia 
2025-01-21 Prospects for biological control of paddy weeds in southeast Asia and some successes in the biological control of aquatic weeds
2025-01-21 I. Integrated management of paddy weeds in Thailand II. Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of paddy weeds in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Biological agents for the control of paddy weeds in Japan
2025-01-21 The use of chemical and organic fertilizers in crop production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Combined use of organic and chemical fertilizers I. Use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic manure in rice production II. Effect of combined applications of compost and chemical fertilizer on soil fertility and crop yield under a rice-corn rotation
2025-01-21 Combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizer for crop production
2025-01-21 Biology and monitoring of vectors in rice stripe epidemiology 
2025-01-21 Methods of rice cultivation which promote the regulation of pest populations by natural enemies: Planthopper management in traditional, intensive farming and LISA rice cultivation in Japan
2025-01-21 Contemporary issues in biological control with entomopathogenic nematodes 
2025-01-21 Biological controls as components of integrated weed management for rice in the United States
2025-01-21 Technological and policy options for sustaining the growth of rice productivity in Asia
2025-01-20 Asian rice economy: Recent progress and emerging trends
2025-01-20 The relationship between Enosima leucotaeniella and barnyard grass, and the potential of E. leucotaeniella as a biological control 
2025-01-21 Allelopathy in the control of paddy weeds I. The allelopathic effect of some rice varieties II Integrated management of paddy weeds in Korea, with an emphasis on allelopathy
2025-01-21 Biological characteristics and forecasting outbreaks of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, a vector of virus diseases in soybean fields 
2025-01-21 Biology and virus transmission of citrus aphids 
2025-01-21 Simulation approach to the control of insect-borne virus disease
2025-01-21 Effects of alternative and conventional farming systems on agricultural sustainability 
2025-01-21 Future prospects for sustainable agriculture in the Asian and Pacific region 
2025-01-22 Soil management as a component of sustainable agriculture in Korea 
2025-01-21 The management of soils and fertilizers for sustainable crop production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Approach for sustainable upland farming system for Indonesia
2025-01-21 Fundamental strategy of pedology for sustainable agriculture 
2025-01-21 Plant breeding approaches in rice for sustainable agriculture 
2025-01-21 Establishment of a sustainable agricultural system in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Nature farming in Japan: Seeking the answer to sustainability 
2025-01-21 Biotechnology for sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 An approach to sustainable agriculture with emphasis on small farms: A farming system perspective with socio-economic consideration
2025-01-21 Marketing extension services in Malaysia: Status and directions 
2025-01-21 Marketing extension services for small-scale farmers in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 The role of government in strengthening marketing facilitating services
2025-01-21 Development of vegetable marketing and grass-roots activities in Japan 
2025-01-21 Marketing extension for small-scale farmers in Thailand: The neglected services 
2025-01-21 Marketing extension services for small-scale farmers in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 The role of agricultural cooperatives in strengthening of marketing extension services for small-scale farmers: With special reference to the Korean case 
2025-01-21 Development of marketing activities in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Present situation and direction of the marketing extension services of agricultural cooperatives in Korea 
2025-01-21 The basic system of cooperative marketing business in Japan, and the successful marketing strategy for scallions by a primary Cooperative
2025-01-21 Establishing a market information service system for poultry growers in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Strengthening marketing extension services to small scale farmers in the Solomon Islands
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperative marketing extension in ROC on Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The epidemiological and economic assessment of poultry diseases 
2025-01-21 Non infectious diseases in small flocks of chickens 
2025-01-21 IBD: The current situation in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Infectious bursal disease with high mortality in Korea 
2025-01-21 Outbreaks of infectious bursal disease with high mortality in Japan 
2025-01-21 Current situation of poultry diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Poultry diseases and prevention in Japan 
2025-01-21 Poultry diseases control in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Control of poultry diseases in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 Prevention and control of poultry diseases in Thailand 
2025-01-21 The prevention and control on economically important chicken respiratory diseases in Taiwan, R.O.C 
2025-01-21 Diagnosis, prevention and control of non-respiratory poultry diseases in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-21 A review of current trends in the management and diagnosis of poultry diseases in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Vitamin deficiencies in practices
2025-01-21 Weed management in wet-seeded rice in tropical Asia
2025-01-21 Prospects for biological control of paddy weeds in Southeast Asia and some recent successes in the biological control of aquatic weeds 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Indonesia: Current status and prospects for improvement 
2025-01-22 Integrated management of paddy weeds in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Malaysia: Current status and prospects for improvement 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of paddy weeds in Japan: Current status and prospects for improvement 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of paddy weeds in Taiwan: Current status and prospects for improvement 
2025-01-21 Integrated management of aquatic weeds in Japan: Current status and prospects for improvement
2025-01-21 Using the principal component method to identify environmental factors for growth and distribution of aquatic weeds in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The relationship between Emmalocera sp. and barnyard grass and its potential as a biological control
2025-01-21 Biological control of paddy and aquatic weeds in Thailand 
2025-01-21 The tadpole shrimp (Triops spp.) for biological control agent of paddy weeds in Japan
2025-01-22 Control of paddy weeds by plant pathogens in the Philippines 
2025-01-20 Current status of biological control and integrated management of paddy weeds in Korea, with emphasis on allelopathy of weeds 
2025-01-20 The potential biological control of paddy weeds with allelopathy: The allelopathic effect of some rice varieties 
2025-01-20 Allelopathy and fish-toxicity of aquatic weeds 
2025-01-21 Biological controls as components of integrated weed management for rice in the United States 
2025-01-20 Biological control agents for rice paddy weed management in Japan 
2025-01-21 Current status of bioherbicide development and prospects for rice in Asia 
2025-01-21 An attempt for development of bioherbicide for Eleocharis kuroguwai 
2025-01-21 Integration of biological control into IPM systems for aquatic weeds 
2025-01-21 The role of ASEAN PLANTI in the enhancement of biocontrol activities in the region 
2025-01-20 The registration of pesticides and establishment of safety evaluation methods for microbial pesticides 
2025-01-22 Guidelines for biological control projects in the Pacific 
2025-01-21 The use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic fertilizers in crop production in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 The use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic fertilizers in crop production in Japan 
2025-01-21 The present situation of use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic fertilizers in crop production in Korea 
2025-01-21 The growing need for organic fertilizers usage and the availability of agricultural wastes in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Combined use of chemical and organic fertilizers in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 The use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic fertilizers in crop production in Taiwan ROC 
2025-01-21 Some aspects of the proper use of chemical fertilizers combined with organic manures in rice production 
2025-01-21 Present situation on the use of chemical and organic fertilizers in crop production in Thailand 
2025-01-22 Fertilizers and crop residue management under different systems 
2025-01-22 Effect of combined compost-chemical fertilizer application on soil fertility and crop yields under rice-corn-rotation 
2025-01-21 Cropping system and use of organic/inorganic fertilizer combinations 
2025-01-21 Efficient use of agricultural wastes for increased crop production in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Determination of N, P, K, and compost application rates for red pepper 
2025-01-21 Proper time and method of application of organic/inorganic fertilizers combinations for crop production
2025-01-21 Efficient use of agricultural wastes for plantation crops in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 The management of fertilizer application in Taiwan sugarcane fields 
2025-01-21 Report on field trials of corn production
2025-01-21 Rice-corn rotation system: Constraints and prospects 
2025-01-21 Constraints of paddy soils for corn production, and prospects of using integrated technology for improving corn production in paddy fields 
2025-01-20 Constraints of water management in paddy soils, and prospects of using integrated technology for improving corn production in paddy fields 
2025-01-21 Field corn productivity in the prevalent area where Black Streaked-Dwarf Virus in southern part of Korea 
2025-01-20 Integrated technology and cooperation in field corn production in the paddy fields 
2025-01-21 Use of Trichogramma otriniae (Hym., Trichogrammidae) for controlling the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Lep., Pyralidae), in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Fertility constraints & use of integrated technology for improving corn production in paddy areas
2025-01-20 How to extend integrated technology for corn production in paddy fields farmers 
2025-01-21 Production of F1 hybrid seeds in tomato 
2025-01-21 Tomato diseases and their control
2025-01-20 Pollination and cultivation techniques for F1, tomato 
2025-01-21 Seed production and field management of F1 cucumber 
2025-01-21 Diseases and their control in F1, cucumber 
2025-01-21 Pollination and cultivation techniques of F1, cucumber 
2025-01-21 Seed production and field management of F1 corn 
2025-01-21 Maize diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pollination and cultivation techniques for F1 corn and sorghum  
2025-01-21 Seed production and management of F1 Sorghum 
2025-01-21 Sorghum Diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Tissue culture and its application on seedling production 
2025-01-21 Seed physiology
2025-01-21 Seed processing 
2025-01-21 Seed quality control 
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1992
2025-01-20 Increasing the scale of small-farm operations I. Thailand II. Malaysia III. Indonesia
2025-01-21 Farm size and structural reform of agriculture I. Korea II.. Japan
2025-01-20 Farm size and agricultural development I. Taiwan II. Philippines
2025-01-20 Vegetable production in plastic film houses in Korea 
2025-01-20 Vegetable production under simple structures in southern Europe I. Spain II. Italy III. Greece
2025-01-21 Rainshelters and their effect on crop production in Japan 
2025-01-21 (A) Design and construction of rainshelters (B) Vegetable cultivation under simple rainshelters in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Improving corn production in paddy fields in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 Constraints in using paddy soil for corn production 
2025-01-21 The establishment of a sustainable agricultural system in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 (A) The management of soils and fertilizers for sustainable crop production in Malaysia (B) A sustainable upland farming system for Indonesia
2025-01-21 Soil management for sustainable agriculture in Korea 
2025-01-21 The role of agricultural cooperatives in strengthening the marketing extension services for small-scale farmers, with special reference to the Korean case
2025-01-21 Marketing extension services for small-scale farmers in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Marketing extension services in Malaysia: Status and directions
2025-01-21 (A) The epidemiological and economic assessment of poultry diseases (B) Non infectious diseases in small flocks of chickens
2025-01-21 Infectious bursal disease (IBD) in Asian poultry I. Japan II. Korea III. Thailand
2025-01-21 Practical implications of vitamin deficiencies in poultry 
2025-01-21 Non-respiratory diseases of poultry in Asia
2025-01-21 Respiratory diseases of poultry 
2025-01-21 Weed management in wet-seeded rice in tropical Asia
2025-01-20 Redistribution of rice planthoppers and its synoptic monitoring in East Asia 
2025-01-20 Transmission by aphid vectors of virus diseases of papaya and banana A. Aphid parasitoids as biological control agents of vector aphids of papaya ring spot virus and banana bunchy top virus B. The occurrence of papaya leaf-distortion mosaic virus in Okinawa
2025-01-21 Sustainable agriculture for the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Biology and control of fruit flies
2025-01-20 Vegetable production through the use of fertilizer, mulching and irrigation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The use of fertilizers, mulching and irrigation systems in vegetable production in Korea
2025-01-21 Water management in vegetable production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Mulching and irrigation practices in vegetable production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Influence of mulching, application methods of irrigation and nitrogen on vegetable production
2025-01-21 Improving muskmelon production through plastic munches and drip irrigation
2025-01-21 Mulching and irrigation in vegetables in Thailand
2025-01-21 Effect of some cultural management on Chinese cabbage and tomatoes
2025-01-21 The irrigation systems for efficient use of water in vegetable production
2025-01-21 The use of Drip irrigation systems for vegetable production
2025-01-21 The effect of mulching and row covers on vegetable production
2025-01-21 Effect of different reflective plastic mulches on growth and plant development of Capsicum annum
2025-01-22 The use of field covers in vegetable production
2025-01-20 The use of plastic mulches for vegetable production
2025-01-21 Swine production and marketing systems in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Swine production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Marketing systems of swine in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Live hog marketing system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Carcass and pork marketing in Thailand
2025-01-21 Integrated system of swine production in Japan
2025-01-20 Integrated system of swine production in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Integrated system of swine production in Korea
2025-01-21 An example of integrated pork production system
2025-01-20 The technology for improving total farm feeding efficiency on swine production
2025-01-20 The latest development in swine production and extension in Thailand
2025-01-21 General introduction to the roles of farmers' associations and the development of agribusiness in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agribusiness and the role of farmers' organizations
2025-01-21 Membership and financial performance of farmers' organizations in Peninsular Malaysia: Road to self reliant
2025-01-20 Exploring the agribusiness frontiers for small farmers: Its implications and perspectives
2025-01-21 Present situation and recent trends of agribusiness in Thailand 
2025-01-20 Development and performance of agribusiness related farmers’organizations in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Malaysian rubber smallholders' cooperatives and their agribusiness activities: An overview
2025-01-21 Present agribusiness structure, role of cooperatives, and growth in agribusiness development with particular emphasis on agro-processing 
2025-01-21 Present situation of agribusiness in Japan 
2025-01-21 Appropriate policy measures and alternatives in order to enlarge participation in agribusiness of agricultural cooperatives in Japan 
2025-01-21 Policy measures to promote agricultural cooperative participation in agribusiness: A case of the food processing industry in Korea 
2025-01-21 The role of village farmers' association in increasing the value-added profit of rice producers through agro-based enterprises 
2025-01-21 BAAC agricultural marketing cooperatives: The new cooperative movement in Thailand
2025-01-22 The policy measures suggested to enlarge participation in agribusiness of farmers' organizations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Recombinant vaccinia viruses that express bovine leukemia virus ENV gene and their immunizing effect in rabbits 
2025-01-21 Use of polymerase chain reaction for the detection of hog cholera virus 
2025-01-21 The outbreak and control of duck viral diseases in Taiwan, 1989 1990 
2025-01-22 Report on the latest FMD outbreaks. Its control and prevention measure
2025-01-22 Serological methods for the diagnosis of FMD, and the role of a regional reference laboratory
2025-01-21 Planned health programs in smallholder livestock farms in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Outbreak of Chuzan disease in Japan and its control 
2025-01-21 Important pig epizootics in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Prevention and control of mycoplasmal pneumonia in pigs 
2025-01-21 Pig viral diseases causing reproductive failure in Korea 
2025-01-21 An epidemiological survey of swine Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae infection in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The eradication of brucellosis of dairy cattle in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The control and prevention of economically important diseases of ruminants in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Efficient use of nitrogen for crop production
2025-01-21 The present use situation of using nitrogen fertilizer and its effects on upland crops in Korea 
2025-01-21 Demonstration and extension of biofertilizer on vegetable soybean production in southern Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Soil management for conservation of soil nitrogen fertility 
2025-01-21 Effect of polyethylene film mulching on nitrogen utilization efficiency for upland crops
2025-01-21 Best Management Practices (BMP's) and nitrogen fertility enhancement of upland soil
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer usage and efficiency on corn and upland rice production in the Philippines 
2025-01-22 Present situation of utilizing nitrogen fertilizer and the problems related to nitrogen utilization efficiency in Japan 
2025-01-21 Nitrogen utilization efficiency for upland crop production in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 The current use of nitrogen fertilizer for upland crop production in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Increasing nitrogen utilization efficiency on upland crop production in Northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 The upland crop production system with respect to fertilizer utilization in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Chemical characteristics of vinyl house soils and the inhibitory effects of nitrification
2025-01-21 Nitrogen-use efficiency in maize production as influenced by cultural practices 
2025-01-21 Efficiency of nitrogen fertilization on upland crops under multiple cropping systems in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The mass production of the melon fly in - techniques and problems 
2025-01-21 Field survey and population estimation of the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillet, in Okinawa, Japan
2025-01-21 Eradication of fruit flies in Japan 
2025-01-21 Fruit flies eradication program in Mexico 
2025-01-21 Medfly program in Guatemala and Mexico: Current situation 
2025-01-21 Male annihilation operation for the control of Oriental fruit fly in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Hawaii fruit fly eradication pilot tests 
2025-01-21 Current fruit fly problems in Indonesia 
2025-01-22 Current status of the control of the Oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel, in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Status of the fruit fly control program in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Fruit flies and their control by the sterile insect technique in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Fruit flies in peninsular Malaysia: Their economic importance and control strategies 
2025-01-21 Fruit fly invasion as a chronic process: Case study of the Medfly 
2025-01-21 Future prospect of eradication of fruit flies 
2025-01-21 Quality control for mass-reared strains of fruit flies 
2025-01-21 The effect of mass rearing on mating behavior of Mediterranean fruit flies 
2025-01-22 Decreased sexual competitiveness of sterile males through mass rearing in the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae
2025-01-20 Sex in leks: An overview of sexual behavior in Anastrepha fruit flies 
2025-01-21 Circadian control of mating behavior in the Queensland fruit fly, Dacus tryoni
2025-01-21 Sperm competition in the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae): Effects of sperm mortality on sperm precedence 
2025-01-21 Variation in mating behavior and reproductive success of male 
2025-01-21 Sex pheromone and mating behavior of Dacinae 
2025-01-21 Sex pheromone components of Anastrepha suspensa and their role in mating behavior 
2025-01-21 The ecological significance of male fruit fly attractants 
2025-01-21 Genetic control of territorial behavior in Drosophila melanogaster 
2025-01-20 Genetic basis of remating in Drosophila melanogaster 
2025-01-21 The dynamics of sexual selection and the sterile insect technique 
2025-01-21 Migration strategies of insect pests of agriculture: A review of mechanisms
2025-01-21 Genetic background of insect migration
2025-01-22 Armyworm (Mythimna separata) migration and outbreak
2025-01-21 Sudden outbreaks and the forecasting method of Mythimna separata in Japan
2025-01-21 Migration of rice roller, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée, in China
2025-01-21 Life history of the rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis in Japan - Invasion, population explosion and dispersal
2025-01-21 Movement patterns of Anoplophora malasiaca (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) adults within and among citrus trees
2025-01-21 Dispersal, food resource utilization and life history strategy of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia stali
2025-01-21 Dispersal and life history strategy of the Oriental chinch bug, Cavelerius saccharivorus Okajima (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), in relation to its wing polymorphism
2025-01-21 Flight behavior and dispersal of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel
2025-01-22 Flight activity and migration of the beet armyworm within Taiwan
2025-01-21 Occurrence of papaya ringspot virus disease in Thailand in relation to the migration of aphid
2025-01-21 Migration and life cycle of aphid
2025-01-21 Modelling the effects of aphid vector (Aulacorthum solani) movement on the spread of soybean dwarf virus
2025-01-22 Forecasting of occurrence of rice pests in Korea
2025-01-21 Trans-oceanic immigration of brown planthopper and their influence on the population abundance in Taiwan
2025-01-22 The occurrence and migration of brown planthopper in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Biological and meteorological aspects of planthopper migration
2025-01-21 Redistribution of the rice planthoppers and its synoptic monitoring in east Asia
2025-01-21 Migration and management of the Malayan black rice bug, Scotinorphora coarctata (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in Kerian, Malaysia
2025-01-21 The occurrence and migration of the Malayan black bug, Scotinorphora coarctata (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in Palawan island, the Philippines
2025-01-21 Immigration, population development and outbreaks of the brown planthopper under different rice cultivation patterns in central Java, Indonesia
2025-01-21 Management of the brown planthopper in the tropics
2025-01-21 Situation and recent trend of farm operational scale of smallholders in Thailand
2025-01-21 Recent trends and present situation of farm size in Japan
2025-01-21 Size of farms in smallholder agriculture in Malaysia: Some observations
2025-01-21 The structural adjustment policy in Korean agriculture
2025-01-21 Farm size, size economization and government policy: an Indonesian case
2025-01-21 The determinants of farm scale and structure in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Direction of structural reform in Japanese agriculture
2025-01-21 Small farm household economy in Thailand
2025-01-21 Enlarging the scale of farm management by entrusted farming
2025-01-21 Enlarging the scale of farm operations of Filipino small farmers"
2025-01-21 A plan for agricultural structure improvement and enlarging the scale of farm management of small farms in Korea
2025-01-21 Farming systems research in Thailand in relation to smallholders
2025-01-21 Effect and structure of simple rain shelter on crop production in Japan 
2025-01-21 Increasing of vegetable productivity by environmental improvement under Vinyl house 
2025-01-21 Plant microclimatic changes under rainshelter cultivation 
2025-01-21 I. Structures and covering materials used in plastic-covered greenhouses in Greece II. The effect of high humidity and temperature on cucumbers and tomatoes
2025-01-21 Effects of greenhouse structure on the inside climate
2025-01-21 Production under simple constructions in Thailand
2025-01-21 Cultivation under simple constructions in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Crop production under low-cost greenhouses in Almeria (Spain)
2025-01-21 Provisional plant protection in the temperate zone, production strategies: the Italian Case
2025-01-21 Construction of rain shelters and infrastructures for crop production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Vegetable cultivation under structure in northern Taiwan
2025-01-21 Year-round vegetable production under simple and moveable construction
2025-01-21 The potential and prospect of vegetable cultivation under simple construction in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Floriculture under protective covers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1991
2025-01-21 Mule duck production in Taiwan A. Artificial insemination of ducks B. Nutrient requirements of mule ducks
2025-01-21 Hydroponic culture for the tropics: Opportunities and alternatives
2025-01-21 The dynamic root floating hydroponic technique: Year-round production of vegetables in ROC on Taiwan
2025-01-21 Developments in plastic structures and materials for horticultural crops
2025-01-21 The effect of mulching and row covers on vegetable production
2025-01-22 The use of plastic mulches for vegetable production
2025-01-21 The use of fertilizers, mulching and irrigation for vegetable production 
2025-01-21 A. Exploring the agribusiness frontiers for small farmers: The implications and perspectives B. Agribusiness in the Philippines: The role of cooperatives and government in agribusiness development
2025-01-21 Cooperative agricultural marketing in southeast Asia - Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia
2025-01-21 Planned health programs for small-scale livestock farms in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The outbreak and control of duck viral disease in Taiwan, 1989-90
2025-01-21 A. The eradication of brucellosis in dairy cattle in Taiwan B. Diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease by serological methods, and the role of a regional reference laboratory
2025-01-21 Efficient use of nitrogen in crop production
2025-01-21 Soil management for the conservation of soil nitrogen
2025-01-21 Upland crop production in Indonesia with regard to fertilizer utilization
2025-01-21 Efficiency of nitrogen fertilization on upland crops grown in multiple cropping systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Biological control of plant diseases: Broad concepts and applications
2025-01-21 Plant immunization: An alternative to pesticides for control of plant diseases in the greenhouse and field
2025-01-20 Control of postharvest diseases of fruits with biocontrol agents
2025-01-23 A. Production of virus-free plants by meristem culture: Vegetables and ornamental plant B. Production of virus-free apple planting stock by meristem culture
2025-01-20 The outbreak of Chuzan disease in Japan, and measures to control it
2025-01-20 Future prospects for the eradication of fruit flies
2025-01-21 A. Quality control of mass-reared strains of fruit flies B. Fruit flies in peninsular Malaysia: Their economic importance and control strategies
2025-01-21 A. Genetic background to insect migration B. Immigration, population development and outbreaks of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (STÅL), under different rice cultivation patterns in central Java, Indonesia 
2025-01-21 The biological control of plant diseases
2025-01-21 Catalogue of the native poultry of southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Transfer of technology: How well is it working? 
2025-01-21 Agricultural Information diffusion through the extension services in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Integration of information dissemination in the Korean agricultural extension systems 
2025-01-21 Analytical observations on the development process, and recent trends in agricultural extension in Japan 
2025-01-21 Farmers' utilization of research information: Integrating research information with national extension systems 
2025-01-21 The role of Kasetsart University in information dissemination to national and international extension systems 
2025-01-21 Experience of FADINAP on Information/Dissemination services in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Future strategies for strengthening agricultural technology development and transfer in Taiwan, Republic of China 
2025-01-21 Integrated technology of field corn production in paddy fields in Taiwan ROC 
2025-01-21 Current status of field corn and sweet corn production in paddy fields in Korea 
2025-01-21 Corn cultivation in converted paddy fields in Japan 
2025-01-21 Grain maize production in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Corn development program in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Corn situation in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 Research into field corn production in paddy fields 
2025-01-21 The development of rice-corn rotations in tropical lowland environments: A systems research approach 
2025-01-21 Growth response of maize to cultural practices in paddy fields 
2025-01-22 Improvement of field corn production in paddy fields through soil management, with particular reference to the system of cropping and tillage
2025-01-21 Improved field corn production in paddy fields through fertilizer applications 
2025-01-21 Irrigation management for improved corn production in paddy fields
2025-01-21 Effect of certain herbicides applied to control of purple nutsedge on growth and yield of corn
2025-01-23 Important pests of corn in Japan 
2025-01-21 Major diseases of corn grown in paddy fields in Korea, and their control 
2025-01-21 Improved field corn production in paddy fields through varietal improvement in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Breeding for high-yielding hybrid corn, which is resistant to insect pests and lodging, as well as tolerant of high soil moisture 
2025-01-20 Improved corn production in paddy fields through integrated technology 
2025-01-21 Recent advances in swine nutrition
2025-01-21 Manipulation of nutrient supply to animals at pasture opportunities and consequences
2025-01-22 The effect of high environmental temperature on animal production
2025-01-21 Prospects of livestock production in the tropics
2025-01-20 Animal waste treatment and residue management
2025-01-21 Composting and land application of animal wastes
2025-01-21 Pasture management and grazing production
2025-01-21 Forage breeding in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Necessity and ways to develop breeding stocks of chickens for the Far East and South Pacific Region
2025-01-21 Development and improvement of local chicken in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Potentiality of duck production in the Far East and South Pacific Regions
2025-01-21 Recent development of biotechnology for use in poultry research
2025-01-21 Automation in animal production
2025-01-21 Small farm animal production and sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 Meat preservation and processing 
2025-01-21 Determination of sulphonamide drugs in eggs, milk and animal tissue and application in residue monitoring programs
2025-01-21 Control of swine disease
2025-01-21 Control of major infectious bovine diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Genotype and environment interaction with particular reference to cattle in the tropics
2025-01-21 Current and future considerations for breeding programs in pigs
2025-01-21 The use of new biotechnologies in livestock improvement
2025-01-21 In vitro fertilization and embryo manipulation in farm animals
2025-01-21 Use of reproductive biotechnologies to solve problems of reproduction of farm animals
2025-01-21 To face some female animal reproductive problems with acupuncture
2025-01-21 Japanese trade liberalization of agricultural products and the border protection 
2025-01-21 Recent trends and future prospects of agricultural import liberalization in Korea 
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization: A perspective from the United States 
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization and measures of agriculture trade policy in Taiwan area 
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization and Philippine agriculture 
2025-01-21 Present situation and future prospects of trade liberalization of agricultural products in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization of agricultural products of Thailand 
2025-01-21 The impact of trade liberalization on agricultural production and farmers' incomes in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Short-run effects of opening the rice market in Japan: An input-output approach 
2025-01-22 Trade liberalization and protection on the development of the poultry industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The economic effects of agricultural: Trade liberalization in Korea 
2025-01-21 A strong and profitable agriculture through liberalization of agricultural trade
2025-01-21 Benefiting small and marginal farmers through trade liberalization and inter-cooperative trade in agricultural commodities 
2025-01-21 Policy measures to protect Korean farm producers from the increasing pressure of trade liberalization 
2025-01-21 Impact of reducing trade distortions on the world's farmers 
2025-01-21 The role of farmers' associations to protect farmer producers in relation to trade liberalization of agricultural products 
2025-01-21 Some comments on international trade of agricultural produce 
2025-01-21 The uses of organic matter in crop production 
2025-01-20 Utilization of organic wastes as a fertilizer in Korea 
2025-01-21 Present status of supply and demand of chemical fertilizers and organic amendments in Japan 
2025-01-21 The use of organic fertilizers in crop production in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 The use of organic fertilizers in crop production in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Organic fertilizers and crop production in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 The present situation of the use of organic fertilizer and its problems in Thailand 
2025-01-21 The use of organic fertilizers in crop production in ROC in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 The effects of organic matter on soil physical properties 
2025-01-21 Effect of organic fertilizer on soil physical properties and plant growth
2025-01-21 Improvement of the soil physico-chemical, characteristics - Applying anaerobic fermented slurry
2025-01-21 The treatment and utilization of organic wastes at Taiwan sugar corporation 
2025-01-21 Production of the composts from organic wastes and their quality 
2025-01-21 Use Of palm oil mill effluent and Ajinomoto factory effluent as organic fertilizers for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) and mustard greens (Brassica Chinensis) on
2025-01-21 Land disposal of organic wastes and use of phospho-humin bio-organic complex for sustained productivity - A low-cost technology
2025-01-21 Utilization of organic materials for increasing soil productivity and crop production 
2025-01-21 Studies on green manuring
2025-01-21 Potential hazards when using organic materials as fertilizers for crop production
2025-01-21 Current status and future prospects in research and practice of biological control 
2025-01-21 Biological control of plant diseases and virus vectors in Japan 
2025-01-21 Current status and future prospects in researches and practice of biological control of plant diseases in Korea 
2025-01-21 Biological control of plant diseases in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Recent achievements on biological control of plant diseases in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Biological control of plant diseases and virus vectors in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Biological control of plant diseases and virus vectors in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Current status of biological control research for rice diseases in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Biological control on aerial plant surfaces 
2025-01-21 Biological control of frost injury
2025-01-21 Interactions between blue-stain fungi and other fungi associated with mountain pine beetles in vitro 
2025-01-21 Control of postharvest diseases of fruits with biocontrol agents 
2025-01-21 Biological control of weedy plant species with plant pathogens 
2025-01-21 Biological control of a paddy weed, water chestnut, with fungal pathogen 
2025-01-21 Establishment of large-scale propagation system for virus-free passionfruit seedlings and its uses in controlling passionfruit virus diseases in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Production of virus-free plants by meristem culture: Vegetables and ornamental plants 
2025-01-21 Production of virus-free plants by meristem culture: Fruit trees 
2025-01-21 Control of soybean-mosaic disease by preinoculation of attenuated soybean mosaic virus 
2025-01-21 Virus resistant plants transformed with virus genes 
2025-01-21 Biological control of crown gall using Agrobacterium strains K84 and K1026 
2025-01-21 Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria as biological control agents of soilborne diseases
2025-01-21 Biological control of adzuki-bean root rot disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani 
2025-01-21 Control of soil-borne pathogens by mycoparasites: Prospects and constraints 
2025-01-21 Biological control of soil-borne diseases with VAM fungi and charcoal compost 
2025-01-20 Suppressive soils and practical application of biological control of Fusarium diseases 
2025-01-20 Biocontrol of Fusarium wilt with non pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum in Japan 
2025-01-21 Plant immunization: An alternative to pesticides for the control of plant diseases in greenhouse and field 
2025-01-21 Possibilities and problems in the biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes
2025-01-22 Biological control of root-net nematodes and cyst nematodes with the bacterial hyperparasite, Pasteuria penetrans 
2025-01-21 Hydroponic Culture for the Tropics: Opportunities and alternatives 
2025-01-22 Hydroponics in Japan: Past, present, and future 
2025-01-21 Experience with hydroponic vegetable production in Indonesia 
2025-01-21 Hydroponic culture of crops in the Philippines: Problems and prospects 
2025-01-21 Status and prospects of hydroponic crop production in Korea 
2025-01-21 Development of soilless culture for crop production: Experiments at Kamphaeng-Saen Campus, K. U., Thailand
2025-01-21 Hydroponics for horticultural production in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 The world of hydroponics: A technical overview 
2025-01-21 The dynamic root floating hydroponic technique: Prospects for the development of year-round vegetable production technology in ROC on Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Flow and ebb recirculation irrigation system 
2025-01-21 A physiological study of root systems in hydroponic cultivation, and a capillary technique for possible application in the tropics 
2025-01-21 Soilless culture in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Prospects and constraints for hydroponic culture for high-value crops in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Developments with plastic structures and materials for horticultural crops 
2025-01-21 The commercial approach in hydroponics 
2025-01-21 Duck production in Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines, ROC on Taiwan and Thailand
2025-01-21 Artificial Insemination of mule duck production 
2025-01-21 Nutrient requirements of mule ducks 
2025-01-21 Incubation of mule duck
2025-01-21 Duck disease and disease prevention
2025-01-21 Proper handling of drakes for semen collection and of ducks for AI
2025-01-21 Semen collection from Muscovy ducks and proper handling of semen 
2025-01-21 Eversion of the cloaca for AI. 
2025-01-21 Examination to separate laying from non-laying ducks
2025-01-21 Duck egg incubation sexing of day-old ducklings
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1990
2025-01-21 Use of natural enemies to control agricultural pests in Thailand
2025-01-21 A. Use of natural enemies to control agricultural pests in Korea B. Use of natural enemies to control agricultural pests in Malaysia
2025-01-22 The use of non-conventional feedstuffs in livestock and poultry production: An assessment of the Philippine experience 
2025-01-22 Potential value of non-conventional feedstuffs for animals in Asia
2025-01-21 Non-conventional feeds for ruminants in Thailand
2025-01-21 Feed grain substitutes and non-conventional feedstuffs for poultry and livestock in Japan
2025-01-21 Small farm animal production and sustainable agriculture
2025-01-21 A favorable outlook for duck production in the Far East and South Pacific
2025-01-21 A. Production of compost from organic wastes B. Composting and application of animal wastes
2025-01-21 The use of organic and chemical fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Potential hazards when using organic materials as fertilizers for crop production 
2025-01-21 Studies on green manuring in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The uses of organic matter in crop production 
2025-01-21 The development of rice-corn rotations in tropical lowland environments: A systems research approach 
2025-01-21 Improved field corn production in paddy fields through soil management with particular reference to the system of cropping and tillage 
2025-01-20 Irrigation management for improved corn production in paddy fields
2025-01-21 Corn cultivation in converted paddy fields in Japan 
2025-01-20 Off-season production of deciduous fruits by manipulating the rest period 
2025-01-21 Techniques of producing off-season wax-apple 
2025-01-14 Methods of producing multiple harvests of grapes each year in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization and Philippine agriculture 
2025-01-20 A. Liberalization of agricultural trade: The Way to strong profitable agriculture B. Benefiting small scale and marginal farmers through trade liberalization and inter-cooperative trade in agricultural commodities
2025-01-21 Japanese trade liberalization of agricultural products, and border protection
2025-01-21 Trade liberalization of agricultural products in Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural trade liberalization and trade policies of R.O.C. on Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effect of organic fertilizer on soil physical properties and plant growth
2025-01-21 Growth response to various cultural practices of corn growth in paddy fields 
2025-01-21 Breeding high-yielding hybrid corn which is resistant to diseases, pests and lodging, and tolerant of high soil moisture
2025-01-21 Flowering and fruit set in temperate fruit trees
2025-01-21 The use of natural enemies to control agricultural pests
2025-01-22 Off-season production of horticultural crops
2025-01-21 Historical remarks of poultry breeds in Taiwan, ROC 
2025-01-21 Poultry breeding studies on native and other breeds for egg and meat production in Japan
2025-01-21 The performance of native and other breeds of chicken in Korea 
2025-01-21 Poultry production in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Poultry breed studies on domestic fowl for both egg and meat production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Poultry production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Utilization and performance of waterfowl in ROC 
2025-01-21 The performance of the Philippines native chicken and other breeds for eggs and meat in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Utilization and improvement of native chickens in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Production of commercial broilers and layers in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Recent developments in poultry research and the status of the indigenous chickens in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Latest technology in poultry production to increase farmers' incomes in Thailand
2025-01-21 The present marketing structure of vegetables and the operation of farmers' cooperatives in Japan 
2025-01-21 The present situation and performance of vegetable marketing of the agricultural cooperatives in Korea 
2025-01-21 Present marketing structure of vegetables and the operation of producer' cooperatives
2025-01-21 Present marketing structure of vegetables and operation of farmers' organizations and agro-based cooperatives in Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Bumper crop of red pepper in 1988: Lesson and policy implications from the experiences
2025-01-21 The performance of vegetable marketing cooperatives in Taiwan: Evidence from cross-sectional studies
2025-01-21 Improvement in vegetable marketing system in Korea 
2025-01-21 The improvement of vegetable marketing in Thailand 
2025-01-21 The vegetable marketing board in Taiwan: Paper for the seminar on the improvement of vegetable marketing by producers' cooperative
2025-01-21 Policies and programs for the improvement of vegetable marketing by producers' cooperatives in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 The improvement of vegetable marketing in Korea: Tasks and directions 
2025-01-21 The improvements in the vegetable marketing system: Japanese experience and some suggestions
2025-01-21 The injury by continuous cropping of red pepper in Korea 
2025-01-21 Cropping system studies at AVRDC 
2025-01-21 Problems of continuous cropping of green pepper under greenhouses and their control
2025-01-21 Problems in the successive cultivation of vegetables in plastic houses
2025-01-21 Cumulative and residual effects of various rates of NP-fertilizer and corn-based cropping systems on crop yields and soil productivity
2025-01-21 Crop development and soil management in succession multicropping/ minimum tillage systems
2025-01-21 Chemical characteristics of continuous cropping soils and their improvement
2025-01-21 Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by various cropping patterns
2025-01-21 Disease Occurrence in red pepper with continuous mono-cropping, and its control in Korea 
2025-01-22 Soils amended with organic compounds for controlling nematode problems of watermelon continuously cropped in the uplands of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Crop rotations for the management of the soybean cyst nematode in soybean
2025-01-21 Problems and use of crop residue disposal methods for controlling of soilborne diseases in the continuous cultivation of major vegetables in Japan
2025-01-22 Allelopathic effect on yield reduction in continuous cultivation of Asparagus
2025-01-21 Alternatives to monoculture: Sustainable systems for U.S. crop production
2025-01-21 Prospects for natural enemies in combinations with pesticides 
2025-01-21 The use of natural enemies for controlling cassava pests in Africa 
2025-01-21 Use of natural enemies for controlling agricultural pests in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Use of natural enemies for controlling agricultural pests in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Use of natural enemies for controlling agricultural pests in Korea 
2025-01-14 Use of natural enemies for controlling agricultural pests in Hawaii, USA
2025-01-21 Use of Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym., Trichogrammidae) for controlling the Oriental corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Lep., Pyralidae), in Taiwan, China
2025-01-17 Use of natural enemies to control sugarcane pests in the Philippines
2025-01-17 Use of parasitoids for controlling the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lep., Yponomeutidae)
2025-01-19 Use of the planarium, Platydemus manokwari, and other natural enemies for controlling the giant African snail
2025-01-20 Use of Encarsia formosa (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) for controlling the greenhouse whitefly. Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae), in Japan
2025-01-18 Use of Torymus sinensis (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) for controlling the chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmos kuriphilus (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae), in Japan
2025-01-21 Use of parasitic wasps for controlling the arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis Homoptera, Diaspidae), in Japan 
2025-01-21 Use of predatory mites for controlling spider mites (Acarina, Tetranchidae) in Japan 
2025-01-21 Use of predatory mites for controlling spider mites (Acarina, Tetranychidae) on apple trees in Aomori prefecture, Japan 
2025-01-19 Use of predators for controlling spider mites (Acarina, Tetranchidae) in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Use of Adelencyrtus oceanicus (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) for controlling the red coconut scale, Furcaspis oceanica (Homoptera, Diaspidae), in Guam
2025-01-21 Chemicals controlling behavior of Acaroidea
2025-01-21 Chemicals controlling the behavior of parasitoids and predators. 
2025-01-14 Mass production of predatory mites 
2025-01-14 Artificial diets for the mass production of Chrysopids (Neuroptera) 
2025-01-21 Mass production of the wolf older, Lycosa pseudoannulata (Araneae,, Lycosidae), a predator of sect pests, especially hoppers, on rice
2025-01-21 Mass production of Trichogramma spp. and Anastatus japonicus Ashmead with artificial diets in China
2025-01-21 Genetic improvement of parasites and predators
2025-01-22 Prospective use of natural enemies to control Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera, Thripidae)
2025-01-21 Feeding beef cattle with rice straw based diets: Its limitations and possibilities 
2025-01-20 Feed grain substitutes and non conventional feedstuffs for poultry and livestock in Japan
2025-01-21 Nutritive character of barley and the breeding program for feed in Korea 
2025-01-20 Production and utilization of crop si lages for livestock production in Korea 
2025-01-21 Feed grain substitutes and non conventional feedstuffs utilized for poultry and livestock in Thailand: A. Poultry B. Ruminants 
2025-01-21 Use of rubber, oil palm and cocon by-products for livestock feed in Thailand 
2025-01-20 Potential value of non-conventional feedstuffs for animals in Asia 
2025-01-20 Sweet potato as a livestock feed in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Latest technology for utilizing non conventional feedstuffs and feed grain substitutes in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Alternatives to meet the protein and energy shortage 
2025-01-21 Feed grain substitutes and non conventional feedstuffs for swine: The Philippine experience 
2025-01-20 Feed grain substitutes and non conventional feedstuffs for poultry: The Philippine experience 
2025-01-21 The use of non-conventional feedstuffs for livestock and poultry: An assessment of the Philippine experience 
2025-01-20 Achievements and prospects for the off-season production of horticultural crops in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Strategies and methodologies used for producing off-season horticultural crops in Europe 
2025-01-21 Off season production of deciduous fruits by manipulation of the rest period
2025-01-20 Scandinavian experiences in the off-season production of horticultural crops 
2025-01-21 Metabolic changes associated with flowering in deciduous fruit trees 
2025-01-21 Flowering and fruit set in temperate fruit trees crops
2025-01-21 The production of Asian pear in subtropical lowlands 
2025-01-21 Off-season mango production in the Philippines 
2025-01-21 Multiple harvest model of grapes production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Forcing culture of green asparagus in plastic tunnels 
2025-01-21 Influence of two new bioregulators, BAS 112W and BAS 113W, on the yield components on off season tomatoes in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Year-round production of and Chinese cabbage and tomato in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 NFT troughs for protected vegetable production in the tropics 
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer management affects chili pepper reproductive development, seed yield and quality
2025-01-14 Induction of flowering by ethylene exposure of bulbs in some bulbous crops 
2025-01-21 Regulation of flowering of chrysanthemum cut flowers for export in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Forcing culture for Phalaenopsis in Taiwan 
2025-01-16 Exploitation of agro-climatic zones to produce off-season fruit in Peninsular Malaysia 
2025-01-21 Off-season fruit production in Korea 
2025-01-14 Practices in off-season production of some economic fruits in Thailand 
2025-01-19 Current situation of forcing culture for horticultural crops in Italy 
2025-01-19 Techniques of producing off-season wax apples 
2025-01-21 Application of Paelobutrusc to lengthen the fruiting season in durian (Durio zibethinus)
2025-01-14 The role of improved seeds in agricultural development of the developing world 
2025-01-19 Variety identification, registration and release 
2025-01-21 Electrophoresis: Principles and applications
2025-01-21 Introduction to seed health 
2025-01-21 Introduction to seed health 
2025-01-21 Identification of seedborn eases (Bacteria) 
2025-01-21 Identification of seedborne diseases (Virus) 
2025-01-21 Vigor testing (practical)
2025-01-21 Morphology of the seed and seedling 
2025-01-21 Vigor test
2025-01-21 Classification and characteristics of recalcitrant seeds 
2025-01-21 Morphology and physiology of recalcitrant seeds
2025-01-21 Recalcitrant seeds
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 1989
2025-01-21 Virus diseases of citrus A. Citrus diseases in Japan: Their control, and possible outbreaks in the rest of Asia B. The use of cross-protection with mild strains of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) to control stem pitting disease of citrus in Japan C. Citrus greening disease in the Philippines: Distribution and current control measures
2025-01-21 Cooperative agricultural marketing in Japan, Korea, Taiwan R.O.C. A. Japan B. Korea C. Taiwan R.O.C.
2025-01-20 Cooperative agricultural marketing in the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand A. The Philippines B. Malaysia C. Thailand Appendix: The management and growth of cooperative agricultural marketing
2025-01-21 Principles of seed storage I. Morphology of the seed and seedling II. Vigor tests 
2025-01-21 Recalcitrant seeds
2025-01-21 A. Poultry breeding studies on native and other breeds for egg and meat production in Japan B. The performance of native and other breeds of chicken in Korea
2025-01-21 A. Utilization and improvement of native chickens in Taiwan B. The performance of the Philippine native chicken and other breeds for eggs and meat in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Utilization and performance of waterfowl in the Republic of China on Taiwan
2025-01-21 A. Rice growing soils: Constraints, utilization and research needs B. Rice soils of Asia: Distribution and management
2025-01-21 A. Fertility management of rice soils in ROC in Taiwan B. Constraints to the use of rice soils for upland crops in ROC on Taiwan, with particular reference to corn
2025-01-14 A. Rice soils of Sri Lanka B. Rice soils of South India
2025-01-21 A. The present marketing structure for vegetable and the operation of farmers' cooperatives in Japan B. Improvements in the vegetable marketing system: Some suggestions based on the Japanese experience
2025-01-21 A. Marketing of vegetables by agricultural cooperatives in ROC on Taiwan B. Vegetable marketing by agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-17 Korea's bumper crop of red pepper in 1988: Lessons learned, and policy implications of the experience
2025-01-21 Chemical characteristics of continuously cropped soils, and how to improve them
2025-01-21 Injury from the continuous cropping of red pepper in Korea 
2025-01-21 Problems in the continuous cultivation of vegetables in plastic houses 
2025-01-21 Alternatives to monoculture: Sustainable systems for U.S. crop production 
2025-01-14 Disease and pest problems from continuous cropping. I. Nematodes II. Soilborne diseases
2025-01-21 A. The control of papaya ringspot virus in Taiwan R.O.C. B. Occurrence of tomato spotted wilt virus in watermelon in Japan
2025-01-14 Characterization and monoclonal antibodies of the virus causing banana bunchy-top 
2025-01-17 Continuous cultivation of asparagus and the allelopathic effect
2025-01-21 Prospects for the use of natural enemies in combinations with pesticides 
2025-01-21 The use of Torymus sinensis to control chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmos kuriphilus, in Japan
2025-01-21 Classification and Management of Rice-Growing Soils
2025-01-21 Transfer of technology to small-scale farms - Papers presented at the ninth meeting of the technical advisory committee, 1988
2025-01-18 Manual on heat detection, artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis for water buffalo
2025-01-21 Subsidized fertilizer scheme for small farmers in Southeast Asia: A case study from Thailand
2025-01-17 Brief introduction to agricultural financing systems and problems in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 Present systems and problems of agricultural financing for small farmers in Korea
2025-01-21 Present systems and problems of agricultural financing for small farmers, based on the demand and supply of short-term agricultural loans in Korea 
2025-01-21 Agricultural financial policy and agricultural development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Measures for the improvement of agricultural financing for small farmers in Thailand
2025-01-21 Measures to reduce transaction costs in farm finance
2025-01-21 Joint effort of Korean government and agricultural cooperatives in reducing small farmers' burden concerning their liabilities
2025-01-22 Rural enterprise financing, asymmetric information and interlinking of transactions
2025-01-21 Small farm credit program and agricultural development in Korea
2025-01-21 Measures or schemes for the improvement of agricultural financing for small farmers
2025-01-21 Measures for the improvement of agricultural financing for small farmers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The achievements on the use of plastics in agriculture
2025-01-21 The use of agricultural plastics in Japan
2025-01-22 The use of plastic films in agriculture
2025-01-21 Muskmelon production under plastic tunnel in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Improvement of productivity in sesame and peanut culture of using polyethylene film in Korea
2025-01-21 Improving crop production with row covers in the United States
2025-01-22 Use of plastics in Philippines agriculture
2025-01-21 The use of plastics in horticultural crops in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The utilization of new technology at sundance farms
2025-01-21 Improvement of vegetable cultivation by use of plastic film in Korea
2025-01-14 Study on the storage of fruits and vegetables in sealed polyethylene film bag
2025-01-20 The use of plastics in postharvest handling and packaging with special reference to mountain quality of vegetables and fruits
2025-01-21 Development of plastics in agricultural applications in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The use of polymer materials in agriculture
2025-01-20 Application of animal manure utilization for animal production 
2025-01-20 Integrated farming systems and waste recycling
2025-01-21 Feeding value of poultry manure to ruminants
2025-01-20 Use of poultry manure as feed for non-ruminants
2025-01-21 Present status and government policy on animal waste treatment in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Recent advances in the land application of animal manure in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent advances in biogas production and utilization in Taiwan
2025-01-19 Recent advances in swine manure utilization in Thailand
2025-01-20 Recent advances in livestock and poultry manure utilization in La Union, Philippines
2025-01-21 Recent advances in animal waste management in Japan
2025-01-19 Recent advances in swine manure utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 Recent advances in poultry and other livestock manure utilization in Thailand
2025-01-19 Recent advances in swine manure utilization in Taiwan
2025-01-15 Seminar synthesis 
2025-01-21 The changing aspect of rubber diseases
2025-01-19 Diseases of fiber crops in Thailand
2025-01-21 Identification and control of the virus diseases affecting chili in West Malaysia
2025-01-21 Diseases of some oil crops in Thailand
2025-01-21 Current status of research on mycoplasmal diseases of plants in Korea
2025-01-21 Occurrence of tomato spotted wilt virus on watermelon in Japan
2025-01-21 Decline problems of macademia nut trees
2025-01-21 Citrus greening disease situation in the Philippines, and new aspects of its control
2025-01-21 Some citrus diseases recently discovered or becoming widespread in Japan: Their control, and possible outbreak in Asia
2025-01-21 Present status of utilization of the cross-protection phenomenon with mild strains of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) to control stem pitting disease of citrus in Japan
2025-01-21 Serological differentiation of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) and watermelon in this mosaic virus 2 (WMV-2) isolated from Kyushu island, Japan
2025-01-21 Characterization and monoclonal antibodies of the virus causing banana
2025-01-21 Effects of temperature and relative humidity on the infection of Peronosclerospora philippinensis to maize
2025-01-21 Present research status and control strategy of papaya ringspot virus in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Present management and the problems of marketing of agricultural cooperatives in Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 Present management and the problems of marketing of agricultural cooperatives in Japan
2025-01-21 Present management and problems of marketing of agricultural cooperatives 
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing activities under agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Improvement in the management of cooperative agricultural marketing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Policies and schemes for improvement in the marketing business of Japanese agriculture cooperatives: Japanese experience and challenge
2025-01-21 Improvement in the management of cooperative agricultural marketing in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Farmers' organizations marketing activities in Malaysia: Present management, problems and constraints
2025-01-21 Management of cooperative agricultural marketing in the Philippines: Status and problems
2025-01-21 The sole of BAAC in agricultural marketing
2025-01-21 Improving the cooperative marketing management in Korea
2025-01-21 Policies for improving agricultural cooperatives marketing activities in Thailand
2025-01-21 Rice soils of Malaysia
2025-01-21 A. Report on PASMIRCS B. Management of Physical Properties of rice soils
2025-01-21 Geography and Morphology of Paddy Soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Climate of Taiwan
2025-01-21 The 1988 soil map of Taiwan
2025-01-21 CERES-maize simulation models in Taiwan
2025-01-21 ICOMAQ discussion
2025-01-21 An overview of farm machinization in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Raising of seedlings
2025-01-21 Tractor and power tillers
2025-01-21 Rice transplanters
2025-01-21 Fertilizer and controlling of weeds, diseases and insect pests
2025-01-21 Rice combine harvester
2025-01-21 Paddy dryers
2025-01-21 Rice milling machines
2025-01-21 Rice storage
2025-01-21 The status and development of Carabao industry in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Semen production 
2025-01-21 Pregnancy diagnosis in Philippine carabao
2025-01-21 Heat detection and artificial insemination technique
2025-01-21 Estrous symptoms in swamp buffalo
2025-01-21 Artificial insemination technique in Thailand
2025-01-21 Pregnancy diagnosis, semen collection and processing of buffalo semen in Thailand
2025-01-21 Comparison of different extenders and processing on fertility of frozen swamp buffalo semen
2025-01-21 Heat detection and pregnancy diagnosis of buffalo in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Buffalo A.I. program and delivery service in Thailand
2025-01-21 Buffalo A.I. program and delivery service in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Fertilizer marketing systems in developing countries of Asia
2025-01-21 The fertilizer situation in Asia and its effects on small farms
2025-01-21 Finding connections between farm and household
2025-01-21 Program considerations for small farmer technology transfer in vegetable crops: FFTC technical advisory work, 1988
2025-01-21 The role of technology transfer in improving agricultural production by farmers of the ASPAC region
2025-01-21 Constraints and opportunities for small farmers in the the pacific islands
2025-01-21 Limitation to forage and ruminant livestock production by small-scale farmers of the south pacific
2025-01-21 Changing structure and technology of agricultural production in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-21 Technology transfer to small-scale farmers
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1988
2025-01-21 A. Identifying the magnitude and causes of postharvest losses of subtropical fruits B. Developing practical methods and facilities for handling fruits in order to maintain quality and reduce losses
2025-01-20 A. Present status and prospects of postharvest handling of tropical and subtropical fruits in Malaysia B. Postharvest handling system for subtropical fruits in Taiwan C. Packaging, transportation and storage of selected fruit crops in Korea
2025-01-21 Fertilizer distribution in Taiwan A. The role of agricultural cooperatives in the distribution of chemical fertilizers in Taiwan B. The present marketing and distribution systems for chemical fertilizers in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and distribution systems on rice production. I. A. Japan B. Thailand
2025-01-21 The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and distribution systems on rice production. II. A. The Philippines B. Malaysia
2025-01-21 A. Changes in food consumption patterns - implications to the rice economy of Taiwan B. Measures to increase rice consumption in Korea
2025-01-21 A. The utilization of rice in Taiwan, Republic of China B. The rice surplus, and new technology for rice processing in Japan
2025-01-21 A. Diversification of rice utilization in Thailand B. Malaysian traditional rice-based products
2025-01-21 Cell and tissue culture in plant breeding Embryogenesis
2025-01-21 Recent advances in the use of plastic in agriculture A. Achievements in the use of plastics in agriculture B. Muskmelon production in plastic tunnels in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 A. The use of plastics in Japanese agriculture B. The effect of different mulching materials on soil conditions, with particular reference to red pepper production
2025-01-21 The use of plastics in the postharvest handling and packaging of fruit and vegetables in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent developments in the handling of livestock wastes in Taiwan ROC A. Recent developments in biogas production and utilization in Taiwan, Republic of China B. Recent advances in the processing of swine wastes in Taiwan, ROC: A new aerobic digestion system
2025-01-21 A. Present status of animal waste treatment in Taiwan, ROC B. Integrated farming systems and waste recycling
2025-01-21 The nutritional value of poultry manure as a feed for ruminants
2025-01-21 Recent advances in the application of livestock manure to farmland in Japan
2025-01-21 Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the infection of maize with downy mildew (Peronosclerospora philippinensis)
2025-01-21 In vitro somaclonal variation in banana and its application for screening for resistance to fusarial wilt
2025-01-21 Ethylene in the postharvest physiology of tropical and subtropical fruit
2025-01-14 Soil testing and plant analysis: Procedures and use
2025-01-21 Corn and oat tissue cultures and genetic variation in regenerated plants
2025-01-21 Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) anther culture
2025-01-21 A. Protoplast techniques in tissue culture B. Protoplast fusion in tobacco breeding
2025-01-21 Advanced tissue culture techniques for plant breeding A. High frequency and synchronous somatic embryogenesis: a useful system for crop improvement A. Komamine B. Production of disease resistant plants using somaclonal variations I. Furusawa
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of tropical and subtropical fruit crops
2025-01-14 Cell and tissue culture in field crop improvement
2025-01-21 Progress, problems and prospects of pig production in Asia
2025-01-14 Pig breeding and development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pig breeding and development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Pig breeding and development in Japan
2025-01-21 Pig breeding and development in Korea
2025-01-21 Improvement of swine production through breeding: A simulation approach for program planning and evaluation
2025-01-21 Recent advances in swine feeding and management in Korea
2025-01-22 Recent advances in swine feeding and management in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent advances in swine feeding and management in Thailand
2025-01-21 Recent advances in swine feeding and management in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Recent advances in swine feeding and management in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Extension aspects of swine improvement in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Extension aspects of swine improvement in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Swine disease management in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Evolution of farming systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Research in the Philippines with farming systems perspective: Development, problems and prospects
2025-01-22 Recent developments in rice paddy field farming systems in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Recent developments in crop-based farming systems in Thailand
2025-01-19 Crop-based farming systems in Korea
2025-01-21 Farming systems in the natural rubber industry in Malaysia
2025-01-14 Livestock based farming systems in Thailand
2025-01-21 Livestock based farming systems in Korea
2025-01-22 Livestock-based farming systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Utilization of upland fields and the development of new technology in Japan
2025-01-21 Integrating women's concerns in a crop-livestock farming systems project in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan, Philippines
2025-01-21 Farming systems research management in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Extension and training support for farming systems in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Seminar synthesis and recapitulation
2025-01-21 The renovation of the fertilizer distribution and marketing system in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 The present marketing and distribution systems for chemical fertilizer
2025-01-21 Fertilizer marketing systems in selected countries of Asia
2025-01-21 The role of agricultural cooperatives and government policies in the distribution of chemical fertilizer in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The functions of agricultural cooperatives in the distribution of chemical fertilizer in Korea
2025-01-21 The present situation and prospects of chemical fertilizers in Korea
2025-01-20 The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and operation systems on rice production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and operation system on rice production - the Japanese experience
2025-01-17 The impact of chemical fertilizer consumption on rice production
2025-01-20 The impact of fertilizer marketing and distribution system on rice production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The Impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and operation systems on rice production in Taiwan
2025-01-14 The impact of chemical fertilizer marketing and operation systems on rice production in Thailand
2025-01-21 The philosophy and problems of soil testing
2025-01-20 Principles and practices of plant analysis
2025-01-20 Plant nutritional disorders in Korea
2025-01-21 Problems encountered in field sampling and soil testing
2025-01-21 Diagnosis of nutritional disorders for field crops
2025-01-21 Using tissue mineral analysis in perennial crops
2025-01-21 Instrumentation for soil and plant analysis
2025-01-21 Laboratory exercises for soil testing
2025-01-21 Interpretation and calibration for soil testing data
2025-01-21 Soil testing for micronutrients
2025-01-21 Corn and oat tissue cultures and genetic variation in regenerated plants
2025-01-21 Somatic mutation in rice tissue culture
2025-01-21 Production of disease resistant plants using somaclonal variation
2025-01-21 Cellular differentiation and morphogenesis in plant tissue culture
2025-01-21 Rice root culture
2025-01-21 Horticultural crop improvement by means of protoplast culture
2025-01-21 Cotyledon tissue culture and shoot buds on roots in citrus
2025-01-22 Micro-propagation: The problems with woody species
2025-01-21 Embryogenesis
2025-01-21 High frequency and synchronous somatic embryogenesis, a useful system for crop improvement
2025-01-21 Application of protoplast culture in rice
2025-01-21 DNA mediated transformation through plant cell culture
2025-01-21 In vitro development of shoot apices from pollen callus in anther cultures of tea (Camellia sinensis L., O. Kuntz)
2025-01-20 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) anther culture
2025-01-21 Tissue culture program at IRRI
2025-01-20 Protoplast fusion in tobacco breeding
2025-01-21 Supply production in Thailand: Policies for the future
2025-01-20 Supply, demand and marketing system analysis for rice in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The supply-demand situation of rice and its marketing system in Korea
2025-01-20 The changes of food consumption patterns - Implications for the rice economy in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The measures for diversification of rice utilization in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-22 Rice production and rice field diversification in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-20 Rice milling and rice noodles industries in Thailand
2025-01-20 Structure of the rice surplus, and advanced technology for the diversification of rice utilization in Japan
2025-01-20 Rice production and necessities to enhance rice consumption in Korea
2025-01-21 Diversification of rice utilization in Thailand
2025-01-20 Measures for the enhancement of rice consumption and diversification of rice utilization
2025-01-21 Utilization of rice in the Republic of China
2025-01-20 Malaysian traditional rice-based products
2025-01-20 Investigation of the processing and quality of rice milk
2025-01-20 Developing practical methods and facilities for handling fruits, in order to maintain quality and reduce losses
2025-01-20 Identifying the magnitude and causes of postharvest losses of subtropical fruits
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of banana in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Present status and perspectives of postharvest handling of subtropical fruits in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Recent advances and future research priorities in postharvest handling of tropical and subtropical fruits in Thailand
2025-01-20 Postharvest handling system of subtropical fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Temperature response of citrus fruit after harvest
2025-01-20 Ethylene in the postharvest physiology of subtropical fruits
2025-01-20 Packaging, transportation, processing and storage of some selected fruits in Korea
2025-01-20 Diseases in postharvest handling of subtropical fruit and their control
2025-01-20 Insect pests in postharvest handling of subtropical fruit and their control
2025-01-20 Energy saving storage of citrus fruits in Japan
2025-01-21 Vacuum hydro and forced-air cooling of farm products and their energy use
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling of Taiwan citrus and banana for exportation
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1987
2025-01-21 Farm level profitability of fertilizer on maize in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Drip irrigation systems and management 
2025-01-21 Effect of irrigation on vegetable production in Korea 
2025-01-21 The effect of green manure-chemical fertilizer combinations on soil fertility and yield of corn 
2025-01-21 Sprinkler irrigation uniformity 
2025-01-21 Improvements in sugarcane irrigation by The Taiwan Sugar Corporation 
2025-01-21 An overview of farm mechanization in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Joint utilization of farm machinery in Korea - A case study: Birdnae Village 
2025-01-14 A. The present situation and prospects for farm mechanization in Korea B. Economic and social aspects of farm mechanization in Korea
2025-01-14 Economic evaluation of farm mechanization in Japan 
2025-01-14 Feed grain production: Planning for maximum sustained yields
2025-01-21 A. Socio-economics of swamp buffalo raising in the Philippines B. Imperatives for Asian buffalo development
2025-01-14 Prospects of onion seed production in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Microbiological control of cabbage looper: Field application of nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thuringiensis 
2025-01-21 Biological pest control for field crops - Summaries of papers presented at the international seminar on biological control of pests for field crops
2025-01-21 Pig production in Asia: 1. The effect of different feeds on pig performance I. Improving the utilization of feed concentrates A. Recent research into pig feeding B. Recent research into pig feeding - Taiwan ROC II. Use of locally produced pig feeds A. Recent research into pig feeding - Korea B. Utilization of local feed resources: Recent research into Leucaena as a swine feed C. Utilization of copra in pig feed in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Pig production in Asia: 2. Breeding pigs for Asian conditions A. Korea B. Japan C. Taiwan, ROC Improvement of swine production through breeding: A simulation approach for program planning and evaluation
2025-01-21 Pig production in Asia: 3. Recent developments in pig management I. Disease control A. Swine disease management in Taiwan II. Housing and other environmental factors A. Recent developments in pig management - Japan B. Recent advances in pig management - The Philippines C. Recent advances in pig management - Taiwan Problems in the extension aspects of swine improvement programs in the Philippines
2025-01-14 Asparagus breeding in subtropical Taiwan
2025-01-21 Weed control in vegetable fields in Japan 
2025-01-21 A. Recent developments in crop based farming systems in Thailand B. Research in the Philippines with farming systems perspective: Development, problems and prospects
2025-01-17 Integrating women's concerns in a crop-livestock farming systems project in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan, Philippines 
2025-01-17 A. Evolution of farming systems in Taiwan B. Crop based farming systems in Korea C. Utilization of upland field and development of new technology in Japan
2025-01-16 Livestock based farming systems in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Dynamic models for evaluating and predicting the growth and yield of rice and sunflower crops from weather 
2025-01-19 Introduction to simulation and modeling
2025-01-20 Movement of nutrients through soils in irrigation water
2025-01-21 Microbial control of insects in Taiwan 
2025-01-20 Screening of Bacillus thuringiensis against Asiatic com borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) and diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) 
2025-01-21 Microbial insecticides in aquatic environments: Factors affecting efficacy in the field
2025-01-21 NH4-N toxicity and calcium deficiency in tipburn and internal rot in Chinese cabbage
2025-01-21 Simulation models for soybeans and other crops A. Concepts of crop systems B. Modeling dry weight gain C. Modeling pod addition, shell growth, and seed growth
2025-01-21 The breeding of horticulture crops
2025-01-21 Improved vegetable production in Asia
2025-01-21 Rice varieties in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural science and technology development in the Republic of China
2025-01-21 Future direction of fertilizer research in Asia
2025-01-22 Sheep integration under rubber
2025-01-21 Development of food industry and food science and technology in the R.O.C.
2025-01-21 Priority research areas in agriculture and natural resources 1983-1987: The Philippine perspective
2025-01-21 Australia's role in Asian agricultural research
2025-01-21 An economic and market orientation of agricultural research priority
2025-01-21 Current and future agricultural research priorities in Asian countries
2025-01-22 Current and future agricultural research priorities in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Sound investment areas for non-technical agricultural research in Asia
2025-01-21 A note on the current and future agricultural research priorities in Asian countries - A case in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 The role of fertilizers in Indonesian food crop production
2025-01-21 Recent developments in Carabao research in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Buffalo research in Japan
2025-01-21 Advances in nutrition and feeding of swamp buffaloes in Thailand
2025-01-21 Swamp buffalo growth, carcass quality, and its potemtial in Taiwan, Rep of China
2025-01-21 Socio-economics of swamp buffalo raising in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Imperatives for Asian buffalo development
2025-01-21 Exploiting the genetic potential of Philippine Carabao
2025-01-22 Recent development in water buffalo in Taiwan R.O.C.
2025-01-21 Prospects and problems of beef production in Korea
2025-01-21 Feed grain production, Planning for maximum sustained yields
2025-01-21 Current advances in soil and fertilizer management for feedgrains: Philippine experience
2025-01-21 Effects of soil fertility on comparative yields and nutritional characteristics of corn and sorghum cultivars
2025-01-21 Responses to NPK fertilizer to maize and sorghum in Thailand
2025-01-21 Characteristics of corn production in the drained paddies and their fertility managements in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effect of green manure-chemical fertilizer combinations on soil fertility and yield of corn
2025-01-21 Soil improvement in newly reclaimed hillside land for increasing the yields of feed grain crops in Korea
2025-01-23 The no-tillage system for corn (Zea mays L.)
2025-01-21 Management of soil phosphorus with rock phosphate in different cropping systems - Indian experience
2025-01-21 Soil acidity and the sandy soils of northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 Approaches to maximum yield research on feed grains
2025-01-21 Improving the productivity of acidic soils in the Philippines grown to corn, soybean and mungbean
2025-01-21 Sulfur status and its assessment in selected soils of northern Thailand
2025-01-21 Long term effect of mulching with fertilization under cropping corn-legumes on crop yield and improvement of soil chemical-physical properties
2025-01-21 General views of fertilizer usage on maximization of corn production
2025-01-21 Problems associated with the production of forage crops on volcanic ash soils in temperate areas with abundant precipitation
2025-01-21 Fertility and fertilizer responses of rice and maize on upland soils of northern Thailand
2025-01-21 Effects of sources of fertilizer phosphorus on crop yields in rice-soybean double cropping
2025-01-21 Farm-level profitability of fertilizer on maize in Thailand: Evidence from farm surveys and on-farm experiments
2025-01-21 Soil productivity improvement for soybean in Thailand
2025-01-21 Soil management and nitrogen fertilization for increasing the yield of soybean in Japan
2025-01-21 Effects of Rhizobium and VA mycorrhiza inoculations on nodulation, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean in Taiwan fields
2025-01-21 Potential of rhizobial inoculation for improvement of soybean yield under the upland rainfed area of northern Thailand
2025-01-21 Effects of Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza on the uptake of phosphorus in corn and soybean
2025-01-21 A comparative study on effects of four species of VA mycorrhizal fungi on growth of Corn
2025-01-21 Yield maximization of feed grain by associative N₂-fixing bacteria
2025-01-21 Crop simulation models and data base management for agrotechnology transfer
2025-01-20 Documentation for IBSNAT crop model input and output Files
2025-01-21 ASEAN benchmark sites network for agrotechnology transfer (ABSNAT)
2025-01-20 Agricultural information management system
2025-01-22 Dynamic models for evaluating and predicting the growth and yield of rice and sunflower crops from weather
2025-01-20 Numerical methods for mass transfer problems
2025-01-21 Agroecological zonation for agricultural production planning at a country level for Thailand
2025-01-21 A natural resource information system for agriculture
2025-01-21 Crop development simulation and its potential to agrotechnology transfer
2025-01-21 Soil data base of the soil management support service
2025-01-21 Assembling a model for organic residue transformation in soils
2025-01-21 Basic considerations in the development of a crop simulation model for Hevea
2025-01-21 Soil test correlation and fertilizer response of upland rice under conventional practices in Ultisols of Northern Thailand
2025-01-21 SOYGRO V5.3 soybean crop growth and yield model IBSNAT version
2025-01-21 Drip irrigation systems and management
2025-01-21 The efficiency of irrigation on upland crops and its utilization prospects in Korea
2025-01-21 Upland crop irrigation in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Irrigation and water requirement in Korea
2025-01-21 Problems and research priority in crop-water relations in Korea
2025-01-21 Effective use of water on upland field crops in Japan
2025-01-21 On the planning of irrigation water requirement for upland crops in humid region
2025-01-21 Nutrient movement through a soil by irrigation water in the field
2025-01-21 Sprinkler irrigation uniformity
2025-01-21 Crop irrigation and irrigated agriculture in Thailand
2025-01-21 The sugar cane irrigation improvement of Taiwan sugar corporation
2025-01-21 Soil water control for wheat and barley production in Korea
2025-01-21 Water management for upland crops in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Effect of irrigation on the vegetable production in Korea
2025-01-21 An overview of farm mechanization in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Mechanization of agriculture in Japan and its future
2025-01-21 The present situation and prospects for farm mechanization in Korea
2025-01-21 Prospects and constraints of farm mechanization and agro industry in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Farm mechanization in Malaysia: Status and prospects
2025-01-21 The role of farmers' organizations in farm mechanization
2025-01-21 A case study of joint utilization of farm machinery in Korea
2025-01-21 The role of farmers' organizations in farm machinery in Korea
2025-01-20 Some economic aspects of farm mechanization in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-14 Economic evaluation of farming mechanization in Japan
2025-01-21 Social and economic aspects of farm mechanization in Korea
2025-01-22 The social and economic aspects of farm mechanization in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Microbial control of agricultural insect pests in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Microbial control of insect pests in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Field application of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thuringiensis for the control of the cabbage looper in Thailand
2025-01-21 Microbial control of insect pests in Korea
2025-01-21 Recent development in the utilization of microbial insecticides in Japan
2025-01-21 Utilization and mass production of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of some noctuid larvae
2025-01-21 Ground and aerial applications of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura in Kagoshima prefecture
2025-01-21 Preliminary field application tests of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus for control of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura, occurring on soybean fields in Kagawa prefecture
2025-01-21 Use of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura in Ehime prefecture
2025-01-21 Use of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for control of the tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura in Aichi prefecture
2025-01-21 Microbial control of the Tobacco Cutworm, Spodoptera litura on strawberry in the greenhouse
2025-01-21 Utilization of insect viruses for the control of leafrollers
2025-01-21 Use of granulosis viruses for the control of two tea tortricid moths
2025-01-21 Management of the citrus red mite with a nonoccluded virus
2025-01-22 Use of entomogenous Fungi for the control of the peach fruit moth, Carposina niponensis
2025-01-21 Screening of Bacillus thuringiensis against Asiatic corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenee) and diamondback moth, Plutella Xylostella (L.)
2025-01-22 Use of Bacillus thuringiensis for the control of some lepidopterous Insect pests
2025-01-21 Production and utilization of bacterial agents for controlling of agricultural insect pest in Thailand
2025-01-21 Field applications of microbial insecticides in an aquatic environment - Factors affecting efficacy
2025-01-21 Use of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of the mulberry tiger moth, Spilosoma imparilis
2025-01-21 Microbial control of the pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus
2025-01-21 Use of an entomogenous fungus, Beauveria brongniartii, to control the yellow-spotted Longicorn Beetle, Psacothea hilaris 
2025-01-21 Reducing Chinese cabbage tipburn by several cultural practices
2025-01-21 Studies on bolting physiology for the year-round production of radish in Korea
2025-01-21 Vegetable improvement in the Philippines: Breeding and biotechnology
2025-01-21 Breeding for stress tolerance under tropical conditions in tomato and heading chinese cabbage
2025-01-21 Evaluating heat tolerance in potato
2025-01-21 The performance of some heat tolerant tomatoes in the tropics
2025-01-17 Asparagus breeding in subtropical and tropical Taiwan
2025-01-17 Weed control in vegetable fields and its future in Japan
2025-01-19 Vegetable seed production
2025-01-21 Vegetable seed production in Thailand
2025-01-20 Current status and future prospect of vegetable production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Prospects of onion seed production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The role of improved vegetable seeds in the development of the vegetable industry of southeast Asia
2025-01-14 Verticulture of vegetable production
2025-01-21 Postharvest problems of vegetables in Thailand
2025-01-21 Trends in tomato and baby corn processing in Thailand
2025-01-21 Future research and development needs for improving vegetable production for Asia
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1986
2025-01-21 Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) as a guide to orchard fertilization
2025-01-21 A. Control of papaya ringspot virus by seedling inoculation with mild virus strains B. Indexing and control of citrus viruses and virus-like diseases
2025-01-21 Dasheen mosaic virus and its control in cultivated aroids
2025-01-21 Chemical plant growth regulators in tropical plantation crops
2025-01-21 Plant growth regulators in retrospect and in prospect
2025-01-21 Feed resources for small holder dairy production
2025-01-21 A. Progress and problems of dairy development in the Asian and Pacific region B. Dairy development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 A. Dairy and dairy-beef development in Taiwan B. Indigenous resources for dairy and dairy beef production in Asia
2025-01-21 Fertilizer situation in four countries of Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Problems in feeding and nutrition of lactating ruminants in Asia
2025-01-21 Advances in nutrition and feeding of swamp buffaloes in Thailand
2025-01-21 A. Water buffalo production in Taiwan B. Buffalo research in Japan
2025-01-21 A. Three phloem-limited viruses of grapevine: Diagnosis by direct fluorescence detection B. Recent research development in virus diseases of grapevine
2025-01-21 Viral diseases of cucurbits and sources of resistance
2025-01-21 Regulation of plant growth by ethylene and related regulators
2025-01-21 Research on beef cattle production by the Taiwan sugar corporation
2025-01-21 Non-herbicidal compounds effects on herbicide activity
2025-01-21 Approaches to maximum yield research on feed grains
2025-01-21 Soil management and nitrogen fertilization for increasing the yield of soybean in Japan
2025-01-21 Plant virus diseases of horticulture crops in the tropics and subtropics
2025-01-21 Plant growth regulators in agriculture
2025-01-21 Food precessing by rural families
2025-01-21 A decade of soil taxonomy
2025-01-21 Soil taxonomy: A system of soil classification
2025-01-21 Experimental aspects of the benchmark soils project
2025-01-21 Agro-ecological zones and agricultural land use in Malaysia: The potential contribution of "Soil taxonomy"
2025-01-19 Experiences, problems and prospects in the adoption of soil taxonomy in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Group soils for management practice
2025-01-21 Soil fertility and management implications of soil taxonomy
2025-01-20 A Study on the fertility characteristics of Taiwan paddy soils by numerical taxonomy methods
2025-01-20 Classification of cultivated soils and its use in Japan
2025-01-21 On the characteristics and classification of soils in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-20 Testing proposed soil taxonomy with soils in the tropics
2025-01-20 Ultisols of Thailand
2025-01-19 Soil suitability implications of soil taxonomy with special reference to tree crop cultivation
2025-01-14 Selected alfisols and ultisols in ustic soil moisture regime, Thailand
2025-01-21 Soil taxonomy of Korean soils
2025-01-20 Fertility capability classification (FCC) as a guide to PK-fertilization of lowland rice
2025-01-21 Soil temperature classes in soil taxonomy
2025-01-20 The adjustment of national agricultural programs to meet future needs-- Republic of China
2025-01-21 Changes of agricultural policy in Japan since 1945
2025-01-21 Adjusting programs to meet future food and energy needs in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Environment, economic development and policy: The Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 National programs, the need for increased emphasis on the development of vegetables and legumes
2025-01-21 Korean agriculture; the prospects and new development strategy for 2000
2025-01-21 Technical counter measures for the change of agricultural policy in Japan since 1945
2025-01-14 The international benchmark sites network for agrotechnology transfer-- adjusting national programs to meet future needs
2025-01-14 Philippine agricultural research: Embarking on action programs to ensure economic survival
2025-01-20 Upgrading agricultural production and development in Taiwan, R.O.C.
2025-01-17 The adjustment of Thailand national agricultural programs to meet future needs
2025-01-22 Agricultural research and extension programs to meet increasing demand of food in Korea
2025-01-16 Asian agriculture at the cross-roads
2025-01-21 Agricultural production in New Zealand: Perspective, changes and policies
2025-01-17 Technology for the small farmer
2025-01-22 Technology needs of small-scale Filipino farmers: The extension point of view
2025-01-21 Management issues related to research-extension linkages in the Philippines
2025-01-14 Agricultural research to help the small-scale farmer in developing countries
2025-01-21 Turning conventional agricultural research and development on its head: The farmer-back-to-farmer approach
2025-01-16 Small farm research and development at Khon Kaen University
2025-01-20 Evaluation of agricultural science and technology developments for small farming in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-14 On-farm technology testing of the Philippines: Ministry of agriculture and food
2025-01-19 Small farmers' problems in new technology adoption: The case of Korea
2025-01-14 The transfer of new technology to small farms in Taiwan
2025-01-21 An IRRI approach to rice technology transfer
2025-01-16 An analysis of problems in the transfer of technology of high yielding rice varieties in Sri Lanka
2025-01-14 Transfer of appropriate technology to rubber smallholders in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Socio-economic impact of technology transfer on a Philippines village
2025-01-21 Present situation of and policy issues for the development of food processing in the Asian and Pacific countries
2025-01-21 The need for a more efficient food processing in developing countries
2025-01-21 Food processing of high productivity products by rural families in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Establishment and operation of centers on appropriate technology for village-based industrialization
2025-01-21 Processed meat industry in the Republic of China
2025-01-21 Maximum utilization of meat by the rural families
2025-01-21 Improvement of manufacturing dried pork slices and meatball
2025-01-21 Fruit and vegetable processing in Republic of China
2025-01-21 The development of food industries in Japan
2025-01-21 Present status of and governmental policies for the development of food processing by rural families
2025-01-20 Food processing by Korean rural families- Techno-economic analysis of rural drying technology
2025-01-20 Food processing by rural families in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Promotion of family food processing: A strategic approach towards food self-sufficiency of Thai families
2025-01-21 Problems and prospects of food processing by rural families in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Present situation and improvement of food processing by rural families in Korea
2025-01-20 The pathway of the industrial development of 'Kori-tofu' A frozen-and-dried soybean curd, in Japan
2025-01-21 NIST approach to the improvement of community level food processing in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Improvement of community level food processing in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Factors affecting nutrient status in plant leaves for the purpose of diagnosis and fertilizer recommendation
2025-01-20 The history of fruit nutritional diagnosis through leaf analysis and fertilization in Korea 
2025-01-20 Leaf analysis as an aid in fertilizing some tropical fruit trees in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Diagnosis and correction of boron deficiency in the citrus orchard of Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Boron fertilization to correct a nutritional disorder in papaya
2025-01-22 The diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) as a guide to orchard fertilization 
2025-01-20 Analysis of leaf boron content and effects of boron on fruit tree growth 
2025-01-21 Leaf analysis as a guide to mineral nutrition of subtropical vineyards
2025-01-14 Diagnosis of apple nutrition in Japan 
2025-01-20 Analysis of leaf Ca and Mn content and effect of these elements on the fruit tree growth
2025-01-21 Leaf diagnosis as a guide to orchard fertilization in Taiwan citrus culture 
2025-01-17 Diagnosis of nitrogen status of citrus by leaf color determination
2025-01-14 Virus diseases of horticultural crops in Malaysia
2025-01-14 Virus diseases of horticultural crops in Thailand
2025-01-21 Three phloem-limited viruses important to grapevine and diagnosis of them by direct fluorescence detection (DFD) method
2025-01-21 Recent research development in virus diseases of grapevines
2025-01-21 Citrus tristeza virus isolated from acid lime in Thailand
2025-01-21 Recent aspects in indexing and control of citrus viruses and virus-like diseases
2025-01-22 Actual injury caused by citrus tristeza virus and its control by preinoculation with mild strains in Japan
2025-01-21 Progress and trends of researches on citrus likubin and some viruses and their control trials
2025-01-21 Virus diseases of sweet potato in Taiwan 
2025-01-23 A review of dasheen mosaic virus and its control in cultivated aroids
2025-01-21 Recent studies on zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Viral diseases of cucurbits and sources of resistance
2025-01-21 Studies on tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Thailand and elsewhere
2025-01-22 Virus diseases of solanaceous plants transmitted by whitefly
2025-01-21 Virus research of horticultural crops in the tropics: Present situation of horticultural tropical crops and management of virus diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Control of CMV mosaic disease of tomato by pre-inoculation of CMV-SR strain
2025-01-21 Viruses diseases of tomato and Chinese cabbage in Taiwan and source of resistance
2025-01-21 Studies on a new virus disease of papaya in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Control of papaya ringspot virus by seedling inoculation with mild virus strains
2025-01-20 A strain of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus on bottlegourd in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Research of natural products with plant growth regulatory and phytotoxic activity
2025-01-20 Cost down rice cultivation technique by using plant growth regulators in Japan
2025-01-21 Lodging of rice plants and countermeasures against it
2025-01-20 Confirmation of "Synchronous Growth" in pice plants by means of bioregulator BAS 106..W(tetcyclacis)
2025-01-21 Paclobutrazol, a versatile new plant growth regulator as an effective tool in crop management
2025-01-20 Effect of a new plant growth retardant N-[4-chloro-2-(a-hydroxybenzyl) phenyl] isonicotinamide (CGR-811) on the growth of rice plants
2025-01-20 S-3307, A new plant growth retardant its biological activities, Mechanism and Mode of Action
2025-01-20 Plant growth regulator problems in grain crops in Korea
2025-01-20 Role of plant growth regulators in tropical rice cultivation
2025-01-21 High-yielding semi-dwarf rice and gibberellins 
2025-01-14 Plant growth-regulating activities of 3 Hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole
2025-01-17 Role of plant hormones in the fruit-setting process of tomato at high temperature
2025-01-21 Glyphosate as plant growth regulator
2025-01-21 Effect of plant growth regulators on sugarcane production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Chemical regulation of ornamental crops in Japan
2025-01-17 Responses of etiolated mungbean sprouts to plant hormones
2025-01-21 A new type of photosynthetic inhibitors
2025-01-21 Regulation of plant growth by ethylene and related regulators
2025-01-19 Chemical regulation of vegetable crops in Japan
2025-01-21 Production of temperate zone fruits in Taiwan and studies on dormancy breaking
2025-01-20 Plant growth regulator problems in vegetable crops in Korea
2025-01-21 Ethychlozate: Physiological activity and practical use on fruit trees in Japan
2025-01-21 Brassinolide: Some effects for crop cultivations
2025-01-22 Effects of non-herbicidal compounds on herbicide activities
2025-01-21 Current practices and future prospects for chemical plant growth regulators in tropical plantation crops
2025-01-20 Cycolcel plant growth regulant: Uses in Small Grains
2025-01-21 Plant growth regulators: In retrospect and in prospect
2025-01-20 Progress and problems of dairy development in the Asia and pacific region
2025-01-22 Dairy development in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Dairy and dairy beef development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Dairy and dairy-beef development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Beef production and development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Thailand dairy and dairy beef development
2025-01-21 Dairy and dairy beef development in Japan
2025-01-21 Productivity of beef and dairy cattle and their feeding management in Korea
2025-01-21 Development of feed resources for small holder dairy production
2025-01-21 Some problems in feeding and nutrition of lactating ruminants in Asia 
2025-01-21 Overcoming reproduction and A. I. problems in dairy on small farm in developing countries
2025-01-21 Utilization of indigenous resource in dairy and dairy-beef production in Asia
2025-01-20 Strategies and approaches fir dairy breeding stock multiplication including use of imported breeds in the regions
2025-01-21 Performance of purebred and crossbred dairy animals in southeast Asia
2025-01-17 Future prospects of dairy beef production and marketing in Thailand
2025-01-17 Research on production of beef cattle by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1985
2025-01-20 Changes in the form and price of fertilizer-A global perspective
2025-01-21 Soil conservation A. Priorities for technical research in soil conservation B. International workshop on soil erosion and its countermeasures: Conclusions and recommendation
2025-01-17 A. Obstacles to soil conservation at Rayong, Thailand B. Soil erosion control measures for tea land in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Low cost soil conservation technology for the hill slopes of Kerala
2025-01-21 A. Contour grass strips as a low cost conservation practice B. Landslide control: Experience from the Mae Sa Project
2025-01-21 A. Technology for the small farmer B. Agricultural research to help the small-scale farmer in developing countries
2025-01-21 A. Socio-economic impact of technology transfer on a Philippine village- Some lessons from technical co-operation with Japan B. Turning conventional agricultural research and development on its head: The farmer-back-to-farmer approach
2025-01-21 A. The transfer of new technology to small farms in Taiwan B. An analysis of the problems in the transfer of technology of high yielding rice varieties in Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Soil taxonomy and characterization of tropical soils A. A decade of soil taxonomy B. Experience, problems and prospects in the adoption of soil taxonomy in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Food processing by rural families in Malaysia
2025-01-21 A. Food processing of high productivity products by rural families in the Philippines B. Present situation and improvement of food processing by rural families in Korea
2025-01-21 Leaf color chart determination of citrus crop nitrogen status
2025-01-21 Seminar on leaf diagnosis as a guide to orchard fertilization A. Leaf analysis as a guide to the mineral nutrition of subtropical vineyards B. Factors affecting nutrient status in plant leaves for the purpose of diagnosis and fertilizer recommendation
2025-01-21 A. Leaf diagnosis for horticultural fertilizer management in Korea B. Analysis of leaf Ca and Mn for diagnosis of IBN in fruit trees
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency under different soil conditions
2025-01-21 Recent advances in quality control and analysis of fertilizers
2025-01-21 Soil taxonomy and characterization of tropical soils A. Potential contribution of soil taxonomy to agroclimatology in Malaysia B. Paddy soils in Japan and their classification C. Soil temperature classes in soil taxonomy
2025-01-14 A. Improvement of community level food processing: The development of 'Kori Tofu' a frozen and dried soybean curd, in Japan B. Improvements in manufacturing dried pork slices and meatballs in Taiwan R.O.C.
2025-01-19 Seminar of leaf diagnosis as a guide to orchard fertilization A. Diagnosis and correction of boron deficiency in citrus orchard B. Analysis of leaf boron content and effects of boron on fruit tree growth
2025-01-21 Alternative Sources of Energy for Agriculture
2025-01-19 Soil Taxonomy: Review and Use in the Asian and Pacific Region
2025-01-20 National Agricultural Programs and Future Needs
2025-01-21 Applied Agricultural Research for Small Farms in Asia
2025-01-16 Efficient feeding systems and nutrient requirements of goats for meat and milk production in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-21 The national goat program for chevon and dairy production in the Philippines
2025-01-20 Goat production and development in Thailand
2025-01-21 The national goat program for rural smallholders in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Role of FAO/APHCA in goat development in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-21 The national goat program for chevon and dairy production in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Goat improvement strategies in Asia
2025-01-20 Goat semen production, processing and utilization
2025-01-20 A review of goat disease and parasites
2025-01-20 Meat quality, carcass composition and evaluation of goats
2025-01-20 Economic appraisal of village goat production systems in west Malaysia and strategies for intensification
2025-01-20 Seminar on recent improvements on goat production in Asia: A general synthesis
2025-01-21 Seed production programmmes in Asia countries
2025-01-21 Thailand country report on seed production
2025-01-21 Cucurbit seed production in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Improved seed programs for dry edible legumes
2025-01-21 Soybean seed production in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Soybean seed production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Peanut seed production
2025-01-21 Seed-borne sorghum diseases and their effects on sorghum seed production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 A seed production scheme designed for open-pollinated maize varieties
2025-01-21 Seed production of corn and sorghum in Thailand as affected by seed maturity, planting date and fertilizer
2025-01-21 Forage grass and legume seed production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Effect of water stress on Siratro (Macroptilum atropurpureum) seed production
2025-01-21 Research works on vegetable seed production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Breeding and seed production of hybrid tomato and cucumber in Japan
2025-01-21 Seed production for genetic conservation purposes of some Brassica campestris subspecies
2025-01-21 Hybrid seed production and seed storage in cruciferous crops
2025-01-21 Principles of cereal seed production
2025-01-21 Seed conditioning and storage in the tropics
2025-01-21 Post harvest and handling for peanut seed
2025-01-21 Harvesting time and post harvest handling on quality of soybean seed produced by farmers
2025-01-21 Seed technology training and research in southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 Recent trends in integrated rural development in Taiwan 
2025-01-21 Historical trends and tasks of the Korean rural development and integrated rural development in the 1980s
2025-01-21 Family farms, integrated rural development and multi-purpose cooperatives in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives in integrated rural development: Evolution, role and challenges
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperative movement and integrated rural development in Korea
2025-01-21 Agricultural development program through agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives for rural development with special reference to India
2025-01-21 The role of agricultural cooperatives in integrated rural development in Japan
2025-01-21 The role of the agricultural cooperative movement and the contribution of agricultural credit program in agricultural development in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural cooperatives and the farmers' price of rice - A comparison of integration in rural development policy between Japan and Thailand
2025-01-21 Role of agricultural cooperative in developing rural areas - A Korean case study
2025-01-21 Integrated rural development project in Korea - Case study of Samrangjin primary agricultural cooperative -
2025-01-21 Integrated regional agricultural development project - A case analysis of Keum Seong Agri. Coop. -
2025-01-21 Joint usage of farm machineries in rice production
2025-01-21 Technological review of mechanizing Japanese small farms for tractorization with field equipments
2025-01-21 Present situation of farm mechanization and projection for the development of farm machinery
2025-01-21 Local manufacturing of farm machinery and mechanization in Thailand
2025-01-21 The modification and testing of the IRRI Multicrop upland seeder for direct seeding lowland rice & other field crops
2025-01-21 Improvement of post-production rice systems in small farms
2025-01-21 Cooperative utilization patterns for farm machinery in Korea
2025-01-20 The cooperative use of farm machinery in Japan - Based on a case study of rice farming in Shiga prefecture
2025-01-21 Efficient use of newly developed agricultural machineries in Japan
2025-01-21 Rice drying systems in Korea
2025-01-21 Mechanization for the small farmer
2025-01-20 After-sale service of farm machinery in Korea
2025-01-20 Renewable fuels for the future
2025-01-22 Digester systems of agricultural biogas plants in the Federal Republic of Germany
2025-01-21 Biological conversion of renewable resources into liquid fuels
2025-01-21 Solar and water energy for horticultural uses in Japan
2025-01-21 Engineering and economy - some special planning aspects and practical examples of biogasplants with regard to farming in Germany and other European countries.
2025-01-21 Energy in sugarcane and its bioconversion
2025-01-21 The production of fertilizer from anaerobic digesters used to treat agricultural residues
2025-01-21 Ethanol and chemicals from cellulosics
2025-01-21 Utilization of geothermal water for agriculture in Japan
2025-01-21 study on the solar enengy utilization for slpoe shaped shed of tabacco bulk curing sysyem
2025-01-21 Solar greenhouse designs
2025-01-21 Production of hydrogen and other chemicals by anaerobic fermentation
2025-01-22 Improvement of ethanol productivity from cane molasses by a process with high yeast cell concentration
2025-01-21 Dissemination of the methane gas fermentation system and its problems in Japan
2025-01-21 Solar energy for greenhouse heating and crop drying
2025-01-21 Biogas promotional strategies: Philippine experience
2025-01-21 Multi-fuel engine research - Hydrous alcohol fuels 
2025-01-22 Biogas in Thailand 
2025-01-21 Biogas research and utilization in Korea
2025-01-21 An efficient ethanol fermentation of acid hydrolyzate from hemicellulose-extracted bagasse
2025-01-21 Experiences on anaerobic treatment of hog wastes in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Some agronomic techniques & pest management help save energy inputs in food production technology in developing countries 
2025-01-21 A case study on decision making for bioconversion of solid agricultural wastes by solid state fermentation
2025-01-21 A new process of xylose production from bagasse for ethanol fermentation
2025-01-14 Utilization of agricultural cellulosic wastes for the fermentative production of glucose isomerase
2025-01-21 High performance anaerobic digestion processes for the production of biogas from agro-industrial wastes in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Single cell protein research activities in CPC
2025-01-21 Protein enrichment of cellulosic material with Trichoderma album by solid-state fermentation
2025-01-21 Biomass and ethanol production from jerusalem artichoke
2025-01-17 Performance of a completely filled vertical through-flow anaerobic digester
2025-01-19 Production and utilization of biogas from palm oil mill effluent
2025-01-16 The potential of converting biomass to hydrogen-rich synthesis gas for ammonia synthesis
2025-01-21 The demonstration of 4kw wind turbine generating systems for agriculture use in Hukou and Kinmen
2025-01-21 Government policy and attitude toward the quality control for chemical fertilizer in Japan
2025-01-21 Fertilizer demand and supply policy and quality control in Korea
2025-01-21 Problem of the fertilizer quality control under the system of fertilizer distribution in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Factors affecting the efficiency of fertilizer applications for crops in Taiwan with particular reference to maize
2025-01-21 Utilization of the various materials recoveried from food industry as organic fertilizer
2025-01-21 Nutrient recovery from wastes: Its role in crop fertilizer requirements
2025-01-21 Effects of sources of N, P and K fertilizer on the growth and yield of cassava
2025-01-21 Increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on rice
2025-01-21 Response of rice to nitrogen
2025-01-21 Evaluation of recent phosphorus fertilizer product
2025-01-21 Slow-release potassium fertilizer with special references to "potassium silicate fertilizer"
2025-01-14 KOKEI fertilizer - Its properties and efficient use
2025-01-15 Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency and soil conditions
2025-01-14 Importance of quality control of chemical fertilizer in S.E. Asian countries
2025-01-14 The present condition of consumption and supply of fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Changes in the form and price of fertilizer - A global perspective
2025-01-21 Recent advances in quality control and analysis of fertilizers
2025-01-21 Some aspects of sloping bench terrace for erosion control
2025-01-14 Landslide control: Experience from the Mae Sa project
2025-01-21 Land degradation - Present status, training and education needs in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-22 Soil conservation and slopeland development in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Priorities for technical research in soil conservation
2025-01-21 Eucalyptus Camaldulensis planting on high salinity soil
2025-01-14 Obstacles to soil conservation at Rayong, Thailand
2025-01-21 Soil conservation in Malaysia with special emphasis on agricultural lands
2025-01-20 Tree root patterns and erosion control
2025-01-14 Contour grass strip as a low cost conservation practice
2025-01-14 A history of soil conservation and mass media use in the U.S.
2025-01-22 Roadside erosion & its countermeasures
2025-01-14 Soil conservation extension on sloping farmlands in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Financial assistance as an incentive to soil conservation
2025-01-20 Soil and water conservation in uplands of Northern Thailand
2025-01-21 Cost-sharing - is it possible for soil conservation in Thailand
2025-01-20 Losses of nutrients in surface runoff from pasture
2025-01-21 Soil-based concerns for soil and water consercation
2025-01-20 Soil erosion control measures in Sri Lanka with reference to tea land
2025-01-20 Experience in working in soil erosion in Lamta Klong
2025-01-21 Northern agricultural land development project
2025-01-21 Current research topics on soil erosion processes
2025-01-21 Low cost soil conservation technology for the hill slopes of Kerala
2025-01-19 Collecting and disseminating agricultural information
2025-01-21 The new role of FFTC in a changing agriculture and economic environment
2025-01-20 The new role of Food & Fertilizer Technology Center in a changing agricultural and economic environment
2025-01-20 Fertilizer nitrogen efficiency in lowland rice in Indonesia: A potential for a changing agricultural and economic environment
2025-01-20 Vegetables, an underrated resource
2025-01-21 Scanning of information accumulated from scientific investigations for dissemination to small farmers
2025-01-22 The FFTC: Exploring new strategies to strengthen information dissemination and utilization in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-20 FFTC Annual Report 1984
2025-01-21 Biological control of root pathogens: New technologies and the potential for impact on crop productivity
2025-01-20 Managing acrisols in the humid tropics
2025-01-21 Use of soil taxonomy in identifying soil related potentials and constraints for agriculture
2025-01-23 Rice in the reclamation of salt-affected soils
2025-01-20 Efficient feeding systems and nutrient requirements of goats for meat and milk production in Asia and the Pacific
2025-01-22 Goat production in southeast Asia A. Goat production and development in Thailand B. The national goat program for rural smallholders in Indonesia C. The national goat program for chevon and dairy production in the Philippines D. The national goat program for chevon and dairy production in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Seed technology training and research in southeast Asian countries
2025-01-21 Conditioning and storage of seed in the tropics
2025-01-22 Seed production of corn and sorghum in Thailand, and the effects of seed maturity, planting date and fertilizer
2025-01-19 Hybrid seed production and seed storage in cruciferous crops
2025-01-20 Prospects and problems of swamp buffalo development in Asia
2025-01-21 Recent improvement in biogas plant design A. Digester systems of agricultural biogas in the Federal Republic of Germany B. Performance of a completely filled vertical through-flow anaerobic digester
2025-01-20 Renewable fuels for the future
2025-01-14 Livestock production and current limitations in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea and Republic of China
2025-01-21 Importance of quality control of chemical fertilizer in southeast Asian countries
2025-01-14 Increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer on rice
2025-01-15 The ecology and treatment of soilborne diseases in Asia A. Soil Microbiostasis B. Soil solarization for suppressing soilborne diseases in Japan
2025-01-14 Relationship of soil microorganisms to rice sheath blight development in irrigated and dryland rice cultures
2025-01-18 Plant nutrition under water stress conditions
2025-01-14 Deficiency and excess of micronutrients in Japanese grasslands
2025-01-21 Rice skippers in Taiwan and their life histories
2025-01-14 Ethanol and chemicals from cellulosics
2025-01-19 Improvement of ethanol productivity from cane molasses by a process using a high yeast cell concentration
2025-01-14 Fuel from sugarcane bagasse A. The efficient ethanol fermentation of acid hydrolyzate from hemicellulose-extracted bagasse B. A new process of xylose production from bagasse for ethanol fermentation
2025-01-21 The potential for converting biomass to hydrogen-rich synthetic gas for ammonia synthesis
2025-01-21 Asian pastures
2025-01-20 Soilborne crop diseases in Asia
2025-01-22 Ecology and management of problem soil in Asia
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination in the Philippines
2025-01-14 Developing more efficient animal production through artificial insemination
2025-01-21 Recent advances of artificial insemination in Malaysia
2025-01-21 The livestock artificial insemination in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination in Thailand
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination in Korea
2025-01-21 The role of technician and extension worker on the impact of artificial insemination in livestock production
2025-01-17 Techniques in pregnancy diagnosis and heat detection
2025-01-21 Current trends on semen collection, processing and storage
2025-01-17 Recent research on artificial insemination of swine production in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Investment opportunities on artificial insemination for livestock projects in Southeast Asia
2025-01-21 The Philippine experience in artificial insemination
2025-01-14 Marketing of vegetables and fruits in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Marketing system of fruits and vegetables in Japan
2025-01-22 Agricultural marketing in Korea
2025-01-20 Fruit and vegetable marketing development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Marketing of vegetables of farmers' association in Japan
2025-01-21 Marketing of farm products of farmers' organizations in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Cooperative marketing of farm products in Korea
2025-01-21 Farmers' voluntary marketing activities in Korea - A case of Chojeon primary cooperative
2025-01-21 Activities and tasks of marketing in cooperative shipping organization of agricultural cooperatives
2025-01-21 Farmers' cooperative marketing: A perspective survey of the Ha-ee village case in Korea
2025-01-21 Producer-oriented marketing: Strategies and programs
2025-01-21 Statistics information on production & marketing of fruits and vegetables
2025-01-21 Circulation of marketing information of farm products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Cropping system research under rainfed condition in Thailand
2025-01-21 Development of dryland farming in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rainwater management: The ICRISAT experience
2025-01-21 Research and development of rainfed agriculture in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Development and implementation of rainfed technology in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The KABSAKA pilot extension project
2025-01-21 Other components KABSAKA project: Livestock, nutrition and water impounding
2025-01-21 The rainfed agriculture development outreach site program of the Ministry of Agriculture
2025-01-21 Rainfed rice based cropping systems project in Cagayan, Philippines
2025-01-21 Rainfed farming systems at ZDSDP/PADAP
2025-01-21 FSSRI research thrusts of rainfed farming system/agriculture
2025-01-21 Dryland farming in sugarcane fields in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Crop-livestock integration in rainfed areas
2025-01-21 Grazing management and the persistence of yield in tropical pasture legumes
2025-01-20 Forage research in Indonesia: Past and present
2025-01-20 Status of pasture research and development in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Pasture research and development in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Pasture research and development in Thailand
2025-01-20 Recent advances in tropical pasture research in Australia
2025-01-21 Endeavours, experience and tasks for the pasture development in Korea
2025-01-21 Highlights of Leucaena research and development for forage in the Philippines
2025-01-21 The performance of five selected Leucaena leucocephala accessions on sandy soil in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-21 Phytotoxic effects in a diploid and a tetreploid pasture
2025-01-21 Soil nutrient deficiencies relevant to pasture production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Seed producing ability of rhodesgrass in Thailand - As compared with Japan
2025-01-21 Pasture establishment in the farming system in northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 Breeding on napier grass in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pastures under coconut in Thailand
2025-01-21 Status of paddy weed flora in Korea
2025-01-21 Weed ecology of temperate zone
2025-01-21 Weed ecology and its control in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Status of winter cereal weeds in Korea
2025-01-21 Weed control in rice production in Korea
2025-01-21 Weed control in upland crops
2025-01-21 Weed control in agricultural grassland
2025-01-21 Rice cultivar tolerance to herbicides
2025-01-21 New development trend in herbicide technology
2025-01-21 Status and prospect of herbicide use in Korea
2025-01-21 Advancement in herbicide application techniques and equipment
2025-01-21 Resistance of plants to herbicides
2025-01-21 Effect of herbicide use on environment
2025-01-21 Phytotoxicities caused by paddy herbicides and countermeasures in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil-borne diseases of the major crops in Korea
2025-01-21 Soil-borne diseases and their research in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Fusarium root rot and wilt of garden peas in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effect of soil amendments on fusarium wilt of watermelon
2025-01-21 Fusarium wilt diseases of vegetable crops: Seed transmission and control using resistant rootstocks
2025-01-22 Control of some soil-borne diseases in Thailand
2025-01-21 Ecology of Phytophthora diseases of vegetable crops in Japan 
2025-01-21 The incidence of clubroot and its control in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Disease problems in ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer) caused by soil-borne micro organism in Korea
2025-01-21 Relationship of soil microorganisms to rice sheath blight development in irrigated and dryland rice cultures
2025-01-21 Rhizoctonia diseases and their pathogens in Japan
2025-01-21 Nematodes harmful to crop production in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil disinfectants in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil solarization for suppressing soilborne diseases in Japan
2025-01-21 Integrated control of soil-borne diseases in Japan
2025-01-21 Biological control of root pathogens: New technologies and the potential for impact on crop productivity
2025-01-21 Soil microbiostasis
2025-01-21 Soil fungistasis: Mechanisms and relation to biological control of soil-borne plant pathogens
2025-01-21 Nature and management of problem soils in Thailand
2025-01-21 Management of problem soils in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Historical review of improvement of problem soils in Japan
2025-01-21 Preliminary investigation of the nature and properties of the non-volatile acid fraction formed during anaerobic incubation of Kuala Linggi acid sulphate soil with Ischemum Tops
2025-01-22 Problem soils in Indonesia and their management
2025-01-21 Effect of sulfur on the chlorosis and yield of peanuts grown on calcareous soils in Hualian area
2025-01-21 Problem soils of Malaysia - Their characteristics and management
2025-01-21 Attempt at Improving the productivity of acid sulfate soils 
2025-01-21 Liming of acid sulphate paddy soils of Bangkok plain
2025-01-21 Fertility capability classification as a guide to N fertilization of lowland rice 
2025-01-21 Ecology, classification and effects of management of selected sandy soils in Thailand
2025-01-21 Rock phosphate utilization on acid sulphate soils of Thailand
2025-01-21 Management of wetland rice and fishponds on problem soils in the tropics 
2025-01-21 Nitrogen transformation and nitrogen management in two important problem soils of Thailand
2025-01-21 Exchangeable aluminum in some acid sulfate soils of Thailand
2025-01-21 Microbial activities in acid sulfate soil
2025-01-21 The prediction models of N and K fertilizer for maximum yield of flooded rice based on the chemical factors of topsoil
2025-01-21 Rice in the reclamation of salt-affected soils
2025-01-21 Characteristics and management of salt-affected soils in the northeast of Thailand
2025-01-21 Use of soil taxonomy in identifying soil related potential and constraints for agriculture
2025-01-21 Application on soil taxonomy to fertility capability classification of problem soils in the S. E. Coast of Thailand
2025-01-21 Managing acrisols in the humid tropics
2025-01-22 Efficient use of fertilizers in unland cropping systems - an experimental approach
2025-01-21 Problem of lateritic soil for field crops production of Thailand
2025-01-21 Plant nutrition under water stress condition
2025-01-21 Deficiency and excess in micronutrients in Japanese grasslands
2025-01-21 Changes in chemical properties of cultivated volcanic ash soils in Korea
2025-01-21 Future rice surplus problem in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 The outlook of the agricultural development of the world
2025-01-14 Asian agricultural development outlook- Rice, other crops, related inputs and markets
2025-01-21 The relationship between agricultural development and agricultural research: The Philippine case
2025-01-20 Problems of agricultural extension and development in the south Pacific
2025-01-14 FFTC Annual Report 1983
2025-01-15 Land tenure and economic development A. Land tenure systems and farm mechanization in Taiwan B. Farmland tenure in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-14 Inland aquaculture in Asia A. Inland aquaculture development in Thailand B. Inland aquaculture in Korea C. Aquaculture in Philippine lakes and reservoirs: A review
2025-01-21 Coastal aquaculture in Asia A. Coastal aquaculture in the Philippines B. Brackish-water aquaculture in Indonesia
2025-01-18 Socioeconomic factors in Asian aquaculture A. Socioeconomic aspects of coastal aquaculture development B. Economic analysis of Clarias culture in Thailand C. Farming of small abalone on the northern coast of Taiwan ROC
2025-01-21 Land tenure and agricultural development in the Pacific islands
2025-01-21 A future rice surplus problem in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 The role of the technician and extension worker in artificial insemination programs for livestock
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination of livestock in Asia I A. Thailand B. Malaysia C. Philippines
2025-01-21 Recent advances in artificial insemination of livestock in Asia II A. Taiwan B. Japan C. Korea
2025-01-21 Recent developments in agricultural marketing in Taiwan A. Marketing improvements and economic development B. Circulation of marketing information about farm products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The marketing of farm products in Taiwan and Korea A. The marketing of fruit and vegetables in Taiwan B. Agricultural marketing in Korea
2025-01-21 Fruit and vegetable marketing development in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Cooperative marketing by farmers in Asia A. The Ha-ee village crop unit: A case study of a successful farmers' cooperative in Korea B. The marketing of farm products by farmers' organizations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rainwater management in the semi-arid tropics: The ICRISAT experience
2025-01-21 The KABSAKA project: A pilot scheme in rainfed farming development A. The KABSAKA pilot extension project B. Livestock production, water impounding and other components of the KABSAKA project
2025-01-21 The use of Leucaena for livestock feed in Asia A. Highlights of research into the use of Leucaena for forage in the Philippines B. The performance of five selected Leucaena Leucocephala accessions on sandy soil in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-20 Pasture establishment in the farming systems of northeast Thailand
2025-01-21 Problems in agricultural extension A. The training of extension workers B. Problems of agricultural extension and development in the south Pacific
2025-01-21 The breeding of all-male asparagus plants by means of tissue culture
2025-01-21 The application of tissue culture-induced mutagenesis to crop improvement
2025-01-21 Laboratory experiments for rodent control in warehouses: Thallium nitrate as a water-based poison
2025-01-21 Phytotoxic effects in a diploid and a tetraploid pasture
2025-01-21 Rice cultivar tolerance to herbicides
2025-01-21 The breeding of vegetables adapted to the lowland tropics
2025-01-20 Land tenure and the small farmer in Asia
2025-01-21 Producer-oriented marketing: Strategies and programs
2025-01-21 Inland water aquaculture in Korea
2025-01-18 Inland aquaculture development in Thailand
2025-01-21 Aquaculture in the Philippines lakes and reservoirs: A review
2025-01-21 Pla Duk Dan culture in circular concrete ponds with water recirculating system
2025-01-22 Coastal aquaculture developments in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Status and technology of brackishwater aquaculture in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Sea-farming of small abalone in Taiwan
2025-01-23 Farming of small abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta Lischke on the northern coast of Taiwan - A case study on the conflict between fishery exploitation and environmental conservation
2025-01-14 Socio economic aspects of the coastal aquaculture development
2025-01-21 Economic analysis of Clarias culture in Thailand
2025-01-21 General introduction of poultry diseases in Japan (1) / Avian leukosis: Natural transmission and morbidity (2)
2025-01-22 Gumboro disease in Japan
2025-01-21 Gumboro disease in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Studies on the strain susceptibility of highly inbred chickens to infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease) virus
2025-01-21 Establishment of SPF chicken flock in Taiwan, R.O.C
2025-01-21 Marek's disease
2025-01-21 Comparison of efficacy of HVT and MDV vaccines against Marek's disease
2025-01-21 Research on Marek's disease in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The common diseases of poultry in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Egg-drop syndrome-1976 in Japan
2025-01-14 Virus isolation and antibody survey on avain viral diseases in Taiwan, R.O.C
2025-01-14 Immunity and newcastle disease in chickens
2025-01-21 A review of newcastle disease control in Korea
2025-01-21 Epidemiological investigation of ND outbreaks and their characteristics
2025-01-21 Pathological lesions found in poultry digestive tracts
2025-01-21 Pasteurella multocida - Serotypes, biochemical characteristics and drug susceptibility - Isolated in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Opening Session/Setting up of objectives of the Workshop
2025-01-21 Xavier University's extension program: Strategies and delivery systems
2025-01-14 Professional requirements of the extension worker
2025-01-21 Country report: Philippines
2025-01-21 Training system for rural extension workers in Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Methodologies for assessing training needs of extension field workers
2025-01-21 Course content for training extension service personnel
2025-01-21 Communication strategies and delivery systems for training programs in rural development
2025-01-21 Extension education principles, Taiwan extension activities and university curriculum
2025-01-21 Evaluation of the effectiveness of a training program
2025-01-21 A proposal of newly developed expression method of feed composition
2025-01-21 Laboratory methods for evaluating the feeding value of forages
2025-01-21 Factors affecting on the digestibility tests
2025-01-21 A study on the Korean standard feed composition table
2025-01-14 Effects of environmental factors on nutrient requirement of animals
2025-01-21 Protein and energy requirements of poultry
2025-01-14 Energy in the diets of beef cattle
2025-01-21 Voluntary feed intake and its role in animal performance
2025-01-14 Practical application of animal feeding standards
2025-01-21 Balance ration for dairy cows in Taiwan
2025-01-18 Comparative study on the efficiences of the energy and protein in fattening Korean native cattle and exotic beef cattle
2025-01-21 Feed quality control in the Republic of China
2025-01-16 Effect of nutritive level and marketing weight on carcass characteristics and the economics of growing - finishing swine
2025-01-21 Reasonable protein and energy values in swine feeding standard
2025-01-21 Pesticides in Brazilian agriculture
2025-01-20 Pesticide residue problems in Korea
2025-01-20 Residue and toxicity problems associated with pesticide use in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Pesticide residue problems in Japan.
2025-01-20 Fungicide resistance: Problems with modern fungicides in Japan
2025-01-23 Chemical control of rice blast in Korea
2025-01-21 Chemical control of vegetable diseases in South Asia
2025-01-20 Chemical control of soybean insect pests in Brazil
2025-01-21 Evaluation of chemicals for rice insect pest control at IRRI
2025-01-21 Status of herbicide utilization and its economical assessment in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Historical aspects of herbicide utilization for rice and economic assessment
2025-01-21 A summary of 1981 the first seminar on " The recycling of nutrients in agriculture"
2025-01-21 Utilization of industrial wastes as fertilizers
2025-01-21 Nutrient recycling practices in intensive agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Use of industrial wastes for recycling of plant nutrient in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 Nutrient recycling for agricultural production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Utilization of industrial waster as sources of fertilizers and pot mixes
2025-01-21 Recycling of plant nutrients from palm oil mill wastes
2025-01-21 Recycling of plant nutrients with references in utilization of industrial wastes in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Utilization of animal byproducts as fertilizers in Japan
2025-01-21 Composting of bark and sawdust
2025-01-21 Composting of municipal refuse and its agricultural use
2025-01-20 Effect of the application of organic wastes from sugar industry on cane growth
2025-01-20 Application of charcoal for agriculture and forestry
2025-01-20 Characteristic of industrial waste and future prospect for practical use
2025-01-21 Role of soils in crop production and the agricultural environment
2025-01-20 Qualities of organic resources and their maturity problems
2025-01-21 Asexual Embryogenesis: Androgenesis in tobacco and somatic embryogenesis in carrot
2025-01-21 Screening of an efficient medium for anther culture in rice
2025-01-21 Application of tissue culture-induced mutagenesis to crop improvement
2025-01-21 In vitro mass multiplication and maintenance of pathogen free potato
2025-01-17 Propagation of virus free white potato by tissue culture
2025-01-21 Regeneration of pathogen-free crops and rapid clonal propagation of healthy plants through in vitro culture
2025-01-14 I. Localization of viruses in apical meristem and production of virus-free plants by means of meristem and tissue culture II. Regeneration of virus-free plants from protoplasts isolated from dark-green areas of tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco leaves
2025-01-21 Organogenesis in vitro culture of shoot-tip and tissue of Fragaria x Ananassa duch (Strawberry)
2025-01-18 Calliclones of vegetable crops - Clonal multiplication and variant induction through tissue culture
2025-01-21 Breeding of all male plants in asparagus through tissue culture
2025-01-21 Effect of nutritional conditions on tobacco cell culture
2025-01-21 Genetic engineering of plant cells
2025-01-21 Small farm development: An overview of its problems and perspectives
2025-01-14 Structural changes in agriculture in Korea
2025-01-21 Land reform and structural improvemet policies in Japan
2025-01-21 The growth pattern and structure of Taiwan's agriculture
2025-01-21 Structural changes of agriculture in the Philippines
2025-01-14 Agricultural development and land tenure in Africa: The west african experience
2025-01-21 The development of smallholder in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Land tenure and agricultural development in the Pacific islands
2025-01-18 Land tenure systems and farm mechanization in Taiwan
2025-01-17 Land tenure system in Japan
2025-01-21 Farmland tenure system in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-22 Rural development and land tenure (The case of India)
2025-01-21 Land tenure systems in Thailand
2025-01-21 Small farm development in Asia
2025-01-21 Economic issues of land use and land tenure systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Changes of small farms in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent economic developments in the Korean small farm sector
2025-01-21 Structural improvement of agriculture in Japan - The applicability of Japanese experience to other Asain countries
2025-01-21 Structural improvement of agriculture and land tenure system of Korea
2025-01-21 Structural improvements of agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rural financial markets: Their growth and role in rural development in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Prospects and problems of the utilization of humid tropics soils for agricultural development in Indodesia
2025-01-21 Food self-sufficiency in the south Pacific region?
2025-01-21 Fertilizer research and the government subsidy program
2025-01-21 Agricultural land-use readjustment program for the 1980's- Conclusion report
2025-01-21 Food and fertilizer technology center for the Asain and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Some considerations on the FFTC activities- Present and future
2025-01-21 Report of FFTC/ASPAC Sabah agricultural development and planning study mission
2025-01-21 Annual report 1981
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1982
2025-01-21 A. Research activities on biological nitrogen fixation in Korea B. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nodule nitrogenase activity and yield of soybeans
2025-01-20 Computerised selling: The potential for the Australian wool industry
2025-01-21 Training of extension worker A. Professional requirements of the extension worker B. Course content for training extension service personnel
2025-01-20 Food self-sufficiency in the South Pacific?
2025-01-20 Avian Leukosis and other poultry diseases A. Poultry diseases in Japan B. Avian Leukosis: Natural transmission and morbidity
2025-01-20 The significance of plant nutrient recycling in agriculture
2025-01-21 The recycling of crop residues in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The recycling of industrial wastes for agriculture A. The use of industrial wastes for plant nutrient recycling in Taiwan, ROC B. Industrial wastes and their potential in Korea
2025-01-20 Agricultural development and land tenure in Africa: The West African experience
2025-01-20 Virus and virus-like diseases of rice in Taiwan, with special reference to rice transitory yellowing
2025-01-20 Some considerations on the economics of plant protection
2025-01-21 Small farm development in Asia: An overview of its problems and perspectives
2025-01-22 Present constraints to, and a Future Strategy for, fuller utilization of legume-fixed nitrogen for crop production in tropics
2025-01-21 Tick-borne diseases A. Tick-borne diseases in Japan B. Prevention and control of tick-borne diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Bovine leukemia diseases A. Bovine leukosis: Seroepidemiological surveys for Bovine leukemia virus infection in Japan B. Epizootiological aspects of bovine Leucosis in Korea
2025-01-21 A. Prevention of reproductive disorders of dairy cattle B. Some factors affecting the health and production of dairy cattle in a cool region- New Zealand, Korea and Japan
2025-01-21 A. Control of atrophic rhinitis in swine B. Management and therapeutic control of enteric colibacillosis in pigs
2025-01-21 Factors affecting soybean nodule activity A. DNA synthesis by plant and bacteroid cells in detached soybean nodules B. The effect of water stress on nitrogen fixation efficiency of field-grown soybeans C. Subtropical Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. I nodulation and growth of soybeans in relation to Rhizobium Strain and soil PH
2025-01-21 Selection, physiology and application of biological nitrogen fixers A. The selection and use of Rhizobium in Taiwan B. The effect of the application of a soil inoculant on sugarcane growth
2025-01-21 A study of the Korea standard feed composition tables
2025-01-21 The evaluation of extension training programs A. Methods of assessing the training needs of extension workers B. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a training program C. Communication strategies and delivery systems for training programs in rural development
2025-01-14 Recycling of potassium and phosphorus in agriculture A. Potassium recycling in agriculture B. Phosphorus recycling in agriculture
2025-01-21 Varietal resistance and control of bacterial leaf blight in Japan
2025-01-22 The composting of organic materials and associated maturity problems
2025-01-18 The farmer advisor: A discussion of agricultural extension for developing countries
2025-01-21 Present status of plant protection in Korea
2025-01-21 Varietal resistance to bacterial leaf blight and its control in Japan
2025-01-21 Ecology of white back planthopper and brown planthopper: Relation between outbreak and cropping systems in Korea
2025-01-19 Some consideration on economics of plant protection
2025-01-17 Insect pest forecasting in Japan
2025-01-21 Some problems of pesticide application in paddy
2025-01-21 The outbreak and control of bacterial diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Epidemiology and control of sheath blight in Japan
2025-01-21 Rice diseases in mechanized transplanting in Japan
2025-01-14 Control of brown planthopper and white backed planthopper in Korea
2025-01-22 Virus and virus-like diseases of rice in Taiwan with special reference to rice transitory yellowing
2025-01-21 Distribution and population fluctuation of field rodents and their control in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Role of resistant varieties in integrated pest management of rice
2025-01-19 Epidemiology and control of rice blast in Korea
2025-01-17 Chemical control of rice insect pests in Japan
2025-01-19 Thailand: Rural centre planning
2025-01-14 Researches on the water buffaloes in Thailand during the last decade (1971-1980)
2025-01-21 Progress report on Surin Buffalo Breeding Centre
2025-01-16 Buffalo production and development in Brunei
2025-01-20 Buffalo research and development programmes in Malaysia
2025-01-14 Country report: Carabao research and development in the Philippines, 1976-1981
2025-01-21 Buffalo production and development in Australia
2025-01-14 A short review on recent development in buffalo research and production in Indonesia
2025-01-17 The nutrition of water buffaloes
2025-01-19 Feeding and management practices, physical characteristics and uses of carabaos (Swamp Buffaloes) in the Philippines
2025-01-18 Buffalo feeding trials in Thailand
2025-01-21 A. Physiological and hematological investigations in swamp buffalo cows B. Investigations on parturition and post partum morbidity and mortality of calves in the Thai swamp buffalo
2025-01-21 The use of hormonal regulation for improving reproductive performance in buffalo
2025-01-23 Crossbreeding of swamp buffalo for milk and draft
2025-01-20 A scope on buffalo breeding for draft
2025-01-21 Prevention and control of common buffalo diseases
2025-01-22 Buffalo drawn implements
2025-01-21 Development of the buffalo and cattle industry in southeast Asia: An economic note
2025-01-21 Northeast livestock development project in relation to buffalo: Approaches and outcomes
2025-01-21 Program of the Philippine carabao research and development centre
2025-01-21 Action mechanism for an Asian buffalo research and development network
2025-01-21 Epizootiological aspects of bovine leucosis in Korea
2025-01-21 Some factors affecting the health and production of dairy cattle in a cool region - New Zealand, Korea and Japan
2025-01-21 Prevention of reproductive disorders of dairy cattle
2025-01-14 Bovine leukosis: Seroepidemiological survey for bovine leukemia virus infection in Japan
2025-01-21 Prevention and control of tick-borne diseases in Korea
2025-01-21 Tick-borne disease
2025-01-14 The control of FMD and other major animal diseases in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Comparison of piroplasmosis vaccine in susceptible calves and natural immunity calves
2025-01-19 The O.I.E. and its activities
2025-01-21 Pathological study on the boar's reproduction system
2025-01-21 Control of atrophic rhinitis in swine
2025-01-21 Pathological consideration on the swine pneumonia
2025-01-21 Bacterial respiratory diseases of swine
2025-01-21 Progress in research on prevention and diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis of pig in Japan
2025-01-21 Production and maintenance of SPF swine with reference to the production of gnotobiotic calf and chick
2025-01-21 Management and therapeutic control of enteric colibacillosis in pigs
2025-01-21 Control of hog cholera by neonatal vaccination
2025-01-21 Gumboro disease and its association with other avian diseases
2025-01-21 Some factors affecting viraemia and neutralizing antibody responses of chickens following vaccination with herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT)
2025-01-21 Avian respiratory mycoplasmosis in Korea
2025-01-21 Avian leukosis: Natural transmission and morbidity
2025-01-21 DNA synthesis by plant and bacteroid cells in detached soybean nodules
2025-01-21 Infection of legumes by Rhizobia
2025-01-21 Subtropical Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. I. Nodulation and growth of soybeans in relation to Rhizobium strain and soil pH.
2025-01-21 The selection and application of Rhizobium in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Effect of soil inoculant application on sugarcane growth
2025-01-21 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on nodule nitrogenase
2025-01-21 The effect of water stress on nitrogen fixation efficiency of field-grown soybean
2025-01-21 Study on the effect of combined nitrogen to n2-fixation, physiological characteristics and yield of soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merril) plants
2025-01-21 Nitrogen fixing trees of importance in the tropics
2025-01-21 Research activities on biological nitrogen fixation in Korea - Present efforts and prospects
2025-01-21 Observations on the use of azolla in Chinese agriculture
2025-01-21 Somatic hybridization between sugarcane and soybean. I. Isolation and subsequent callus regeneration of sugarcane protoplasts
2025-01-21 The Azolla-anabaena azollae symbioses
2025-01-21 The possibility of using azolla as a source of nitrogen for rice in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Acetylene reduction activity of a latosolic and a slate alluvial paddy soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Characteristics of a new isolate of dinitrogen fixing cyanobacteria from paddies in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Strategy of industrialization in a labor-surplus economy – an international comparison of labor absorption conditions
2025-01-21 Off-farm employment in economic development: Some theoretical considerations
2025-01-21 The problem and situation of agricultural labor under rural industrialization – Case study in Indian villages
2025-01-21 Rural off-farm employment and income of rural households in Thailand: Some research findings
2025-01-21 Off-farm employment and rural industrialization in the Muda Region
2025-01-21 Generating off-farm employment in Philippine villages
2025-01-21 Rural employment policy: Manpower situation, training programs and alternative employment strategies in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Conditions and progress of rural industrialization in Korea
2025-01-21 The farm labor force of Taiwan: Problems and prospects
2025-01-21 Structure of employment and income for farm households in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Rural industrialization in Taiwan: Its structure and impact on the rural economy
2025-01-21 Recent changes in population, labor force and unemployment in the process of agricultural and industrial development in Japan
2025-01-21 Rural employment problems and government policies in Japan
2025-01-20 Agricultural and industrial development and labor absorption and underutilization in Japan and Thailand
2025-01-20 Growth and structure of non-farm income in Korea, Japan and Taiwan: A comparative analysis
2025-01-21 Strategies and international cooperation for agricultural and industrial development in Asian perspective
2025-01-21 National programs on corn production in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Corn production in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Corn cultivation and improvement chiefly in the northern part of Japan
2025-01-20 Corn production and breeding program in Korea
2025-01-21 Technology and research for corn improvement in Thailand
2025-01-21 Downy mildew of corn in Taiwan and breeding for resistance
2025-01-21 The Philippine corn research program: Focus and direction
2025-01-21 Maize improvement in relation to photoperiod sensitivity and incident solar radiation
2025-01-21 Nitrogen sink capacity and grain yield potential in maize
2025-01-21 Corn production in the Visayan region of the Philippines
2025-01-21 Agricultural incentives for corn production in the Republic of China on Taiwan
2025-01-21 Significance of recycling of plant nutrients in agriculture
2025-01-21 Nitrogen balance in tropical agrosystems
2025-01-21 Cycle and recycling of phosphorus in agriculture
2025-01-21 Potassium recycling in agriculture
2025-01-21 Present situation of nutrient recycling with special reference to the utilization of crop residues and its constraints
2025-01-21 Present situation of nutrient recycling in Japan
2025-01-21 Organic recycling and the utilization of biological organic sources of fertilizers and feeds in the People's Republic of China
2025-01-21 Country report: Use of chemical fertilizers and agricultural by-products in Korea
2025-01-21 Present situation of nutrient recycling with special reference to the utilization of crop residues and its constraints
2025-01-21 Present situation of nutrient recycling in the Philippines: Utilization of agricultural residues and its constraints
2025-01-21 Agricultural research toward 21st century
2025-01-21 Research outlines, problems and plans in Korea
2025-01-21 Problems and challenge of agriculture in a rapidly developing economy -- the Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Aspects of agricultural development in the south Pacific
2025-01-21 Food, energy and exports - The basic needs
2025-01-21 Cropping system as part of faculty of agriculture village program
2025-01-21 Introduction to the Indonesian agricultural research system
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 1981
2025-01-21 Conservation measures on the cultivated slopelands of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Multiple-crop diversification: a macro-economic view
2025-01-21 Aspects of agricultural development in the south Pacific
2025-01-21 Problems and challenge of agriculture in a rapidly developing economy - the Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Views on support communication for rural development
2025-01-21 Role of resistant varieties in integrated pest management of rice
2025-01-21 Some problems of pesticide application in paddy
2025-01-21 Insect pest forecasting in Japan
2025-01-21 Action mechanism for an Asian buffalo research and development network
2025-01-21 A scope on buffalo breeding for draft
2025-01-21 Animal quarantine and control of epizootics in three Asian countries
2025-01-21 Structure of employment and income for farm households in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Conditions and progress of rural industrialization in Korea
2025-01-21 Chemical control of rice insect pests in Japan
2025-01-21 Evaluation of soil loss factors on cultivated slopelands of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Intraspecific variations in growth, seed dormancy and herbicide susceptibility between strains of Echinochloa crusgalli var oryzicola Ohwi
2025-01-21 Degradation of butachlor in paddy fields
2025-01-21 Vaccination program for the control of newcastle disease in Korea
2025-01-21 Maize improvement in relation to photoperiod sensitivity and incident solar radiation
2025-01-21 Food marketing in Asia - Systems, cooperatives and policies
2025-01-21 Weeds and weed control in Asia
2025-01-21 Support communication for rural development programs
2025-01-21 Recent advances in buffalo research and development
2025-01-21 Present status and problems of protected horticulture in Korea
2025-01-21 The improvement of the labour productivity in greenhouse horticulture
2025-01-21 Some problem with protected horticultural production of carnation in Korea
2025-01-21 Effect of temperature on growth and flowering of Pleione formosana hayata
2025-01-21 Present status of vegetable disease in structure and it's counterplan in Korea
2025-01-21 More profitable use of materials and equipment in protected cultivation of vegetables
2025-01-21 Use of disease resistant variety and stock for fruit vegetables in protected horticulture
2025-01-21 Fruit growings in glasshouses and plastic houses in Japan
2025-01-21 Control of vegetable diseases in protected horticulture
2025-01-22 A brief introduction of cooperative bank of Taiwan
2025-01-21 Agricultural credit in Korea
2025-01-14 Country paper - Malaysia
2025-01-20 A study of agricultural financing conditions in Taiwan, the Republic of China
2025-01-21 An introduction to the agricultural loan business of the farmers bank of China
2025-01-21 Briefing on the land bank of Taiwan
2025-01-14 The Singapore National Co-operative Union Limited
2025-01-21 The cooperative movement in Thailand
2025-01-21 Briefing on farmers' associations in Taiwan
2025-01-16 The agricultural cooperative credit- Its historical background, principles and structure
2025-01-21 The administration of credit extension in farm cooperatives in the Republic of China
2025-01-14 Characteristics and problems of cooperative agricultural financing by farmers' associations in Taiwan, ROC
2025-01-21 Institutional credit schemes for small farmers in the Philippines
2025-01-17 Dilemma faced by agricultural cooperative system in a highly-industrialized country - Japan's experience, 1960-1974
2025-01-21 Urbanization and credit business in multi-purpose agricultural cooperatives – Japan’s case
2025-01-21 Five-year comprehensive plan for agricultural cooperatives in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural credit institution in Korea
2025-01-21 Mutual credit system of agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-21 Credit and extension education
2025-01-19 Increasing N efficiency by using controlled release N fertilizers
2025-01-21 Mineralization of soil organic matter
2025-01-21 Plant protection in the Republic of Korea
2025-01-21 Increasing nitrogen efficiency through deep placement of urea supergranule under tropical and subtropical paddy conditions
2025-01-21 Source and sink relationship in crop production
2025-01-21 Increasing rice growth and nitrogen uptake through soil management
2025-01-21 Downy mildew diseases of maize, their control and future research and development needs
2025-01-21 Crop protection in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Present status of  the virus research in Japan
2025-01-21 The importance of nitrogen for the growth of the rice plant
2025-01-21 Rice yield response to nitrogen and relevant soil fertility factors
2025-01-21 Implications and problems of recently suggested fertilizer application technologies
2025-01-21 Technology innovation in agriculture in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 The agricultural structure in the republic of Paraguay
2025-01-21 Structure of the Costa Rican agricultural sector
2025-01-21 The agricultural production and potential in Australia
2025-01-21 Food processing and storage in Korea
2025-01-21 Food processing and storage in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Handling, processing and utilization of horticultural products in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The varietal improvement and productivity changes of rice in Korea
2025-01-21 Development of food canning industry in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Improvement of rice storage in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Trend in the processing of edible oils in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Farm by-products utilization for improved carabao and goat meat production in small farms
2025-01-17 A general view of the world food situation
2025-01-14 Supply, demand and projection of cereal food in the Asian and Pacific region - review of the development strategies of the past two decades and outlook for 1980s
2025-01-14 Protein in the Asian-Pacific region
2025-01-14 The world fertilizer sector – At a crossroad
2025-01-21 Insect vectors of plant viruses and their control
2025-01-21 Important diseases of vegetables and their control in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Important insect pests of vegetables and their control in the Asian region
2025-01-19 Research coordination and integration - With special reference to the increasing efficiency of supporting systems for agriculture
2025-01-14 Targeting research for critical problems
2025-01-14 The supporting policies for the future development of fertilizer use in Asia
2025-01-21 Extension and rural organization for agriculture in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-17 Impact of training for agrarian reform on food production
2025-01-21 The role of agricultural marketing in the economic development and food supply: Taiwan experience
2025-01-14 The role of administrative support for agricultural development in Taiwan
2025-01-14 Food supply and agricultural development policy: Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Rice protection program in Taiwan
2025-01-16 Views on support communication for rural development
2025-01-21 The nonformal education program of the ministry of education and culture
2025-01-21 Country paper (Philippines) (Communication support component of the Masagana 99 program)
2025-01-20 The role of formal organizations in research utilization
2025-01-21 The role of formal organization in agricultural technology utilization: The Kabsaka case
2025-01-14 The communication technology for rural education: An exploratory study on the use of a multi-media approach in non-formal education
2025-01-21 Support communication components at the village level in Korea
2025-01-14 An applied research for support communications: Confluence of factors affecting innovative behavior of rubber farmers of southern Mindanao
2025-01-20 How can research and extension be brought together for development communication in Thailand
2025-01-21 Extension methodology for livestock development in Thailand
2025-01-20 An integrated development program in agriculture: The IEDP case
2025-01-19 Prospects of modular instructional technology for effective extension delivery system
2025-01-14 Community organization approach to extension work
2025-01-20 Integrated information- communication-education planning model
2025-01-20 Background theory for the simulation exercise on communication campaign strategy
2025-01-21 The role of a ministry of information in rural development
2025-01-21 The educational and cultural dimensions in integrated rural development: The IIRR experience
2025-01-21 “We Love Our Village” Program – A planned communication campaign for rural development
2025-01-21 Marketing of fruits and vegetables in Japan
2025-01-21 Livestock and meat marketing In Taiwan
2025-01-21 Fishery wholesaling system in Korea
2025-01-21 Food marketing in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Food marketing system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Development of food processing industries in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Food processing industries in Japan
2025-01-21 Market information and communication in Japan
2025-01-21 Agricultural marketing information in Taiwan
2025-01-21 A planning for wholesale food marketing: Distribution systems simulation for Seoul City
2025-01-21 Roles and functions of rural periodic markets: Forward linkage of urban agricultural marketing
2025-01-21 Performance of cooperative marketing system in Korea
2025-01-21 Marketing and price policies/programs for major food in Korea
2025-01-21 The price stabilization regime for vegetables in Japan
2025-01-21 Marketing and price policies/programs of foods in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-21 Varietal development approach in cropping system research
2025-01-21 Testing rice based cropping pattern in central district of Thailand
2025-01-21 Cropping system development for semi-arid regions: A Thailand experience
2025-01-21 Cropping systems research in Peninsular Malaysia - A review
2025-01-21 Cropping system research under irrigated condition in Thailand
2025-01-21 Multiple cropping practices in the Republic of China
2025-01-21 Extension program in cropping systems in Thailand
2025-01-21 The contribution of social scientists to cropping system research: Present studies and prospects
2025-01-21 Pre-production requirement for cropping system research in farmers' field
2025-01-17 Farm planning with special emphasis on family labor use - A case of Bangpae District, Ratchaburi
2025-01-13 Multiple-crop diversification: A macro-economic view
2025-01-21 Review of entomological research on cropping system in Thailand
2025-01-21 Approaches to weed control
2025-01-21 Soil related problems in cropping systems
2025-01-21 Cropping systems research, development and transfer of technology for rainfed areas in Thailand
2025-01-21 Agronomic component technological researches for intercropping of cassava with field crop
2025-01-19 Cropping system approach for transmigration program in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Selecting rice varieties to fit in various rice based cropping systems in Thailand
2025-01-07 Varietal development approach in cropping system research
2025-01-21 Weed control in Korea
2025-01-21 Ecological aspects on weeds of paddy field and their control
2025-01-03 Ecology of Sagittaria pygmaea Miq. and its control
2025-01-03 Weeds in upland and their control in Japan
2025-01-13 Weeds in vegetable field and their control
2025-01-04 Weed problems and weed control in paddy field in Taiwan
2025-01-12 Weed problems in Thailand
2025-01-20 Aquatic weeds in creeks and their control in Japan
2025-01-21 Ecology of grassland weeds in Japan
2025-01-21 Weeds in orchard and their control in Japan
2025-01-21 Weed control in some crops in the Philippines
2025-01-12 Weed problems in rice cultivation in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Weed control in rice in south and southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Some problems in weed ecology and physiology
2025-01-17 Working list of weeds in Japan
2025-01-21 Some problems in herbicide research
2025-01-21 Activation of ammonium sulfate on glyphosate for control of purple nutsedge
2025-01-21 Degradation of butachlor in paddy fields
2025-01-21 Influence of environmental factors on herbicidal efficacy
2025-01-16 Some problems associated with herbicides usage in Taiwan
2025-01-03 Veterinary economics with special reference to hog cholera control
2025-01-17 Control of infectious diseases and quarantine systems in Indonesia
2025-01-03 Animal quarantine and control of epizootics in Taiwan, Republic of China
2025-01-19 Vaccination as a method of control for Japanese encephalitis in swine
2025-01-03 Quarantine methods and the control and prevention of major animal infectious diseases in the Philippines
2025-01-12 Nutrition and management: Key to prevent infectious diseases of domestic animals
2025-01-14 The exercise of the occurence of exotic animal infectious disease in Taiwan
2025-01-03 Detection of pseudorabies infection in swine herd
2025-01-12 Control of pseudorabies by vaccination and hyperimmune serum
2025-01-21 Vaccination as a method for hog cholera control in Taiwan
2025-01-19 The role of biologics and quarantine in the control and eradication of rinderpest in the Philippines
2025-01-12 Supplemental country paper (Philippines)
2025-01-12 Vaccination program for the control of newcastle disease in Korea
2025-01-20 Vaccination program for the control of newcastle disease in Taiwan
2025-01-03 Prevalence of antibody against some viruses associated with respiratory and intestinal disorders of dairy cattle in Taiwan
2025-01-14 FFTC Annual Report 1980
2025-01-12 Potential areas of group farming: some economic considerations
2025-01-13 Joint rice farming in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Joint rice farming in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Group actions in farm management in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Group farming in Japan
2025-01-19 Farm by-products utilization for improved carabao and goat meat production in small farms
2025-01-21 Food processing and storage- Philippines, Korea, Taiwan
2025-01-12 Institutional improvements in agricultural marketing: Australian experience
2025-01-21 Information communication system for vegetable marketing in Japan
2025-01-03 Support policies for future development of fertilizer use in Asia
2025-01-21 Agricultural research in developing countries
2025-01-21 Agricultural development planning: Taiwan experience
2025-01-21 Plant protection in three Asian countries: Taiwan, Korea, Philippines
2025-01-21 Cooperative agricultural financing by Farmers' Associations in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Mutual credit system of agricultural cooperatives in Korea
2025-01-12 Agricultural cooperative credit operation: Japan's experience, 1960-1974
2025-01-21 Resource utilization in integrated farming system with crop as major enterprise
2025-01-21 National network for technology verification in farmers' fields
2025-01-22 Hog marketing in Taiwan
2025-01-12 Marketing of selected food commodities in Japan and Thailand
2025-01-21 Wholesale food markets in Korea and Taiwan: their organization, operation and management
2025-01-03 Efficient management in greenhouse horticulture
2025-01-21 Weed control in rice in south and southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Downy mildew diseases of maize, their control and future research and development needs
2025-01-22 Source and sink relationship in crop production
2025-01-12 Important diseases and insect pests of vegetables and fruits and their control in the Asian region
2025-01-13 Virus diseases and insect vectors: A. Present status of the virus research in Japan B. Insect vectors of plant viruses and their control
2025-01-21 Buffalo production for small farms
2025-01-19 Integrated crop-livestock-fish farming
2025-01-21 Food situation and potential in the Asian and Pacific region
2025-01-21 Increasing nitrogen efficiency for rice cultivation
2025-01-03 Plant adaptation to chaging nutritional conditions in soils
2025-01-15 Challenge and trend to produce Longan in Thailand
2025-01-22 Challenge and opportunity: The impact of climate change on fruit production
2025-01-21 Challenge and opportunity: The impact of climate change on fruit production in Malaysia
2025-01-17 Challenge and trend to produce grapes and temperate fruit in tropical areas
2025-01-21 Passion fruit and avocado production in Japan and the challenge of reducing chilling stress on them
2025-01-21 Heavy rainfall has given rise to severe crop diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. in Taiwan - taking passion fruit as an example
2025-01-22 Climatic factors affecting yield and yield prediction of aromatic coconut
2025-01-15 Fruit production in the Philippines amidst climate change
2025-01-03 Climate change impacts and adaptations of smallholder farmer in Southeast Asia: A systematic review
2025-01-17 NARO's initiatives to accelerate the Sustainable Food Systems Strategy (MeaDRI) in Japan
2025-01-12 Strategic roadmap to Net-Zero in Taiwan's agriculture sector by 2040
2025-01-22 Climate change responses in Korean agricultural sector
2025-01-21 Managing synergies and conflicts between climate changes adaptation and mitigation: several case studies in China
2025-01-21 Research and implementation of climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Impacts of climate change on food security and co-benefit of adaptations and mitigations in Thailand
2025-01-21 An integrated study of climate impacts and adaptation on rice production and quality in Japan using regional climate change scenarios
2025-01-22 Adapting to climate change precisely through cultivars renewal for rice production across China: When, where. And what cultivars will be required?
2025-01-21 Supporting local adaptation of consolidated smallholder and marginal Filipino farmers through co-production of tailored climate information service
2025-01-13 Assessment of climate suitability for Coffea Robusta in Asia using monthly gridded climate data
2025-01-21 Impact of climate change on Japan's fruit industry and adaptation measures
2025-01-12 How rice can contribute to solving the climate crisis
2025-01-17 FFTC Annual Report 2021
2025-01-21 Newsletter 215
2025-01-13 Newsletter 216
2025-01-12 Newsletter 217
2025-01-13 Newsletter 218
2025-01-11 Opportunities and Challenges for Artificial Intelligence in Smart Agriculture
2025-01-21 The Development and Strategies of Smart Agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Smart Agriculture towards Society 5.0
2025-01-21 Digitally-Enabled Innovation in Industrialized Agriculture
2025-01-03 Innovation For Improving Farmers’ Accessibility to Data through Digitalization
2025-01-03 Dutch Smart Agriculture: Turning Data into Dollars
2025-01-18 KSI's Smart Agriculture Frontline Experience Sharing: Forming a Business Ecosystem
2025-01-12 The AgriTalk Smart Agricultural Solution and Business Model Sharing
2025-01-21 Kubota's Initiative on Smart Agriculture and Future Development
2025-01-03 Business Models of the Digital Agriculture Industry and Their Applications
2025-01-12 Smart Pig Farming in the Netherlands
2025-01-12 Data-driven Food Systems to Sustainably Nourish the World
2025-01-21 Taiwan government’s promotion and support for smart agriculture development
2025-01-21 Digital transformation and supporting systems - Learnings from the Australian
2025-01-21 Consortium survey results
2025-01-21 Data Governance In Smart Agriculture
2025-01-21 Consortium – harness modern orchard system variabilities and seasonality
2025-01-21 Consortium – a platform to integrate domain knowledge
2025-01-21 Getting greater value from agriculture data: Australia’s experience
2025-01-20 Smart Agriculture in Taiwan - an online field trip
2025-01-21 Newsletter 219
2025-01-21 Overview of the project and the work done so far
2025-01-21 Bangladesh
2025-01-12 Bhutan
2025-01-19 Cambodia
2025-01-11 Indonesia
2025-01-12 Kyrgyzstan
2025-01-12 Lao
2025-01-22 Mongolia
2025-01-03 Myanmar
2025-01-22 Nepal
2025-01-21 Philippines
2025-01-12 Sri Lanka
2025-01-21 Thailand
2025-01-21 Uzbekistan
2025-01-21 Vietnam
2025-01-21 Recent Research on Tomato Heat Tolerance Collaborated with the WorldVeg
2025-01-21 [Summary] Main Achievement of the Project
2025-01-21 FFTC Annual Report 2022
2025-01-17 Overview of opportunity, challenge and development of tropical fruit industry
2025-01-12 Postharvest diseases of tropical fruit and their management strategies
2025-01-21 Postharvest handling techniques to prolong storage life of tropical fruits
2025-01-22 Assessment of mango quality and evaluation of distribution environment
2025-01-21 Status of fruit processing for solids, juices, concentrates, extracts for health supplements, ingredients in other processes (review and experience)
2025-01-22 Pineapple fermentation as a Bromelain enzyme ingredient in eco-friendly natural cleanse
2025-01-22 Market Prospects, Consumer Appetite for, and Preference towards, Minor Tropical Fruits from Southeast Asian
2025-01-21 Niches For Expansion Of Fruit Production And Marketing In Japan
2025-01-22 Rapid Market Appraisal for Underutilized Fruits (Guava, Soursop, Sugar Apple & Tamarind) in the Philippines.
2025-01-21 Newsletter 220
2025-01-22 Evolution of rural tourism in Japan: past experiences and challenges ahead
2025-01-21 The development of agrotourism in Taiwan
2025-01-03 Rural tourism policy and trends in Korea
2025-01-22 The issues and key challenges of agritourism in Thailand
2025-01-17 Innovative way to promote package of technologies (POTs): “The SciCAT Way (Science for the Convergence of Agriculture and Tourism)
2025-01-16 New platforms that transform tourism services into an innovative business model in the rural areas of Japan
2025-01-12 Best practices and challenges of farm tourism in MARDI agrotechnology park
2025-01-19 Farms for fun in the Philippines: opportunities, challenges, and ways forward
2025-01-22 A lesson learned from agritourism in Indonesia—developing database
2025-01-21 The pathway that leads to the discovery of the beauty of agritourism: The Silan agrifarm’s SciCAT journey
2025-01-17 Promoting local agritourism: a case study of indigenous agritourism businesses in Hualien County, Taiwan
2025-01-20 Agritourism: a pathway to development and sustainable food systems transformation in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Modelling the impacts of climate change on soybean and maize production in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Sustaining Agricultural Production via Waste to Wealth Circular Approach
2025-01-12 Strategies to Recycling Agricultural Byproducts for Increasing Crop Production; Natural Recycling Agriculture and Biochar
2025-01-21 Application of By-products from Agriculture as Feed Resources for Livestock in Taiwan
2025-01-20 Technological Innovations in Agricultural Waste Management in Malaysia
2025-01-07 Creation of Food Waste Composting and Recycling Loop in Malaysia
2025-01-21 Production Forecasting Systems for Stable Supply and Waste Reduction of Field Vegetables
2025-01-21 Technological Innovations in Agricultural Waste Management in the Philippines
2025-01-23 Community Practice - Sustainable Cassava Value Chain through Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, and Myanmar
2025-01-22 Economic Aspect of Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management Strategies in Indonesia: A Case Study of Oil Palm and Sugarcane
2025-01-22 Barriers and Policy Gaps for Utilization of Agricultural By-products and Waste for Sustainable Food Production in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Integrated Organic Farming (IOF): Close Loop System/Circular Economy
2025-01-17 Towards Net-Zero: Taiwan's Pathway to a Carbon Neutral and Circular Agriculture
2025-01-21 Advanced mango technology development using market driven approach
2025-01-21 Overview of Malaysian Durian Industry
2025-01-21 Application of advanced technologies in mango & durian production in Viet Nam
2025-01-21 The dilemma and optimization strategy of mango industry chain in Taiwan
2025-01-22 Technology for year-round production of mangoes in the Philippines
2025-01-21 Export potential of mango from India
2025-01-21 Fruit setting behavior of durian
2025-01-22 Production and post-harvest handling of mango and durian in Indonesia
2025-01-22 Issue and challenge: agricultural research cooperation on tropical fruits of Asia Pacific
2025-01-21 Opportunity and challenges of digitalization for Vietnam’s tropical fruits development and export
2025-01-21 Newsletter 221
2025-01-22 Article 1 Basics of Circular Economy & Article 2 Circular Economy Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation in the Agri-Food Sector
2025-01-21 Article 3 Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
2025-01-21 Article 4-1 Application of LCA in Thailand and Green Procurement
2025-01-19 Article 4-2 Estimating the Reduction in Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Caused by the Use of Alternate Wetting and Drying in Rice Cultivation
2025-01-22 Article 4-3 LCA from Overview to Practical Application for Environmental Impact Assessment in the Agricultural Sector
2025-01-21 Article 4-4 Application of LCA in Taiwan's Livestock Product
2025-01-15 Article 5-1 Application of LCA_Sugarcane
2025-01-03 Article 5-2 Application of LCA_Oil palm
2025-01-21 Article 6-1 Application of LCA in Environmental Impact Valuation
2025-01-17 Article 6-2 Life Cycle Assessment of Fermentable Sugar Production from Damaged Rice Grains
2025-01-21 Article 6-3 Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Plants Cultivated by Rural Farmers and the Application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Agricultural System Improvement Analysis
2025-01-22 Article 6-4 Policy Landscape for Promoting Cercular Economy in the Philippines
2025-01-22 Article 6-5 Technology Development of Circular Agriculture in Taiwan
2025-01-13 Article 6-6 Example of Activity and Changing in Thailand
2025-01-03 Article 6-7 Application of LCA on Establishing Product Category Rules for Livestock Products in Taiwan
2025-01-19 Article 6-8 Economic Valuation for Indirect Use Value of Cocoa Agroforest Services
2025-01-19 Article 6-9 Agriculture Waste as Source of Organic Fertilizer for Small Households in Vietnam
2025-01-21 Carbon and nitrogen management for climate-resilient crop production and SDG achievement
2025-01-22 Resilient Ecosystem & Emission Diploma (REED)
2025-01-21 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock waste treatment processes (online)
2025-01-12 Reduction of GHG emissions and electricity production from farm-scale piggery wastewater treatment systems in Taiwan
2025-01-21 GHG emission reduction in paddy rice production through AWD water management with a livestock biogas effluent
2025-01-21 Field crop output from Thailand and its perspectives on carbon capture and sequestration in agricultural land
2025-01-03 Evaluation of the soil organic carbon sequestration from long-term studies of cropping systems
2025-01-03 Strategies in developing low carbon technologies toward sustainable agriculture (Online)
2025-01-12 Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration for croplands: research cases in south Korea
2025-01-19 Assessment of inherent SOC sequestration potential: a key step in the recarbonization of soils
2025-01-21 Near real-time multi-stream multi-model digital soil carbon and GHG predictions: A step towards NetZero
2025-01-22 Challenges of promoting low-carbon farming in smallholder countries in the Asia-Pacific region - taking Taiwan as an example
2025-01-21 Monitoring and incentivizing of low-emissions rice farming (Online)
2025-01-21 Reducing agricultural greenhouse gases – a New Zealand perspective
2025-01-04 Web-based visualization tool for agricultural C sequestration and GHG emissions
2025-01-21 “COOL VEGE®”: Pioneering eco-brand for biochar soil carbon sequestration in the real world
2025-01-12 The decarbonized business model of circular agriculture
2025-01-12 Newsletter 222
2025-01-21 Newsletter 223
2025-01-19 FFTC Annual Report 2023
2025-01-21 Recent Advances in Biofertilizers and Their Application in Sustainable Agriculture
2025-01-19 Feasibility of Combining Microbial Agents and Silicon Dioxide to Control Diseases and to Promote Growth on Kidney Bean in Taiwan
2025-01-03 Case study: Effect of RealStrong N Bio Booster Biofertilizer on Paddy Cultivation in Malaysia
2025-01-12 Integrated Biofertilizers and Organic-Based Nutrient Management to Enhance Resilience in Lowland Rice Farming and Ensure Food Security for a Changing Climate in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Gelatinase and Chitinase Producing Microorganism (GCM): New Insight into Disease Control and Growth Promotion in Crops
2025-01-17 Control of Both Diseases and Pest Insects on Vegetable Plants with a Single Microbial Agent
2025-01-21 Induced Systemic Resistance Technology for Efficient Control of Banana Blood Disease: from Lab to the Dining Table
2025-01-21 Enhancing Biological Control for Potato Scab: Optimizing the Effectiveness of Beneficial Microorganisms in Field Trials
2025-01-14 Applications and Commercialization of Biopesticides in Bangladesh
2025-01-17 CIALM’s Role in Korea
2025-01-17 Bridging the Gaps between R&D, Practical Application, and Commercialization of B&B in Taiwan
2025-01-12 Advances, Perspectives Challenges in the Applications of Novel Biocontrol Agents for Plant Disease Management
2025-01-12 Biostimulant Technology and Agricultural Climate Change Solutions (Abstract)
2025-01-21 Nutrio ® Technology: An Innovation for Improved Production of Agricultural Crops in the Philippines (Abstract)
2025-01-17 High-carbon Fermentation Liquid Increases the Rice Yield and Enhances the Expression of Defense Enzymes against Diseases in Rice (Abstract)
2025-01-18 Biological Crop Protection Business in Japan (Abstract)
2025-01-12 Commercialization Strategies of trichoSAN (Abstract)
2025-01-12 Digital assessment of soil function for carbon storage in Australia
2025-01-03 Modeling the Impact of Soil Erosion and Land Uses on Soil Carbon Storages and their Mapping at the Regional Scale Under Tropical Climate
2025-01-21 Evaluating the Usability of Continental and Global Digital Soil Mapping Products
2025-01-18 "Leveraging on Digital Geospatial Processing Techniques for Updating and Enhancement of Philippine Conventional Soil Resources Information"
2025-01-17 From Colonial Surveys to Contemporary Solutions: The Journey of Soil Mapping in Peninsular Malaysia
2025-01-03 History of Korean Soil Survey
2025-01-21 Integrating Agricultural Geospatial Data to Evaluate Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Reinforcement and Utilization of Soil Maps
2025-01-21 Data-intensive Approaches to Updating and Utilizing the Soil Maps in Japan
2025-01-06 Newsletter 224
2025-01-03 The Impact of Artificial Insemination on Livestock Production in South East Asia
2025-01-21 Goat Production in Asia
2025-01-03 The role of farm management research in relation to an efficient extension service
2025-01-21 Simplified programming for farm planning -an approximate method of linear programming
2025-01-12 Analysis of production costs and profitability of crop and livestock farming
2025-01-04 Substitution of cassava root products for cereals in livestock and poultry feeds
2025-01-12 Management of food grain drying, storage and processing facilities in Japan
2025-01-12 An overview of recent developments in buffalo research and management in Asia
2025-01-17 The role of swamp buffalo in small farm development and the need for breeding improvement in southeast Asia
2025-01-12 The potential value of grasses and crop by-products for feeding buffaloes in Asia
2025-01-17 Development and implementation of insect pest management systems for rice in tropical Asia
2025-01-22 Effective and stable control of rice blast with monogenic resistance
2025-01-21 Breeding for disease resistance
2025-01-21 Imperatives for an integrated crop-livestock-fish farming system
2025-01-21 Utilization of hog wastes in Taiwan through anaerobic fermentation
2025-01-04 The low road to a productive third world agriculture
2025-01-03 The influence of cassava and sweet potato root meals on the availability of nutrients in mixed broiler rations and broiler performance
2025-01-21 Field and laboratory tests on the acceptability of paraffin-rice mixed baits to rodents in Taiwan
2025-01-17 Development of insecticide resistance in the brown planthopper and the white backed planthopper
2025-01-03 Combined use of pesticides and its biological effects in rice and insect control
2025-01-21 Gustatory effect of rodenticides and repellents in rats
2025-01-19 Rice blast disease in Taiwan -Race and variety resistance
2025-01-21 Possible application of gene-for-gene concept in blast resistance
2025-01-21 Corn improvement -some current trends
2025-01-21 Radiation preservation of some crops with special reference to its feasibility in Asia
2025-01-21 Director-manager relationships in cooperatives
2025-01-21 The influence of environmental factors and cultural practices on the quality of wheat
2025-01-21 The financing of cooperatives and the method of financing farmers' associations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Nutritional losses during washing and cooking of rice
2025-01-21 The uses of pig manure in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Some problems associated with the mechanization of small farms
2025-01-03 New developments in transplanting rice
2025-01-12 Mechanical harvesting and drying of rice on small farms in Japan
2025-01-21 Soil bacteriology
2025-01-03 The rice yield competition in Japan
2025-01-19 Integration of backyard (small-scale) dairy-beef farming with the cropping systems and feed grain substitutes for cattle
2025-01-21 Extension and the business side of farming
2025-01-12 Potentialities of feedlot performance of dairy-beef breeds and crossbreds in southeast Asia
2025-01-21 Fisheries extension and technology generation and transfer in some Asian countries
2025-01-21 Backyard dairy-beef farming and feedgrain substitutes in the Philippines and Thailand
2025-01-21 Agricultural extension: policies, strategies, programs and issues in the Republic of China, Japan and Korea
2025-01-19 Agricultural extension: policies, strategies, programs and issues in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand
2025-01-21 Backyard dairy-beef farming and feedgrain substitutes in Taiwan, Japan and Korea
2025-01-04 Tropical pastures -Australia's contribution to regional pasture research and development
2025-01-12 Ecology and control of the Japanese field vole -Microtus montebell
2025-01-17 Water management of soils for growing rice
2025-01-21 The fertility of paddy soils in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Mycoplasma-like organisms A. Electron-microscope observations of several plant-infecting mycoplasma-like organisms B. Comparison between rice yellow dwarf pathogens and vectors from different localities
2025-01-04 Some notes on farm management extension in six Asian countries
2025-01-21 Beef and dairy production in Korea
2025-01-21 Soybean production in a multiple cropping system
2025-01-03 Training extension workers in farm management techniques
2025-01-21 The Saemaul Undong in Korea
2025-01-21 Rate of growth, pork recovery and processing characteristics of pigs slaughtered at different weights
2025-01-21 Increasing swine production efficiency through crossbreeding and swine testing
2025-01-21 Hog raising on small farms in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The prevention and control of some common pig diseases in Asia
2025-01-23 Some constraints to small scale pig production in Asian countries
2025-01-03 Wheat production in Taiwan under a multiple cropping system
2025-01-21 Seombadi -A new fodder crop from Korea
2025-01-18 Some problems encountered in the management of farm cooperatives in their formative stage
2025-01-03 Farmers' cooperatives -operation at cost and patronage refunds
2025-01-21 Breeding for a short time from planting to harvest
2025-01-20 Soybean nematodes
2025-01-12 Growth and ripening of soybeans
2025-01-03 The virus diseases of soybeans in Japan
2025-01-03 Four approaches to risk and uncertainty for use in farm management extension
2025-01-12 Farm management researsh on cropping systems
2025-01-03 Insect pests of soybeans in Japan
2025-01-21 Varietal improvement of wheat through male sterile facilitated recurrent selection
2025-01-03 Some Australian contributions on postharvest physiology and pathology of the banana fruit
2025-01-05 Cattle feeding in the tropics
2025-01-18 The harvesting, cleaning and storage of home grown tropical pasture seeds
2025-01-21 The economics of backyard beef production - With emphasis on the improvement and development of backyard calf production
2025-01-20 The southeast Asian beef industry present and potential
2025-01-21 Some cattle diseases of tropical Asian countries
2025-01-21 Pig raising in the tropics
2025-01-03 A. The production of Irish potatoes in Korea B. Sweet potato production in Korea
2025-01-03 Some research needs of fertilizer management of rice in southeast Asia
2025-01-04 How to improve the reproductive efficiency of breeding cows
2025-01-03 The function and digestive physiology of the rumen
2025-01-21 Maximum utilization of feed resources through ruminant technology
2025-01-19 The role of minor elements in ruminant nutrition
2025-01-17 Calf nutrition
2025-01-11 The use of budgeting procedures in farm planning
2025-01-21 The utilization of feeding standards for maximum productive functions of cattle
2025-01-17 Metabolic diseases of ruminants
2025-01-12 Ranch buildings and facilities
2025-01-03 Techniques of intensive forage production
2025-01-03 Crop management -The key to maximum soybean Production
2025-01-17 Fattening cattle on farm by-products
2025-01-21 Diseases of sweet potatoes -Diseases caused by viruses and mycoplasma-like organisms
2025-01-21 Sweet potato diseases of non-viral origin
2025-01-12 Virus diseases of Irish potatoes in Japan
2025-01-04 Varietal development and germplasm utilization in soybeans
2025-01-21 Growth physiology of pasture plants and fodder crops
2025-01-22 Pastures and pasture management in the tropics
2025-01-23 The effects of cereal crop residues on upland soils
2025-01-17 The effects of cereal crop residues on paddy soils
2025-01-21 Breeding for quality forage
2025-01-03 Micronutrient problems in pineapples
2025-01-09 Minor elements for rice
2025-01-20 Minor elements for tropical orchards
2025-01-21 Trace element nutrition of sugarcane
2025-01-21 Minor elements for vegetables
2025-01-03 Non-cash technology in rice production
2025-01-21 Characteristics of high-yielding varieties in relation to their fertilizer requirements
2025-01-21 The present situation and future prospects of world food production
2025-01-21 Recent fertilizer problems in Asia
2025-01-03 Fertilizer applications to rice in Taiwan
2025-01-21 The utilization and maintenance of the natural fertility of paddy soils
2025-01-17 Legume inoculation and pelleting
2025-01-21 Fertilizer and water management of tropical pasture seed crops
2025-01-21 Microbiology of soil organic matter
2025-01-19 The chemistry of soil organic matter
2025-01-21 Cropping sequences and their effect on soil fertility
2025-01-19 The developmental physiology and fertilizer requirements of Irish potatoes
2025-01-21 The physiology of silicon in rice
2025-01-21 The breeding and cultivation of sweet potatoes
2025-01-21 Improved varieties for pastures under coconuts
2025-01-03 Establishment and management of pastures in coconut plantations
2025-01-03 The storage and transportation of rice in Japan
2025-01-21 Recent developments in fertilizer production technology and economics, with special reference to ammonia and compound fertilizers
2025-01-03 The present position of fertilizer raw and intermediate materials and future prospects of supply in Asian countries
2025-01-21 Utilization of cereal crop residues as livestock feed
2025-01-06 Methods of handling of cereal crop residues in Asian countries and related problems
2025-01-21 Quality of forage crops
2025-01-12 Pasture and fodder production under coconuts
2025-01-17 The morphology and physiology of rice roots
2025-01-21 Comparison of physiological and ecological characteristics between tropical and temperate grass species
2025-01-21 The feeding and management of farm animals under hot weather conditions
2025-01-22 Some ways by which a decline in the production of dairy cows may be prevented during a hot summer
2025-01-21 Grassland farming as a business
2025-01-03 Management of beef cattle under ranch grazing conditions
2025-01-17 The use of feedlot techniques in cattle fattening
2025-01-21 Farm by-products and beef production
2025-01-17 Principles and practices of rice cultivation under tropical conditions
2025-01-17 The organization of a successful farmers' association an a developing country
2025-01-12 Soils and fertilizer miscellany
2025-01-21 Seed storage and longevity
2025-01-12 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 4 -The Philippines A. The description and classification of the soils of the Philippines B. The fertility status of soils of the Philippines
2025-01-21 Phycology of the rice plant
2025-01-21 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 5 -Thailand A. The description and classification of the soils of Thailand B. The reclamation of some problem soils in Thailand
2025-01-22 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 6 -Japan A. The description and classification of the soils of Japan B. A consideration of soil productivity problems in Japan
2025-01-21 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 7 -south Vietnam
2025-01-21 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 8 -Australia
2025-01-03 The theory and practice of crop insurance in Japan
2025-01-03 The correlation between the activity of rice roots and flooded soils
2025-01-03 The concept of statistics in connection with experimentation
2025-01-19 Soils of Taiwan and their utilization
2025-01-21 Multiple-cropping in Taiwan
2025-01-17 Grassland farming -Part 1 -Minor elements in grassland farming
2025-01-03 Grassland farming -Part 2 -Principles of pasture management in temperate regions
2025-01-03 Fertilizer subsidies and their place in the agricultural economy
2025-01-03 The plant and its physical environment
2025-01-21 Soil fertility, plant nutrition and pasture use
2025-01-21 Grassland farming -Part 3 -Establishment and management of tropical pastures
2025-01-03 How to encourage fertilizer use in a developing country: Tackling the problem of extension
2025-01-21 Grassland farming -Part 4 -Silage
2025-01-21 The economics of beef production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Grassland farming -Part 5 -Feeding and management of cattle in a cold region
2025-01-21 German fertilizer legislation
2025-01-21 The fertilizer control law of Japan
2025-01-12 Fertilizer laws for developing countries
2025-01-12 The reletive importance of the source and the sink as the yield-limiting factors of rice
2025-01-20 The interaction of pasture stocking rate and fertilizer needs
2025-01-12 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 1 -Taiwan A. The description and classification of Taiwan soils B. The fertility status of Taiwan soils
2025-01-21 The place of legumes in tropical pastures
2025-01-21 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 2 -Korea A. The description and classification of Korean soils B. The fertility status of Korean soils
2025-01-03 Soils of the ASPAC region -Part 3 - New Zealand
2025-01-19 Nutritional disorders of rice in Asia
2025-01-19 Some aspects of rice production in the ASPAC countries of southeast Asia -Part I
2025-01-21 Some aspects of rice production in the ASPAC countries of southeast Asia -Part II
2025-01-17 Chemistry of paddy soils
2025-01-21 Principles of regional land-use planning
2025-01-03 Farmers' organizations in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Soil testing and its application, with special reference to Taiwan
2025-01-12 Techniques for field experiments -Part I
2025-01-21 Quality and fertilizers
2025-01-21 Use of micro-organisms in soil fertility and herbicide bio-assay
2025-01-03 A. Water management in paddy fields B. Soil fertility, its maintenance and improvement
2025-01-21 Modern chemical fertilizers -Their potential and method of application -Asia
2025-01-03 Significance of the use of chemical fertilizer in modern agriculture, with special reference to the problems of the less developed countries
2025-01-21 The uptake of major plant nutrients N, P, K and Ca by crop plants
2025-01-17 Newsletter 1
2025-01-21 Newsletter 2
2025-01-21 Newsletter 3
2025-01-21 Newsletter 4
2025-01-17 Newsletter 5
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2025-01-21 Newsletter 8
2025-01-21 Newsletter 9
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2025-01-19 Newsletter 111
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2025-01-17 Newsletter 114
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2025-01-19 Newsletter 119
2025-01-21 Newsletter 120
2025-01-21 Newsletter 121
2025-01-19 Newsletter 122
2025-01-21 Country report: mitigation of climate change in Indonesia
2025-01-19 Tropical fruit in Japan
2025-01-21 Brief note on climate change adaptation in tropical fruits – Malaysia
2025-01-21 The Philippine fruit industry: Climate challenges and solutions
2025-01-21 Effect of climate change on tropical fruit production in Thailand
2025-01-16 Climate change impacts on Thailand’s fruit production and market dynamics
2025-01-21 Litchi adaptation strategies in Taiwan
2025-01-18 Fruit tree industry and weather disaster prevention technology in Taitung
2025-01-21 Fruit Production in Vietnam
2025-01-20 Climate change impacts, mitigation strategy and best adaptive pactices for tropical fruits in Indonesia
2025-01-21 Tropical fruit cultivation and studies on the climate change in NIHHS, Korea
2025-01-21 Climate change impact and overcoming initiatives
2025-01-15 Climate change impact, mitigation and adaptation strategy on fruit crops in Malaysia
2025-01-20 Climate change impacts on tropical fruits in the Philippines: Adaptation and mitigation technologies and initiatives
2025-01-15 Climate change impacts on tropical fruit production and the strategy, technology of adaptation practices, and mitigation developed for farmer
2025-01-15 Addressing climate change impacts on tropical fruit production and strategies of adaptation and mitigation
2025-01-21 Effects of climate change on mango and mitigation – in Taiwan
2025-01-17 Dragon fruit industry and effects of climate change and mitigation in Taiwan
2025-01-15 Climate change: ipact, mitigation and adaptation in fruit crops: taking mango, pomelo and papaya as an example
2025-01-21 Wax Apple industry and strategies for mitigating severe weather impact in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Climate change impacts on tropical fruits in Vietnam & adaptation and mitigation practices and technologies
2025-01-22 Newsletter 225
2025-01-21 Passion fruit virus diseases and integrated crop management in Vietnam
2025-01-22 Vietfruit: partnering to build a successful Vietnamese passion fruit export industry
2025-01-16 Pests and diseases of passion fruit: the status and challenges in Malaysia
2025-01-17 In vivo micrografting technique for passion fruit to eliminate viruses
2025-01-17 Sustainable cultivation of passion fruit in Taiwan's subtropical climate: challenges and innovations
2025-01-22 Passion fruit cultivation in Korea
2025-01-21 Introduction to passion fruit varieties and research on improvement of cultivation techniques in Taitung area
2025-01-21 Vince to value: maximizing the valuie of passion fruit production in the Philippines through lilykoi food products manufacturing
2025-01-21 Potential development of passion fruit production in Thailand
2025-01-21 Quality management for improvement of passion fruit value chain in the international market: experience from nafoods--Vietnam (abstract)
2025-01-17 Accelerating transformation of resilient and low emissions agrifood system: The case of the Asean carbon neutrality guidelines for agriculture
2025-01-21 Research supporting strategies for reduced carbon footprint in us agricultural production systems (Abstract)
2025-01-20 Overview of agricultural carbon credit methodologies within international voluntary carbon markets
2025-01-20 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production system
2025-01-21 Shifting towards plant-based proteins: Impact on emission reduction and carbon offsetting – Schouten’s journey in Europe and its application in Asia (Abstract)
2025-01-21 Circular and greener practices in livestock waste management (Abstract)
2025-01-21 Strategies and actions to incentivize emission reductions and carbon offset within sustainable agrifood system
2025-01-21 Behavioral changes in farmers and consumers towards a greener agri-food system
2025-01-15 Reduction of greenhouse gases from dairy and beef cattle by using amino acids (Abstract)
2025-01-21 Carbon farming: From research to implementation through international cooperation (Abstract)
2025-01-20 A digital twin to improve the sustainability of arable and dairy farming
2025-01-15 Agricultural carbon emission and agrifood sustainability: Scale-up of highly variable spatial data
2025-01-19 Greenhouse gas emissions in food systems: Global drivers and regional challenges (Abstract)
2025-01-21 An integrated mechanism to boost agricultural multiple functions and its role in carbon offsetting (Abstract)
2025-01-21 Tsmc’s net zero transition key actions (Abstract)
2025-01-15 Policy framework and carbon compensation mechanisms in Thailand's agricultural food system (Abstract)
2025-01-20 Achieving win-win scenarios using water management to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and heavy metal uptake
2025-01-21 GHG emission reduction by water management in rice paddies in Asia: achievements and challenges
2025-01-21 Application of modified alternate wetting and drying to Thai fragrant rice in northeastern Thailand
2025-01-13 Greenhouse gas mitigation by water management in Indonesian rice field
2025-01-21 Rice field water management application and greenhouse gas emissions assessment in Korea
2025-01-13 Development and social implementation of GHG emission reduction technologies in paddy fields by establishing a large paddy area water management system in Cambodia
2025-01-13 Reducing arsenic in rice grain by water managements
2025-01-21 Paddy field water management for controlling heavy metals absorption in rice: Bangladesh perspective
2025-01-21 Harnessing microbial power: biofertilizer solutions for heavy metal pollution in rice fields
2025-01-21 Impacts of multiple dry downs on rice yield, processing grain quality traits and greenhouse gases
2025-01-13 Integrated control procedures of heavy metal absorption and greenhouse gas emissions from paddy fields in Taiwan
2025-01-21 Climate and soil properties cogovern rice arsenic accumulation: Insights from a longitudinal study
2025-01-21 Carbon markets for smallholder farmers in Taiwan
2025-01-13 Carbon markets for smallholder farmers in Asia
2025-01-21 Life cycle assessment (LCA) of low-carbon livestock production
2025-01-23 Newsletter 226
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